《Undetermined》Chapter 17- The Determined's Resolve
Claire looked around at the slime kin who seemed to be extremely happy that she was willing to help them.
But could she actually help them?
Worry filled her heart.
'Agh! I don't know what to do right now? How should I even react to these people in this situation?', Claire thought.
Simply saying something like "Somehow things will work out" was too naive for Claire. She had experienced her own death as the painful memories seemed to inject themselves into her.
It was horrible. She felt as if those 10 simulated years were reality, but she also remembered her own death as if it was just yesterday.
Furthermore, she was shown the steps taken by that man to avoid the consequences of killing her. Witnessing this filled her with a horrible terror- one which she could not completely shake, though she put it into the back of her mind, desperately focusing on the people in front of her.
She had learned one thing from her own death, and from that man's reaction to it.
If you wanted to do something in this world, power and influence was necessary. Even so, she would not compromise her own justice to increase her influence. She would not become like that man.
She decided that she would raise her influence not through words, but through actions.
People who talked about 'what a good person they were' were never good people.
They would always be boasting on social media about their achievements, and showing all their happy lives and wonderful families.
But Claire knew better.
From the 10 years that had been simulated, she had lived a truly good life with her simulated parents. They loved her and cared for her, and they never bothered to brag to others about her because there was no need to.
Any parent who brags about their kids is truly just putting unnecessary burden on the kid- expecting them to be successful like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Her parents continuously encouraged her in the simulated world, just as they had when she was alive. The system had in fact simulated her life as it would have occurred, should she not have died, and as such the memories inside Claire- while they did not actually happen- were a reflection of a truth which never came to be.
She had friends who's parents would always boast about their kids and what a happy family life they had on social media. But it was these exact parents who would beat their children senseless when they did not meet expectations.
It was these parents who treated their children as objects, as mere property in order to further their own popularity and social standing. When a tool was broken, it was to be thrown out and replaced with a new one.
And so, Claire made it her duty to not try to become some sort of famous hero.
She didn't want people to look at her in awe as she passed the street. She wanted them to look at her with the love of a friend or of a family member.
And so, she made her decision.
Claire looked at her own arms.
They seemed to be glitching out more than any other part of her body. Why was that?
The slime elder walked up to her after she made her determination, and thanked her.
"Thank you, O great one! We would like to present you with all the hospitality that we can provide in our village here. While this is a small village with not much wealth compared to the other domains of monsters, we are a major production center for alchemical wares, and as such we have enough wealth to keep us going."
Claire was then led by the elder to a hut that was twice as large in diameter as the other huts, and 1.5 times as tall. It was made of wooden planks instead of the straw the other huts were made of.
"To be truthful, we were not expecting your arrival. There exists a prophecy among us monsters of four anti heroes who will disturb the balance among the monster realm, and overthrow the Monster Kings in order to become Demon Lords of this land. We have been told that they will be directed by none other than an entity who transcends existence within this world- and we believe that you are that entity. This entity is said in the prophecy to go by the name which you called yourself. The Determined."
The prophecy that the monsters spoke of seemed a bit different from the ones the humans spoke of.
Perhaps it was that each side had received a version of the prophecy that was specific to what would happen to them. It would make sense that the monsters were more aware of the anti heroes, while the humans were more aware of the heroes.
Claire nodded in agreement.
"We have prepared this hut for you, with that in mind. It was not specified that you would arrive here, but we have always tried to be prepared in the case that a guest of importance were to show up."
Claire nodded.
"Thank you! But, there is no need to provide me with anything better than what you would provide for a regular guest. I don't wish to be treated in any special way."
"That is..."
"I insist. Please allow me to stay in a regular dwelling."
"I cannot allow that for such an esteemed guest as yourself. We absolutely insist that you stay in this hut."
Claire looked around at the other slime people behind the elder.
They seemed to be looking at her with shining eyes, as if she was already a hero in their minds.
This wasn't what she wanted!
She wanted to be treated as an equal, not as some sort of special case!
