《Dream Tower》2. A Letter Lost in Time


While walking back home he bought some sweet pastries for his parents which were only a Quarter lyt and reached home by 8. His father was sitting in his same seat and was reading a magazine called Blaclberg Gossip and was famous among the people of the working class as it covered the rumors and scandals about the rich and famous people in Ettic. They quietly had dinner and Axis went to his room. He went to his table and switched on the Gas-Light. He took the notebook out and found a letter in it, so he started reading it. Thankfully everything was written in Duraktar so he could read

“Dear Amelia,

I want to apologize for not writing to you since November, you must have been waiting for a letter all this time. I am sorry. Our battalion got stuck around the Weeping Cliffs and we had to take shelter around there. We were also surrounded by enemies around that time, so I could not afford to send “tic” on your way. I am writing this letter now that we have safely reached Pragss Harbour. Amelia, I want to apologize in advance once again as the situation is not looking good for our Battalion. We may never reach Dattack in time or even may not make it. The Empire is crumbling from the inside and it is not long before it will be spilt. As a soldier and a warrior I have seen my fair share of battles and such battles are the worst. I want you to leave Dattack the moment you get this letter. I have arranged a home for you in Spire City on Valgos Archipelago. You have to stay strong my child and that is the reason I am leaving this Dream Journal for you. This was a journal our unit found from an old ruin. It seemed to belong to some mystic and even the ruins something out of our imagination. I hope this dream journal may teach you some tricks as it seems filled with powerful knowledge and I am scared to give it to my higher-ups. I hope it will prove a useful tool for you. I hope you will always stay safe.


Keep me in your memories as you are always in mine.

Your Father, Captain Rolss Mitchell.”

Axis was a bit solemn for a second and thought, “Weeping Cliffs are in the east in the present-day Allfentein and Pragss Harbour is the former name of the ocean city Pristine. Both of these places were in Present-day Allfentein whereas Dattack was the Capital of the Durak which now lies in our Silversage Empire and is a part of our capital Oakengulf. So the letter was almost there but due to an accident, it could not reach. The other thing is Dream Journal. What are they? Rituals, tricks, or something else.”

Axis turned the page and there were more writings.

"This is a dream journal belonging to Veddick Ashville."

It was written in very beautiful writings and seemed like a declaration rather than a personal seal.

Axis was definitely curious about what stuff did the book wrote about and gave no second thought before turning the page. It seemed like an epilogue or foreword to it, but when he started reading he almost facepalmed.

“This journal used to belong to me but not anymore. I relinquish all my rights to this journal to the next person who awakens it. I hope you have a fun and joyful ride as mine is already over.”


Axis was puzzled, who begins a journal with this and was the writer even in his right mind before writing the journal. Not to mention the three words he wrote in the end, Axis had no clue what they meant.

As Axis was already tired of this childish journal and it was getting late in the night, he closed the journal and went to sleep.

Unknown to him, a small eye opened in the centre of the journal and looked at him with a sense of longing.


Axis woke up again at 5 like clockwork, mumbling in his breath about the habits his father inculcated in him. Suddenly Axis realized that he had no nightmare this time. He slept peacefully like a baby after a very long time.

He looked outside the window and there were dark clouds again today.

“When will it stop raining? I am tired of losing money on transport” mused Axis with a grin. His eyes then darted towards his table where he saw the journal lying there. “ Should I tell the boss about the journal? It seems to be mysterious enough to pique my interest and the people from University are only interested in the machine. I’ll keep it as my commission.

Axis freshened up and helped his mother set up the breakfast and then quietly whispered to her, “ Father’s health seems to be deteriorating even though he acts all tough.” Axis’s mother simply smiled and waved him off by saying, “ Don’t underestimate your father young man. Yesterday he went to the Veterans Club for exercise and was in relatively good shape even afterwards. He just is a bit bored and concerned about you.”

Barbara was a short-statured woman of Volrukian descent, with light reddish hair and brown eyes. As a child Axis’s father used to joke about how Axis inherited his mother’s strength and physical capabilities. Barbara also had a dusky complexion which was now getting wrinkled due to age. Even then she was famous as one of the top scholars in Ettic.

Axis then told Barbara, “ Mother, I have plans for tonight so I will come back late.” His mother hopefully smiled and said, “Are you meeting some girl?” Axis laughed and said, “No, I am working on a new project and it may take some extra time.”

He never wanted to lie to her but he was determined to do some extra research about the journal.

Axis had his breakfast and went back to Cyclops.

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