《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 3: Chapter 9: Tournament
Author's Corner: Sorry for delays again, but this arc is almost done nonetheless! This chapter is Mature even though there isn't any sex.
" " = people talking
[/i]italics[/i] = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 3: Chapter 9: Tournament
Loki’s POV
Finally the Preliminaries have started, but they are so boring! I know this is just a ploy to find a rare person who might rank up in the middle of the tournament, but after three days this hasn’t happened! Where did these idiots find these weak Champions? Even without cheating, Alice by herself would have destroyed everyone here, not to mention what Hina will end up doing!
I’m just glad that Hina gets to skip most of the tournament since she is seeded along with the top 20 gods and their Champions, leaving 12 regular spots for the final tournament to be fought over, of course this prelim here is a waste of time if no one ranks up!
Wait? What is this? Some unknown Champion is having a breakthrough? Wait, this guy looks Indian… Which Indian god is messing around with my games and my Orb?!? And that trident looks suspicious… Well if nothing else happens then he will be at the finals for sure so I’m going to sleep for four days until the finals…
Oh look the finals are finally starting! Yup the Indian dude is out there fighting against some Champion of some Death god or goddess. This should be interesting as I just realized the other guy also must have ranked up in the past few days!
“Evildoer, you shall die by my hand! Darkness shall not reign supreme!” –Indian Champion
“Talk is cheap, darkness shall consume you and the world!” –Death Champion
Wow look at that speed! Both of them simply disappeared once the fight started! Well not to me, but it appeared that way to the crowd I’m sure. Looks like the Death dude is summoning something big and evil.
“You are not even worth my time, come forth zombie dragon!” –Death Champion
UNDEAD SUMMON! –Death Champion
“Evil is the one thing above all that I do not fear!” –Indian Champion
What is this? Why is his spear glowing? What is this weird feeling in my stomach? Is this déjà vu?
As soon as the zombie dragon spawned he spit out a breath of death and pestilence, but none of it even touched the little Indian since he just lifted his spear and spun it around once, reflecting all of the breath.
“It is time for your little pet to die. Trishula guide my hand!” –Indian Champion
GANESHA STRIKE! –Indian Champion
As soon as she yelled the name of his strike, I remembered where I saw this before! The legendary weapon of Shiva, the one used to sever the original head of Ganesha is being used once again to sever heads. Not just one either, as soon as he swung the trident, both the dragon’s head and the Death Champion’s head left their shoulders in a huge flash of light. This is one dangerous attack! Hina will be in trouble if uses her dark energy to fight this guy.
“Okay the preliminaries are over! Winner is Shiva!” –Me
“Hey that’s not my name!” –Shiva
“Sorry I’m lazy so I’m just calling you by your god’s name.” –Me
“Just you wait, once this is over and I get the Orb, I will kill you and your evil family and friends!” –Shiva
“Buahahahahaha! Win? I think not!” –Me
With that I gave a pointed look to Hina and even warned her not to use any dark magic against this guy as he is strong and has a divine weapon. Too bad I didn’t give her one… but who wants a trickster’s staff anyways? She isn’t even a mage! Oh well, time to find the 12 seeds for the regular Champions and explain the rules…
Hina’s POV
It seems my father doesn’t have any faith in my abilities. Like I need a warning or even dark magic to defeat such a weakling. I don’t even need a weapon to kill him, silly Indian boy thinking he can play in the big leagues.
Well it was impressive that he made the top 32 which somehow I was already in due to what I’d like to call an accidental birth!
Looking at the seeds I saw myself as #1 for some stupid reason, fortunately my opponent was Ares which is dead so it looks like I get a bye. The next few ranks held the Champions of Thor, Frigg, Tyr, Baldur, Heimdall, Idun, and Bragi, while the latter half of the people who haven’t fought yet held the Champions of Athena, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hestia, and Dionysus. Though I have no clue how the last one expects to fight being so short, fat and clearly drunk!
It was the last 12 that were weird; all of them were using divine weapons and were from different pantheons like the Shiva guy. I even saw a trickster who was Native American and clearly a Champion of Coyote.
