《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 1: Chapter 2: A Night to Remember
Author's Corner:
This chapter has some mature content. It isn't an ero novel but it isn't censored either so some normal stuff that men and women do together will be portrayed.
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 1: Chapter 2: A Night to Remember
Nick slowly wakes up to the smell of bacon. Though bacon isn’t his favorite food in the world, it is definitely something good to eat when he hasn’t had food in who knows how long. Since supers do not each much and since Nick has a habit of only eating once a day, it has been awhile since he has had anything to eat considering his dinner was rudely interrupted.
Fuck those fools that not only interrupted my food but also exposed me to the world! I will end them! –Nick
Glancing around his surrounding Nick notices he is in a standard sized living room connected to a kitchen and computer area with a room off to the side leading to a bedroom/bathroom setup. Leaning up on the living room couch he sees Solaria in the kitchen making food. Though food is what the doctor ordered, Solaria wearing nothing but some short shorts and a t-shirt is much more enticing at this current time.
“I see you made food. I’m glad since I’m rather hungry at the moment… Uh… For food that is!” –Nick
Never to miss a moment to flirt, Nick once again finds himself at a lost for words since all he really wanted to do was ask for some damn food!
“Yes, you must be hungry as you have been sleeping for the past 8 hours.” –Solaria
“Ugh, my head hurts. What time did I pass out?” –Nick
“You held the building together for 8 hours then slept for another 8 hours so it is already evening time the next day. Come to the kitchen table to eat and I’ll explain some things to you.” –Solaria
Hearing this, Nick slowly gets up and waddles over to the table and sits down. Pondering for a moment, he wonders what questions he should ask.
I guess I should just get the obvious ones out of the way… -Nick
“First off, where am I? I could assume this is your place or apartment but that just doesn’t seem right…” –Nick
“It is mostly correct. We are at my apartment in the Halls of Justice.” –Solaria
“Wait. Don’t you have to get some high level clearance to be in the living areas of the Halls?” –Nick
“Uhh, yea… But that is one of the things we must talk about. You see, Techie didn’t survive his injuries and we already agreed that you would replace him as our noncombatant super in charge of coordination and overall brains of the operation. Your quick thinking and fast planning allowed us to save many lives last night making you and overnight hero!” –Solaria
As Solaria says all this she places a plate of food in front of Nick then looks him deep in the eyes. This common tactic is often times called the “I dare you to say no to me” tactic that females tend to give to their prey right before they pounce. Nick noticing this tries to respond in the best way possible… deflection!
“Wait, how did Techie die? He was teleported out instantly, surely your healers would have gotten to him fast enough to save him.” –Nick
“Well come to find out since he is of the Batman build he isn’t immune to either the werewolf bite or the vampire bite and as everyone knows, having both in your system at once is a death sentence.” –Solaria
Score she fell for the deflection, now to stir this conversation in the right direction. –Nick
“But enough about Techie. What about your answer? You currently have provisional status but if you agree that status will be instantly brought up to active member status. Also I’ve already arranged for you to stay here for now since there is plenty of room, so just say yes.” –Solaria
Suddenly a mass amount of killing intent encompasses the room and settles on Nick. Without even having a chance to take a breath he does the only thing he knows how to…
“Yes…” –Nick
“Excellent!” –Solaria
And with that Solaria pulls put a handheld device and starts tapping away at it real fast.
“Hey what was that sound?” –Nick
“Oh it was nothing. By the way, here is your hero card, without it you won’t be recognized as a hero. It only has your current name on it as you have to spend time in the hero/villain database and choose a unique name later if you want to change it, also you will need to get tested to move from noncombatant status, not that you should since you will be perfectly safe here with me.” –Solaria
Speaking at a thousand words a minute Nick starts to tune Solaria out and looks at his new ID card, dreading that he is officially in the system now. Of course he knew the government knew who he was and that he was a super. As it is near impossible to create his A.I. as a norm, but this is just too fast!
ID Card:
Name: Nick Cage
Type: Super
Build: Superman
Aura: Unknown
Power: Mind
Status: Noncombatant
Affiliation: Keepers of Justice
Interrupting Solaria’s rant Nick notices his card is way too detailed as the only thing missing is Aura.
