《Tank》Chapter One- Last Train Home
It was midnight.
On a frigid stone station sat your hourly wage workers, cubicle junkie, and those going to their second term of income. All was waiting for the chugging of steel on steel of their salvation from the chilly morning. Many with the small time they had, sneaked in the accustom snoozing. Their head was bopping and swaying, threatening to fall. The day had just started but no one wished it to end as much as the one woman with a jungle for a brain. A woman with many names. Albeit her face didn't show it but dread drip down her quivering lips. Her soul felt like abandoning her mortal body. Taking a deep breath she tried to think of a million different things to distract her. Peeking through her peripheral view she spotted a dozing salryman on the wooden bench. His clothes was disheveled, fly open, tie loosed, hair messy and he was wearing his ring on his middle finger. From the looks of it he was either forgetful and woke up late or he had a fight with his wife. Another early riser caught her attention standing in the middle of the station eyes dead ahead. The girl had a sprinkled of drool the crept down her lips. She was wearing the casual t-shirt and jeans, toppled with plaid jacket. In her hands a tightened grip could be seen on the schoolbag she carried and a worn out gym shoes in the other. Blinking the girl shut her agape mouth before staring into the abyss once again.
College student, track team. Most likely heading to practice.
The more she stared at the girl the more concrete her thought became. Even with all of this it couldn't stop the drumming in her chest. It filled her ears and weakened her legs. There was no turning back now. The ticket had been bought and she had already informed her boss. Money should not be spoiled or go to waste.
Shutting her eyes and she opened her ears to the ambiance of train station. It was the only moment of focus for her. The flickering lights, soft snores, and occasionally by pass of other trains smoothed her. Gradually she peeled back her eye sight to the barely lit terminal. The fleeting silent ended abruptly by a ruffled voice.
"Hey!! You!! Girl with hair of ripe medjool dates!!"
Another one.
Her thoughts were occupied of simply ignoring the estrange person. For all she know he was either crazy or drunk. She did not want to deal with an intoxicated person right now.
"I understand you hear me well." A soft voice whispered not too close to her ear.
Shocked, she ball her hands into a fist ready to strike.
"Please to meet you too." Noticing the hostility the stranger took a step back.
"Marhaba my friend. I am new to this land."
Looking at the man in the shadows she could faintly make out his attire. It was not what she expected. The person could only be describe in two color; gold and blue. For he wore yellow and white head wrap upon his head that flowed down into scarfs. Apart from the simple cotton white button down shirt and bright flaming slightly poof up trousers his waist coat was what looked to be the money seller. It was a cool ocean of blue decorated with delicate wisps of yellow. To really complete the look his head wrap and scarf each held a diamond shape jewels.
"Hmm...Are you lost?" Once the finishing sweep of him was through she tried to find his eyes.
"So it seems." He tilts his head questioningly, "What would be the best way to leave?"
What is he doing all the way here? A foreign ambassador? No way!!
"If you're lost then you could take the train to where you last been."
"That long metal horse?" Shifting his body to the direction where the previous trains have come from he paused.
"Yeah. That's it. Maybe you should call one of your friends to help you?"
"Friends..They are far away."
"If you need help, talk with the security guard over there. I'm pretty sure they are ready to help if needed. Well then.." She indicated the end of the conversation and was ready to start counting sheep.
"Wait!! May I ask for a favor? It is quite small and I really need it. Please."
Once again her attention was turn to him skeptically. She started taking little steps away from him.
"Wait!! Can you please tell me a secret?? Just one!! Small or big!!" He could sense her growing aggressiveness.
"If I tell you one you'll leave me alone?" She was hoping to never meet him again.
The guy never seen a train before so he is really reaching for this one. What harm could this do then?
"Forever. It has to be yours." He noticed her hesitation.
Huh..? Alright.
Whether because it was early in the morning and her mind was still lagging or it was a way to take off a hidden burden, she consider the favor.
"When I was little I would hide things around the house and pretend to be Sherlock to find them again."
A muffled laugh tickled the air.
Now i'm being mocked.
"Ya done."
"Ha, yes. Excuse me and sorry. I will keep your secret."
She felt like she got duped.
"It was nice to meet you. My name is -------." He held out his hands.
Reluctantly she met his hands with hers. In her head she try to recall his name but it was as if it was wiped from memory.
"What is yours? I would like to remember the woman who saved me." He turn over a hand and placed a swift kiss.
"Eliza." It wasn't her real name, exactly.
All of the sudden a blinding flash of light lit up her retinas and her the perpetrator could be seen. His eyes were molten fire with a wide blithe grin. He looked perplex for a while but then smiled. Soon he was gone.
There she was, questioning her sanity once again. Heavily she turned her head to face forward.
Well that never happened.
Before her mind could think of a rebuttal the long haul of her train could be heard.
It was time to go.
Soon the undead early risers woke up from their slumbers and groggily drag themselves to the train.
She took a seat far back and isolated. It was only a matter of time till went back. Just a peak and she would be out of there. No more no less.
The train started to rattled and shake. The sound was like a soft lullaby that sway her to sleep.