“Nick, what do you think of the 12 that have fought? Anyone I should be worried about?” –Me
“All of them are weak except the Shiva guy and the Coyote guy, though the last one is actually weak but his inability to actually die is very strong. You can chop him up and he will still come back like nothing is wrong. But his weakness is the rules! You still get disqualified if you leave the arena, and though everyone can fly, it’s hard to fly while chopped up into many pieces.” –Nick
“Hum… looking at the seeds it looks like my first fight in round 2 with the top 16 will be against Coyote as I don’t see that fat drunk guy beating anyone. From there I could be fighting Athena in the top 8 and Thor in the top 4 which would be cool. But my final fight would end up as Shiva if he beats everyone else!” –Me
“Well I saw the power of his spear, it at max reaches an Aura of 40 meaning it would hurt you at best, but it won’t be able to decapitate you so long as you use your full power. Likewise you should not try to block or parry it as you won’t pass it’s offense or defense, just attack Shiva directly or something.” –Nick
“Okay I’ll get ready, I’ll see you later!” –Me
And no, I did not kiss Nick and blush just now. That did NOT HAPPEN!
Nick’s POV
The first round of the finals was very boring! First Hina didn’t get to fight at all, and second no one else stood out! Athena barely won by using her brain and tons of magic, Thor totally 1 shot her opponent with a smack of Mjolnir. Coyote played a trick on Dionysus causing him to ring out within 3 seconds, very scary actually, and Shiva decapitated the poor Champion of Hera. She is going to be pissed… Hina must beat him so I can use this as leverage if I ever run into Hera… -Nick
Once the second round started, Nick realized that the first seed fights last so he still had to watch 7 other boring matches until then. Athena still somehow won, though it was close, it appears this is as far as she goes as brains can only take you so far, though Nick did admire her… magic… yes that’s right. He admired her magic!
Thor’s match showed that she is more than worthy to win this thing, I doubt even Shiva could stop her damage as Mjolnir is every bit as strong as Trishula… Shiva’s match was equally as fast and boring as Thor’s. The other matches were all close and boring as everyone was weak and no one died! People just got exhausted and quit before anyone could overwhelm their opponent enough to kill them. BORING!
Finally Hina’s turn came, and she was fighting Coyote! It appears he has a dagger in his hand but that is it. It also is made out of stone, so it’s probably a divine weapon or something.
“And now for the final battle of the final 16, my beloved daughter Hina vs. Coyote!” –Loki
Lots of boos in the crowd it seems. Nick wonders why though as Hina has not fought yet. But then they are all looking at Coyote so they are probably mad at out even though he has been chopped up before, he still always won by some trick or another. His only true victory so far has been against Dionysus after all.
“Oh, so you are the famed daughter of Loki and ruler of this land. Time to see who’s trick is better!” –Coyote
Then he shimmered into thin air as if he was an illusion while Hina herself just stood there with a permanent sneer on her face. Though Nick was too busy admiring his work to notice the look at her face. He was too fascinated by the curvature of his costume and how snug of a fit it is.
“Calm down master, there will be time for mating later.” –Voarag
“*GIGGLE* Poor Nick is going to have blue balls.” –Kiki
“Hush you! And pay attention to the fight, Hina is just standing as a statue and Coyote has disappeared! Well I can still sense him there, but I can’t see him! I’m sure Hina can sense him too, but why isn’t she doing anything?” –Nick
“Mistress has a plan, just watch.” –Kiki
But before Nick could protest further, he saw his beloved get cut to shreds with a stone dagger and then her body get blasted off the arena. Then Coyote shimmered back into view and started to laugh.
“Too easy! You are no match for my tricks!” –Coyote
“Look again” –Hina
With a booming voice, Hina reappeared on the middle of the arena.
“Hina wins!” –Loki
“What? How? I wasn’t even attacked!” –Coyote
“You were knocked out of the ring so you lost, those are the rules.” –Loki
At this point Coyote looked down and realized he was standing where the bones of Hina used to be without any clue of how or when he got there.
“Some words of wisdom Coyote. Never trick a trickster, KAHKAHKAHKAHKAH!” –Loki
That caused Hina to simply nod and walk away.
Apparently everyone love’s Hina. Also when did the crowd show up? When I first got here it was empty… I guess a lot can happen in 7 days. Oh that’s right, I wasn’t actually watching the prelims, I was too busy with Hina… I had to make sure her costume worked right… There wasn’t any other reason at all to spend 7 days straight locked up in a room without windows! –Nick
Before Nick could finish his internal rant, he felt two soft mounds pressing up against his right arm, and before he could even look to see who it was, he noticed two more soft mounds pressing up against his left arm. This caused him to sweat since only Hina should be doing such a thing, but the heights and feel are both wrong!
