《Undetermined》Chapter 10- Algorithanus
"Ehhhh", Trevor exclaimed as he looked at the unconscious girl in his arms.
"She fell unconscious", Garett stated.
"I'm not carrying her." Ashley exclaimed, seemingly annoyed.
"Since you're the one who cares so much about her, why don't you do it, Trevor?" Garett said in a sarcastic yet irritating tone.
"Alright. I got it. Useless woman..."
Trevor picked her up and heaved Samantha's body across his back like a sack of grain.
A delayed message then popped up.
[You have defeated a monster that is higher level than you, and have automatically leveled up]
[Party Level 3 Experience 0/20]
[Player Garett: +1 Charisma, +1 Dexterity]
[Strength: 2]
[Dexterity: 1]
[Perception: 1]
[Charisma: 1]
[Intelligence: 3]
[HP 13/13 MP 14/14]
[Player Trevor: Intelligence +1, Dexterity +1, Perception +2]
[New skill: Powered shot (Lvl 1). Shoot an arrow with +2 Accuracy and +2 Damage. Costs 3 AP and 2 MP]
[Strength: 1]
[Dexterity: 4] (-1 For Suit)
[Perception: 5]
[Charisma: 3]
[Intelligence: 4]
[HP 11/11/ MP 16/16]
[Player Samantha: Intelligence +2, Strength +1]
[Strength: 1]
[Dexterity: 0]
[Perception: 3]
[Charisma: 6]
[Intelligence: 5]
[HP 11/11 MP 17/17]
[New Skill: Physical Resistance Down. (Lvl 1). Decreases an enemy's resistance to physical damage by 2. Costs 3 AP and 3 MP. Lasts 2 Turns]
[Player Ashley: Dexterity +1, Strength +1, Perception +1, Intelligence +2]
[Strength: 2]
[Dexterity: 2]
[Perception: 4]
[Charisma: 1]
[Intelligence: 8]
[Due to excessive use, Fireball has leveled up (Lvl 2)]
[Fireball]-(Lvl 2) Costs 2 AP 5 MP, Shoot a ball of fire at the enemy. 125% Damage boost after roll is calculated]
[HP 13/13 MP 22/22]
The level up had provided all members of the party with a significant boost in ability.
Except for Garett.
This was because Garett is a craftsman, and as such, his abilities did not lie within combat, but rather, within the creation of items such as potions, equipment, and technology.
Garett noticed that his improvement in abilities were lower than all the other members of the party but bit his tongue and didn't say anything.
As the three continued walking, they came upon a wooden chest. It was small, but big enough to fit a medium sized weapon in. There was no lock on the chest, but there was a place to put a lock if one wished to keep their items safe.
"We should be wary of any traps. Let me analyze this chest before we do anything else.", Garett stated, as he used his skill.
[Small chest. Contains helpful items. No traps have been detected]
With this, Trevor carefully lifted the lid of the chest.
And inside was....
2 Items, one on top of the other.
A bow, and a staff.
The bow was small, and had a relatively thin and weak looking string. It was nothing special, and the wood didn't have any sort of design or features to it. It was simply a curved arc, as if it had been created simply by slicing some bark with a pocket knife. There were some knots and imperfections in the wood, but Trevor immediately picked up the bow. Underneath, he also grabbed some arrows that were made of sticks and sharpened stone tips, and a leather pouch to hold them, and he slung it onto the shoulder that wasn't carrying Samantha.
"This stuff will allow me to fight as well, with you two. Our power as a party has just increased by quite a bit."
[Player Trevor has acquired handmade short-bow and handmade arrows. Damage is based on dexterity. No weapon boost]
Garett and Ashley nodded.
Ashley then took the staff for herself.
[Player Ashley has acquired staff of healing. +1 HP healed for healing skills]
"It seems that staff is more fit for Samantha to use. When she wakes we will give it to her.", Garett explained.
Ashley nodded slightly, but kept the staff in hand, as Samantha couldn't carry it right now.
The party then continued down the hall, and something changed.
The stones which lined the wall slowly became more and more fancy, until eventually they became lined with marble.
And finally, they reached an iron portcullis gate. It was small, but on the left and right side of the wall there were inscriptions.
On the right side, there was an inscription that read the following.
"Trespassers will be punished. Only those who know the passcode may enter."
And on the left...
"The geese migrate from North to south in the winter."
"No matter how far apart we are, our hearts will always be the same distance apart"
"In order to find the right answer, one must first find many wrong answers"
These three riddles were read.
Garett read these out loud, and as he finished speaking, the system portrayed a message.
[Riddle is being attempted by the party. Rolling for Perception]
[Player Garett: Roll: 1 + 1 =2]
[Player Ashley: Roll: 2+4=6]
[Player Trevor: Roll 5+5=10]
The party then began to discuss what they had seen.
