《Fenrin's Tale - a third chronicle of the Children of the Bear》23. Inheritance
"Poor sods thought they'd be getting off yesterday. Guess they got another unexpected trip, eh?" Jayln whirled around and Tryst stood behind here, a book under his arm.
Jayln was shaking. She knew slavery was running rampant through the empire despite the laws. Ever since Valhym had legalized it, the empire had been pressured into allowing it as well. While it was still illegal to buy or sell slaves in the empire, any slave brought in was legal to own—but she had never seen it herself. It was mainly nobles and high ranking officers who owned slaves, neither of which ever came near her backwater village.
How could anyone do this to another human being? She clenched her fists.
Fenrin casually shut the door. "They had buyers then?"
Tryst shrugged. "Must've. I know Jaired was real excited when we raided the slaver on its way to Taka." He opened the book and took out a bundle of papers. "Had the forged sales documents ready and everything."
Fenrin flipping through them and then eyed Tryst. "What was your position before, Tryst?"
"Boatswain. Lowest one to be honest, sir."
"But I'm guessing you've had eyes on Jordin's position for a while."
"Aye, but I was new to the ship and these aren't trusting folk. Thought I'd have to wait years before I had my chance. So thankee for giving me one early."
"And how many other Boatswain are on this ship currently?"
"Two. Though I do think you met one already."
Fenrin handed the book to Jayln who took it numbly. He removed the crew list and scanned it. "And he was?"
"Leinad. Other Boatswain is Kalder Firebrand. I believe you know each other."
"Yes, I'm a bit surprised you're willing to cross him. He's not one for letting people get in his way. Though judging from Leinad, you aren't either."
Tryst's smile faltered for just a moment and he shrugged. "Leinad's an idiot, I knew he wouldn't succeed."
"Fair enough. Alright, let's look at what food we've got."
"Fenrin," Jayln spoke harshly grabbing Fenrin's shoulder, her eyes steely. She was not going to just leave those people in chains. Tryst eyed her, eyebrow raised.
She felt Fenrin tense under her grip, but she was ready to stand her ground.
"Drop it for now. That's an order."
For a moment they stood there until slowly she peeled her hand off him. Fenrin continued to the other door like nothing had happened while Tryst watched the exchange carefully.
The other door opened to reveal another room full of barrels and crates. Fenrin examined them. "Check the inventory, make sure it's up to date."
Jayln handed the book back to Tyrst. Fenrin probably meant for her to do it, but she wasn't in the mood. Tyst shrugged and started listing off items as Fenrin checked them personally. Jayln watched, her anger churning in her stomach. The image of the kids, eyes wide with fear huddled in the dark, was seared in her mind. They were right there on the other side of the wall.
Two girls, one around nine with light hair and an older girl—thirteen maybe—with dark hair. They’d been with a little boy, no older than six with a beautiful round face and golden curls. The woman protecting them had been pretty as well, with almond shaped eyes and straight black hair.
"Jayln, open the back room."
She snapped back and went to the iron door Fenrin gestured to. She pulled the handle but it didn't budge. "Locked."
"Tryst?" Fenrin asked.
"Imagine the Cap—er Jaired, has the key."
Fenrin gently pushed Jayln aside and examined the lock. "Anything in the book about what's inside?"
"No, sir."
"I swear if it's another woman..." Fenrin muttered before pulling out a lock pick and starting to fiddle. After a few moments, it clicked open.
Inside was one large chest and Jayln breathed a sigh of relief. Fenrin opened it to reveal a small velvet bag, a metal cylinder, and a stack of papers. Fenrin tipped the bag and a sparkling waterfall of diamonds fell into his palm. Gently he poured them back in and Tryst whistled.
Fenrin handed him the cylinder and Tryst examined it eagerly, but Fenrin warned, "Don't open it, it's liquid fire. Here so Jaired could burn these quickly in case of capture." Tryst held the dangerous container out from him as Fenrin rifled through the papers. "This is quite the record. A paper trail of Jaired's crimes. Interesting."
He took the cylinder and replaced it, handing the diamonds to Jayln who put them in her coat's inside pocket. Fenrin shut the chest and ordered Tryst to carry it back to his cabin. After he'd left, Fenrin turned and leaned against the wall, facing Jayln.
