《Fate of The Godwin》Chapter 1 - Unexpected Accident


"Ugh, that professor doesn't know how to teach. I didn't understand anything at all," Billy said as he walked out of the university area.

Billy went to the parking lot, rode his favorite motorbike like usual. A Ducapi that made other men envy and gold diggers showed their flirting talent.

"I'm a bit hungry. Maybe I should stop by a minimarket to buy some snacks," Billy said.

Billy had been driving his Ducapi slowly while he was looking for a minimarket. Finally, Billy found one. He parked his motorbike and went in to buy snacks.

While he was choosing what to buy, his phone rang. Somehow he was very happy when he looked on his phone. Turned out it was his girlfriend who called him. he pressed the answer button as fast as possible.

"What are you doing right now, Billy?" his girlfriend said.

"I'm buying some snacks at a minimarket, you want some?" Billy said.

"buy me chips, and let me tell you. My parents aren't home."

"Are you serious?" Billy was surprised "I'll reach your home in a second."

Billy fastly picked up the chips and went to the rubber section. He never did it, so he was a bit confused about what size was the perfect fit for him. Anyway, he confidently picked up the large size and paid for all the things he bought.

'Today is the day, I will be a man!' Billy thought.

When he was about to ride his motorbike, he felt there was something behind his head.

"Hands up and don't move!" The robber said

'F*ck, a robbery at this time?'

"Give me all your money and your motorbike's key. Hehe, I hit the jackpot today, that motorbike must be expensive."

'You want my motorbike too? What a greedy bastard, I used all the money my parents gave me to buy that motorbike. Not a chance!'

"Okay, okay. Chill, I'll give them to you," Billy said.

'Looks like this is the time, I will use the technique that I saw on the Detroit Survival channel or whatever was its name.'

Billy prepared his hands to grab the gun. he was waiting for a chance.

"Come on, be quick!" the robber said while he was looking around.

'This is the chance!'

Billy tried to take the gun. Unfortunately, he failed horribly. He got shot in the head.

'But it wasn't supposed to be like this.' Billy thought in his last moment.

Billy's view started to become hazy. He closed his eyes and everything turned white all of a sudden. He opened his eyes again, looking around confused.

"Is this heaven?" Billy said.

After looking around, Billy found a stair and there was a door at the end of it. He climbed it and opened the door. A half-naked muscular man was sitting on the throne.


"Finally, that Reincarnation God has sent a soul here," said the God of Hunting.

"Who are you?" Billy said.

"I am the God of Hunting. You're here because your God gave your soul to me."

"My soul? that means I'm dead right?"

"Yes, you're dead. Since that Reincarnation God gave me your soul, you must be a kind person on Earth right?"

"I won't say I'm a kind person because I rarely do any good deeds."

"You're not only kind but also humble. I like that."

Meanwhile in another heaven.

"That man was so stupid, why would he try to grab the gun? Good thing I sent his soul to that God." said the Reincarnation God

Back to the God of Hunting's heaven.

"I sensed a strong aura of a demon on my planet and that demon is strong enough to destroy the whole continent if I leave him alone. It takes around a century for him to gather his power. I want you to build a massive army strong enough to fight against that demon before he gets too strong," God of Hunting said.

"What? why should I do that?"

"Because you're already here and I can't descent to the planet. you either do as I said or you stay here forever."

"That's unfair!"

"Blame your God for sending you here."

"Ugh, I don't want to stay in this place forever. Fine, I'll do what you want."

"Don't be so sad, I'll give you a part of my power to help you. Take this book, it listed all of my power and how to use it. You can only choose two abilities."

Billy took the book and read it, there were a lot of skills in the book, such as [Gorilla Strength], [Hunter's Fury], [Eagle eyes], [Predator instinct], and many others. All of them were related to animals or a hunter. I guess that's why he was called the God of Hunting. From all of those skills, only a few attracted Billy's attention.

'[Predator's Potential], [Still Hunting], and [Transformation]. These are the only good options I believe,' Billy thought.

[Predator's Potential]

You have the potential to become stronger than the strongest predator and faster than the fastest predator. As a price, you will be very weak for ten years after you get this ability.

[Still Hunting]

You can target a living being that you have seen. The closer you are to the target, you will become more unnoticeable to the target.


