《TITANIA: Goddess of War》Chapter 3: Princes, Gods and Giants


Few days after she got back, said coronation took place. They travelled to Asgard by Bifrost and were greeted by Heimdall, the Gatekeeper of Asgard. At the palace, Frigga was already waiting for them. She immediately got into a conversation with the queen of Flanker and they followed her to the throne room, where the coronation took place.

"If you don't mind, would you stand with us?" Frigga asked and gave Neilrosa a sweet smile. She looked surprised at her. To stand with the Queen of Asgard was a great honour. She adjusted her gown, a mix of navy and denim with a corset and scale-like armour covering the front part with scale shoulder pads that went up around her neck and down the middle of her chest. Her hair, of colours of flame, was in a complicated hairstyle which brought forward the red, orange and yellow - primary colours of her hair.

"It would be an honour, you Majesty," she bowed. Her parents went to sit close to the throne and she took place on the step below prince Loki, Thor's brother and her fiance.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, princess Neilrosa," he greeted her and bowed slightly, his eyes eyeing her up and down since he had a great view.

"The pleasure is all mine," she said back and returned the gesture, trying to avoid his cold eyes as she shivered under his gaze. That made Loki grin and turned back to his mother. The Warriors Three and Sif entered the room, smiling and excited to see their friend become a king. As they stationed themselves on the stairs, opposite of Neilrosa, Loki and his mother, Sif's eyes caught Neilrosa's figure. They knew each other thanks to Thor. They occasionally trained together and Sif became a good friend with the princess of Flanker, especially because she was the most talented and brave woman she even known. When Sif spotted her, all grinning she gave her a small wave. Neilrosa chuckled and waved back.

In an instant, the whole throne room went quiet. The king of Asgard, Allfather Odin came in and sat on the throne. He looked around the room, taking in all his people and special guests who came for the celebration and bowed his head to the guards as a signal to start. They didn't need to wait long for Thor's entrance. It was as flashy as ever. He cheered with the crowd, played with his hammer and was in general, not what you would expect from a future king.

"Oh, please," muttered Sif laughed and rolled her eyes. Queen Frigga smiled and glanced at Odin, who clenched his jaw and watched his son as he strode down the path. People were cheering and he loved all the attention. He waved, screamed and roused the crowd to even more cheering. As he came down to the throne, he kneeled and took off his helmet. When he spotted Neilrosa, he gave her a playful wink and grin. She pursed her lips and shook her head a bit at him. The Allfather stood and banged with his sceptre to silence the crowd and gain attention.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my firstborn. So long entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir. Forged in the heart of a dying star. Its power has no equal - it's a weapon to destroy or is it a tool to build. It's a fit companion to the king. Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?" Odin started his speech.

"I swear," Thor answer proudly.

"Do you swear to preserve the peace?"


"I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and pledge yourself only to the good of the realm?"

"I swear," Thor scream and lifted his hammer.

"Then on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you-" Odin stopped and he looked like he felt something. Thor's smile faded away as he looked at his father.

Meanwhile, two guards were checking the Vault, doing a routine control, when they noticed the water in between the treasures. They raised their weapons and turned around, just to scream in terror. Their bodies were tossed to the floor, covered in ice. The large blue figures strode to the stand with the casket and take it.

Without hesitation, he banged his spectre and we felt a wave of energy beneath our feet.

The silver lattice behind the casket opened and revealed an enormous figure, standing in the cloud of fog. As the creatures were leaving, a fierce glow of light came from the figure and now it was the creature's time to scream as they evaporated.

Like that, the coronation ended and Allfather ordered everyone to go home. Neilrosa decided to stay but saw off her parents at the Bifrost.

Thor entered the Vault and horrified upon the remains of the guards, which were carried out of the room. All over the floor was a lot of shattered and melting ice. At the end of the hall, the Destroyer stood, carrying the casket in his hands. Loki was standing beside Odin, as he surveyed the destruction. The Warriors Three with Sif were baffled by the Destroyer, as they never saw him.