"Alright, what do you want?"
"I want you to let those people go."
"Right now? On a boat of pirates in the middle of the ocean. I'm sure they'd appreciate that," he said sarcastically.
"Of course not, I want you to dock this ship as soon as possible and let them free. I want them unchained now."
Fenrin spoke sharply, "I can't dock now. In case you'd forgotten this is a pirate ship. A stolen pirate ship. Docking at any legal port takes time and preparation. Neither of which we have. We barely have enough supplies to get us to our destination. Unless of course you want to to throw half overboard so we can save the other half. Gods know I don't need the extra mouths to feed."
Without thinking, Jayln moved to punch him, he dodged and pinned her to the wall. "Don't ever defy me in front of the crew again. We're in a precarious position here, ship politics are fast and deadly. Everything we do has to be carefully considered."
"They are innocent people,” she hissed between clenched teeth.
He let her go. "They might not be. Could be captured pirates."
"Children, Fenrin."
He sighed, running his hand through his hair. He lowered his voice, speaking more softly, "Look, even if we did let them off. They were slaves. They wouldn't last a week on their own. They'd just be recaptured, killed, or used. It's not like releasing a caged bird."
"You...you have experience with slaves?"
"My family has a few. My sister has one in particular who's been a slave his whole life. He'd die for her and probably wouldn't take freedom if she even offered it. Slavery's more than the laws, brands, and chains. It's about breaking the person, stripping them of individual identity, and making them believe they are just a tool to be used. You don't know the people in there."
"But they are people and I won't just leave it alone, Fenrin."
"I know. But I won't let you risk my plan over it. Let me think it over, find the smart way. I have a few ideas but you need to trust me and be patient."
She looked at him closely. He seemed honest, like he really did intend to meet her demands. This whole trip was about seeing if they could trust each other and work together.
"Fine, but let me help."
Fenrin flipped through the list of slaves. "Looks like most of them are for labor. Six strong healthy men. Let me see the state of my crew and maybe I can hire them as crewmen."
Jayln nodded, as long as he paid them—and she would make sure he would—that would work. Plus she could tell he was worried by how small the crew currently was.
"Next an older woman. Looks like likelong slave, probably housekeeper, cook, and the like. Can probably hire her too. Then the difficult part.” He flipped through the papers again. “One very expensive pleasure slave and the three kids. Looks like one of the girls is her daughter, probably intended for the same work. The other I'd have to get a closer look at to guess. The boy too."
Fenirn shut the book muttering about complications. Jayln felt sick. "They're just children..."
"Not everyone is lucky enough to be born in an isolated village of pacifists," Fenrin said lightly but there was a hard edge to it that reminded Jayln of the days she spent by his cell, dredging up his past in her attempts to understand him. He turned to leave and Jayln followed, casting one last look at the door on the left.
Tryst was waiting outside the captain’s cabin.
"Don't you have work to do?" Fenrin growled and Tryst picked up the mood and stepped back.
"Just awaiting orders, sir."
"Get Firebrand and bring him to my cabin."
Tryst's smile froze but he saluted and walked off. Inside the cabin, Fenrin slammed the book on the desk and looked over the crew list again. Jayln said nothing, just watched him think.
There was a knock on the door and Fenrin handed Jayln the inventory. He opened the door for a broad man with a bald head and a pale red beard.
"Kalder, long time no see. Sit down. Tryst, you too."
Surprised, Tryst stepped in, looking very small next to the other man. They took the offered seats and Jayln slipped onto the bed and buried herself with the inventory, feeling very cramped and in the way.
"Kalder, your thoughts?"
"You've certainly got a pair, Fenrin. You're just like your old man, walking in like that. I just hope you're ready for the fallout. But I'll stand by you, I've always been loyal to the Bear." His eyes flicked to Jayln. "That ain't your sister, is it?"
Fenrin laughed. "Gods, no. If it was, everyone on this ship'd be dead for not immediately turning it over. Me, I'm a bit more reasonable."
"So what're up too? Gathering the Bear's assets against your sister if I were to wager. If that's the case, I'd side with you."
