《Kyrio's Monster House (Dropped)》Chapter - 9


Kyrios watched as the gargoyles threw the animals out of the sack, it was lucky that they were alive as he checked them, even if there was scratches, bites and feathers all around.

'A black and white cat, seems a bit fat. A brown bulldog and a blue parrot missing half it's feathers?'

"They're still alive, so you did a good job." The shade gave a nod to the gargoyles wich responding with a few jumps.

""Thank you Mastah!""

'System how do I absorve them?'


Just imagine doing it, like you did when going through locked doors.


Kyrios closed his four eyes and his body slowly turning into a black cloud that creeply surrounding the animals, wich by instinct had awaken due to his dark presence but it was already too late.

For a few seconds, barks, roars and chips could be heard from inside the black cloud only to stop as Kyrios body restored, leaving no trace that there were pet animals in the room.


Newbie tutorial - 3 Progress: 75%


'System, why do I feel like I can turn into any canine, feline and bird?'


OP racial skill.


'Speaking of skills, how about you show me mine?'



-Invisibility (Racial Skill)

The primordial Shade can turn invisible at no cost! But beware, beings with 10 levels higher than you can sense you!

-Immortality - 50% (Racial Skill)

The primordial Shade does not age and is immune to physical attacks. But beware of magical and mind attacks!

-Primordial Shapeshifting (Racial Skill)

You can change your basic form at will and can shapeshift into all specimen races that you have previously absorved!

-Darkness Immunity - 100% (Racial Skill)

Immune to darkness attacks.

-Light Immunity - 50%

Immune to half damage of light attacks.

-Fire Immunity - 30%

Immune to some damage of fire attacks.

-Water Immunity - 20%

Immune to a bit of damage of water attacks.

-Dark Claw Arts Mastery

Master at fighting with shadow claws.

-Lightning Spell - 30%

Average magical attack. Effective aggainst Air and Water. Weak aggainst Earth.


'Cool, plenty of choices for cammoflage, now I only need a human. Note to myself, get mind defense.'


Kyrios looked at his two minions, the gargoyles at first were confused but now were realy giggling out loud as it seemed it was a great show for their master to eat entire bodies. 'I still got plenty of time.'

"C'mon!" The shade said while passing between the monsters wich promply followed him to the streets.

The trio flew high above the streets of LA, sticking close to the most dark areas of the buildings. For them, this was a hunt, wich none of the humans bellow them expected.

Kyrios decided to grab a random homeless to complete his quest, but all the vagabonds seemed to stick with each other in groups, wich was making hard for the shade to do his hunt as he wanted his prey alone.

They waited in a certain dark alley, between the buildings as Kyrios found a blind spot just a few meters behind a hobo group that stood close to an empty gasoline tank with burning wood that helped them keep warm.

It took 20 minutes, but finally one of them left the group, he slowly zigzag walked to the dark blind spot of the alley, always sipping some of the booze of the bottle he held on his hand.

The shade turned into a black crow and landed in front of the drunk hobo, who stopped, looking curiously at the bird.

"Sorry mate, I dont have any food." The old man said while drinking, but the bird instead jumped bit by bit closer to him

"Oh, you want some booze?" He smiled while crouching towards the bird. "See if you like it!" The man pointing the bottle at the crow, waiting for it to take a sip.

Suddenly dark shadows jumped out from the bird, envolving the homeless man in black clouds, in response, he screamed loudly, but it was too late for him and in less than 5 seconds he dissapeared from the world.

The group of vagabonds heard the scream of their friend and ran towards the alley, only to find a half filled bottle.

Kyrios flew escorted by his gargoyles towards home while receiving the quest notifications.


Newbie tutorial - 3 Complete!


As a Primordial shade, you have the ability to shapeshift, but first you need to absorve specimens. This allows host to help in infiltration and pass ignored by the public in the day.

Minimun requirement: Absorve 1 human, 1 dog, 1 cat and 1 bird.

Reward: 2 skill points and 100 credits


With the quest complete, Kyrios immediately bought a new skill and evolved to the second level spending his two new skill points.


New skill obtained and upgraded:

Mind Protection 0%-»10%-»20% (2/10)




Name: Kyrios

Race: Primordial Demonic Shade



Skill points:0






As Kyrios was returning home, he heard a women scream coming from below him so he looked down. 'Three muggers and a women? So it's the modern version of rescue the princess quest?'


Random Mugger #1

Race: Human

Level: 7

Random Mugger #2

Race: Human

Level: 6

Random Mugger #3

Race: Human

Level: 6


Race: Human

Level: 5


'Pff Hahahah! The system doesnt even care about putting their names!'


Emergency quest!

Kill two birds with one stone! - 1

The low levels are harassing Crystal, so save her to test your fighting abilities and perhaps get a reward from her!

Requirements: Kill the randoms and dont let the girl die.

Reward: 1 skill point and ???


'What does the ??? mean?'


System knows host hates spoilers!


Kyrios turned to the gargoyles. "I'll kill those three humans, so I want you guys to stay on the rooftops and watch if anyone comes okay?" Monkey and Wolf nodded their heads before seperating from their master, taking their positions and turning into stone.

The shade turned again into a crow and stealthy flew towards the group.

"Bitch, how dare you refuse us?" (Random #1)

"Yeah! We're the blue shark gang! You should be begging for us to fuck your cunt!" Spoke random #2 who was behind Crystal, helding her arms.

"Please just let me go! I didnt do anything!" (Crystal)

"Can we hurry this up? The Boss will be mad if we are late!" (Random #3)

"We still got thirty minutes! Plenty of play time!" Random #1 told his partner as he grabbed her legs.

The third mugger looked at the scene as he laid his back towards a brick wall, he wasnt interested in the girl, dumb hooker refused to give free server to his partners and now would problably end up being turned into a plaything for his gang, he wondered if they would get a bonus from their boss for bringing such a nice merchandise.

He took a few steps from the group, facing against the wall, taking a cigarette and lightning it.

Suddenly a pain came to him, he expected that it was the smoke on his lungs, but no, this pain was really worse, so he looked down to his chest and the last thing he saw on his life, was his own heart being held by a sharp claw that went trought his body from his back.

Mugger#1 was so busy taking out the girl's skirt that he didnt noticed his partner being killed, nor as black shadows formed behind his back, after all, they had picked that place because it was dark and secluded.

Mugger#3 Saw how his partner was in danger, so he dropped the girl and took out a knife. "Something's behind you!"

But it was too late, the beast already had ripped his partner's heart out and flew towards him. "N-no! Plea.." Kyrios grabed the last mugger by it's head and flew up. "Good luck in the next lifetime." He said to the mugger before dropping him.

The third mugger was squatched on the floor, and Kyrios quest was completed.


System advises host to store bodies in inventory!


And so the shade stored the bodies and shapeshifted into a human, giving him a stacked body with black hair, dark eyes and wearing a black suit. 'It's asweome that I can decide of the form of my junk!'

The morphed Kyrios aproached the woman who sat on the ground with her eyes closed, afraid of the screams she heard of their assaulters. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw a young man.

"Who are you?" (Crystal)

"My name is Kyrios and it's alright, those men will not bother ever again." He said while giving her a hand.

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