《Fallen God decides to live a little》Chapter 22: A New Profession?
Magnus here, I remember a special hero that appeared in the world, her name was Thaumiel and she was a vurm dragon, specifically a half human and half dragon mortal. Unlike other heroes, she didn't have an incubating hero egg in her. She created her own egg. It was history's first non birthed hero, even Ragos was astonished. Ragos was so impressed, he offered her to be his champion, he offered her to be humanity's strongest hero, the savior. She refused and well... That'll be a story for another time.
"What do you mean you can't let us in?" Aria is currently asking a guard that's in front of the gate, leading to Barkenvall.
The guard looks like he'll faint.
"Mi-Miss, we can't let anyone out or in. An incident happened earlier night and we'-"
"What incident?!"
Are people of faith this scary? I guess Kin was a little bit scary herself.
I take a look at my companions and notice that Jonathan agrees with my opinion.
Viktor is too engrossed in reading a small book and Pep is... Well he's trying to catch a bird.
I continue to check the village itself.
I believe that it's progressing its way into a town and the large palisades is definitely improving my overall opinion on it.
I check the guards and the citizens passing through with [God's Eye]. I notice that the average level of human beings is 1 to 2 and that only a few and adventurers are exempt to that.
Why did Ragos make the human race so weak? That's a question for another time.
I listen in on the conversation of Aria and the guard.
"Well... For the past few weeks, our cattle has been disappearing and at first, we thought they somehow managed to escape but one of our herders got fed up and stayed up all night to guard them. The next day he was gone!"
The guard sighs and another guard adds.
"We've been looking for him since but there's no sign of him, it's as if he disappeared."
Aria listens well and when they're done, she speaks again.
"We can try and help!"
The guard is put in a difficult position.
"I told you miss, we can't simple let anyone in"
Aria reaches in her armor and pulls out a small metal tag.
The guard focuses on it and says.
"You're an adventurer?!"
"Yep! And a devoted paladin of lord Supremas!"
The guards suddenly look embarrassed as one of them asks.
"Umm... Why didn't you just show it to us earlier?"
Aria suddenly stops and Jonathan rubs his forehead.
"Sir we just need to report to the guild and we can start helping out." Jonathan finally intervenes and the whole problem was resolved.
I guess people of faith are stupid at these type of stuff.
Hmm that's ironic, after all they need to swindle people to believe in their faith.
Aria turns around to stare at me.
"Hey. You just thought of something bad, did you?"
I smile and ignore her.
'Magnus? Is it safe to go out now?'
I hear a child-like voice inside my head.
'Oh Absolution I almost forgot you were here.'
'I'm kidding'
I hear Absolution sigh a little but she continues.
'I've been watching since earlier and you've made some friends... Also! That incident with the wolf was a little too close for comfort!'
Absolution complains a little but thankfully she isn't too naggy.
'Magnus what is your plan, now that we're near civilization?'
I puff up my subconscious chest and say proudly.
'We're going to sign up as adventurers!'
'I thought you wanted to stay as a wanderer?'
'At first, I wanted to but while travelling with these four mortals, I've managed to gain more knowledge about adventurers from them!'
I feel Absolution nodding in my head, slowly taking in the pros and cons.
'I still don't think being associated with mortals or their organizations is a good thing Magnus.'
I start to reply but Jonathan finally manages to finish talking with the guard and the caravan starts to move.
"Hey Magnus"
I pan my head to look at Jonathan.
"We'll be staying at my father's home. Won't you come with us?" Jonathan gives me a bright smile.
I don't have any money or anything, so I'll have to trouble them more.
"Yes that would great. I don't have the money to stay anywhere."
Jonathan nods while scratching his head.
"Umm... Also my father is a little hard headed, so you might encounter some problems."
My father's head became my brother.
"I don't think I will."
"Perfect, that's the attitude he wants. He doesn't want a wimpy man to show up in his house."
I give him an appreciative nod.
Once we're done talking, Aria adds something.
"Before we return to our lodgings, we should go to the guild and submit our mission."
Everyone agrees with Aria, so we head to the guild first.
Little did I know, this would be my new profession.
"Yes... Thank you ma'am"
Carson thanks the receptionist and immediately leaves the guild branch once he receives the money.
I overheard the amount of money he recieved and it's quite a huge amount.
Apparently, multiple villages are being attacked by demons all over the country and these refugee escorting missions have been piling up. High ranking adventurers focus on repelling the demons and middle ranking ones can't be bothered to waste time on such a relatively low paying mission, so low ranking members are the only ones taking it.
Carson recieved a much more hefty amount of money from the guild branch and since he's the only survivor, he also got the share of his deceased companions.
I watch his lonely back, as he leaves the building.
