《Eidolon Rebirth》5. Unearned Fix


My appointed healer entered the resting area and went straight to activating his magic. The only problem were the targets of his magic. He began healing the downed bullies, rather than coming to my aid.

One by one, they stood back up as if nothing happened. I gritted my teeth in anger, shouting at Arisa. “Why!”

Arisa stayed silent as the kid I first attacked kicked me in the side of my stomach. “Damn brat, that hurt!” The others joined in until one of them gave me answers I didn’t want to believe.

“She was never on your side. No one would ever be friends with scum like you!”

“That’s not true...” Arisa finally spoke. “You may be able to do well without magic, but look at your pathetic state.” I yelled in pain from the butt of her slippers jabbing down on my hand. Everything she said sounded like gibberish, and the pain only increased my confusion.

“I should be praised for removing a pest from society.” Arisa crouched down, lowering herself within whispering distance. “I needed to see that face of yours on the brink of death, for the last person you believed in to betray you. The past three months acting as your friend made this very moment, unbelievably worth it!” The group of bullies laughed at her last remark and resumed their thrashing.

My consciousness faded, to be awakened by the same healer from earlier. Only..., my state of mind recovered but not the multiple fractures, cuts, and bruises.

The healer turned away, no longer interested, and left the resting area. He tossed a gold coin in the air as he turned the corner, exiting through a guarded door. Two guards that appeared to be employed by the bullies.

I didn’t want to believe them, and hoped they were forcing or even blackmailing Arisa. None of this made any sense. I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that my first and only friend betrayed me. My mind couldn't do anything but race as my body remained curled up into a state of helplessness.


“In the beginning, no matter the conditions, you accepted every degrading job I found for you without hesitation. Ones that were only ever forced on slaves. You thought I was helping when I was trying to make a fool out of you and that pissed me off.” Arisa withdrew the angry tone after presenting everything that repulsed her about me.

“So now, you will fight and die for our pleasure. Don’t think about trying to escape. These guards will make sure you head to your death.” I saw what felt like a brief moment of sadness wash over her as she spoke. The moment passed, and she turned to catch up to the other bullies. Even my mind was playing tricks on me, imagining that she cared at the very last second.

‘That bag of gold given to that damn healer was likely tenfold what you would make from winning any bet off of me. You lied and faked every memory we had together, all for some sick satisfaction?’

I took those jobs without any complaints because you were the one who found them for me. A depressing mix of emotions churned as I wondered if there was even a reason to continue living in this perverse world.

The audience shouted my name, pulling me back to reality and back to my current situation. The veteran warrior lost his fourth match but remained alive as the workers carried him off the arena to a healer. He stayed on the stage fighting as each number after chose him as an opponent, hoping he would be further weakened and exhausted enough to be beaten.

The next number, instead of choosing to fight the presently worn-out victor, called out my name.

Seeing as I wasn’t moving nor caring to, the guards posted by the door came and lifted me up, forcing me onto the arena. Shaking my arm from their grasp, I walked forward without their guidance. The guards stayed, then dismissed themselves once my trembling body made it to the top of the arena floor.

My opponent no doubt handpicked to kill me in the most torturous way possible, acted as if he noticed nothing wrong with my condition, and pulled out several throwing knives.

What was still keeping me standing upright, my struggle to survive? Survival for what?

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