《The Blunderbuss Chronicles: Jon The Traveler》Chapter 4
Mallory and Hector were behind, slowly catching up to the two of them.
“I don’t believe that old man just ran an interference in the middle of the meeting,” Mallory said. “That was nuts.”
“Nuts? I can’t tell if this was the most disorganized…” Hector looked around the arena. “There’s nothing. No guards, no order…”
“It’s the best thing ever,” Mallory answered. “They do things differently here.”
Hector crossed his eyes and sighed. “Sure.. sure..”
“Ready to go home?” Mercy asked Jon. “Your parents are waiting.”
Jon looked past Mercy’s shoulder to see his mother waiting at the benches.
“...Yeah…” Everyone followed Jon to Vel’s position.
“Are you okay, honey?” she asked. “I imagine it was a bit of a shock.”
Jon nodded. He never had so many people just toss their thoughts around at him at once. It was like talking to several different Graves at once.
“Your father will be back,” Vel said. “He’s just trying to get Graves to come back to the house.”
“Trying? He doesn’t want to stay?” Mercy asked.
“Oh, here he comes now.” Vel pointed, and the others followed her finger.
Jassiter was walking back with more disappointment on his face than he had seen in a while.
“He said if I want to talk to him, do it at his house,” Jassiter said. “And if he stays here too long, he’s gonna puke from the smell.”
Vel sighed. “You should go see him.”
“Did you hear the way he talked about you when-”
“Go see him,” Vel said.
Jon knew that despite whatever else his father would say, he had still lost the argument. Jaasiter understood that as well and just sighed.
On the way back, Jon rode in the back of Dan’s wagon with his new compatriots.
“The carriage got eaten through by the caiman,” Hector said. “So we’re gonna be using one of the wagons from the school to start traveling again.
“They’re just giving us a wagon?” Mery asked.
“It seats enough people,” Hector said. “I mean, we don’t need that much space, but it’ll be sturdy enough for now.”
“...I guess it’s better than riding in a stuffy carriage, right?” Mercy asked Jon.
Jon shrugged. The wagons were often used to carry several farmers in the back, but Jon walked everywhere he needed to go on the Farm. Still, riding in the back and not being worried about where he would need to go would be a nice change of pace. He didn’t care as long as he ended up where he needed to go.
Right next to them, he could see his mother and his father riding on their own wagon. There was an intense conversation about something that Jon wasn’t able to hear. He knew it was serious because his mother and his father weren’t reacting in and noticeable ways. He had a huge lurch in his stomach watching them.
“Hey, Jon, you notice that all the other wagons are heading towards your house?” Mallory asked,
Jon looked out. Just as Mallory said, he could see the other wagons following along.
“Oh.” Jon didn’t know what to make of it.
Soon, they were at Jon’s door. The wagons hadn’t come over completely to Jon’s house, but rather, they had turned and went to Farmer Taron’s house.
“Oh right!” Mallory said as they all stepped out of the wagon. “There's a party!”
“A party? Hector asked. “Aren’t they low on resources?”
“You’re low on brain cells," Mercy said, "but it doesn’t stop you from trying to make a thought,”
Hector had started to respond, but he was interrupted by Mallory’s laughter.
“I’m sorry, man,” he said when he noticed Hector’s gaze. “That was kinda funny.”
“Well, I'mma see you guys later,” Dan from his seat. “I’m gonna get ready for tomorrow.”
“You’re leaving already?” Jassiter asked, joining the group in front of his house.
“Yeah… I’mma go see Graves. In fact, I was thinking of moving up there with him.”
Jassiter’s eyes widened. “Why would you do that?”
“Change of pace,” Dan said. “Plus I could probably sell some more stuff up there. I’ll see you later.”
He pulled on the reins and his wagon departed from the front of the house.
Jassiter’s shook his head in disbelief. “I thought the caiman were the worst of it.”
Leaving his father to ponder this new development, Jon had gone inside and went upstairs to his room. There, he stood at the window and watched the other farmers at Farmer Taron’s house set their wagons out and front and spread out in front of the field.
Mercy eventually made her way to his side. “You’re not gonna join them?”
Jon didn’t know. He didn’t quite feel like celebrating, but he was at least happy that everyone else wanted to.
“Do you want to go?” Jon asked.
“I want to stay wherever you are,’ she responded.
Jon smiled. That was nice.
She joined him at the window.
“Are you gonna miss it here?” she asked.
“...Yeah.” He wondered why she asked. Would he not miss it here?
“Do you miss home?” he asked.
“No way. That place sucks. I miss my room, and my training, but not my home.”
A sudden knocking drew their attention.
“Jon! We know you’re in there!”
Was that Jerry?
“Yeah, Jon!” Now, it was Rista’s voice. “You’re having fun whether you like it or not! Open the door or Jerry’s gonna ride a horse in here and knock it down!”