He jumped forward and turned around to see blushes on both Thor and Athena’s faces and anger coming from Hina who just showed up.
“What are you doing to my man!” –Hina
“He may be yours now, but surely you can share? Also once I win this tournament after beating you I’m going to become his bride!” –Athena
“I you next. Then mine.” –Thor
“Sorry girls but I’m out of the game! Also you won’t beat Hina…” –Nick
“Sure I will, I’m super smart and have the best magic!” –Athena
“How about this, I bet you cannot beat her even with a simple magic showdown without any tricks! But if you do, I will make you my wife!” –Nick
“Me?” –Thor
“You too if you can beat her in a pure melee battle without magic or tricks. Also if Athena wins then I’ll marry you anyways.” –Nick
“Yes.” –Thor
“Jackpot!” –Athena
“Nick? Can we have a moment?” –Hina
Not wanting to move, Nick simply used telepathy.
‘What is it love?’ –Nick
‘What is this? You told me I was the last one! The curse is broken so there is no way to add more wives right?’ –Hina
‘You know that… and I know that… but do they?’ –Nick
‘Ahh I see, you have that much faith in me winning.’ –Hina
‘Like you could lose with that costume. Also you know more than enough magic and melee abilities to defeat them. Also after merging your 2 sets of daggers, they are close to Divine level now!’ –Nick
‘This is true, they won’t stop Mjolnir, but they can help me defeat her.’ –Hina
“Stop looking into each other’s eyes like that. It’s creepy! Also, how did you beat Coyote? I didn’t follow it at all!” –Athena
“I used Dark Simulacrum to create a true illusion of myself in the form of a meat puppet. Then I attached my Aura to it and anything that touched it, causing it to shortly teleport to the location of the meat puppet. I assumed he would send it out of the arena in order to trick me into losing.” –Hina
“Genius! I can’t wait for our match now!” –Athena
“Fine, but you better get ready, Thor is next as Shiva just decapitated another poor soul.” –Nick
Thor’s match was anti-climatic as her opponent was weak at magic and it’s hard to beat Mjolnir under any circumstance.
“Next we have a special battle where the rules change! We are going to have a magic only battle with my daughter Hina vs. her friend Athena! They are fighting over my son-in-law so the stakes are high!” –Loki
*TSK* Damn eavesdropper! At least he can’t hear our telepathy… I’ll need to use it more often in the future, at least for anything that I want kept private! –Nick
Soon the fight started and Athena went all out! Knowing how smart she is, it wasn’t surprising for her to use the strongest aoe spell that would knock someone out of the arena.
“Take this!” –Athena
Instead of coming from the sky, she used her divine artifact spear and used it like a staff to summon the meteor in front of her while it rotated and made the flames stronger. Then when it was the size of a house, she launched it at Hina who had her daggers sheathed and just stood there.
Since this was a magic duel, she wasn’t able to use melee attacks to stop the spell, she had to use a spell or take it head on, she couldn’t even run away or that would disqualify her.
“You call that fire? Pathetic!” –Hina
It must be known that the more powerful the spell, the longer the cast or wind up. But all Hina did was wave her hand and wall of black flames spread out incinerating the huge meteor causing a shockwave that instantly knocked Athena both out of the ring and unconscious. Fortunately, Hina was being nice or Athena would have died.
“Winner Hina!” –Loki
Once again Nick noticed a tall girl hugging his left arm while he watched Hina pick up Athena then disappear to arrive behind him. All he could do was shake his head as there was nothing left to say.
“Let go now… or you die in the next match!” –Hina
This caused Thor to sweat and subconsciously let go of Nick’s arm even though she didn’t want to.
“S s soon, arm will be mine.” –Thor
“Look, Loki is getting bored, the next match is already over and Shiva killed another person. That means you two are up! Same as before, winner takes all!” –Nick
And with that, the two walked back to the arena to end things once and for all. The stress caused Nick to sit down on the ground.
Phew! Dodged a bullet there. Hina looked really mad this time. Wait, what’s going on. Why Is someone on my lap?!? –Nick
Of course that something is Athena. And she is fast asleep on Nick’s lap, as if it’s possible for someone who is unconscious to end up on someone else’s lap on accident.
