《BREAKING POINT AWAKENING》Chapter 6 ~ Lowest of the Academy


Chapter 6 ~ Lowest of the Academy

"Brother -......"

"Just call me NISHIHARA or NISHI."

"Yuki.... why you use your old name?" Eleina asked.

"I should hide my identity"

"Ohhh...." *nod*

"Brother NISHI, you're so cool. Please, teach me how to use that kind of magic!"

"Eh... About that-" Rub my head and think

"Master Yuki. I forgot to mention, that you can give someone 1 element, and also the same HEX, as long as it's not surpassed your ability. You can take it out whenever you want to. It's part of your unique abilities." Eleina suggest.

'I have the ability to give someone 1 element, and the same amount of HEX I have. As long as it has not surpassed me?. Isn't that OP?.'

(HEX, means your total magic capacity, or the firepower you can death.)

"Really!?. I can lend someone an element?" I immediately asked her.

"Yes, your right"

"Then, I think your name is Myuser, Right?"

"H-how did you know?" Curious.

"Well you save me from those bullies, 2 years ago"

Myuser. A cute girl that saves me from bullies. She's always cheerful and does whatever she can to help others.

"Ohh. Your right!"

"Don't worry. I will teach you how to fight!" Winky face.

"Really? Thank you brother NISHI!" She's really happy.

"So what element you want?"

"What do you mean? I already have the Anemo element?"

"I can give you one more element, so choose to these: Fire, Water, Eath, Summoning, Shadow, Lightning, Space, and Ice."

I tell her these elements but I hid about the phantom element.

"You have the legendary ICE element!?"

*summon ice spikes on my hand*

"Wow! You have ice too, I want the ice element!" she's really surprised.

"Ok, your wish is it!"

I give her the ice element and teach her how to use it. She's really amazed because she can use it without chanting. She learns how to control the element after 3 weeks, and let her train to master the element for 4 years.

She's quite a fast learner too.

-after 5 years-

No one dares to approach the Zen family for 5 years. I'm now 11 years old. Inside of this 5 years. I learned all of the 2nd sacred technique of every element. Myuser master 3 techniques. But probably because she only uses one.


"Miss MYUSER. Did you want to attend the MAGIC Academy?" Her father asked.

"Yes! Dad, I want to attend with brother Nishi and sister Eleina!" She pointed at us.

"Young master, and miss Eleina, If you wanted to accompany miss Myuser to the academy, I will pay for the tuition for both of you to enter." While bowing down.

"Mister, no need for formalities. We've been a family for 5 years now, and miss myuser is already like my sister. You've helped us a lot by letting us stay in this mansion."

"It's nothing. You've helped us to protect the family. But, do you agree?" He asked once again.

"Before that... can you make me a full mask that can alter my voice" I requested.

"That is for what?" Mister Zen asked,

"I need to hide my identity, If everyone saw my face that I can use a different element. I will be a hot target for other students in the academy. Also, you know my past too."

"You have a point... Nishi. Don't worry I will prepare that for you"

'Myuser father is so polite, and caring to us.'

-Night comes-

Eleina and I are actually in the same room. I talked to her about the enrollment.

"Eleina, I wanted to get the lowest score possible on the enrollment test, I wanna join the lowest section. But my aura is really leaking a lot. If I'm not wrong. They measure the HEX using a device. How I will be able to hide this."

"About that... The device can't calculate your HEX, because your hex comes from the goddess and not on your core. You just need to control the amount on your hand to get a low score. You can also hide your aura because if someone has the DEVINE EYE like mine, they can see your aura."

"Then I need to still hide this? Myuser wanted to help those students in the lowest section, they get mistreated. Because of being in the lowest."

"Then you just need to teach Myuser to hide her aura too." Eleina smile.

"Ok! Good night Eleina."

"Good night, goshujin-sama"

In this world, HEX is the measurement, of you are strong or not. 50-100 is the total Hex of the student on the lowest section, 50,000 to 100,000 to those who in the top. The gap is unbelievable. Lower students often get bullies for being weak. And myuser wanted to help them.