"Hm... it seems that this is a riddle we must solve in order to pass through the door here.", Trevor said.
"It looks like if we get it wrong we will have to fight another strong enemy, or trigger a trap", Ashley added.
Below the riddle there were 6 buttons, in a pattern that formed 2 rows and 3 columns.
In order from the top row, there was an X mark, A filled in circle, a hollow circle with a red dot in the center, a V shape, a check mark, and a downward pointing arrow.
Garret spoke his mind.
"Why don't we just hit random buttons until it opens?"
And he walked over to the panel before he was grabbed by both Ashley and Trevor at the same time, one arm in each hand.
"You idiot. If you do that we will have to face more enemies", Ashley calmly stated.
"Think things through before you act!", Trevor exclaimed.
Garret looked annoyed, but stopped moving.
"Alright fine. What do you two think?"
Trevor and Ashley began to think hard, before Ashley started speaking.
"There were 3 parts to the riddle, so I think its safe to assume that there are 3 characters to the code."
Trevor nodded, as if he had already been on that train of thought.
"The geese migrating from North to South could be the downward pointing arrow, however.... I believe it is the V shape, since they form the shape of a V as they fly."
Ashley nodded, before speaking.
"The second part... kinda makes me sick. What kind of losers can say something as cheesy as that? Hah! As if your hearts wont get further from each other by being apart. That's naive thinking..."
Trevor seemed to mumble to himself.
"Same distance apart... no matter the location... aha!"
The two looked at him, as he seemed to understand something.
"Its the circle with the dot in the middle. Any point on a circle is always the same distance from the center!"
The two looked astonished from this deduction, and clapped their hands.
"The final one would be the check mark, right? Since were searching for the 'right answer'.", Garett asked.
"No. The opposite.", Trevor replied.
"It would be the X mark, since in order to get the right answer we must first make mistakes and get the wrong answer. Just like you did."
"Oh... I see..."
With this, Trevor pressed the three buttons, in this order.
[You have been permitted entry to the boss room]
When this was said, all 4 members said this at the same time, and the portcullis opened.
Samantha, who had woken up, lifted her head up.
"Where am I? Put me down!"
"Ah, thank goodness. It looks like you're finally awake. That takes a large burden off me. There's a limit to how useless one should be, woman.", Trevor exclaimed without a flinch of emotion, as he dropped Samantha on the ground.
[Player Samantha: HP: 10/11]
"What do you think you're doing!?"
Samantha then caught memory of where she last was, and the events that had transpired before she fell unconscious, and her face puffed up in rage.
Turning towards Ashley, who was staring at her blankly, Samantha let out her anger.
"You bitch! How dare you shoot a fireball at me like you did!?! What if you had left burn marks on me!?!"
Samantha began hastily checking herself to see if there were any scars remaining.
She may be in the body of a demon, but she still wanted to keep it as perfect as she could.
Fortunately there were no scars, aside from the ones which she had before she came to this world. Strangely, those scars remained on her body as if it was reminding her of her own past on earth- even after healing herself.
Ashley merely shrugged, but she smile smugly as if she had enjoyed Samantha's torment.
Garett stepped in.
"We did everything we could to save you at the time. I understand that you feel as if you've been betrayed and harmed, but it was the only thing we could do to save your life. You should be thanking Ashley for her quick thinking. If she had hesitated like a certain someone over here, you would have been long dead."
Garett's eyes flashed over to Trevor.
Samantha felt her heart beat.
Did Trevor actually hesitate to harm her?
No, she remembered.
He had charged at her when the slime like creature attacked, and did everything he could to try to scrape it off her.
To no avail of course.
But still, he had displayed a side of him that she would never had expected, and this made her heart beat.
"A... anyways... where are we? What's going on now?"
Garett let out a creepy smile.
"Were about to enter the bosses lair. You had better prepare yourself to do some healing, assuming we don't bite the dust before you can heal us."
With that, Trevor lent a hand to Samantha, and she grabbed it to stand up.
Ashley handed her the staff.
"Take this, useless woman. It's dangerous to go alone."
And the four entered the so called boss room.
The boss room was relatively open, compared to the thin corridors they had been making their way through.
It was almost like an arena, but instead of seats there were simply stone walls that towered above the group.
They entered from a certain gate, after traveling a few meters through a short tunnel, and saw the large rectangular room.
On each side, there were 3 more gates, and opposite to the side they entered (Which was one of the shorter legs of the rectangle, only having 1 entrance gate), there was another entrance gate, this one laid with a golden portcullis.
"That must be the treasure room for after we defeat the boss", Ashley speculated.
