《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 2: Chapter 8: …
Author's Corner: Sorry no cliffhanger today as this weekend is bad for me and may not get any chapters out. Also chapter too crazy to even give a title to! And why did my kindle die? I wanted to read but now I'm here writing instead!
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 2: Chapter 8: …
‘As I was saying daddy, coming home right now might not be the best situation if you evolved… well too late for that now, have fun!’ –Sally
“Well fuck, I didn’t see that coming. Well on the bright side hero summonings come with cheat like powers and the Demon King is dead.” –Nick
“Welcome back Nick, as you can see things were stable earlier this morning until you came and put us in another dire straight. But it seems now we know the what if not the why. That brings us one step closer to saving our world.” –Mr. Absolute
Hearing this causes Nick to focus his attention on Mr. Absolute. What he sees amazes him. Mr. Absolute has gotten much much stronger, even Nick with all his tricks wouldn’t dare fight him, especially not with his Absolute Zone. Just imagine how strong he would be with cheats.
“I think I have an idea. Bare with me here, but what if I could give you guys the same cheats I had?” –Nick
“What do you mean Nick, you just got home! No more adventures!” –Solaria
“Don’t worry love, if I go on another adventure I will be sure to take you with me.” –Nick
Because I don’t want to die like a certain Demon King just did. I will have nightmares about that for awhile I think. –Nick
“What do you mean cheats? I spent the last 6 months training and finally had a breakthrough today.” –Mr. Absolute
“How about this for comparison. How long do you think it took me to evolve to the next level?” –Mr. Absolute
This caused the 4 Supers as well as the Vampire and Werewolf to sit there and think as they couldn’t understand the significance of the question, yet felt that it meant everything at the same time.
“I assume just as long as me since you came back around the same time no?” –Mr. Absolute
“Wrong, it took 5 months for the corrupted summoning circle to send me to the parallel world and only a single day to evolve. I spent the last month preparing to kill the Demon King so I could return. The System there is probably as sadistic as the one here. I’m guessing they are related too since they both can grant enormous power.” –Nick
“Why didn’t you come home right away then? We could have avoided this whole situation!” –Solaria
“The cheat like powers came with strings attached. I could not leave or even contact you all until I killed the Demon King. And because of a side quest, I had to get the killing blow so I could legally marry the Princess of the Human kingdom. My curse already claimed her, but it wasn’t legal. Which reminds me, we have a wedding to go to in like three days.” –Nick
“One day? That’s amazing! Is there a way to give us all these powers? I’m sure if we all work together we can beat this system!” –Mr. Absolute
“Wait, wives? Wedding? How many girls did you get over there Nick?” –Solaria
“Fufufufufu, I’m interested in that question too darling.” –Maya
This caused Nick to look at his vampire wife and then Lea his werewolf wife and realized Lea didn’t seem to mind that he had other wives. He questioned her with his eyes.
“Our husband is powerful, of course he has more wives, the number does not matter.” –Lea
“I still have to approve of them, or someone will be in pain later.” –Solaria
“Fufufufufufu.” –Maya
“T three, just three! A Human Princess, a Dark Elf Princess and the new Demon Queen who at the time was a Demon Princess. And the wedding to marry the Human one is in three days. So if you all think it is a good idea to get put in their system to gain powers then I’m going to have to work hard before we all go there as I do not know what going there without using the proper methods will do, if the system ignores you then you can’t gain ultimate power.” –Nick
“Buahahahahahahaha, three fucking princesses, this is the funniest day ever! Even the impending doom can’t shake that! Ouch!” –Porter
“Stop it or you won’t be getting any later.” –Barb
“Sorry honey! I’ll behave I promise!” –Porter
“I see a lot has changed in 6 months, anything else I should know before I see about a method to getting you all cheats?” –Nick
“No, meeting adjourned. Also prepare to visit a new planet and have a wedding, that should be exciting, especially knowing how Nick’s weddings always end in a bang! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!” –Mr. Absolute
“Well then I’m going to the place where I was summoned from to see what the energy signatures are like there.” –Nick
Before Nick could teleport away, Solaria and Maya ran to him and grabbed an arm each.
“*SIGH* Yes you can come with me, just don’t interrupt my work!” –Nick
“Wow did they just teleport? I didn’t know Nick could do that, he didn’t even use a device or magic!” –Porter
“Must be those cheats he was talking about. He even seems stronger than I am at this time. We must have that power.” –Mr. Absolute
Once they arrived at the abandoned classroom Nick though about the fact that 6 months had gone by. He then started to wonder if anyone missed Hiro and the others… oh well not his problem. Though he did feel like he owed them, well at least Hina, the other two were pretty worthless and did not contribute to the final battle at all.