'But I guess, I can help them, I have a total of 172,000 Hex after all.

-The day of enrollment-

"Student Nishihara Yoshiyuki, what is your element?" The examiner asked.

"Fire element."

"Then, put your hand on the glass."

*72 Hex*

"Hey, did you see that kid wearing a mask, dude he's so weak," whispering on my back

"Eh?. What is the total of his Hex?"

"Only 72"


'I can't believe the bullies show up too soon.' As I'm tempted to slice them up.

"Next, Student Myuser Zen, Your element?"

"Water element ma'am."

"Put your hand on the glass."

*53 Hex*

Eleina also measures and got 99 total Hex.

"Hey miss, you should drop out now with that man in the masked and that ponytail girl, and I will offer you both beautiful ladies to go out with me." Talk to us like he's far superior.

"Yeah miss, just the 2 of you go out with young master." *laugh intensely*

Eleina responds, "Despicable!"

"Hey hey missy... your ponytail is cute and your face too. Just accompany me in bed." *laugh*

"Don't bad-mouth her, or I will kill you!." *Showed killing intent.*

They back off and measure their hex.

"Look at mine" bragging

"Element?" Examiner asked.

"Fire element!" Answer arrogantly.

"Put your hand on the glass."

*72,000 HEX*

"Such a powerful student." The examiner praises him.

"Well, i'm not trash like them..." *laughter*

Myuser wanted to freeze the arrogant student. But I stop her.

*whisper,* "We will not be able to join the lowest class if you show up right now."

Myuser calmed.

1 day passed and we assign to the 20th section(lowest). We enter the classroom. And we saw students beat up, some of them have bruises and wound all over their bodies.

"Are you three, the new student?" Our beautiful teacher asked.

"Yes. Ma'am" myuser answered.

We sat at the back. I stand up, and I asked the teacher, why the student is all beat up.

"The team duel occurred yesterday. We've been matched to the 10th section, we're just mere the 20th section. The outcome is already assured. We never actually win once. That's why I'm preventing the student to fight. But they always insist that they must win to repay me for caring to them." The teacher is worried.

"Ma'am! What if we win tomorrow's match!" Myuser speaks so loudly, that everyone in the room looks at her.

"Hey newbie, what do you think about winning. Do you know we getting beat up right now, and your planning to win? What a joke" *every student laugh*

"Master yuki can defeat them all," Eleina speaks.

"That masked kid? If you guys are strong. You shouldn't be here in the first place. Right everyone"

Everyone agreed and called us arrogant for telling us we can win tomorrow's duel.

I asked the teacher the rule.

"Every participant can use any magic item, armor, weapon since the higher section already has a higher Hex, and wealth to buy a magic item, they also use the magic item to beat up my student on the match. You didn't need to hold back, because you will be given protection, it can save your life. That if you die, you will be teleported outside the battlefield arena."

"Then let's obtain the victory tomorrow," I answered coldly.

"T-then, mister Nishihara, I will h-help tomorrow" one shy female student answer.

"Your name?" I asked her.

"I-i'm, Honaka. Earth user, also only has 62 Hex" she's embarrassed to tell.

"Then Honoka let's win tomorrow, And repay teacher kindness, OK!" Myuser asked.


"You guys didn't need actually to do this." Our teacher tries to stop us, as she's really worried.

"Don't worry ma'am. Even only Brother Nishihara takes the arena, he can defeat them all!" Cheerful.

"Then let see your skills tomorrow." One of the students that disagree with us at first, talk.

"Goshujin-sama, should we give them mercy?" Eleina asked.

"We don't need to hold back!" Myuser answered.

"Why you 2 beautiful ladies, so attach to that masked guy?" The arrogant kid asked.

"Well, he saves us. That's all" Myuser and Eleina answered.

Everyone looked at me. Some of them believe me, and some of them cursed me.

"Then I guess, we should be ready tomorrow. We will see how powerful the student of this academy is!" Myuser talked.

'Yeah, I will see how strong or weak I am? in this world'

-To be Continued....

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