As the four slowly entered, a message popped up.
[You have entered a boss fight]
[Running away is no longer an option]
"As if it ever was in the first place...", Garett mumbled.
The portcullis shut itself behind them with a large clanging.
[Algorithanus has appeared]
As if it fell from the sky, a giant light blue slime appeared in front of the party.
It was an enormous creature. The blob had an approximate diameter of about 5 meters, and it slithered up to get close to the adventurers.
[You have entered combat]
And with this, time froze.
"This fight we need to all work together and come up with a plausible strategy, potentially using all the skills and tricks we have available to us.", Garett stated.
The other party members agreed.
"I will first use tactical analysis to figure out the opponents statistics and we can then form a plan from there."
Garett then analyzed the monster, and the statistics popped up on the screen.
[Boss] (Lvl 6)
[HP: 40/40 MP: 10/10]
[Phyiscal Resistance: 5]
[Fire Resistance: 0]
[Other resistances not displayed due to the players' lack of ability to use these types of attacks.]
[Transformation: Costs 10 MP, Requires less than half health.]
[Slime bash: Physical Attack, Does 10 Damage.]
[Spit Slime ball: Acid based attack. Slows and Poisons enemy for 2 turns, 5 Damage per turn.]
[Player Garett: AP: 2/5]
"This guy isn't a pushover. We should do everything we can to take him down fast, but we need to spend the first turn preparing to do so.", Trevor said.
"I can use my evil eye spell this turn. If he attacks the evil eye, then he will waste his turn, but if he doesn't then we can stop him for the next turn."
"That's a good idea Ashley. Go ahead.", Garett approved.
With this, Ashley put her hands together, called out [Evil eye] and an eye with the wings of a bat and the legs of a chicken was conjured up. Its wings and eyelids covering it were gray, and the eye was bloodshot with veins.
[Player Ashley: AP: 1/5 MP: 21/22]
Ashley could have used Taunt, but in turn would not have had the AP to summon the evil eye.
Trevor then offered his opinion.
"Garett, I think we should have Samantha use [Physical Resistance down] on the enemy, if she is fine with doing so. Me and you can then attack it with our full extent."
They both looked at Samantha, who had gathered herself at this point, and was ready to assist.
She was still angry at Garett and Ashley, but deep down she knew that they did save her.
With this, she put her hands together on the staff, pointing it towards the enemy.
"Something like this?"
And called out
[Physical Resistance Down]!
A flash of light emitted from the end of the staff, and a yellow aura surrounded the giant slime, with down arrows flowing through it.
[Algorithanus Physical Resistance has been decreased by 2 for 2 turns. Currently at 3]
[Player Samantha: AP: 2/5 MP: 14/17]
With this, Trevor's eyes flashed to Garett, as if to say, "Its my time to shine"
And he pulled out the short bow he had used.
And let some arrows rip.
Swoosh! The arrows flew through the air. Even though they were roughly crafted, they implanted themselves into the body of the giant slime, who was an easy target.
[Player Trevor: AP: 3/5]
[Dexterity Roll: 5. Critical Hit! 150% Damage. (5+3+2-3)*1.5=10 Damage]
[Algorithanus: HP: 30/40]
Trevor re knocked an arrow, and let another fly at the slime, once more penetrating the gooey body, with a squish sound.
[Player Trevor: AP: 1/5]
[Dexterity Roll: 2. (2+3+2-3=4 Damage]
[Algorithanus: HP: 26/40]
"Nice hits!", Garett called out.
Samantha lightly clapped.
"Good job...", She said quietly.
Trevor sensed that Samantha had somewhat changed since before.
"Its my turn to attack... however there's something that troubles me. That transformation that occurs at less than half health will trigger if I attack.", Garett explained.
"We have the evil eye up to hopefully take the hit. No worries, Garett!", Ashley exclaimed.
Garett nodded.
He took up his club.
Everything was going to work out.
He and his party would defeat this monster, and enter into the world, where they would find shelter and live out their lives.
They would gather strength and allies, and rid any enemies in their paths.
Was that really true?
Or was this yet another gamble where Garett was throwing his life into the betting pot?
Holding the club above his head, Garett threw himself at the slime.
The club smashed into the slime, causing bits of acidic goo to fly once more, but Garett was aware that this would happen, and aptly had positioned himself so that it wouldn't splatter on him.
[Strength roll: 4. 4+2+2-3= 5 Damage]
[Algorithanus: HP: 21/40]
[Player Garett: AP: 3/5]
"Are you all sure I should attack again?"
The three party members nodded, as if to say, 'we trust you Garett'
And with that, Garett swung once more.
