《Fate of The Godwin》Chapter 12 - The Rodent of Doom


"Richard, listen closely here. You guard her, I'll infiltrate their camp." Robert said.

Robert leaned forward with furrowed eyebrows. Richard stared at him with eyes wide open. It was rare to see his brother become this serious.

"Yes, brother," Richard said.

Richard didn't want to argue with his brother because he knew Robert was a lot smarter than him. Richard nodded his head and glanced at Sharon. Then he sat right beside where she slept to make sure everything was okay.

Robert was still suspicious of Richard's behavior. He didn't have a choice but to believe in him for now. He walked away silently while observing the surroundings. When he was far enough. He transformed into a rodent that he had killed along the way they followed Grid.

'I could transform into someone I killed last night. But, that is too risky. If they use some kind of code to communicate between themselves. I'll be screwed.' Robert thought.

Robert was wandering around the camp while looking for Grid and Yuna's location. He felt something was strange at that camp. Everybody was restless, they looked like slaves working for a wrathful master.

'What is happening here? Was my assumption true?'

Robert was still wandering around sneakily. Even if he was a rodent right now, there was a chance he would be captured if someone saw him. Finally, he found a big tent at the center of the camp.

'This camp must be the leader's camp.'

Robert went inside and his eyes almost popped out because of what he saw. He stood there disbelieving what he saw. It was a mountain of orbs. He could see a man having sexual interactions with some girls on a bed.

'So my assumption was right. You could take someone's orb and disqualify them. But, I didn't think it will be this bad.'

He went out of that tent since what he wanted was not there. After wandering for a while, he found a tent guarded by some people and went inside it. He found Grid and Yuna there. But they're not the only ones inside this tent. There were many other people locked inside.

'They caught a lot of people. I hope you remember what I said Grid. With this amount of people here. The food storage should be easy to find.'

With his sense of smell, he was looking for it. When he was already inside the food storage. Robert transformed back into a human. Not as his original body but as Julian. Robert activated his [Poison Hand] skill and ran around while marking all the foods with poison. He chuckled along the way while thinking it was the evilest thing he had ever done in life.


'I can feel it. My poison is not lethal enough to kill. But it is enough to make them suffer. Maybe I could feel it because it is my skill?'

After he planted the big surprise, he felt sick after using too much mana. He transformed back into a rodent and left the scene.

'There is no way they have an infirmary. It is the second day of the survival exam. Hahaha, I hope you like my gift. You're messing with the wrong person.'

Robert's plan unfolded inside his mind while he was running away from the camp. With a smile on his rodent face, he went back to the cave.

By the time he arrived, he already transformed into his original body. The smile was still there and it caused Richard to wonder what was happening when he saw Robert come back.

Robert looked at Richard's confused expression and laughed.

"Why do you look so confused, Richard?" Robert said.

"What happened to Grid and Yuna?" Richard said.

"They'll be fine if Grid remembers what I told him."

"What was that have to do with what you're doing?"

"I poisoned all their food."

Robert's smile grew wider it turned creepy.

"What? How? They have a lot of guards. How did you get inside?"

Richard's jaw dropped to the floor. He couldn't think of any possible scenario where they could infiltrate that camp without alarming the guards.

"You don't need to know, we'll just need to wait for lunchtime before we save Grid and Yuna."

Robert sat beside Sharon and stared at her beautiful sleeping face.

'Don't worry, everything will be alright by this afternoon.' Robert thought.

"Hey, Richard. Let's find some food. We haven't eaten anything this morning."

"True, now that you said it. I feel hungry. Let's hunt!"

Robert stood up and hunted some food with Richard. While hunting, Robert didn't forget to get some herbal plants he knew to help Sharon recover faster.

After the hunt, they roasted their prey for breakfast. The smoke was covered by the large and tall trees so they didn't have to worry about the enemy noticing. Sharon also woke up because her hungry stomach couldn't handle the tasty aroma from the food. Her eyes were half open and she was drooling. Robert and Richard laughed at her. They didn't expect Sharon to have this cute side of her.