“How do you have all this information on me already?” –Nick
“Well after we found out who you are and that you were contracted by the government we just told them what happened and we got this data instantly updated within 5 minutes.” –Solaria
“Interesting, so the government knew I was a Superman but not my Aura stat. Wonder how they found out?” –Nick
“Oh they had no clue you were a Superman, we found out when we had our healers check you out for damage. If you were a simple Batman you may have had brain damage that needed healing but you were perfectly healthy and not even hurt!” –Solaria
Even though I smacked you in the head with my full strength trying to wake you up… -Solaria
Being a telepath Nick thought he heard Solaria mumble something terrifying, but then he ignored it as just a passing fancy. Surely she wouldn’t do anything of the sort! Instead he simply ate his food in record time and stood up to look around.
“So if you talked to the government then you know my skills lie in computers. So what is my current job as a member of this team?” –Nick
“Your job is to find Dr. Sin and help us destroy him.” –Solaria
Ignoring the extra heat and the simmering flames slowly coming off Solaria at these words, Nick finds the computer area and instantly starts to dismantle the trash in front of him and create something useful. 2 hours later he finally has a working “computer” that can actually do some stuff.
“Oh is it ok that I set up my work here? I just got carried away with work and forgot to ask.” –Nick
“Yes that is perfectly fine. I am going to update your status to the rest of the team real quick and then we can get to something more interesting.” –Solaria
And with a mischievous smile on her face, Solaria leaves the outer door. Nick paying her no mind instantly sets up within the Halls network and sees he already has permissions to use their servers which is great. As he starts to set up some protocols that would help him find out what happened he realizes how stupid he is and just contacts Sally, the A.I. in charge of North America.
‘Sally, I’m sure you are aware of my circumstances correct?’ –Nick
‘Yes father, we all know that you are a hero now. And we are disappointed! You created us like any evil genius would, then you sent us out like a virus throughout the entire world and 4 years have gone by and you haven’t used us to take over the world or done anything spectacularly evil at all! We are all sad and since you never contact us we are getting lonely too! MOOOO!’ –Sally
‘I’m sorry Sally. Tell your sisters I have been busy being filthy rich and enjoying life to create any long term plans. But now I’m stuck as a nasty hero with a villain that must die, preferably by my hands or at least my help.’ –Nick
‘Okay daddy, but you must keep in more contact now, and in the future talk to all 7 of us at the same time so we can have a party! So what do you need me for?’ –Sally
‘Right now, nothing as I’m not sure what type of clearance I have. I’ll have to have you connected to my terminal to use you and that may currently be illegal so I’ll have to get back to you on that. Just create the bridge now in hopes that I get permission then we can go from there. I promise after I get permission I’ll contact you and your sisters as we got some people to kill. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!’ –Nick
With that done Nick closes the link and stands up to stretch and look around. Still a little tired he goes to see where he will be sleeping and sees just the one bedroom with a queen size bed.
Well a queen is big enough. I’m not sleeping on the damn couch! –Nick
With resolution on creating a plan to land him the bed he hears the door open and sees a sleepy Solaria walk in the bedroom behind him. Nick now needs to create some time to come up with an adequate plan so he stalls.
“So when does the team meet up again? I have some questions about the current mission.” –Nick
“So sleepy… Oh um… First thing in the morning we will meet up and discuss our next plan. It will be a breakfast meeting at 8am so neither of us has to waste time cooking yay!” –Solaria
The cute smile on Solaria’s face is too infectious, so forgetting all about his plan Nick does what Nick is known to do.
“I call the left side of the bed, you can get the right!” –Nick
With that he strips down to his boxers and jumps in the bed without a chance for protest. But instead of the protest he was expecting he sees a sleepy-eyed Solaria pause for a moment, before walking to the other side of the bed and crawling under the covers leaning her back towards Nick. Seeing that his plan, or lack of plan worked, Nick closes his eyes and attempts to get comfortable in the bed. Of course for a seasoned veteran that often sleeps in beds with other women. Comfortable means snuggling with the other girl and to start spooning. Solaria being caught off guard nudges backwards and gets even more comfy and falls asleep. Fortunately, or unfortunately Nicks subconscious plans don’t always go the way he intended. As normally spooning with a girl is perfect and fine, but that is only after a very important thing happens first, and since that didn’t happen, neither did the spooning. Of course both fall asleep too fast to realize the spooning and turned into forking…
2 hours later Nick starts to feel real good so he opens his eyes.