"Now arriving at Darlington Railway Station."
The stoic voice shook her from her slumber. She stood up and give a good stretch before finding the nearest exit. The sun was still nowhere. There wasn't a lot of people on the station and it was quiet.
Just go for a peak.
Reaffirming herself she waft off morning fatigue and steady her heart. It wasn't long way to the house. She knew the way there by heart. She had trace it in her dreams. Where one day she finally would come back. Hastening her steps she made her way from the station into the town. Not much had change since she left, although there was a few renovations here and there. Soon her feet stopped where they needed to be.
The house stood two story tall. Like a white icing vanilla wedding cake. Flowers bloom forth from the base. It had an all round porch. It looked like it came straight from those rose color glasses houses from the fifties. Nothing could ever seem to go wrong.
She couldn't take a step closer. She felt dizzy, her foresight static. Her body would't let her go forward. It felt like her stomach was crawling up her throat. Swiftly she made her way back to the train station before she could emptied her insides.
It took a while before she could settle.
Thank goodness for round trip tickets.
Sighing she fell into a dazed as she waits for the her train.
It didn't take too long before her desalinated carrier arrive. She collapsed once she was met with the comfy seats. With all the mental stress cause from just today her body was quick to turn off.
Suddenly she jerk herself awake, hoping that she didn't miss her stop. It didn't look like anyone was around. Pacing herself she made her way to the front of the train. Still there was no one. It was dim and much couldn't be made out. The sun that should be out in the morning sky was replaced with something else. What filled her eyes was thousands of stars. The universe sprawled like a blooming flower.
Taking another glance outside she strained her eyes in bewilderment. With all speed she squished her face to the window.
it was beyond her wildest imagination. Soon the pinching came. It hurt with each one. For some time she stood there. After a while it came to mind that the train was still moving. She peeked down to see the still chugging wheels on the tracks. They were smooth on the surface dark waters and dice through it like Olympic swimmer.
Taking a step back she was able to access her situation some more. It appears to be no one was around.
Did everyone already leave??
She started to examine the cart. The sounding of closing doors alerted her to another presence. Peeking from her squatting position she noticed men in black. They had a jagged and dark faces but each wore neat tux.
Not good. Mafia?
The men showed no signs of noticing her presence which made her sigh of relief. Thinking of fleeing down the other exit, she was stunned to see another group of the same men. From the looks of it, they were looking for something. Or someone. It wouldn't take too long till they found her and there was no time to find a good hiding spot.
Going to the window she promptly pull it and and place herself on the edge. The train, despite the fact being heavy was still able to glide on the water.
Maybe its not deep.
The sound of the sliding doors gave her a push to jump. The fear of possibly drowning was washed away when her feet hit the firm ground. Pushing back her nagging curiosity she urge her legs to run. She passed through marbles of stars of different colors. Each sparkled and glowed with a soft hum as if singing.
Once she felt that she was far enough she took time to catch her breath. Lifting her head up she could see the spectacle of the universe. One of the stars bump up against her waist. She carefully put out her hands to touch it. A soft hum let flowed from it.
An idea pop in her head. It was childish and irrelevant, so she quickly casted it off. With one gaze around she couldn't see the train nor hear it.
"How am I suppose to go home now?"
There was nothing but numerous glowing lights. A low strum could be felt from every glow.
She found herself moving. Not in a particular direction but as if pulled. The singing got louder and louder as the the stars brightness got more intense. Something about the glowing balls of light felt warm and innocent. They nudge her here and there and taunt her to play. To this she did. Chasing after them, trying to grab them and finally managing to top one. It whirled and danced around. Tugging her in all directions till it abruptly stopped and send her flying towards the ground.
"My rump."
She delicately caress her sour bottom and managed to stand up. Annoyed she tried to pried out the star that dropped her but it was hopeless. Everywhere else had become dimmer and silent. The only aurora l display of colors was coming from behind her. It was almost too much and she lifted her hands to shield her eyes. Set not too far from her were three giant sculptures that sat on marble thrones. To each, would make Britain's Crown Jewels look like pebbles. She couldn't see their faces for all of them wore a robe and was cover with a cloth.
She couldn't take her eyes off them. That was till they blink which scare her crazy. A soft glow cling to their eyes, watching her.
Oh no.
To her it felt like getting call out at school. She froze. It was as if she was a mouse in a cage.
"What is it that you wish?" The middle statue open it mouth but no words came out.
It was quiet afterwards, which made the question before nonexistent.
"What is it that you wish?"
This time it was clearer. Like what every water bottle company advertise except, this was the real thing.
Lifting her head up she started to think about the question. All in all she felt as if this was a dream though the previous pinches would protest otherwise. Nonetheless, she has felt pain in dreams before.
What do I wish for?
She decided to take a seat. Never before did she have a moment to thoroughly think about this. What she wanted most. What she desired most. What she wishes for the most.
"Change, I guess. Haha. To be honest of all things in the world there's nothing more than that." This she said jokingly but deep in her heart it felt right.