You can transform into a living being that you have hunted.

'[Predator's Potential] has a very dangerous drawback. But, the reward is worth that kind of drawback. On the other hand, [Still Hunting] is unbeatable in one on one situations but completely useless in a large fight,' Billy thought


After contemplating which abilities he should choose. Finally, Billy was determined.

"I will choose [Predator's Potential] and [Transformation]," Billy said.

"Are you sure you want [Predator's Potential]? If you transmigrated into a poor family in the slum. You are as good as dead."

"There is a chance I will transmigrate into a poor family too? Can you do something about this?"

"Even if I am a God, I can't manage the reincarnation cycle. So you will be transmigrated into a random family."

"That sucks, but I won't change my choice. That ability is essential."

"Well, if you're done choosing your abilities now it's time to choose your traits. Open the last page of the book, you will see a list of traits. You can choose two traits."

Again, there were a lot of traits to choose such as [Stubborn], [Greedy], [Honest], and others. Choosing traits seemed to be easier for Billy. He already determined what was best for him.

"I'll choose [Attractive] and [Intelligent]," Billy said.


You will have an attractive face and body proportions. The opposite gender will be more favorable to you.


You will use less amount of effort to understand something compared to an average person.

"[Attractive]? HAHAHA, what a choice!" God of Hunting said.

"As you said if there is a chance I will transmigrate into a poor family. There is a chance I will transmigrate into an ugly person too. To be honest, nobody wants to be ugly."

"Anyway, you will gain some random traits other than the two that you chose when you transmigrated. I will also give you a 'system', is that how you call it? But don't be too reliant on it since it will only track your skills and traits. Now, you have done everything. I will send your soul into the reincarnation cycle. I hope you transmigrate into a good family."

The God of Hunting touched Billy's forehead. Billy's eyes became blurry and finally, everything became pitch black. His soul wandered in the reincarnation cycle, waiting for the right moment to transmigrate into a body.

In the human empire Vagusia. Specifically the county of Vrilan, inside the castle of the Count. a twin was born. One was healthy, but the other was sick. Yes, the sick baby was Billy. He successfully transmigrated into a Count's family.

'Ugh, where am I? Why I feel so weak.' Billy thought.

"Congratulation My Lord, a twin was born and both of them are boys," the midwife said.

'Looks like I was born in a noble family, and I have a brother too.'

"A twin? The God must have blessed me!" The Count said.

"My babies, let me hug them," The Countess said lovingly.

The Countess hugged and look at them with her loving eyes.

"Since you were born first, you will be Richard. For my second son, you will be Robert," The Countess said.

'So I will be Robert from now on. Not a bad name.' Billy thought.

"What a good name, I completely agree with you," The Count said happily.

The Count was very happy he didn't realize there is something strange with one of the babies. But the Countess quickly realized it.

"What happened to my baby? Why is he smaller than his brother and he looks so pale?" The Countess said.

Everybody in the room panicked.

"You! Call the doctor!" said the Count.

Not long after, a man with a black robe came into the room. He was the doctor.

"Doctor, please check on my son, make sure everything is alright." the Count said.

The doctor went to the side of the bed and checked on Robert. But, his face became more and more unpleasant. He let out a sigh.

"Your Excellency, the baby was fine, I didn't find any illness. But, I think he can't become a knight or a mage in the future, he has a weak constitution and can get sick easily," The doctor said worriedly.

The Count's face was grim. His family was a knight family and the doctor said his son can't become a knight. Not only that, his son can't become a mage too. He wanted to destroy every single thing in this room to appease his anger. But, he regained his composure.

'Maybe this is karma. I have done many unspeakable deeds in the past,' The Count thought.

The Countess cried because she realized her son's future was bleak.

"Why are you crying, Christine? Our son is fine, he is just a bit weak. He can become a merchant in the future." The Count said.

He tried to console his wife. Christine stopped crying and looked at his husband.

"I guess you are right, William. I got carried away by the situation."

'At least my other son is healthy. My family still has a future.' William thought.

Christine wiped the tears on her cheeks. She smiled while she was looking at her sons.

"Hehe, they're sleeping. Let's put them on the bed to let them rest," Christine said.

Robert the baby was sleeping soundly with his brother unbothered by anything else.

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