[Strength roll: 3. 4+2+2-3= 4 Damage]
[Algorithanus: HP: 17/40]
[Player Garett: AP: 1/5]
[Algorithanus has transformed]
All of a sudden, it felt as if the very walls of the stadium were rumbling. The slime before them began to compress itself, and the body became smaller and more compact, until it had reached its final form.
It appeared to be a statue, made of gel. It had the look of a human warrior, and even carried a sword.
It wore armor that was made of gel. It looked as if it was a roman legionnaire.
"I thank you adventurers for awakening this form... its time for you all to die now."
"Whats with that cocky attitude?", Ashley muttered.
Unfortunately for the party members, the cocky attitude that Algorithanus gave off was not merely an overestimation of his own abilities.
With a smirk, he began to laugh as he put his both his hands at his sides, after sheathing his sword. Making two fists, he squatted down to the ground, and stuck his hands down with a great force.
Both hands penetrated the ground, however rather than smashing into it and causing an earthquake, they melted into the ground.
Radiating from the two locations that his fists merged with the ground, the ground began to change into a slimy gel. The two radii produced continued to expand until all four party members were caught up in the range.
And with this, Garett let out a yell.
The four party members scattered to avoid being caught in the radius of the attack, but it was too late.
[Spiked up hair gel], Algorithanus announced proudly, while still laughing, certain of his victory.
And with that, in the locations of the four party members- as well as the evil eye- spikes emerged from the gel floor, penetrating into all the party members.
Each of the party members were stabbed by the spikes, and they all let out howls of pain.
[Dexterity roll: 1. Natural damage: 8+1=9 base damage to each member]
[Player Garett HP 5/13]
[Player Ashley HP 5/13]
[Player Samantha HP 1/11]
[Player Trevor HP 4/11]
[Evil eye has died]
[Red fog penalty has been inflicted on all players, due to being below half health. Roll of 3 or greater needed in order to hit an attack]
The situation had just become grave.
The enemy only had 17 health remaining, and they had more than enough strength to take him down, but with the accuracy penalty- there was no guarantee that that would happen.
If the slime warrior was allowed to pull something like this again, they would all be wiped out. And if he had not rolled a 1, Samantha would have already been killed.
Everything that could go wrong had- save for anyone dying.
This enemy was simply too strong. It was only by sheer luck that they were even still alive.
[The enemy turn has ended]
With this, all four team members were kneeling on the ground, half dead. Blood spouted from holes all over each party member, and Garett had a hard time breathing, but he mustered up his courage to spit out an order.
"We need to finish him off now! Ashley! Fireballs!"
Ashley, who's transparent body was not an illusion, but rather existed within the physical world, was also injured, but even so, she mustered up everything she had to fire off a fireball at the warrior.
The ball of flame was conjured, twice the size of how it was before. This was the result of her leveling up the fireball skill. It now carried twice as much power in it.
[Roll will now be taken from a D10. For accuracy, 5 points are needed minimum to hit. Roll: 6]
[Damage: 6+8+1-0=15]
[Algorithanus HP: 2/40]
The fireball slammed into the slime warrior. He tried to dodge, but was unable to due to the larger size of the fireball, and bits of gooey gel began dripping off him. The gel that previously made up his armor was now a complete mess, and his face was unrecognizable as what was previously the face of a middle aged man.
"Grr! I won't lose to the likes of you lower leveled demons!"
"What did he just call us!?", Samantha yelled out, seemingly angry.
"Don't get provoked by his insults, Samantha! We need to focus right now!", Trevor reminded her.
[Player Ashley: AP: 3/5 MP: 18/22]
"Time to finish you", Ashley whispered with a silent grin, as if she took pleasure in this.
One more fireball was conjured up, and it was shot off right towards the blob of gel.
[Intelligence roll: 10. Critical hit! Damage: 10+8+1-0=19*1.5= 28 Damage]
The fireball hit the slime dead on, completely engulfing him. Even the remains were completely evaporated, and there was nothing left but a horrifying smell of burned gel.
[Algorithanus has been defeated]
"We should have used your fireballs first... they seem to be the number one source of damage for this party...", Garett wheezed out.
[Note. You are all under the effects of acid. If you do not use healing immediately, the acid will damage you, causing some deaths. What will you do?]
Samantha then cast heal on herself, followed by the others. The glowing light emitted from her staff, and one by one each person was healed...
Or that would have been the case.
But she only had mana for 2 people, so she healed herself and Trevor, who were in the most danger.
[Acid has been removed from Player Samantha. HP: 5/11]
[Acid has been removed from Player Trevor HP: 9/11]
[Player Garett has taken Acid damage. HP: 2/13]
[Player Ashley has taken Acid damage. HP: 2/13]
[Due to defeating a monster at a higher level than you, the party had leveled up! (Lvl 5)]
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