Nick just ignored her and watched the match. She’s hot after all.
“Another special match with my daughter Hina vs. Thor! This time it’s a melee battle to decide who gets my son-in-law!” –Loki
Though the rules seem to harm Hina as she isn’t able to use spells at all, Thor likewise cannot shoot lighting from her hammer as that wouldn’t be a melee attack. Of course she can still clad her entire body with lightning and all her strikes will have lightning. Also Hina doesn’t have the Lightning element and thus is not immune to it.
The fight started as usual, with both contestants basically disappearing only with sparks showing every once in awhile. But since Thor’s weapon is stronger, the sparks are only occurring when she parries the daggers of Hina. None of Thor’s attacks are getting parried or block as they are all getting dodged completely. It appears that Hina is much faster than Thor.
It also appears that Hina is only attacking the extremities of Thor with only an occasional attack hitting the shoulder or thigh. Soon, Hina backed away and stared at Thor as if to mock her. Unfortunately, she never has been good with words. And even though Thor is usually quiet, once her battle spirit is awakened, her words get louder and fiercer.
“Hah, your measly attacks cannot hurt me! Once you slow down and take one hit of my Hammer, you shall be defeated and Nick shall be mine! Prepare to take my strongest attack!” –Thor
“No need, fights over.” –Hina
Of course Thor ignored what Hina said and started to use her strongest attack anyways.
Unfortunately as Hina said, the fight was already over, and Thor fell to the ground unconscious. Only a few sparkles of ice could be seen being reflected by the sun.
“Winner Hina! There will be only a 2 minute break before the finals so get ready!” –Loki
Hina used that moment to dispel her ice on Thor which seemed to have originated from all the tiny cuts and ended up freezing all four of Thor’s limbs making her unable to move, and when she did move, caused so much pain that she went unconscious.
Once dispelled, Hina used teleport to bring both herself and Thor to where Nick and the Dragons are waiting with a supposedly unconscious Athena. But she was more than shocked when she saw Athena snuggled up against Nick’s leg like she owned the thing.
“What the fuck is going on?!?!?” –Hina
“Times up! Time for the finals to begin!” –Loki
“Arrrrg! This isn’t over!” –Hina
Then Hina disappeared again and landed back on the stage.
Normally I’d say a stupid line like saved by the bell, but I know I’m not. Since somehow Thor ended up on my other thigh, snuggled up and asleep! If only she wasn’t hot, then I’d wake her up and make her move… fuck my life! –Nick
Hina’s POV
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Seeing how pathetic Athena looked and how pathetic I’m sure Thor will be looking once I return made me feel sorry for them. Maybe I’ll let them be concubines or something as there won’t be any more wives! I’ll kill them all!
And what the hell is up with this Shiva fucker and his little stick with three points on it. Like that can stop me! I’ve been smart to keep my Aura maxed this whole time as I never know when a sneak attack is going to come. But this guy is weak! 5’7” Indian guy with no muscles or fat using a stick with three points! So weak!
“Evildoer, your time has come to an end, and after I beat you, your father and his family and friends will all die! Nothing can stop Trishula! And my father is the strongest of them all!” –Shiva
“Me evil? You ain’t seen nothing yet! I may look like a good little Angel in white, but let me tell you something. I AM THE MISTRESS OF THE DARK!” –Me
Yes fuck my father and his ideas. If this guy wants war, I will give him one he has no chance of winning!
Using blood that I got previously and stored in my ring, I drew a pentagram made out of blood that had a diameter of 5 feet. I was going to show the world what evil looked like as my current form simply doesn’t do my title justice at all!
“What? You are the true evil that I was sent to find and stop! So far I was just spouting my mouth, but I didn’t think you would show yourself! And to think you had the guise of an Angel of Light! You even used a holy spell earlier to heal Thor! I would have never known! Of course I was going to kill you anyway, so the point is moot I guess. I guess I’ll play around with you and see what you summon before I use my Ganehsa Strike and kill you both in one swing…” –Shiva
“You talk too much.” –Me
Finally the summoning was done and a succubus came out. This caused the audience to scream in fear as Demons are scary and are all supposed to be on the other Continent, far away from them!
“This is odd. I was summoned? And by… Mistress? I’m not even sure how this is possible…” -???