Once he's gone, my mind returns to the building itself. It's quite a prominent building and the adventurer guild didn't spare any expense on creating it.
Its huge size and amazing design screams adventure.
I notice that the building is not the only thing that's catching attention.
It seems people are staring at me as well.
My appearance must look savage.
I ignore them.
"Hey boy!" I see Pep approach me.
"Oh Pep, you're done talking with the receptionist?"
"Nah, talking ain't my style. I just leave it to them"
I nod and continue looking around.
"You wanna be an adventurer too?"
Do I really want to be? Absolution did give me some thoughts to think about.
"I think so."
Pep points at a counter.
After going down from the caravan, I finally had some time alone to think of it.
Do I really want to be an adventurer and be held down by the laws of the kingdom.
"If yer not yet sure, you can always come back again but you can go ask bout it."
I give Pep a smile and I approach the counter.
Once I reach the counter, instead of a beautiful young woman, I see a robust and young man.
Well I guess I had my fair share of females lately...
That sounded wrong.
He doesn't notice me immediately, as I see him focused on a piece of paper.
I take a quick look and notice that it's a design of a mechanical object.
A very advanced mechanical object...
"Ah! Sir!"
The young receptionist looks up and notices me. He stands up quickly and almost scrunches up his paper.
I take a quick look with [God's Eye] and notice that he has a unique skill on him...
[Mechanical Prodigy]
I widen my eyes a little and surprise him.
"Sorry, sir is there a problem?" he starts checking his body for any problems or dirt.
"No, it's nothing" I give him a smile despite my mask covering the majority of my face.
He fixes himself, so he can look presentable and properly help me.
With a trained voice, he asks.
"How can I help you sir? My name is Garret Teldon and I am a proud receptionist of the adventurer's guild."
Smiling, I start asking him questions.
"I am thinking of signing up as an adventurer."
Garret nods knowingly.
"And you wish to know more about the pay, benefits and risks?"
"Correct. Also, I would like to ask about adventure ranks."
Garret nods and starts to list off an imaginary list.
He must be completely used to this. I use [God's Sense] and take in my surroundings.
A lot of people are taking the time to look at me. I guess this fur clothing is too much.
'Yes too much' Absolution starts to study Garret.
'But why isn't the receptionist asking about it then?'
'Like you said, he's probably used to it.'
'I didn't say that.'
'But you narrated it. Who are you talking to anyway?'
Anyway! I need to focus on the person talking to me.
"An adventurer's pay is based on the missions they get and succeed in, since the missions are commissioned by the public. Level of missions depend on the adventurer's rank and level. So if you want high paying jobs, you need a higher rank."
"I can assume that you raise your rank by raising your level and rank."
Garret nods and adds.
"You have an individual rank and if you form a party, the party's rank is averaged out depending on every party member's rank."
I nod.
Once settled about payment, Garret continues.
"Your benefits also depend on your rank. A bronze rank adventurer isn't too important to the guild and unless you rise to the higher levels, you basically have no benefits other than a consolation letter when you die." Garret adds the last part a little jokingly.
Is death a commonly joked subject? He must be bored.
'I agree. I feel that he's only taking the job because he doesn't know how to release his genius.'
"I believe the risk is very obvious sir, 8 out of 10 adventurers die and most of them thought that they would be the lucky ones."
I nod.
"Can I know about the ranks?"
Garret nods and pulls out a crystal board. He sets it down and starts explaining.
"The ranks are usually decided by level and there is no exception, unless the individual signs up while already having a higher level but even then, those people must first at least do 5 missions of their rank before they can try to rank up through rigorous testing."
"Hmmm so even if a level 50 individual appears, they'd start at the lowest rank?"
Garret nods.
"Yes, they will need to complete 5 bronze missions before they can try to reach iron rank and then steel rank, so on and so forth."
"There are a total of 10 ascending ranks and each rank's requirement is obviously higher than before. The following ranks are in ascending order: Bronze, Iron, Steel, Gold, Diamond, Manite, Mithril, Orichalcum, Adamant and lastly Divinium."
"They use Divinium as the last rank?"
"Yes, it is the hardest metal known to mortals. It was given to the founder of the adventurer guild as a gift by the Primordial Gods."
Hmmm so that's what they call us.
I take a quick look at my status.