“Here we are!” –Nick
“This is an abandoned classroom! What the hell.” –Solaria
“Oh don’t give me that look, I know you talked to Sally and I shouldn’t have to explain anything!” –Nick
“Fufufufu, you were busted Solaria, of course we know everything, now get to work while me and Solaria watch. We really did miss you.” –Maya
Okay now I need to check the mana levels here. Ahh I still remember the days when I called it magic, but alas I know the truth now and know it is just mana residue instead. Funny that even though mana levels here are pretty high, no one has evolved on their own yet, besides those born from mana like witches. I’m sure the system has something to do with it, each universe must have its own rules after all. –Nick
Nick then used his mana sensor and checked the amount of mana in the area. Before there were tons and they were unstable, but now he couldn’t find any mana fluctuations at all! I knows this is the right place for the summoning so what gives?
“Hold on I’ll be right back, I just have to check something, won’t take but a minute.” –Nick
Before Solaria or Maya could protest, Nick already teleported away and landed back in the other world with the summoning circle. He used his tool again and realized the problem. He then teleported right back so as not to die by yandere.
“See wasn’t even a minute!” –Nick
“You are lucky this time!” –Solaria
“Fufufufufufu.” –Maya
“So what did you find out?” –Solaria
“The summoning circle is dead and is no longer linked to this spot. I’m going to have to use science for this problem, let’s head back to our room as I need to connect to the girls and use the internet!” –Nick
“Oh before you go you may want to know that the girls used the protocols you set in place already.” –Solaria
“What? But I wasn’t here to complete them!” –Nick
“Well Sally was worried that you coming back would do exactly what it did so made plans to keep this world going properly while you were gone.” –Solaria
“Wait… so who is in charge now?” –Nick
“Collectively the Halls of Justice is in charge with Mr. Absolute as the figurehead.” –Solaria
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! All my work ruined! Oh well, not as important now, so long as I destroy the system I will have all the power and authority to take over the whole world! KAHKAHKAHKAHKAHKAH! –Nick
“Why are you grinning, I thought you would be upset? Sally told me everything, and I don’t mind as I’ll follow you no matter what you do. Even if you turn into the worst supervillain ever!” –Solaria
“I love you to Solaria, good to know you have my back.” –Nick
“Hey me too! I’m a vampire, I don’t care about good or evil as it is!” –Maya
“I love you too Maya, don’t feel left out!” –Nick
“Okay let’s go back home, it will just be us as Lea informed me that she went back to the Yukon to watch over her people, she will be back in time for the wedding since teleporting back and forth is pretty easy with the magic that Ruby gave us.” –Solaria
That’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile, but since I didn’t see her at my place I will just ignore her for now. I feel pretty good and safe since I married a human mage already. –Nick
So with another smile on his face, Nick teleported himself and two of his wives back home.
“Okay time to connect to the computer. Girls you can talk freely as our door is locked and it’s just us three here.” –Nick
“Okay daddy, we are all here and ready.” –Sally
“It’s been too long, I want to kill something! Let me taste blood!” –Gabriela
“Oh oh can I join? I like blood.” –Maya
“Not helping Maya!” –Nick
“Fufufufufu, my bad.” –Maya
“We stand ready to fight, what are your orders.” –Yasmine
“Hopefully all 7 of you have gone through my memories of the other planet who’s name I forgot or never knew or cared about, I don’t remember. All I remember is that it is Earth but yet Jupiter at the same time, also two suns and huge devastating oceans or something.” –Nick
“*YAWN* Yes we all went through them. I was last of course, but I made it.” –Sarah
“Well I hope you analyzed the system and even created a link to it and started hacking it! We need a way to create these cheat like powers so all of us can progress!” –Nick
“Of course we have, we think we can even take over that system since it has a connection to you, we piggy backed it to connect directly. While you are here it has no power over you, but while you are there it is powerful enough to even kill you! So I don’t advise going back until we have taken care of it.” –Sally
“Wait, what does this mean?” –Solaria
“Well if we take over the system, we can use it to send people back and forth between the worlds. We will just need a device to send them there, once there we will take care of them and anyone there we can send back here using the same system.” –Sally
“Okay what do you 7 need to win?” –Nick
“You…” –Yuki
“What was that Yuki?” –Nick
“Nothing, I hate you! But we have to piggy back on you and go there with you, it’s a one way trip though if we lose.” –Yuki
“Yes you must teleport there with us being close and we will attack from 7 sides once there.” –Sally
“But what if Nick dies? He can’t die!” –Solaria
“I have to go alone, it’s not safe for you to go until things are under control.” –Nick
“Let’s do this girls! We are the best and won’t let daddy die!” –Emily
“He will just abandoned us, and the world will end in 6 months anyways.” –Jade
“If we win, it won’t matter, we can just stay there” –Yasmine
“Okay let’s do this, you know Jade doesn’t mean anything by it, is everyone ready?” –Nick
“””Yes!””” –Sally, Emily, Yasmine
“Sure why not?” –Sarah
“Murder and death, let’s go!” –Gabriela
“Just do it.” –Yuki
“Why not, better to die now anyways.” –Jade
“Okay gather up, I’m going now!” –Nick
Nick not wanting to cause a commotion, teleported high in the sky far away from everything. He felt an enormous struggle on his tether to the world there or more precisely the system. As if the system was reading his thoughts he got a notification (It was of course).
