《Dawn of the Blessing's Night》Introductions


Stevenson Willwin

The day was strange. My aunt told me I was lying in the fields, I still don't know how I passed out. Even John or his friends aren't that strong to do that without myself even realizing it. Nah, it wasn't them. I am glad that I didn't lose my dad's jacket though.

Those guys, They don't understand how much my father's only belonging means to me. I shouldn't think about them too much though. Knowing them, I am pretty sure they wouldn't really change even if they knew why I adore this jacket so much. Still, why exactly was I dozing off in the field?

[Dozing? Haha, at least you don't lie to yourself, kid. That's good.]

The voice came out of nowhere, no, it wasn’t a mere voice, the sneer came out of nowhere. I felt every hair on my body shooting up as I heard the voice, it wasn't a usual sound like when you talk to someone else, it was as if someone was speaking straight into my mind.

The cold and disdainful voice made me buckle down on my knees with a loud thud. I was scared, this fear wasn't anything like what I felt when anyone in the village snapped at me, it was something beyond, something far malicious, as if my very soul was being clawed at with a frigid grasp.

Although the words themselves were no different than any other villager talking down on me, the weight they carried was awfully great.

"Wha-wh....Who-Who?" I cried only to realize my voice just came out no more than a murmur, every inch of my body begged me to leave, to get as far from my room as possible. It was just now that I realised something was different in my body, something was added to my body perhaps. I couldn't exactly describe it but I felt as if my thorax was being stirred. However, I couldn't think much about that as cold sweat spurted down my forehead.

[Whoaa-Kid calm down, you are going to make this already dismal place finally give out. You don't want to wake your aunt, do you?]

Fury whirled inside me as I heard this person-thing mention my aunt, no matter how strong it may be but I won't let it do anything to her. Every cell in my body revolted as I snapped:

"Don't you dare involve her." Dare? I couldn't help but let out a chuckle in my mind at this irony, at my pitiful powerlessness.

The fear that this thing induced...I wouldn't doubt for once even if it were to tell me it was going to obliterate the whole village and yet here I was, an unblest, fooling myself into thinking I could protect my aunt, protect anyone in this wretched state of mine.

[Kid, you got to calm down, I don't want you passing out again, calm down all right? Take a deep breath and listen. I mean you no harm.]


The voice came out a lot "gentler" this time, the former smug tone was nowhere to be found. I was sure of it now, there wasn't anyone nearby talking to me, it was something inside me. But above all, the words brought over a huge sense of relief, it was only now that I realised I wasn't breathing-I forgot to breathe as that ominous aura took over me.

Adron Athav

Shit! Shit! This brat is going to die at this rate and I don’t want to be trapped in a dead corpse. At least he can hear me, that’s something but maybe not for long. I was so glad when I confirmed he could hear me, at least the possibility of being stuck helplessly inside a sentient cage until it dies, which in this kid's case doesn't seem to be too long, was ruled out but why the hell is he so scared?

I found out that I can feel his emotions and thoughts, don't know if it works the other way around too but I have to first make sure he stays alive to think about all that! All right, I'll wait until he regains his composure.

'Mighty Adron.' Remembering those days is just going to rip me apart. Never once since I drew my first breath did I think of being reduced to this, of being reduced to a parasite scavenging upon this kid, on a planet, I wouldn't have given a second thought on hearing the annihilation of.

"S...so? You there?" The boy's stutter shook me out of my daze. I guess he has calmed down a bit, maybe he will think rationally now.

[Yes, I am and I fear, from now on, I will always be.]

"What are you saying? A...Ay...I don't understand."

[Stevenson Willwin, I am Adron Athav. Nice to meet you. Now, I want you to stay quiet and listen.]



Stevenson Willwin

Never before in my life have I found myself in such disbelief like I have in these past few days. This voice, this person was telling me he was an actual god. A tempest raged inside me on hearing his words, I was angry, scared but above all, I was hopeful.

Perhaps, this was what my life was worth, I could ask this person to bring my parents back. Now, I could make up for all that I lacked at the time when they left, I could say to them all the things I should have said long, long ago.

