《BREAKING POINT AWAKENING》Chapter 9 ~ Fateful Encounter


Chapter 9 ~ Fateful Encounter

"W-who is this in front of me?"

The same hair, eyes, lips, of someone that really special to me. Show's up on my front. It's made me happy and confuses at the same time. I didn't know what to do in this situation as a grip my hand.

"Woah the CRYO GODDESS show's up!

"Please step on me!

"It's impossible for them to win. They already look exhausted and their enemy is the cryo goddess!"

Everyone is cheering so loud. While I feel this uneasy feeling.

"Master?... Why your hand is shaking?"

"Brother Nishihara. Is our enemy really that strong?"

"U-um Mr. Are we will able to win?"

"Eleina! Change your appearance as soon as the matched starts!"


I feel the unease. And guard up. The match startup.



The 3 men suddenly pop up at our front, they eliminated myuser and Honoka in the blink of an eye. I was able to block myself in the last couple of seconds. But the pressure is so heavy.

"I can't believe someone blocks my surprise attack"

"It's really a surprise! This is the first time, that someone didn't fall on your surprise attack."*laugh*

"The girl.....become a sword. WOW!"

-Announcer: "S-Someone able to block a surprise attack from the best swordsman trio!. This is really surprising. That girl that didn't do anything become a sword as well!"

"Well. You are still going to lose to us anyway."

"Let just finish this quick"

They started to attack me at the front, back, and side. I can't focus enough to counterattack because of the girl that I saw. Also, she's not doing anything. While the 3 continuously attack me.

My left leg got pierced by a sword, and it hurt so much.


[Master...Master.....*shout* MASTER YUKI!]

[Ah!... What?]

[Can you please focus on the battle. We will lose at this point.]

[Sorry... That girl still bothers me.]

[Let just defeat these 3, so we can go to that cryo princess.]

[Your right. I will start to be serious!]

I cover myself with a bolt of purple lightning and start to place a lot of mana on Eleina, she changes her appearance into a scythe that cover in flames.

-Announcer: "The masked student, suddenly use lightning! Is that an element?. Also, we see that he's an Augus user that good at melee combat. Now he's using some kind of new element, at the same time long-range magic! That means, He's AUGUS at the same time a JINX user, also that chantless magic!.

"Principal, Isn't that kid is a little bit surprising! He can fight the trio at equal footing! No, Maybe he has the upper hand!"

"I'm a swordsman as well. But that sword stye. I didn't saw it my whole life. Using lightning is possible. But he didn't have any magic item, nor you can use lighting elements in your body. This kid is unbelievable!"

My fight continues, I can move better than them, but they are good at blocking attacks.

"That's unexpected*sigh*... we got eliminated so quickly *look at honaka* wah!... why your shaking?"

"Even we didn't die, we still feel that we got to slice up.*calmed* Also can they win?"

"Hah?.. of course he will win, sister Eleina, and Brother Nishihara is one of the best fighters you would even see!" *Smug face**laugh*

We started to slow down, because of exhaustion.

"*Hah*... we can't *hah* believe that you can still fight"

"Even his leg is bleeding, his fast"

"Also that lightning and those flame arrow that didn't need chant is annoying"


"I'm tired of dealing with you guys. I think it's time to eliminate you all. IVIS! Fight for me...."

Ivis the shadow knight has been summoned.

"Wh-what is that?" They started to shake.

"Defeat them for me."


Ivis flash forward and stab one of them. Following by a quick swing that eliminated the last 2. Ivis is going to attack the girl, but I stop him.

"Leave the girl. I will deal with her."

Ivis vanished.

"What was that? Isn't that a summon being?"

"Summon being is only possible using divine magic, that needs a magic circle and 5 or more people. But that kid just called that out of nowhere, and it's really powerful."

The crowd starts to chat and cheer. Some of them are for me and some of them are for the CRYO GODDESS.

"Ms. Myuser, what was that?" Honaka started to ask.

"Summon element!"*laugh*

"Isn't that summon is a divine magic?"

"Brother Nishihara is the best!" Thumbs up.

Finally, I will be able to talk to that girl. I slowly walk forward and attack her.

*tas tss tss*

But an explosion of ice makes me set back.

"That was a powerful ice technique."

"You don't need to be a concern."

That voice is also the same. She's the perfect look of YOSHINA MASUMI!.

I freeze for a second. And asked her.

"Are you Yoshino?"

She glares at me intensely and attacks.


"How do you know my name!?"

"It doesn't matter. But you really look like her."

She made a katana made of ice. And it made me more sure that she's Yoshino from my past life.

"Who are you? Show me your face!"

I can't do that. I still look like my past self. But I'm not 100% sure if she really is the same person. There's a chance that it's only a coincidence that they really look like each other.

"If you are not going to answer me.*vanish* then I will break that masked of yours!"

A pierce strike from the back surprised me. I able to block it

"Not bad, to be able to block an attack from me."

[Master. That girl is also blessed by the goddess.]

[She looked like someone that I save using my life in the past]

[What do you mean master?]

[In my past life. I have someone that I like, and I died protecting that someone.]

[There's a high chance that she is also a reincarnated person.]

"OI!. Why are you ignoring me! B-BAKA!"

"Eh?.. sorry, I just talking to someone.."

"I will cut that masked into two!"

She charges toward me. I am able to defend myself.


"Your technique and magic look familiar!" Cryo princess became curious.

*bang* *tud*

"Your really good"


"Your the same. CRYO princess."


"If I just have this ability in the past, maybe I able to save him"

That words struck me. I wasn't able to block the second blow by her. I got blown at the side of the arena.

"Eh?.... why he didn't block it principal?"

"They are talking. Looks like he lost his focus."

Now I'm sure that she's really Yoshino. My doubt disappear, as my tears fell. My heart burden from the past is gone.

*stand up* "Looks like you're YOSHINO MASUMI."

"Tell me! Who are you!"

"We know each other from the past life. I'm-"

-To Be Continued....

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