Challenge: Take over the SystemFailure: Permanent deathSuccess: Life and power over the system
Fuck, of course it reads my mind. Guess all I can do is wait. –Nick
Then in the amount of time it takes for half a stick of incense to burn (kekeke) Nick found himself in a black void.
‘Daddy we did it, all 7 of us did it! You have to be proud of us!’ –Sally
‘Great job, but why am I in a black void?’ –Nick
‘Oh we are setting new protocols for this world for residents of our world. Since you are the first you will be going through the process first. We were sure to tailor everything to what we know of our world and systems like this. Basically you have to treat this like a VRMMO!’ –Sally
‘Excellent! So first time here the person will go into this black void and do the normal VR introduction then what happens?’ –Nick
‘Well there are 7 of us and we promoted ourselves to all Goddesses and we all have full access to the system. Unfortunately the hero system requirements are too stiff so we cannot recreate that. But we can do the Champion system instead. Only 5 stat points per level for both stats and skills, but more than enough for immortals. At the moment we do not recommend any mortals coming here, at least not until we save our world.’ –Sally
Then the black void turned into a green pasture and 7 girls materialized out of thin air.
“This is incredible, you 7 all have a body now! You even look like I imagined you would!” –Nick
“It’s more than that, though our souls were all a part of yours, our souls individually are now much bigger and stronger than yours. You have a simple Demigod soul, we have a soul even bigger than the Demon King, we are not sure what to call this rank yet but I’m sure it is necessary to beat the system at home, so you must train and find a way to reach this level. Also we each chose an aspect and became a God of that aspect. I chose Kindness!” –Sally
Sally, a cute little girl of about 14 with brown hair and eyes with freckles and cute dimples will definitely gain support as the Goddess of Kindness. Nick then looked at the other 7 wondering what they are. I looked at Gabriela next who was around 15 as her looks go at 5”7’ sporting a full leather dominatrix outfit with chains and whips. A very disturbing display.
“Need I ask what you are Gabriela?” –Nick
“I am clearly the Goddess of Lust!” –Gabriela
“But you look 15! So immoral!” –Nick
“Even better, only perverts choose me and only a pervert can truly understand the power of a true Lolita!” –Gabriela
Nick then looked at Emily who looked like an 18 year old cheerleader with pompoms. Also the best looking of the 7 with a solid D cup and 5”5’ frame with blonde hair blue eyes.
“I’m the Goddess of Love!” –Emily
“Of course you are…” –Nick
One look at Sarah and we just wanted to face palm for hours. She looked like a 13 year old shut in. Dark bags under her eyes and pajamas.
“I’m the Goddess of Sloth.” –Sarah
“…” –Nick
Yasmine on the other hand looked 19 and was 6”1’ with short dark curly hair and deep brown eyes on a dark chocolate skin. She had on a Myrmidon outfit and a spear was in her hands.
“I’m the Goddess of War!” –Yasmine
“I’m sure you will get many followers, male and female!” –Nick
Yuki on the other hand should just be skipped. She looked like a spoiled 12 year old princess, straight with crown and everything!
“Goddess of Pride!” –Yuki
Jade was even scarier, around 15 years old with short black hair and sporting an emover hairstyle with black lipstick and eyeliner with a lolita black dress.