Sensing her answer the statues stood up with a rumbling. All their mouths now hung low, eyes shining and with one hand out.
Almost instantly a barrier of fire surrounded her.
This jerked her up to her feet. Frantically her eyes search for elusion but found none. She could feel the flames biting for her nape.
She will never try amusing the questionings of strangers.
It was the same from this morning.
In no time at all heat swelter her whole body. She wasn't burning but her soul was ignited. The whole world had become opaque and the only light was the blazing of her own spirit.
"To you I give a blessing and a gift."
It was the same springs like voice that acted for her as a rain drop in a vest desert.
It was hot, so hot.
- In Serial64 Chapters
A Broken World [Dropped Pending Rewrite]
This work has been dropped- because I am rewriting it. Look forward to the new and improved "A Broken World," now available HERE on Royal Road! Three thousand years ago, Demonic creatures invaded the world. Though their power seemed irresitable, a band of heroes managed to steal the knowledge of summoning rituals and worlds from them and created, "The Millenial Summoning." A powerful magic that would bring forth a being from another world with the power to change the world forever. The first being summoned became known as "The Speaker," and he brought the power of the Gods with him. Teaching prayers and invocations that blessed humanities legions and began to push back the demons, founding of the "The Church of the Spoken Word" rose to power and a stalemate was reached. Two thousand years ago, that stalemate was broken by the second casting of "The Millenial Summoning," and the arrival of "The First Sorceress," who taught humanity the basics of magic and enchanting. With the power of the Sorceress, the mages, and the priests the tide turned and the Demonic hordes began to be shoved back, signaling hopes of a golden age for mankind. One thousand years ago, the hopes of final victory and a new dawn for mankind were dashed by traitors who slew the participants of the ritual and took their places, using the ritual to bring forth a godlike being from the demons home world, "The Demon King," for no human knew his name, erased millenia of growth reducing humanity to barely a fragment of its former glory. Now the ritual is being cast again, and a new being is being summoned... In our world, after nearly two decades of studious work, Luke Jaeger is making his dream come true. Working and going to school full time, sacrificing his health and social life in his youth, Lucas obtained Doctorates in genetics and virology, as well as associate degrees in business and accounting. The modern world is not easy, and despite it nearly driving him mad from stress, this was the bare minimum he needed to be approved for a business loan to start a company focusing on commercial genetic therapy. Despite the challange of getting his business running, Lucas feels that his work has finally paid off. Lucas's car never left the banks lot, nor was Lucas ever seen again in our world.
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Ceron Devourer Of Souls: Book One
Rewrite will soon be reposted. The greatest necromancer the world had known, commanding armies of undead not only feared but revered by his power and intellect that caused other lords to falter. Yet in a single night vanished.Story of Ceron and his harrowing journey after becoming sealed, meeting a torn world teeming with danger and mystifying landsIn quest to reclaim what was lost, understanding the folly of what became will Ceron have enough to survive? Stricken in a newfound body everything and all he was had been swept away. “It wasn't long his eradication hadn't satisfied, the world stood scorched, enveloped in darkness, shadows fell obscuring the lands, those who resided within them. Quaking, the earth bellowed shuttering as if agony had engulfed it, spiraling into chaos dread filled eyes peered to the skies a blood moon reigned above its beaming rays drenched those in despair. Seething rage, men of many creeds had come tearing the continent, frantic searching, scouring devouring any who stood in their path. Greed laid on their hearts determined to find his source, power. Manipulated by ideals of those they worshiped, the world was consumed, a savage war splitting the world innocence disposed of. Forever to dwell in mass pits, filled with death, thee soon to be dead rotting. The betrayer, whom stole a fragment of this power forsaking those he owned allegiance for his own gain, the power he had obtained, basking in its potency wrought swirling vortexes opening worlds of differing dimensions creating even more turmoil. This source he had obtained, one of the six lords they called him Ceron Devourer Of Souls. Over the passage of time, the wheel turned slowly the world forgot, the sands of time shrouded his existence. All forgot who he was, the greatest necromancer the world had ever known something that was common knowledge to be feared, tales scaring children at night became legend and eventually myth. However, this would all change…” ---
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RE: Necromicy! The Mouse Necromancer!
Mikey was a good boy... with some mental issues, as his mother drunk a lot while being pregnant, and father sometimes could drop him while tying to cuddle him (he was always drunk) and because of his problems he never got friends. BUT when he was in London in the year of 2012 he got hit by a firetruck and died. But that was not the end of his journey, as he met an old lady Death, who actually likes cute things, and doesn't have friends due to her looks. So the little guy befriended her before transporting to the new world, but... Death being an airhead as she is, accidentally turned him into a mouse... *** Warning! This fiction has no serious plot and is set with rules of Pyro universe, slightly modified. Made because there were no Mouse Necromancers... There was a Hamster Demon lord, but... RIP Hamster... Will be updated at least once a week, unless said otherwise. Chapters will be quite short by the way. Chapters will be posted when I push myself to continue with this fiction. Moose decided to run away, or muse... or mouse, but in this case, it's probably the fault of my cat...
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