"Actually, I have no care for my father's legacy. I'm leaving it behind. I just needed a ship and happened to know this was a nice one."
"What you saying, pup?"
Fenrin growled. "Don't call me that. It's been a long time since we've seen each other Kalder. A lot's changed. I'm hungrier. I want more than the scraps of my father’s kills. I want my own fresh meat, a place carved in the world by my own hand."
"And let your sister take what your father gave you? You'd be a fool."
"I'd be free. But you're right, I can't let Lyra amass that much power quickly. So here's my question—how ambitious are you?"
Kalder's eyes narrowed nervously. "What do you mean?"
"I'm aware Jaired was incredibly successful, enough so that he got away with slipping under orders even in my father's time. If I had large ambitions, that's who I'd want to be with. You've been around long enough to know how my father's power is spread, but young enough to have time to benefit from it. Jaired's problem was my father lived too long.”
Fenrin leaned in conspiratorially. "Right now the Bear's northern region is up for grabs. Interested parties are just waiting to see if I return or if Lyra moves up. Well I can tell you that I think Lyra's ambitions are larger than my inheritance. So what I'm offering you is a way in. I'll send you home as my representative, but I really don't give a damn what you do as long as you promise to give my sister hell as much as possible. You'll have authority where others will just have ambition."
"And what do you want in exchange?"
"Not much honestly. Help getting where I want to go, I know how ship politics work and I'd rather not fight my crew for the next ten days. I also want to be left alone. I don't want my father's dogs coming after me looking for scraps."
"You're really throwing it all away." Kalder shook his head in amazement.
"Hoping to make something better. Last thing is I want you to support me making Tryst First Mate."
Tryst, who up to now, had been following the conversation carefully if not nervously, sat straight up, struggling to keep expression from his face. Kalder eyed him warily. "You know he's a snake, right?"
"I'm aware, but he's shown guts and he's not wrapped in my father's legacy. I need men like him since I can't have men like you."
Kalder crossed his arms and eyed Fenrin seriously. "So I'd get your inheritance. Everything? The men, the land, the power."
"And the problems," Fenrin pointed out, "but that's my offer." He stuck out his hand.
"Hells, you've already shaken things up, I might as well try to take advantage. I wanted to test myself with the powerful and now's my chance. You have a deal, Fenrin." He took Fenrin's hands and shook it.
Firebrand turned to eye Tryst. "I'll be watching you though. Fenrin may have given up his birthright but I owe it to his old man to make sure you don't stab him in the back."
Tryst, with a face like a kid given candy, feigned offense. "I would never harm my captain." He turned to Fenrin, stood, and gave a deep bow, "I won't let you down, sir."
Fenrin waved a hand. "Well if you do, I'll kill you. Kalder, talk to the crew please. Set the stage for the announcement. Tryst, I still have some words for you."
Firebrand left and Tryst did his best not to look nervous. Jayln had long since stopped reading the inventory. She still couldn't believe Fenrin had really given up his inheritance. He had said that was his goal, but to see him actually do it was...impressive.
"Alright, couple of ground rules. You follow orders, don't ask questions, and if you let your tongue wag, I remove it."
Tryst nodded, still smiling.
"Second," he stuck a thumb behind him at Jayln, "this is Jayln. No, she's not my wife or lover, nor will she be for anyone on this boat. She and I have a business arrangement that I value above this whole ship. If you deem it easier to dissuade the crew's curiosity to tell them she's mine then you may do so. Any objection to that, Jayln?"
Jayln thought about it. She'd seen enough of his men and their type at town to know why the precaution would be necessary. "As long as it doesn't get out of hand, I agree."
"Third, we're not carting slaves so I plan on hiring on the ones we have. Do you think the crew would object to that?"
Pausing to think, Tryst shook his head. "I think if you wait until after Firebrand has worked through them and you've addressed them as I predict you will, I don't think it will be a problem. Except," he shot a glance at Jayln, "not all the slaves are labor men."
"I am aware. Jayln has taken charge of the others. After we speak with them we'll see what arrangement we can make. You're dismissed."
Tryst saluted again and left. Fenrin sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Gods, I hate politics."
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