《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 4: Escape


"Even though I know you're still mad at me, it's best that you don't go too far with that succubus. She is still a valuable item to the Dark Society."

Items? Dark Society? Inhuman, are these people treating her like that.

"We will be moving to a new base in the Southeast a few kilometers from here, so we will need a few items that need to be transported to the new location. At dawn, we will return to this place to hand her over to the Dark Society."

Good, now we are having a chance to escape.

"I just left you and another guy here. Boss said we need all the manpower we have to get it done by tomorrow, so I can just leave the two of you here to watch over her. But it's okay the Outriders don't know the place yet, at least I think so."


"In case the Outriders attack this place, then fire the beacon that I gave to the outsider. Then we will quickly come here to help. HEY did you hear that?"

He started trying to break down the door. I picked up the knife from the ground that I kicked in the previous battle, ready to attack if he successfully broke through the door.

"Hey guy, stop breaking the door, we need to move our stuff to the new base as quickly as possible."

"Tch. Yes, boss."

I still haven't heard footsteps. My heart started beating faster than ever.

"You are an asshole."

Footsteps begin to sound and decrease over time. I fell and tried to calm down. She tried to help me up.

"Now is the best time to leave."

I approached the bastard I knocked out. I started rummaging through his pocket to pull out a rather small brown coin purse. I know that stealing money is illegal, but now I need everything I can to survive in this world. Looking in my pocket I saw 3 silver coins and an iron key.


"I only have this bag of money and this knife in my hand." I think to myself.

I began to think of an escape plan. There's only one guard outside, if he's like this guy I think taking him down will be easy. I gave the bag of money to the girl.

"Now I need you to do this. Go outside and attract the attention of the soldier outside so he can come in and don't let him use the flares."

The girl nodded in agreement.

"In case I can't win, run away with this bag and find the nearest village to find help."

The girl was silent. I turned to unlock the door.

"Be prepared to escape from this damm place."

I gently opened the door and peeked through. Outside was a corridor in a small cave with empty inner doors, with only one guard standing outside. He only had a knife in his hand. Looks like they're all gone – I hope so. I turned to the girl.


The girl nodded and walked out the door. She began to pick up stones from the ground and throw them at the guard. He turned his head to look at the girl.

"Aww. This girl got out of the hands of that bastard, huh."

He takes out the dagger and starts approaching the girl. The girl came in, he followed and went inside the door.

"What do you think you're doing, kid?"

"She was following my plan."

I quickly ran over to him. He was startled to counterattack but I was able to dodge.

"Who are you ?"

I pulled out my knife and slashed his face. He supported it with two hands. He got mad and lunged at me.

"You're dead for sure."


He pushed me to the ground, pressed his foot against my body, and pointed the dagger at my heart. I grabbed his hand with both my hands.


The girl ran out the door.

"There's no one around here for her to call for help, you'll die here."

"I have no intention of asking others for help."

Didn't expect the journey in the new world to come to an end so quickly. Surely Z won't give me a second chance. But the one who will get a second chance will be that little girl.

"Any last word before… Ah!!!"

A small hammer was swung at the right side of his head, blood began to gush out. He rolled to the side while hugging the wound. It was the succubus girl, she saved me.

"YOU." He yelled out in anger.

He stands up, rushes over, grabs her with both hands, and lifts her against the wall. When he was distracted, I ran over and delivered a full blow to the injured head. He fainted.

"Have you forgotten me ?" I mocked him while trying to regain my composure.

I started to get the clothes he was wearing because it wasn't as big as the guy's clothes. I put on those clothes that were superfluously patched up. I also took 3 more silver coins from his pocket and put them in the money bag. Suddenly the girl walked up to the man and grabbed his neck. Her surroundings began to emit strange white spots, she seemed to be sucking them in, the wound on her neck also began to fade but the face of the man she grabbed her neck started to change color and become paler.

"Enough. Let's go now."

I took her hand. She also knew that I was annoyed by it, so she stopped. We started going through the door. The outside smelled just as much as the inside. And then a ray of light entered my eyes.

"That's the main door."

Before leaving, I also took from the base two black capes, two pairs of leather boots, and a door lock. I gave her a cape and boots.

"Put it on."

The girl wears boots and a cape. The boots are too wide while the cape is too long.

"Sorry, please be patient for now."

She shook her head to signal that there was no problem. When I got out the door, I closed and locked the door from the outside with the door lock.

"Now this will buy us more time."

I look around at everything. We were in a forest with tall trees blocking the sky, allowing only a few slits of light to shine through. I saw the little girl catching the light and even though I couldn't see her face, I know that the girl smile. The girl and I started walking on the trail that would probably lead us out of the forest. I heard the sound of branches falling to the ground.

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