"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" he exclaimed as he was approaching his father.

"They have paid with their lives. The Destroyer did its job, and the Casket is safe. All is well," Odin tried to calm Thor down, but that only made him angrier.

"All is well?! They broke into the Weapons Vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these relics-"

"But they didn't," Odin interrupted him.

"I have a truce with Laufey, the Jotun King," he said calmly.

"He just broke you truce! We must act!" Thor screamed at him and waved his arms around. Loki was just silently standing out of the way of the whole incident in front of him.

"Leave us," Odin said to the Warriors Three and Sif. They bowed and left the room.

"And what action would you take?" He raised his eyebrows at Thor.

"March into Jotunheim as you once did, teach them a lesson, break their spirits so they'll never dare try to cross our borders again!" he confronted Odin.

"You're thinking only as a warrior!"

"This was an act of war!"

"It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail." Odin raised his head high.

"They got this far!" Thor reasoned with him.

"We will find the breach in our defences. It will be found, and it will be sealed."

" As King of Asgard, I would-" Thor started.

"You are not a King. Not yet." Odin screamed at him and Thor backed away, leaving through the door and pushing them so hard behind him, they slammed pretty hard.

As Neilrosa returned to the palace, she was nearly tackled down by fuming Thor, who was just leaving the Vault. Loki was right behind him and tried to calm him down. When he saw her, she gave him a questioning look and he just sighed. She followed him after Thor.


Thor nervously paced in the banquet hall. She could sense his anger around the room. As it was getting bigger and bigger, Thor couldn't contain it inside and flipped a table. The Warrior Three came into the room and Thor sat on the stairs at the far end of the hall. Neilrosa was watching him closely not from afar and Loki approached him.

"It's unwise to be in my company right now, brother," said Thor, sparing a glance Loki's way.

"Who said I was wise?" asked Loki and sit beside him.

"This was to be my day of triumph," Thor looked around the room and landed his eyes on her.

"It will come. In time. If it's any consolation, I think you're right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, everything. If a few of them could penetrate the defence of Asgard once, who's to say they won't try again. Next time with an army?" She flinched when he said Frost Giants and looked shocked at Warriors Three.

"Yes, exactly!" affirmed Thor and stood up.

"Hold on a second. Did you just said Frost Giants?" Neilrosa looked at Loki. He nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me about that? I thought that you are angry because of the coronation. You know, Thor, that I can help, especially when you are about to do something reckless," She stated and raise her eyebrows at him.

"No... stop there! I know that look!" Loki jumped with her. They both knew exactly what Thor is planning to do.

"It's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders."

"It's madness!" Loki exclaimed.

"Loki is right, Thor. You can't be serious with this," Neilrosa gave him a hard look.

"Madness? What sort of madness?" asked Volstagg confused.

"I hope, Thor, that you were just making a jest," She said and shake her head.

"The safety of our Realm is no jest. We're going to Jotunheim," he glared at her.

"What?" Fandral exclaimed.

"Thor, of all the laws of Asgard, this is one you must not break." Sif confronted him. All this time, Loki was silent, observing the conversation in front of him. He liked where this is all going.

"This isn't like a journey to Earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder and the mortals worship you as a god. This is Jotunheim," said Fandral.

"And if the Frost Giants don't kill you, your Father will!" added Volstagg. Neilrosa knew Thor better than any of them, not as Loki of course, but she knew that he is a lost cause now. Thor laughed and sized up his friends.

"My friends, have you forgotten all that we've done together?" he said with enthusiasm and turned to Fandral.

"Who brought you into the sweet embrace of the most exotic maidens in all of Yggdrasil?"

"You did," stated Fandral, defeated.

"Who led you into the most glorious of battles..." he turned to Hogun.

"...and to delicacies so succulent, you thought you'd died and gone to Valhalla?" and to Volstagg.

"You did." they both answered. We shared a look with Loki, knowing where this is going.