“Buahahahahahaha, a weak succubus? How is that supposed to defeat me?” –Shiva
With a smile I looked at my father and saw he, like the audience was trembling in fear. Ahh that’s the look I was looking for! Despair!
“Lilith dear, could you take out the trash for me?” –Me
“And why would I do that? You may be the current Mistress… but I was the first.” –Lilith
“Oh it’s not a command, I simply want to show the world what true despair looks like. Also you are the strongest being on this planet right now, so please don’t destroy the world, just the little whelp of Shiva should do.” –Me
“Oh Shiva? This should be fun, I’ve been away for too many millennia so I never got to kill him personally, hopefully with your help I can fix that in the future!” –Lilith
Then what happened next defied all logic. With a snap of her fingers, Lilith caused Shiva’s clothes to all disappear, then with a single touch of her finger to his little pecker, he simply exploded, and not in the erotic way. No, he literally exploded into a million pieces, as if the sensation from being touched by Lilith was so great that his entire Godly body was not enough to contain the excitement.
“Delicious. Too bad his silly trident disappeared once he died, I needed a new toothpick!” –Lilith
“W w w winner, Hina!” –Loki
Then Loki grabbed the Orb and threw it at Lilith, then disappeared with his tail between his legs running to the edges of the universe I’m sure.
“Oh an Orb of power, so weak though, cannot help me at all. Here you go dear. Also how did you summon me? I notice you are nowhere near strong enough to do such a thing.” –Lilith
“I am the Mistress of the Dark. And with my Husband’s work on my daggers, I am able to easily summon you with just a little blood.” –Me
As soon as I finished talking and the Orb landed in my hands, I felt a wave of power and was blinded for a bit.
When I finally came to, I noticed I was strong. I mean REAL STRONG! I had the power of a Sovereign, and with my title, My affinities became absolute!
‘Sally am I able to check my status?’ –Me
‘No, you are as strong as I am now, there is no way to gauge your power with simple numbers and skills. Just know that your affinities changed to Absolute Yin and Yang. You should have no problem creating anything, and I don’t mean spells when I say that.’ –Sally
‘Good, now I can save Earth! Only one day left, I wonder who has gathered for it!’ –Me
Too bad the Orb disappeared as soon as I used it, damn Loki and his tricks! No way I couldn’t use that on Nick and have him help me defeat the stupid system. But now I don’t feel like the fight will be impossible. Though I’m still not at Lilith’s level.
“Thanks for coming and showing the world true power.” –Me
“No problem, but once he gets strong enough, you must let me use your husband a few times as my payment.” –Lilith
“Fine, but you cannot marry him! He already has one succubus slut for a wife! You can become a concubine at best!” –Me
“Tsk, like that’s a problem.” –Lilith
Then in a flash of light, Lilith disappeared too. Now that I’m a Sovereign I could see the two hussies from here trying to feel up my husband so I instantly moved to them.
“Get off him now!” –Me
And before they could even wake up, their bodies instinctually left my husband side. This made me feel a little better with myself.
“No time for that, I must save my world. I give permission for you two to become concubines, but that’s it! Nick I’ll see you in a day once this is over!” –Me
“Be careful, I’ll join you as soon as I can, after seeing Lilith I had an epiphany!” –Nick
And thus I disappeared back to Earth to start my final battle.
Nick’s POV
What the fuck! As soon as Hina said they would become my concubines, a link was instantly formed that was no less powerful than the others! Even if you dress it up and change its name, a spade is a spade! Concubines my ass, they are no different than my other soulbound wives! –Nick
“Okay no time to fool around, we can play later, I’m sending you two to the rest of my wives! Sally teleport them for me please. Also send the two Dragons.” –Nick
Yes Daddy!
And with another flash of light, the 3 girls and one male Dragon disappeared.
‘Okay girls, no time to waste! I must see the final fight, even if I’m not a Sovereign yet!’ –Nick
‘But you said you found an insight to Hina, isn’t that true?’ –Sally
‘Not really. I mean I kind of understood their power and how they manifested their will here, but it’s not enough as my soul isn’t big enough. I can see that now.’ –Nick
‘What? That’s it? That is the easiest thing in the world to fix!’ –Sally
‘What do you mean?’ –Nick
Next chapter will be done tomorrow at the latest, sorry for all the waits but this time of year sucks for me!
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