"Come over here, eat the food," Richard said.

Nom nom nom

Sharon ate the food with her voracious appetite.


"Eat slowly, Sharon. You'll get choked if you eat like that." Robert said.

"Said the gluttonous Robert himself. Hahaha." Richard said.

"Hahaha. Here, I made a herbal drink for you. It will help you to recover faster." Robert said.

"Thanks!" Sharon said.

She chugged the drink while thinking it was delicious at first thought. But she blurted it out right after and she stared at it like it was poison.

"Hahaha. It tastes bitter, but it will help your body for sure. Why are you staring at it like that?" Robert said.

"You meanie, why didn't you say it sooner?" Sharon said.

"Well, you didn't ask."

She humphed and looked away from Robert.

"Really? You get angry over a herbal drink?"

"Stupid Robert!"

They had a chat until it was time for lunch.


At the camp during lunchtime. It was calm before the storm. Everybody ate their food just like usual. Grid and Yuna were sitting side by side with some fruits in front of them.

"At least we still have food for now," Yuna said.

Yuna was about to eat the fruit. But, Grid remembered what Robert had told him before.

"Stop! Don't eat the fruit!" Grid whispered.

Yuna threw away the fruit out of surprise. She stared at Grid with furrowed brows.

"Why did you say that suddenly?" Yuna whispered.

"Robert told me to never eat their food." Grid whispered.

The poison Robert put in the food had a delayed effect. He didn't want his plan to be ruined just because someone got sick too fast and alarmed the others.

"Fine, if it is Robert who said that. I will trust him." Yuna whispered.

Around two hours, some of the people showed a sign of sickness. They felt pain in their stomach. But, none of them were suspicious. They thought it was something normal and they kept doing what they were doing.

After three hours passed. The symptoms were getting worse. Lightheaded, extreme tiredness, blurry sight, and unending pain on their whole body. If not because of the pain that was keeping them awake, they would pass out already. They couldn't even move their body by an inch without feeling pain, so laying down on the ground was the best thing they could do.

"What the hell did Robert do?" Grid whispered.

"As expected of the number one examinee," Yuna whispered.

They didn't get affected by the poison because they didn't eat the food. Fortunately, they were not chained or tied because the camp didn't have the resource to do that. So Grid and Yuna just walked out of the camp without a hassle. They met Robert who was smiling like an idiot and the other two.

"Glad to know you're safe. But you seem to forget about something." Robert said.

"Huh? Right! I forgot to take back my orb." Grid said.

"Let's go. I also need your help to do something." Robert said.

Everyone followed Robert to the biggest tent. There he found the leader and some naked girls laying down on the bed. The leader noticed Robert and his company. He tried so hard just to stand up.

"It was you!" the leader said.

"Just ignore him. Go take your orb!" Robert said.

Grid and Yuna went to the mountain of orbs and spread their mana through the air and they instantly found the orbs that have their mark.

"Good thing we could detect our mark by spreading out our mana," Yuna said.

"Hey! What are you doing? Get away from my orbs!" the leader said.

"What are you talking about? Your orbs? Hahahaha, he lost it. He thought he is a king or something," Richard said.

"Just ignore him, he is not worthy of our time. Let's eliminate these people with the easiest way." Robert said.

Robert grabbed one orb from the mountain of orbs and channeled his mana into it. The orb disappeared instantly.

"It works! Guys, help me to channel some mana to all these orbs." Robert said.

Everyone stared at Robert with eyes wide open.

"Why should we do that? They will bear a grudge to us." Sharon said.

"Don't worry, Sharon. They couldn't even see our face clearly because of what I did to them." Robert said.

Everyone was hesitating to do what Robert did. They were afraid of the revenge of not only one person, but a lot of them. He understood the reason. But, after he said that, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"Why you didn't tell us sooner? That scared me, Brother." Richard said.

"Now you understand, come help me," Robert said.

They hastily channeled their mana to the orbs because they didn't know when these people would recover.

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