Name: Magnus
Race: Fallen God
Ability Level: 3 (↑1)
Magic Power: 30/30 (↑10)
Max Magic Power: 30 (↑10)
Body Power: 33 (18+15) (↑21)
Defence: 5 (↑3)
Agility: 14 (↑3)
Resilience: 9 (↑7)
Magic: 3 (↑1)
Magic Defence: 12 (↑4)
Unique Skills: Creation (Sealed) (Ultimate) | Indestructible Essence (Ultimate) | Endless Mana Capacity (Legendary) | All Magical Knowledge (Partially Sealed) (Legendary)
Innate Skills: God's Eye (Sealed) (Godly) I God Senses (Sealed) (Godly) I God’s Stare (Sealed) (Godly)
Extra Skills: Heavy Slash (Normal) I Pain Tolerance VI (Rare) I Limit Break (Unique) I Martial Knowledge from the Goddess of War (Partially Sealed) (Legendary)
Magic Skills: Blinding Flash (Elementary) (Normal) I Equilibrium (Elementary) (Normal)
Custom Skills: N/A
Affinities: N/A
Resistances: Hunger Resistance I
Weaknesses: N/A
Titles: God of Magic | The Fallen God | The one who wished for more | Masochist | Friend of the Wyvern | Hunter
Blessings: Sealed (Indeterminable) | Cursed Eyes
Equipment: Bear Fur Clothing (Normal) | Fur Mask (Normal) | Iron Sword (Normal)
Items: Bone Knives (Normal) | Absolution (Legendary)
I grew a little due to the fight I had with that demon wolf and was perplexed by my increased stats.
It seems fighting increases body power while magic power must be increased through proper generation.
According to my level, it's perfectly fitting for me to be a bronze rank adventurer.
I've only got a limited amount of time to stay here...
Maybe it won't be so bad.
"I wa-"
Before I could finish, I hear Aria calling towards me and Pep.
"Magnus! Pep! We finished registering the refugees. We can go to Jonathan's house and rest."
Pep chuckles and goes toward them.
I look apologetically towards Garret.
"I'll be coming back later to finalize everything. I'll take a rest first, as I do not want to inconvenience my hosts."
Garret gives me a trained nod and tells me to take care.
"So... This is your home?"
I take in the home of Jonathan.
It's massive.
A huge stone building with large exhaust pipes, leading towards the sky, that constantly release plumes of smoke.
A large stone wall surrounds the building and guards are patrolling everywhere.
Even from the outside of the gate, I hear the powerful sound of metal clashing against metal.
I look at a sign in front of the gate.
*Carthus Blades*
I take a look at Jonathan and the others.
Jonathan smiles at me proudly. He's enjoying the look I'm showing even though I'm wearing a mask.
Aria, Pep and Viktor is showing no reaction. They must already know about this.
I never noticed properly but their weapons, while mundane, is well maintained and properly cared for. Jonathan's blade is made out of industrial steel with mixed adamant, making it tougher than a normal steel blade.
"You're from a family of blacksmiths?"
Jonathan laughs and says proudly.
"Yes! And I am one of the chief's children!"
I ignore Absolution.
"So you didn't bother to tell me this?"
Before Jonathan could reply, I hear a sudden shout from inside the gates.
"Jonathan!" the gates are slammed open, as a muscular man, taller than and looks familiar to Jonathan, appears.
Jonathan suddenly loses his smile as the man charges him.
Jonathan tries to dodge.
I see the man hit Jonathan's head with his steel-like fists.
"Ouch!" Jonathan winces from the pain.
"You ungrateful son! How dare you leave again without my permission!!!"
Oh... He's the father.
"I'm an adult! You can't dictate my life!"
The others laugh at Jonathan while watching him get pummeled by his father.
"You ungrateful brat! I raised you with these very fists!" The father punches Jonathan again.
He gives Aria a quick look and his vicious looking face becomes gentle.
"Oh hello Aria, nice to see you as always. You've become such a beauty!"
Aria smiles and bows at the man.
"Thank you uncle Darius, you flatter me too much"
Darius gives her a bright smile, similar to Jonathan's smile. Once he returns to look at Jonathan, his face becomes vicious again.
"You impudent child! You are wasting your time wandering the world! A man ought to labour with his feet planted firmly in the earth.
Not roam around like a flirtatious vagabond!"
Jonathan resists Darius' punches.
"I am not a wanderer! I am an adventurer and I want to explore the world. I don't want to stay in one place my whole life!"
When Jonathan screams Darius stares at him.
"You darn brat!"
Darius punches Jonathan so hard, Jonathan is knocked unconscious.
Pep laughs while Aria is giggling. Viktor is obviously not interested but slightly annoyed by the noise.
Once the noise disappears, Darius immediately notices me.
I remember that Jonathan said his father doesn't like wimpy people.
I need to give a proper response.
I look at him and give him a strong response.
"Oh! Another rambunctious brat!"
"Did Jonathan pick you up somewhere and told you, I'd give you weapons? Bah! I will not give you anything!"
The others seem to look away and the guards are staring past us, ignoring me.