But as she looked at the eyes of all the slime kin around her, she couldn't reject their offer.
If she were to do so, they would likely feel as if they were unable to satisfy her, and it would leave guilt in their hearts.
For the purpose of easing them, she accepted.
"In that case, I will stay in this hut. What do you wish me to do though? Is there any work you have for me to do while I stay here? Surely I cannot live here for free."
The slimes looked at each other, clearly surprised and anxious.
The elder then spoke up, also looking completely baffled.
"Impossible! We could never make the Determined work in order to live here! For the leaders of the monster realm, the monster kings, you may be an enemy and an entity which needs to be eliminated, but among us weak slimes you are an idol and a hero who will save us from the discrimination we face for our weakness."
"Eh!?", Claire thought.
Wait just a minute.
They were putting some high expectations on her right off the bat.
Surely they didn't expect her to be so powerful as to change the balance of the world as it is?
Even if these anti heroes showed up and helped her, that was a little too much right?
"I.... I don't know if I will be able to do something so grand..."
"What are you talking about!? You are the Determined, are you not?! It is said in the legends that you possess the ability to determine fate itself! With you on our side, there is nothing we can't do!"
"Why are these slimes expecting so much of me.... sure, the system said that I can define undefined parameters, but surely that had limits... I haven't even encountered how to do that yet... all I can do right now is lock entities as defined so that the Indeterminant can't mess with them... Agh! This is so troublesome!" Claire thought to herself.
She was flustered, but she tried to fake a smile and responded.
"If you won't allow me to work, then could you at least give me a tour around the village so I may see how things run around here?"
Claire planned to secretly help out even if they didn't let her work.
She would do this, not because she wanted them to think better of her, but simply because it was right.
If tasks started magically being completed on their own, without anyone knowing who did it, surely the villagers would be happy.
All of a sudden, a large cracking sound was heard, along with a rustling.
From the sound, it could be inferred that one of the straw huts had collapsed.
A rough voice was then heard.
"Oi! Gelballs! Its time to pay up what you owe us for protection!"
Another voice was there, this one more high pitched.
"You better not keep Arlo waiting, eh!!!! If you do, another one of these huts will come down. Keep us waiting too long and it wont just be the huts!"
The color in the elders face was lost for just a second. The gel became a little more clear and see through in the area around his head as he heard these voices, but it returned quickly when he looked to Claire.
"The lizardmen have arrived it seems. Please give them a good lesson to not extort us anymore of our hard labor!"
He bent and genuflected on one knee to Claire, and the other slime kin followed and did the same.
Even the children, who seemed scared at the first sound and voices, now seemed calmed since they knew Claire was there.
'Oh no!!! They expect me to fight someone so quickly!? What will I do!? Maybe I can talk it out with them.... agh!!! No choice but to go! If I die... well... no point thinking about such things. I am going to do everything I can to help these people who are lowering themselves to me!'
Claire stumbled out of the hut, and the slimes parted to let her pass.
There outside, she saw the remains of a toppled straw hut and two lizardmen who seemed to be walking towards her.
One of them was large, and had dark grey skin. His body was extremely muscular, and he carried an enormous club on his back that was spiked with metal.
He looked like an alligator but standing upright and much more buff than usual. His 12 pack flexed with each step, and the ground rumbled.
His long tail dragged on the ground, creating a trail in the dirt wherever he went.
The other one seemed to be tailing behind him. This one was still quite muscular, but he was very small and nowhere near on the same level as the larger one. this one did not carry a weapon, but rather held a large crate which was strapped to his shoulder with a leather strap.
It seemed that he was the luggage carrier.
The two lizardmen had noticed Claire, and began walking towards her.
"What the hell... what is a human doing here.... no wait... she isn't human."
As the two lizardmen got closer, Claire became scared.
Was she really going to be killed by these two if they refused to listen?
She had to negotiate.
There was no other choice. She wouldn't last a second in a fight.
She was trembling, but she didn't sweat. That must have been a characteristic of this computerized body that she had.