"And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this Realm has ever known?" he asked Sif.

"I did, but the more fiercest one is that way," she pointed to Neilrosa. She chuckled and shared a smile with Sif. She trained with Sif most of the times when she was in Asgard and taught her many things that Neilrosa's general taught her. Thor spared her a glance but quickly turned back to Sif.

"True. But I supported you... My friends, trust me now. We must do this." They exchanged concerned looks and looked at Neilrosa, as she was much wiser than Thor.

"Come on. You're not going to let my brother and Neilrosa take all the glory, are you?"

"What?!" they both exclaimed, Loki looked startled but she was starting to get furious. He can't be serious, can he?

"You are coming with me..." he glanced at them.

"Yes, of course! I won't let my brother march into Jotunheim alone. I will be at his side." Loki stood up and moved close to Thor.

"You really can't be serious. Think rationally Thor, this won't end well, at least for us. You really want to march to Jotunheim and start a war without your Father's approval? Do you know what kind of punishment can await you??" as she was talking she was moving closer to him, step by step.

"Don't be so uptight, Neilrosa," Thor snorted and spared her a look.

"I'm not, I'm thinking as a future emperor. Not every time it's about the battle. Don't look at me like that, I know that this won't end with you peacefully leaving Jotunheim." Neilrosa pointed her finger at him.

"I'm with him," said Volstagg.

"And I. The Warriors Three fight together," Fandral and Hogun joined.

"I fear we'll live to regret this." Sif looked at her, but her gaze was trained at Thor.

"You will," She said and marched out of the hall.

Her feet took her to Heimdall, the Gatekeeper. He sensed her from miles away and greeted her with a bow.

"I can feel your anger. I presume I don't need to ask that's because of Thor." his trained gold eyes looked at her.

"You are right as always," She sighed and sat on the stairs leading to the control pane of the Bifrost.

"I guess I don't need to tell you anything, right?" She lifted her head. He was silent, but in his eyes, she could see the answer. Heimdall was all known, there wasn't a thing that could escape his attention.

Not long after that, the Warriors Three with Sif, Thor and Loki came. They spotted Neilrosa behind Heimdall giving them a pretty nasty glare.

"Good Heimdall-" Loki started but was soon interrupted by Heimdall.

"You're not dressed warmly enough."

"I'm sorry?" asked surprised Lokie.

"The freezing cold of Jotunheim. It will kill you all in time, even Thor." as he said that, Thor started to open mouth to accuse Neilrosa of saying everything to Heimdall, but he was faster.

"You think you can deceive me? I, who watch all? I, who can sense the flapping of a butterfly's wings a thousand worlds away?" that convinced him she didn't say anything.

Loki tried to bargain but Thor stepped up.

"Enough. Heimdall, may we pass?"

"For ages have I guarded Asgard and kept it safe from those who would do it harm. In all that time, never has an enemy slipped by my watch-- until this day. I wish to know how that happened." he didn't look away from Thor.

"Then tell no one where we've gone until we've returned." she knew he was saying that to her too as he passed Heimdall with others.

"I still think this is a terrible idea. You won't change your mind, will you?" She came face to face with Thor.

"You know how I'm and you won't change yours either. Wait here for us so you could spare me a victory kiss when we'll return," he winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"You know I'm engaged to your brother here," She pointed at him. Loki noticed and looked our way. He could hear what those two are talking about.

"Be warned. I will honour my sworn oath to protect this Realm as its Gatekeeper. If you return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed to you. You'll be left to die in the cold wastes of Jotunheim."

"I have no plans to die today," said Thor and looked at Neilrosa. She had her arms crossed on her chest, standing beside Heimdall. Her eyes sent a worrying message to Thor and she bit her lip. Loki looked at her too and sent her a small smile which she repaid, but he was still a bit jealous of how Thor flirted with his fiance.

"None do," said Heimdall and inserted his sword in the control panel, which started the Observatory and opened Bifrost. She watched as they all disappeared in him and prayed for the best.

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