《Fate of The Godwin》Chapter 4 - Dumbfounded Richard


The next day after the engagement, inside the dining room.

"Richard, I have great news for you," William said.

"What great news? Is it about sword-fighting teacher?" Richard said.

"No, it isn't. It is about your engagement."

"Yes, it is about an engagement. You are engaged to Vivian Harford." Christine said.

"Engaged? What does that mean?" Richard said.

"That means, you will marry her in the future," Christine said.

"Is she beautiful? If she is not as beautiful as Mother, I won't marry her,"

"Hahaha, that's my son. Don't worry, I'm sure she will grow into a beautiful lady in the future," William said.

"Congratulation Brother, with that stubborn personality of yours, it will be hard to get a girl. But now you don't have to worry about it anymore hahaha." Robert said.

"No, I will have many wives in the future," Richard said, rejecting Robert's opinion.


Meanwhile at the Thezmaer County, inside the Harford family manor.

"I'm engaged to Richard Godwin? Is he a knight?" Vivian said.

"He is not yet. But, I see a big possibility of him being a knight in the future," Thomas said.

"Is he a prince?"

"No, he is not, he is a Count's son."

"Then I don't want to marry him," Vivian said angrily.

"Hahaha, don't be like that, you won't know until you see him first."

The father-daughter duo debated about the engagement. In the end, Vivian changed her mind.


Two weeks later.

Robert's teacher came to Manor. He had a balding forehead indicating he was a veteran in this field. He was guided to the study room by the maids.

The sunlight flooded the room combined with a few decorations, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

"Good morning, Young Lord. Let me introduce myself, you can call me Mr. Anderson and today I will teach you how to read," said Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Anderson rummaged his bag and took a book out of it. The book looked old and foxed. It was a storybook. Then he took out a piece of paper filled with some kind of runes.

"Let's get started, I will teach you the Gerdaric, it is a set of letters used to represent the basic sound of our language. I will show you how to pronounce them and you can repeat after me."

Robert listened to Mr. Anderson attentively, his expression was calm, without a trace of confusion at all. After two hours of today's lesson, Robert scrunched his eyebrows and held his forehead.


"That's all for today, looks like it was hard for you. Don't worry, nobody learns how to read in a day. See you next week."

Mr. Anderson's expression was completely natural, he stood up calmly and left the Manor.

'Why was it felt so easy? Is this the effect of [Intelligent]? If so, this trait is too overpowered.' Robert thought.

Robert stood up hurriedly and went to the library. When he entered, the smells of wood from the shelves and books instantly struck Robert's nose.

"It has been a long time since the last time I come here. Now, let's read some books."

Robert walked around the library. He was paying attention to the books' title, trying to find something interesting or useful. Finally, he found something. It was a history book about the era of Gods.

"Now that I think about it, why did God of Hunting send me here instead of killing the demon himself?"

Robert took the book and read it slowly, he didn't want to miss any useful information. The room became total silent, only the sound of flipping pages could be heard. Robert was too engrossed in reading. Time flew and dinner time arrived. Robert snapped toward the sound of a door being opened by a maid. Robert finally realized how much time he spent in the library.

"Young Lord, the dinner is ready." the maid said.

Robert sighed. He returned the book to its original place and went to the dining room. He was walking while his mind was lost in thought.

'There was a war in the past between a Demon King and the Gods. In the end, the Gods had won, but at the cost of their lives. A single Demon King could kill all the Gods? I never thought the demons are this strong.' Robert thought.

Robert ate his food slowly and his eyes were staring at his plate. He didn't bother to listen to his family conversation.

'If all Gods were dead. Why is God of Hunting still alive? Whatever that is not important anymore. the demons' strength is more concerning.'

Robert left early and went to his room.

"He is strange today," Christine said.

"Maybe the lesson was too hard?" William said.

"I just hope he won't force himself too much," Christine said.