"Lets just kill her off and continue collecting the tribute, Arlo.", the small lizard man suggested.
"You be quiet. There is something off about this woman..."
As the two got closer, Arlo reacted and said something.
"Are you some sort of spirit or elemental!? What is going on with this woman's skin!?"
"Eh!? Ah! M.. my name is... wait I shouldn't say that.... I am known as the Determined. Pleased to meet you, Arlo. Um, could we negotiate?"
Arlo stared at Claire for a minute. After holding his breath and thinking, he came to a conclusion.
"AHAHAHA!!!! As if a dainty woman like you could be the Determined!!! Stop with the jokes. Since you don't seem to be keen to tell me who you really are, I don't feel that I should keep you around unless you wish to submit yourself to me, the great Arlo, the strongest lizard man to of the tribe! What do you say? Will you become my subordinate?"
Claire was surprised by the lizardman's sudden declaration, but soon after resolved herself, giving him a serious look.
"I wanted to ask you if you could leave the slime people alone... Do you think you could do that for me? If you do that then I will be willing to become your servant..."
The lizard-man's face twisted at this statement.
He seemed to be angry.
"Did you seriously just ask Arlo to trade off all our revenue here in exchange for your measly servitude!? EH!!???"
The small one began to lecture her.
Arlo put his hand over to hold back the smaller lizard, and he spoke calmly after collecting himself.
"It is as he has said. While I am interested in you, your services are not worth giving up our revenue here. Not only this, but we lizardmen offer protection to the slime people of this region from the humans who attack. What would happen if we were to stop providing that protection!? The village would likely be taken over by the humans, and the slimes would be exterminated!"
It was true that the lizardmen protection at the very least prevented the humans from permanently taking over the slime village. The humans had sent out attacks and raids, but the threat of the lizardmen prevented them from a complete subjugation.
"Would you not be willing to still protect them, for a more reasonable exchange of goods? There is no reason to rob them blind and destroy property as you are doing!", Claire pressed.
"Why you!!"
The little one seemed about to blow his top, but Arlo held him back once more.
"I will not negotiate with those who are weaker than me. If you wish for me to stop what I am doing, then show me your strength. Unless you are not willing to battle me out of fear. I may kill you. Are you sure you wish to do this? You can still become my subordinate, and I will forget this conversation ever happened."
"Arlo! Why are you giving this girl a chance!? Just finish her off here and now!" The smaller lizard exclaimed.
"Don't make me say things twice. I will negotiate with those who have proven their strength."
Claire didn't know what to do.
Negotiations had broke down.
"If I die fighting you, would you reconsider your treatment of these slime people?"
Arlo was filled with surprise.
If this girl was weaker than him, she normally would have bent her knee in submission.
Even if she was reckless, she would have attacked him without trying to negotiate.
If she was stronger, then she could have taken what she wanted by force.
Yet here she was, negotiating using the condition of her own death.
Something stirred in Arlo's heart.
Arlo had never found someone who had acted like this. He had only ever found those races stronger than him who he had to bend his knee to, and those who were weaker who would submit themselves to him.
Did this woman know that she was weaker, yet not fear for her own safety?
Was she so kind hearted as to give up her life for mere slime kin, the weakest of races?
Or perhaps, she was a true warrior.
Perhaps she wished to go down in battle at the hands of a strong warrior such as himself.
Arlo acknowledged this girl in his heart as a courageous opponent.
"Out of respect for you putting your life on the line, I will adhere to your condition."
Claire was filled with relief and joy upon hearing this.
"I'm sorry, that I couldn't live up to your expectations, slime people, I may not be able to change the structure of this world, but I can at least help you out through my death."
She had already been killed once, and no longer feared death. The only thing she feared was evil living on.
But she felt that she could take the words of this lizard man seriously.
The slime people had gathered around.
They seemed to be assured of Claire's victory, unaware that she was sacrificing herself for them.
They didn't seem to know anything, but that was fine.
The small lizard backed off, and they were given enough room to fight.
