《Apex Legend in Another World [Litrpg/Dungeons]》Chapter 1: Apex Fail?


[Huh? Where am I?]

I couldn't believe that I was still alive... I mean, I was at home playing Apex Legend when suddenly I smelled something bad. Well, I didn't care too much about it because I was craving a cigarette. I play on PC and stream online with over 10k followers.

[How did I get 10k followers? Even I don't know, all I know is that I'm definitely not a twitch thot...]

I know that my parents hated me smoking inside the house but since they were away, I thought, why not?

It wasn't until I had lit a fire with a lighter is when I knew I had fucked up. It seems that I had left the gas on... I was feeling hungry and wanted to cook some pancakes but I guess that my ass was glued onto the seat and I got too immersed into the game. Then next the next thing I knew is that I was on fire, the whole house was on fire, and now I'm here...

[Where was here again?]

I seemed to be laying on a breezy bed of grass. I looked at my hands to see that it was fine. There was no burnt mark on my body, and it seemed that I'm still wearing the same clothes as I did before - Just a baggy black shirt with a yellow laughing cat emoji plastered in the centre of the chest, and white stretchy short shorts and a pair of yellow cat-themed slippers.

[And who am I talking to? Myself? I guess the lonesome do indeed turn crazy...... Not that I'm implying all lonely people are crazy... Ah don't complain, no one likes an SJW]

Now back to the grassy plain, it's surprisingly warm, but that's not the point. Why am I here? It doesn't seem like anywhere near my old hometown area, I mean, the trees around me are cerulean blue. The sun seems to be the same ordinary sun but why was it so much bigger than usual?


As I was too immersed in taking in the pleasant environmental atmosphere, the beautiful smell of life... But I feel like something is touching me? It feels warm and pillowy, I want to hug it and bury myself in its warmth.

[I think I need a good night sleep] I thought as I completely forgot about the whole incident with burning myself alive.

I was about to cuddle whatever divine cushy cushion that was beside me as but soon as I turned my head...

(☉_☉) (--_--) (☉_☉)

No matter how many times I blinked, there was a young tall bearded man sleeping right beside me. He was wearing some weird middle-age sleeveless tunic and brown trousers. The fellows' thunderous snores reached my ears, I poked his forehead to see if I was dreaming or not, funny enough, he felt real. My gaze then descended onto his chest. there was a huge scarlet red wet spot in his right ribs area, the scent of blood was lingering around the closer I got.

“Errgh” The man moaned in pain before swiping my hands away sleepily. I flinched as his fingers brushed against mine and decided to stop touching his head.

[This man is wounded yet he's sleeping peacefully? I don't know first aid, I don't know what to do, let me check if there is internet reception here] I struggled to find a phone on my body, so I couldn't call for an ambulance.

Suddenly, I heard a beeping noise.

Beep beep beep... Scanning Subject 01... Subject Scanned! Beep beep beep...

Congratulation! You are now the new owner of the Apex Legend System! Please concentrate your mind to access the system. (Your old world was too weak to contain our system so we teleported you to another)

[Wait what!?!]

I concentrated my mind to see if it's real.

Apex Legend System

Sammy Rwen / Age: 19


Health: 100/100 - BodyShield: 0/100

Lvl 1 [0/100 EXP]

[Weapon 1 - Nil] [Weapon 2 - Nil]

Item Slots:

1. 2. 3 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


Helmet - Nil

Body Shield - Nil

Knockdown Shield - Nil

Backpack - Nil


Tactical Abilities - Nil

Passive Abilities - Nil

Ultimate Abilities - Nil

Unique Abilities - Nil

Finishers - Nil

[Apex Legend Shop]

Apex Coins: 0 - Legend Coins: 0

[Loot Boxes: 1] (As the new owner of the Apex Legend System, you are given one free loot box as a welcoming gift)

[I think I must be in a coma or something... And this is just a dream]

As soon as I was about to check the sleeping man's wound by lifting up his shirt, I felt a strong grip shackling my wrist and body in place.

"Who are you? What is your intention!" The bearish man yelled in shock but as soon as he saw my figure his cheeks turned rosy pink, he blushed as but quickly returned back to his original stoic self.

I smiled wryly, I didn't know how to react in this kind of situation, I wasn't used to being stared at intensely, furthermore, it looks like the man is exerting too much effort in order to hold me while still being badly injured.

Suddenly, a loud war-like cry was heard in the distance, and a group of small bloodied little green creatures came out holding pikes. They looked similar to goblins... But goblins can't exist unless I was actually transported to another world like how the system said.

I didn't want to believe it but after remembering watching something called Slayer of Goblins, well I forgot the name but the thing was that it was really gruesome and terrifying.

[I don't want to a Goblin's plaything] I paled at the thought of being ganged up on by these green freaks so I decided to use my free loot box. Even if there is a possibility that I’m dreaming, I still won’t want to experience something so horrifying.

(1) Loot Box token exchanged.

Congratulation, you won:

- 2x Syringes >> Entered Item Slot

- Mozambique >> Equipted as Weapon 1

- 12 Shotgun Ammo >> Attached to Weapon 1

[A fucking Mozambique!?! The most useless gun in Apex Legend? I'm totally screwed!]

I didn't forget the muscular man beside me as held me even tighter, "Don't worry miss, I will protect you" He said while trying his best to stand up tall.

[How chivalrous...]

Looking up at his muscular but bloodied body standing up to protect me made me feel strange.

[Why would a stranger try and help me all of a sudden? Oh well, I guess I should do something in return]

I then suddenly thought about the newfound syringes in my item slot and thought about it. Suddenly a syringe appeared in my hand.

[There's no time to waste]

I suddenly stuck the big needle into his back, which made him yelp in pain, his face contorted and he looked at me like I had betrayed him.


"You, what did you do to me?!?" He looked at me with menacing eyes before raising his right arm.

[Eh...This isn't how it's supposed to go] I stood there dumbfounded as a fist was heading towards my precious beautiful face.

"Stop I'm a healer, I'm just treating your wound!" I lied about being a healer, but not about treating his wounds. Anyway, if I'm in a fantasy world, pretending to be a healer would make me be treated better.

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