Thankfully, Aria approaches Darius.
"Uncle Darius, this is Magnus. He is a person we met during our travels and he is hero "
Darius looks at Aria and smiles.
"Really? What did he do?"
"Uncle, I don't think this is a good place to talk about it."
Aria gestures around and Darius notices that dozens of people are staring at him.
Judging by their reactions, it's not uncommon for him to act like this.
Darius calms himself and resumes a more tranquil appearance.
There, he looks better now.
"Yes, you're right we should talk somewhere more private."
Darius looks at me.
"You look savage. Have you bathed?"
I admit that I've been suppressing my stink through alchemical circles sewed on my fur clothing.
"I haven't."
"Follow me, I don't want you stinking up the place."
Aria gives me a 'good luck' look and Pep just laughs.
Jonathan is dragged in the house by Aria while the others follow her.
They must've come here before.
We all enter the huge entrance of the building.
The guards give us a stern stare, warning us not to do anything stupid.
Once we get inside, we are greeted by a large stone path leading to the main building.
I look around and notice that the main path splits into other paths that leads to other buildings.
Large plumes of smoke rise from metal chimneys that is on top of all the buildings.
Pep looks at me with a smug face.
I've got to admit, I'm impressed and it shows on my face.
I have seen the creation of kingdoms and mountains but I have never seen it in a way like this.
I guess even something simple like this can show one's effort. It's amazing.
"The baths are here"
I follow Darius through another pathway.
"Good luck boy"
Pep chuckles as they enter the main building.
I just noticed this but these bastards have better weapons compared to people of the same rank.
They must've received it from Darius.
*stupid... son... worthless... talent*
I hear Darius mutter some grievances.
I remember looking at Jonathan's status and there were some things that didn't add up.
"Was he always like that sir?"
Darius looks at me with a furious look but he mellows out.
"I'm guessing he didn't want to follow the family business."
Darius nods while walking.
"He... used to love smithing."
Something changed then.
I wait for Darius to continue but he doesn't.
Once we reach the baths he teaches me how to properly use it.
When he's done, he leaves me be.
"I'll wait for you."
"Don't you have servants?"
He smirks.
"You're a guest of my stupid son, I need to show you the works."
I nod and he leaves me alone.
I undress and enter the bathroom.
I leave my items on a basket.
I scan the bathroom and take in the objects scattered all over it.
'Okay... Absolution how does one bathe?'
'I'm checking right now Magnus. It seems you need to submerge yourself in water.'
I look around.
There's no deep water here.
Mortals have to go through the trouble of bathing? I'm starting to pity them.
I start fiddling with the objects in the bathroom.
'Wow, mortals have advanced so much. Look at this sorcery'
'You're right! What is this!'
Eventually though trial and error, I finished bathing.
It is a refreshing experience.
Once I exit, I see Darius waiting for me.
He's studying the bone daggers I made.
I don't bother entering a stance, Darius is level 80.
Darius takes a long good look at me and asks.
"Do you smith boy?"
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Worth the Candle
A teenager struggling after the death of his best friend finds himself in a fantasy world - one which seems to be an amalgamation of every Dungeons and Dragons campaign they ever played together. Now he's stuck trying to find the answers to why he's there and what this world is trying to say. The most terrifying answer might be that this world is an expression of the person he was back on Earth. This work is complete. You can buy the first ebook or audiobook here.
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Artifice: Iysinfyr
Nalulthyn is the young daughter of a duke that is one day asked for a favor. This favor involves the adopted daughter of the duke from a neighboring area. This girl has had a traumatic past and has closed herself off from the world completely and reacts violently when touched by anyone but her personal maid. The duke hopes that a girl close to the age of his adoptive daughter will be what she needs to recover, but things are never as easy as they seem. First is that this adopted daughter is a Terran, a rare being from a different world that has skin and hair as white as snow and an almost alien build. Second is that there is a power to this girl, one that makes her recovery all the more dangerous to Nalulthyn and perhaps beyond. Author's note: This is a soft reboot of Artifice: Tools of the Gods. As I wrote the other story years ago I felt it would be better to do this approach as my writing has changed and improved since then. For now only two characters will return though I might reintroduce others later in the story. Even though this has the gore tag, I don't plan on being excessive with it. Most chapters shouldn't have any. The only reason I have it is to be realistic with the descriptions.
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stalker//kim taehyung✔
a story where y/n ends up sexting with her stalker...ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴡᴀʀɴ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴛʜɪs sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴs ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ, ᴅɪsᴛᴜʀʙɪɴɢ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ sᴛʀᴏɴɢ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ. sᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴏɴʟʏ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛᴀʙʟᴇ.
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For real
𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘦, 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭
8 115