"I'm sorry, also to you anti-heroes, who I saw before. It seems like I am going to leave taking care of the Indeterminant to you."
She readied her fists. She did not have any weapon. She was sure to lose against this lizard-man.
He raised his spiked club, and said
"Here I come!"
He charged at her, and brought the club down.
The club swished through the air, coming down on the glitchy body of Claire. It would be over in an instant.
The club made contact.
[Error. Entity has occupied the same space as that which has already been defined as the Determined. Resetting entities to a previous state. Note: Separation of Determined has not yet occurred. Determination of entity has not yet been unlocked.]
Claire looked up.
The lizard-man was back in the position he was in before he had hit her.
"What!?" Both of them screamed, along with the smaller lizard-man.
The slime kin did not seem overly surprised, but they raised cheers of confidence and support.
"As expected of the Determined! He cannot even touch you!"
"The fight has already been won! Just give up already, Arlo!"
The jeers provoked Arlo.
"So you were hiding your abilities?"
But then Arlo calmed himself.
"I thank you for not looking down on me when you possess such a power... but you have not defeated me yet!"
Arlo seemed to be doing something with his hands.
"I am not very good with magic, but I can manage a small bit... will it work on her though?"
As Arlo was preparing a spell, Claire became aware of what had happened.
She saw the message the system displayed.
"If that is the case, then..."
She ran up to Arlo.
He was in the middle of casting his spell, but he didn't expect her to come so quickly.
He let off the unprepared spell, and a burst of weak earthen spikes sprouted from the ground, penetrating the space in which Claire occupied.
Claire punched Arlo in the gut at the same time, but as she did so...
[Error. Multiple entities have occupied the same space as that which has already been defined as the Determined. Lizard men body in place of fist, and earth spell in abdomen. Resetting entities.]
And just like that, they were both back in their original positions once more.
"It seems that I cannot attack you with magic nor with physical attacks."
Claire stared down at Arlo.
Was this really happening?
She was unable to fight, but she was unable to be hurt.
What would happen in this case?
"Can we call this a draw then and negotiate?"
Arlo laughed.
"It seems that I underestimated you. You truly are the Determined. I acknowledge you as strong, perhaps even stronger than I am! To think that the Determined would actually be present in such a small and weak village... I will keep my promise. I will no longer extort the villagers of their resources. I will negotiate a deal with them, one in which they agree to, and you may coordinate the negotiations to ensure that I do not intimidate them into a one sided deal as before. How does that sound?"
"Arlo!!! You haven't lost to this woman! Why are you giving in to her terms?"
"Be quiet, Hopkin. You have no say in this. I've already lost. Can't you see that? I can't even so much as attack her without going back to square one."
The small lizardman seemed to be infuriated.
The one he looked up to had given up so easily.
Hopkin had not exactly understood what happened, but Arlo did not seem to be losing. Yet why did he give up so readily?
The slimes surrounded Claire.
"Thank you, miss!! You have saved our village!!!"
"Let us throw a party tonight to celebrate! Lizardmen, you are invited as well! Let us celebrate our newfound partnership!"
The slimes seemed to be going overboard.
Arlo simply laughed. Hopkin seemed angry at their treatment, but Arlo did not mind at all. He was simply happy to have met such a courageous warrior on this day.
But as they were discussing things, they heard another noise.
It was a voice.
"Is anybody here!? We have come to see the leader of this village to negotiate its survival. Anyone who goes against us shall be killed on the spot!!!"
"What is it this time!?", Claire shouted in frustration.
Arlo looked towards Claire.
"Is it more lizardmen?"
"No, me and Hopkin are the only ones who come to this village usually... I have never heard that voice before..."
"The great antiheroes have arrived! Make way for them!"
This voice was familiar to the Arlo.
It was Iotar, the head alchemist who had left to do studies in the forest.
"I repeat, the great antiheroes have arrived! Anyone who disobeys them will be killed! Do not offer any resistance to them! Offer only the utmost respect, and do not anger them in any way!"
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