But he explained to me in a tone, as consoling as he could manage, that his abilities were vastly weakened and even if he were in his prime, resurrection was a taboo even among gods as they could not promise what the result would be and there were instances when the result of the resurrection art was a fiend that ultimately had to be euthanized after it killed some of the very angels that performed the resurrection.


Such odious endeavors violate the sanctity of the ones whose souls are now resting in peace and they may be eternally tainted.’ He said.

I wanted to deny his explanations. He was a god! Gods can do anything, can’t they? I wasn't ready to give up. I didn't want to believe what he said but I also couldn't deny that he was talking to me in my mind which itself was beyond ordinary belief and I was somehow able to feel his emotions. He was frustrated..that and angry but I knew he wasn't lying.

It took a while for me to come to terms with the facts but I had to realize that still I was lucky, of all the people in the world, I was the one who met Adron. Maybe if I become a blest after the next Beo Noctis then his presence would be extremely beneficial for me.

I wondered about this a lot, was my life given a purpose? Would I be able to have a life beyond the fields and cattle farms? Aunt Ella and Sara, now, I finally had the chance to give them all the luxuries which they more than deserved.

We could move out to a big house somewhere and aunt won't have to work anymore, she won't get any new bruises on her hands and I could buy those fancy clothes for Sara like the ones the noble girls wear, no one could look down on us now.

While many thoughts whirled in my mind like ash in a hearth, I knew that this person wasn't just going to help me do whatever I want. No one is kind enough for that, much less someone with ego as great as his, that's why my face practically radiated happiness when today, he said:

[Kid, we are going to have to leave soon.]

Adron Athav

This world, it's much more interesting than I had expected at the moment I took my first glance at the blue sphere. Though this kid didn't seem very knowledgeable, he proudly said that he had read all the books present in the library of his house.

I giggled on hearing this kid had a library when I was genuinely curious as to how his family even managed to survive this long.

I got a vague idea about this world's working. Much interestingly, the strong people here were called the nobles and their authority was imperious, something I gravely wish to have existed in my homeland, that way my life would have been way easier.

That aside, there was something here far more imperative than even the nobles, it was an event to be concise, they called it "Beo Noctis".

This was the core that the whole society was built around, it's the arrival of an asteroid every decade. People believed, or specifically this brat's acquaintance believed that anyone who desires something, with all his heart and soul, at the time of Beo Noctis, is granted their desire. The people who received the asteroid's(which they called fortuna) blessing were called blest. They are revered and regarded highly.

And as I so intelligently surmised taking into account my "luck", this kid isn't one.

I was really intrigued by this Beo Noctis. Apparently, this thing is so potent that I doubt anyone on this planet realizes. I knew countless demons who wanted heaven's fall till their very last breath. It's scary imagining them getting helped by such a thing.

While even I possessed the power to alter space, time and life itself, they were limited. I couldn't just imagine myself being One( the ruler of heaven) and see it happen, nor could I just "wish" for my fallen brethren's revival for them to revive.

So I concluded there must be a catch, there had to be one.

Additionally, this kid also taught me about the measure of time they use here. He said that he was thirteen years old which obviously, I didn't understand was how long but then he said that I had been with him for three days now and that one year comprises three hundred sixty five days which made me conclude:

This brat is going to die too soon!

Other than this, the Kid didn't share any particularly helpful information so the only plan I had of going on was to make the big guns, which in this planet’s case were probably the nobles, owe us some favors. That way I could gather whatever intel this world can offer to help me get back. That's why I wanted to leave this place.

What I didn't expect though, was this boy's reaction.He was drooling over the mention of leaving. Perhaps, has he forgotten?

[Hey, Kid. You do realize how weak you are, right? It's not like I have my powers with me so don't think you are special or that you have the powers of a god. While, me being with you justifies the former, you still have to get strong. A lot stronger.]

Yup, he was exactly thinking of being a "god" just now. I laughed on seeing how his excitement turned to disappointment in a flick of a second.

[Yes, I know...But what do we do then?]

"We"? This kid is smart if nothing else, he knows our connection is symbiotic and sadly, he isn't wrong.

[Let's start by letting me test out my abilities alright?]

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