“Your mother will be very disappointed,” Jerry added. “It’ll be a huge mess!”
Jon looked at Mercy.
“You heard him,” Mercy said. “You shouldn’t disappoint your mother.”
Jon nodded.
He opened the door.
"There goes the hero!” Jerry said. “Let’s get!”
Jon and Mercy followed the two down and out to Farmer Taron’s home. Mercy hadn’t said much on the way, but Jon enjoyed her company.
The farmers sitting out front in the field cheered as Jon arrived.
“Hooray for the hero!” Taron said, his hurt leg propped up on a stool.
Jon felt embarrassed. Sure, he had helped save his farm, but he wasn't a hero. He just used his gun like everyone else.
Jon noticed his mother and father speaking with some of the other farmers. They caught his gaze, but Rista pulled Jon away before they could say anything to each other.
“Don’t forget about us when you leave!” One of the other farmers yelled.
Jon wanted to know how they knew, but he didn’t get to ask as he was brought to the back of the house.
Sitting in the back of an empty wagon was both Mallory and Hector.
“Oh, there he goes,” Hector said. “I was wondering when you’d come.”
“You don’t want to be here either,” Mallory said.
“But I’m here, aren’t I?” Hector asked. He was eating a burger as he talked.
“You don’t wanna be here with me?” Rista asked.
“No! No!” Hector blushed. “Celebrating! We need our energy for tomorrow.”
Rista climbed up to Hector’s side and put her head on his shoulder. “I know.”
Hector decided to just keep eating his sandwich.
Jerry had brought out two chairs for Jon and Mercy, who ech took a seat.
“This is very quiet for a party,” Mallory said.
“We farmers aren’t very hard partiers,” Rista explained. “We like to get together and… relax. I don’t suppose that would take up too much of your energy.”
“Of course,” Hector answered, still eating. “It’s just… traveling is hard, and I want to make sure Jon is prepared-”
“Jon hates it here,” Rista answered. “He’ll be fine.”
Jon didn’t hate the farm, but he was pretty glad to be leaving.
Jerry brought Jin and Mercy food, and the rest of the evening was spent eating and having a quiet conversation.
“Where do you live?” Rista asked Hector. “A big ol’ castle, right?”
“No way!” Hector wiped his mouth off. “I live in a manor.”
“With his five sisters,” Mallory added.
“Hardly anyone’s there,” Hector explained. “Mallory is there more than I am.”
“I live in the land surrounding Hector’s manor,” Mallory continued. “Hector’s like Jon, he hates being at home.”
“I don’t hate it…”
“What about you?” Rista asked Mercy, “before this boy spouts out some more lies.”
“...I live in a castle…” Mercy said shyly, “but it’s… not very big… and I share it with a lot of other people… and I hate it too.”
“Don’t you live in a house with other people?” Hector muttered.
Mercy frowned. “Really? I was trying to be nice…”
“We all have to return home,” Hector said. “No use worrying about how much it sucks.”
“Do you promise to come back?” Rista asked. “When you finish?”
“...Sure,” Hector said. “I can do that. Assuming-”
“Hector, you’re coming back,” Mallory said. “Don’t jinx it.”
Hector sighed.
Rista grabbed his hand. “Come with me.”
Rista led Hector away from the group.
“He better hope he don’t make a reason to come back,” Jerry said, his first words of the conversation.
Mallory laughed. Mercy blushed. Jon didn’t get it.
Mercy stopped blushing when she heard murmuring from the front.
“Something happened,” she said, concerned.
Mallory and Jerry sat up, showing their concern as well.
The four of them came to the front of the house.
In the middle of the farmers were council person Theresa and the ponytailed councilman Jon still didn’t know the name of.
“What’s the occasion, Terri?” Taron asked. “Ya forgot the rest of the farm til today?”
“No,” Theresa answered. “I was looking for Jon.”
“What do you want with him?” Jassiter stood up.
“We wanted to… talk to him,” she said. “Please, I’m not Joshua.”
“I know you’re not,” Jassiter crossed his arms. “But we’re having a celebration.”
“Honey…” Vel started.
“Vel, they shouldn’t be talking business here,” Jassiter said. “I don’t care how important.”
“I’m here,” Jon waved at Theresa.
She turned to him. “Oh, good! I-”
“Whatever you say to him, you have to say to all of us!” Taron said. “My house, my rules.”
“...If that is okay with Jon and his family,” Theresa said, gesturing to both Jon and his parents.
Vel frowned but didn’t answer.
“Ask Jon,” Jassiter said.
“Sure,” Jon said.
Jassiter frowned as well. “Jon, you weren't supposed to say yes, you were-”
“Shut up, honey,” Vel interrupted, “you asked him.”
Jassitier sighed.