“I’m the Goddess of Emotions.” –Jade
“An Emo Goddess… I’ve seen it all. Okay what happens next once they choose a Goddess?” –Nick
“They get a level 10 horned rabbit spawned on him as well as a quest to kill it. The rewards are of course levels and the Cultivation skill. That is all they really need, they can learn the rest. They then are forced to max the skill out and are sent to a random place in the Human kingdom, don’t want to scare anyone else after all as we won’t be sending anyone here until after the wedding. Of course everyone going to the wedding will have to go through this too.” –Sally
“Okay send me back home, I know Solaria and Maya are waiting. Will I still be able to talk to you from there?” –Nick
“Yes, but you need to be able to make a device to send people here, it doesn’t matter how but make sure it only sends supers, vampires, witches and werewolves for now, we don’t know how to deal with the regulars now since they will treat this like a game and it’s not, permadeath is real.” –Sally
With that Nick was teleported back to his room.
“Nick!” –Solaria
And once again Solaria and Maya are clinging to Nick’s arms. Nick took a look at some of his favorites and then smiled since he at least accomplished the first part of the plans to make his team stronger as well as others in the world as 6 months is not long enough to ascend in any normal fashion, but in the other world, anything is possible.
“It was a success! Here, I’ll teleport both of you there now so you can see, then you can come back. Just tell one of the girls it was a test and to send you back when done.” –Nick
“”Okay!”” –Solaria, Maya
When Solaria opened her eyes she was in a black void for only a moment until it turned into the familiar green pasture that Nick was in.
“Mommy you made it!” –Sally
This caused Sally to run to Solaria and give her a hug.
“Sally?” –Solaria
“Yes it’s all of us, we are all Goddesses here! Oh and you have to choose one of us to be your patron Goddess so you can get the cheats!” –Sally
“That sounds great! I want cheats. So who should I pick, which will give me the best cheats?” –Solaria
“Well we all represent an aspect and the aspect you choose will give you a bonus in any skills related to them. We won’t tell you who is who just the aspects. You can choose from Kindness, Love, Pride, War, Lust, Sloth ,and Emo. Yes we shorted the Emo one since that is what it really is isn’t it Jade!” –Sally
“Hahahaha I guess I don’t even have to guess who is who. Well since I like to burn things I will choose War!” –Solaria
“Excellent mother, can’t believe I won the first follower! Nick will be proud of my exploits and I will gain much face and honor!” –Yasmine
You have chosen the Goddess of War to be your Patron Goddess.Title Unlocked: Champion of War
“Good now you are a champion and can finally get the cheats. Just remember the important commands like show status, show details and show skills. You can get detailed by telling who to show to or what to show from there.” –Sally
“I remember, you made me learn all this stuff earlier remember?” –Solaria
“Oh yes, you Maya and Lea already know this stuff! I still need to be better at this tutorial for the others though.” –Sally
“It’s time to fight.” –Yasmine
With that a horned rabbit was spawned.
Quest AcceptedKill the Horned Rabbit to gain your rewards.
“Seems easy enough.” –Solaria
Solaria never one to name her regular skills just shot a beam of fire at the poor rabbit killing it instantly.
Congratulations! You have gained a level x4
Congratulations! You have unlocked stat points!
Quest Completed: Kill the Horned RabbitRewards: Skills
Skills Unlocked: Cultivation, Analyze
“Now you put 9 skill points in each and the tutorial is done. Then we can send you wherever you want, it’s easy isn’t it?” –Sally
“Yes this is easy, and wow I gained so much knowledge just putting points into cultivation. So this is the cheat that allowed Nick to progress in a single day!” –Solaria
“Well it did not take even a day, only like an hour. Also time here is stopped compared to the outside world so you should just do it now and surprise him.” –Sally
A few days later in the void but no real time later, Solaria finally finished cultivating.
“Wow I’m much much much more stronger now than before. I can’t wait to show Nick! You should also not let any of our friends leave this space until they cap out cultivation like I did.” –Solaria
“Of course, we will do this for our friends only! The rest will have to go out in the world and be bored. Also it took Maya longer but she did it too! Now I’m sending you both back at the same time so surprise Nick since only a second of time will have passed for him. Also you can use your skills in your world as well as the blues screens since we have a connection there with you as well.” –Sally
Then in a flash of light Nick saw Solaria and Maya both appear a mere moment after he sent them out. But that wasn’t what astonished him. Sure he was used to Solaria being strong but he never expected Maya to have such a strong and bloodthirsty aura.