Inside Robert's room, Robert was laying on the bed. He stared at the ceiling.

"How am I supposed to kill a being that can kill a God?" Robert said.


He was silent. No more voice came out from his mouth.

'Forget it, God of Hunting said the demon needs a century to gather their strength. Time to sleep.'


A month had passed.

The sound of a carriage ran through the bustling street of the city. A strand of light went through the carriage's window. It passed the crowds and went straight into the Godwin family manor. Two people came out of it, the sweet smell of flowers in the garden struck their noses.

"Welcome to the Godwin manor Lord and Lady Harford. Please allow me to guide you inside." the maid said.

"This manor is not bad. I like the flowers." Vivian said.

The maid guided them to the courtyard. Where they found Robert and Richard were playing chess together inside the gazebo. Count William sat at a nearby chair, he watched the chess play until he realized that the Harford family had come.

"Thomas! You're finally here." William said.

He looked at Thomas, then he looked to the side, there was a little girl with a combination of brown hair and eyes.

"You must be Vivian, right?"

"Yes, Lord Godwin," Vivian said.

"You don't need to be so formal, you can call me Uncle William since you're engaged to my son. After your marriage, you can call me Father. Hahahaha" William said.

"Yes, Uncle William."

Count William's loud laugh was distracting Richard. Then, Richard saw two unfamiliar people. He was dumbfounded. Richard was staring at Vivian and their eyes were met. His face was so shocked like he was meeting an angel. Robert had been looking at the duo, then he raised his eyebrows.

'Don't tell me you fall in love at the first sight, Brother?' Robert thought.

"Come over here kids, greet the Harford family," William said.

"Greetings, Lord and Lady Harford." Robert and Richard said at the same time.

Richard cannot wait anymore. he took out his hand and offered a shake hand to Vivian. She accepted the offer. That made Richard grins like an idiot.

"My name is Richard Godwin. May I know your name? Your beauty is breathtaking."

'What the hell? Where did this brother of mine learn those words? Did the maid teach him?' Robert thought.

Vivian blushed, she didn't expect the compliment.

"My name is Vivian Harford. Nice to meet you."

Richard thought that name was very familiar to him. But he couldn't remember anything useful.

Robert also offered his hand to introduce himself.

"My name is Robert Godwin. Finally, I got the chance to see my brother's fiancee."

Richard heard what his brother had said. He finally remembered, then his grin grew wider.

"Looks like they like each other already. Hahahaha" Thomas said.

After the introduction, Count Thomas and Count William had a small talk. They told the kids to play together. Since Richard and Robert were playing chess before, they played it again. But before that, Richard came close to Robert.

"Brother, let me win this time okay? I can't lose today." Richard whispered.

'Seriously, where did Richard learn how to impress girls? Did the maid really teach him?' Robert thought.

When the game started, Robert made a few intentional blunders to make the game easier for Richard. Richard won the game in the end.

"Finally, I have won against you, Brother," Richard said.

"So, that means you always lost against him before?" Vivian said.

'Stupid, why did you say that? Hahahaha' Robert thought.

Richard realized his error. He wanted to look cool in front of Vivian but he had blown his cover. He was thinking about what should he do to fix the situation. He looked at his brother. But his brother was too busy chuckling at his suffering.

"Hahaha, what do you mean I always lost? My brother never wins in sword fighting against me," Richard said.

Vivian instantly forgot about her last question. Her eyes were sparkling.

"Really? Are you going to be a knight in the future?"

"Of course. I will be a knight and defeat every enemy with my might alone."

'Seems like Vivian like knights very much.' Robert thought.

They had a lot of conversations about knights. And Vivian enjoyed it a lot.

The time came for the Harford family to go back to their county. Vivian was satisfied with this visit. Thomas was also satisfied because his daughter liked her fiance.


Inside Robert's room.

"I bet he can't sleep tonight," Robert said.

He was laughing while he went to bed then he slept.

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