“...Jon, as you may know, my name is Councilman Theresa,” Theresa said, “and this is fellow Councilman Ryan.”
“Hello!” Ryan waved at Jon.
Jon waved back.
“Spit it out, Terry!” Taron remarked.
Theresa grimaced at Taron’s comment, but she didn’t respond.
“We wanted to know if you would like to take a position in the council of farmers,” she asked. “As… an advisor.”
“An… advisor?” Jon was surprised. He didn’t think he was a very good teacher.
“Yes. If you want.”
“...I can’t farm,” Jon answered after much thought.
“Oh! Are you talking about your test?” Theresa asked. “Well, that’s fine! We can make you an honorary farmer!”
Jon looked at Mercy.
“It’s up to you,” she said.
“...I have to leave,” Jon said.
“Is there any way we can convince you to stay?” Theresa asked.
Jon shook his head. “I decided already.”
Theresa looked at Ryan, who shrugged.
“We can’t make him stay,” he said.
Jon didn’t know why, but he liked Ryan.
“...Do you plan to-”
“Jon’s leaving, and that’s that,” Jassiter cut in. “Anything else, and you can come to me.”
“I would love to ask you to help,” Theresa responded.
“But Joshua,” Jassiter added.
Theresa didn’t say anything else.
“I knew it. Screw him.”
Theresa pulled back in shock, but Ryan chuckled.
“Aw, there it goes. I think he thinks you’re waiting for him to croak before you can take his place.
Theresa turned and glared at Ryan.”
“I don’t want his place,” Jassiter said.
“There’s always room for you if you want,” Theresa said. “Just because you’re a student of Graves doesn’t mean things have to end up the same way.”
“...I’ll take my chances for now,” Jassiter said. “And besides, I haven’t left the farm yet, so I have time for my answer.”
“Can’t wait for the shitshow to go down when that happens,” Ryan said. “Give your children my best. Vel.”
“Ryan.” She responded.
Jon hadn’t ever seen much apprehension from his mother in her answers. This was a rare sighting.
Theresa nodded to Vel, who responded with her own nod.
“Well, good luck in your endeavors, Jon,” Theresa said. “We await your eventual return.”
“Would you like a sandwich at least?” Taron asked.
“I ate, thank you,” Theresa responded. “Ryan?”
“Oh, thank you!” Ryan finished receiving his sandwich from Taron’s wife. “I’m ready!”
Theresa sighed. She and Ryan departed.
“Them’s the politics for you,” Taron said, chugging some more of his drink.
Jon and Jassiter caught each other’s eyes and shared a grimace.
The walk back to the farm was quiet. Hector still hadn’t returned, but Mallory assured everyone that there was no need for concern.
The farmers had given Jon a final hurrah before he left. Jon noticed Jerry’s cheer the most. Jon had never given Jerry another thought, but, together, they had ridden and risked their lives to help save the rest of the farmers.
Jon did worry about what the council had said to him earlier. People risked their lives on account of him. What did that mean for them? That wasn’t what Jon wanted. He wanted to protect people, not the other way around. Maybe it was a good thing he was leaving the farm.
When they made their way back into the house, both Mallory and Mercy departed for their rooms.
“I’ll see you upstairs,” Mercy said, already making her way up.
Mallory hadn’t even said a word, just disappearing into Susan’s room.
It was just Jon and his parents.
“...The council... “ Jassiter started. “They…”
“Sit down, Jassiter,” Vel said, making her way to the table. “You too, Jon.”
The three of them faced each other at the table. This would be the last time it would be just the three of them in a while.
“I’m sorry if I’ve been hard on you, Jon,” Jassiter started. “I…”
He paused and looked at Vel, who motioned back to Jon.
“I think I’ve just been afraid,” Jassiter continued. “I want to help you… but I don’t know how. Ben… Susie… everyone was so aware of what they were doing early on. I thought that you would have known by now, but… I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“...I thought so too,” Jon responded.
Jassiter’s eyes widened.
“I see… I guess… I thought…”
Jon waited for his father to finish.
“...I was afraid you thought I wanted you to be like your siblings,” Jassiter said. “In fact, I thought you would even stay and take over the farm! But I realized that neither of us knew what you wanted to do, and maybe I should have talked it over about-”
Vel cleared her throat.
“...What I mean to say is, I’m happy you found what you want to do,” Jassiter said.
“I don’t know what I want to do,” Jon said. “I just want to help Mercy.”
Jassiter was stunned. His mouth was left agape while he tried to find something to say.
“And that’s fine, Jon.” Vel finally spoke, reaching her hand out to his arm. “We support you.”
Jon realized that once he left, his parents would be by themselves.
“Will you be okay?” Jon asked.
Vel nodded.
Jassiter also put his hand on Jon’s hand. “Just come back safe. We’ll have enough room for you and your friends.
Jon smiled. They held one to each other for a long time.
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