“W what happened? How are you so strong?” –Nick
“The girls gave us some extra time to train in null space where time doesn’t move. She said she can only do that once though as new people come to the world, she wasn’t able to do it with you since you were already part of the system. Now show us your stats so we can compare!” –Solaria
“Okay, show status to all.” –Nick
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Nick CageAge:32Race:Evolved HumanAlignment:GoodLevel:200Aura:10.0Titles:Superhero, Hero, Harem KingStrength:4000Vitality:4000Dexterity:4000Concentration:4000Intelligence:4000Wisdom:4000Unlocked Affinities:Light, Dark, Fire, HellfireStat Points:1892
“Not bad, now my turn! Show status to all.” –Solaria
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Solaria CageAge:29Race:Evolved HumanAlignment:GoodLevel:4Aura:10.0Titles:Superhero, Champion of WarStrength:4000Vitality:4000Dexterity:4000Concentration:4000Intelligence:4000Wisdom:4000Unlocked Affinities:Dark, Fire, HellfireStat Points:2
“Wow you have the same affinities as I do minus the one I got for being a hero. I guess we are truly linked as our stats are the same too.” –Nick
“Looks like I caught up with you huh! Maybe I will be the one to ascend first and defeat the system!” –Solaria
“I hope it is you, I just hope this will be enough as we definitely have to win. What about you Maya? Also you should calm our bloodlust somehow.” –Nick
“I will calm it very soon, very very soon. Show status to all.” –Maya
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Maya CageAge:337Race:Noble VampireAlignment:GoodLevel:4Blood Aura:10.0Titles:Progenitor, Champion of LustStrength:4000Vitality:4000Dexterity:4000Concentration:4000Intelligence:4000Wisdom:4000Unlocked Affinities:BloodStat Points:2
“Wow I did not know your powers were similar to supers.” –Nick
“They originally weren’t, but with the cultivation at godly rank I was able to train the same way you do and unlocked the Blood Aura as well as the Progenitor title which made all abilities use Blood Aura instead of mana. I think I may even be able to use other elements if I can unlock their affinities though I have not tested this yet. My bloodlust is too strong and must be sated!” –Maya
With that Maya jumped Nick and started to both mate and suck his blood at the same time. It was so hot that even Solaria got turned on and started to join in.
Next up the wedding! Nothing crazy ever happens when Nick gets married, amirite? Also final chapter of the arc as other shit is going down that's more important and has nothing to do with a Demon King. Also Hina's path will be revealed and will most likely put Hiro's dads pov either in the epilogue or a side chapter right next to it as putting it before this arc ends would spoil too much.
Bonus chapter because my kindle power died. Now to catch up on my reading as this chapter did not end on a cliff and i don't want to end the weekend on a cliff.
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A Universe of Bloody Evolution
The Void was never meant to be opened to the Multiverse. The horrors waiting inside it should have never seen the light. And yet, the biggest mistake in the history of creation led to the impossible. In an event later known as the Outbreak, gates appeared in the first Universe, and with them, the Void was free. For ages the Void destroyed universe after universe, spreading its power in every direction, leaving only death and pain behind. But before every Universe met its end, it still had a chance. A small part of the population that survived the initial Outbreak and was granted a mysterious System to help them fight against the dangers that came from the Void. They were the Multiverse's last hope even if they couldn't stop the collapse of their own world. And so the cycle continued until the 36th Outbreak came. Leo Hale, a young reporter from Wolford, was one of the lucky ones to survive when the majority of Earth's population turned into monsters straight out of nightmares. Thrust into a constant battle for his life, Leo was determined to push forward and find his remaining family. Even if it meant sacrificing what was left of his humanity. After all, you either adapt or die. Story of progression and evolution with my take at the post-apocalyptic genre. Unlike most monster evolution stories where the monster rushes to gain human form, here I plan to do something quite the opposite. After all, in a world where almost everything wants to kill you, being human can be hard. Warnings are here to give me the freedom to write whatever is necessary. This is my first original novel. Also English isn't my native language so any feedback is welcome. Remember that even if initially this story takes place on Earth, fictional places, streets, etc will appear. Release Schedule: Monday - Wednesday - Friday Average chapter length: 2000-2500 words (There might be exceptions as is the case with some of the first chapters - most of them are longer.)
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