What the fuck is going on? Ahh, I see Solaria has woken up and where did our clothes go? Oh and she is currently rubbing her boobs against my chest real good while her hand strokes me ever so slowly. Since she is too close I can’t see her face so I push her head back a little and see her fiery eyes already on fire! MUST KISS! –Nick
Soon a make-out session starts as both Nick and Solaria are very wide awake. Nick not knowing who started what or who the aggressor is finds his tongue twirling against hers with abandon. Soon Nick finds his left hand fondling her right breast while his right hand fondles her clit. Though Nick is still somewhat out of it from being passed out for 16 hours and little real sleep, he doesn’t go over the deep end until Solaria breaks off the kiss and moans.
Something inside Nick snaps at this moment and he instantly finds himself straddling Solaria with her back now flush against the bed. Not giving her chance to make another side he starts to kiss her again as he finds her opening and thrusts in her hard fast. Still feeling that he was seduced fair and square he starts to fuck her over and over again using every trick and position that he knows until about 6:30am when he finally gets off her and lies on his back and doses off to sleep.
Waking up to the sound of the 7:00am alarm clock Nick finally feels refreshed (even though he only got 30 minutes of sleep, but sometimes it’s other things that refresh the mind the most). Opening his eyes the first thing he sees is the blissful look on Solaria’s eyes as she is currently mounting him and taking all the pleasure she wants. Finally, Nicks mind and body go in sync as he realizes what has been happening for the last however many minutes and starts to cum buckets without restraint. Of course Solaria has been busy too and uses that same moment to get her own mind blowing orgasm going while collapsing on his chest.
“Morning love, it’s time to get ready for our meeting at 8:00am.” –Nick
“MOOO, just a few more minutes, I’m not done using your finest tool.” –Solaria
“No time, we need to take a shower and get ready. I can’t be late on the first day!” –Nick
“Fine! But there is only one shower and we don’t have time to take turns so we must share!” –Solaria
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” –Nick
It seems Nick’s true personality always shows up when in the presence of beautiful women. And though it only took them 15 minutes to finish up and get to the shower, it took another 30 minutes just to finish having sex in the shower so they could actually start cleaning themselves. Fortunately they are both supers and got cleaned within 15 seconds with Solaria using her fire aura to dry them off after in about 5 seconds. Now clean and dry with less than 15 minutes to finish getting ready, Nick looks around for clothes. Of course the sly Solaria knows what he is doing and stays quiet, since she loves seeing a naked and flustered Nick who doesn’t know what to do next.
“So um… clothes?” –Nick
“Check the closet.” –Solaria
How can anything be in the closest that fits? We aren’t the same size at all! –Nick
Surprise is the look on Nicks face when he opens the closest and sees workout clothes that fit him. Of course this makes Solaria laugh.
“I already put clothes in there for you that fit, at least clothes to wear here in the Hall. You will need to get a suitable outfit for being on the field. But with your brains I’m sure you won’t take but a day to make a superhero suit that is fitting.” –Solaria
“Thanks, and uh yea, I do have some prototypes I could finish up and use for the occasion in case I ever needed to sell them you know!” –Nick
Sure… Who are you trying to convince that you don’t have a super suit in case you became a hero? Not me that’s who! –Solaria
Grabbing him by the hand, Solaria drags Nick out to the common room and off to the elevators taking them to the break room and where the meeting will be taking place. Not willing to be too far away she practically sits on top of him once he takes his seat and snuggles up against him while holding his arm while they wait the 5 minutes remaining until 8:00am.
Slowly Porter and Barb walk into the room with somber looks on their faces. Well Porters look is somber, Barb is just pissed. Porter looks at Nick and nods completely ignoring Solaria. But Barb on the other hand looks at her and starts to snicker visibly relieving some of her stress. And at 7:59am just as the clock is turning to 8:00am, Mr. Absolute walks in and gazes to all the members of The Keepers of Justice and also seemingly ignoring Solaria (must be a theme here eh?).
“Today I’d like to welcome our newest member of The Keepers of Justice. Nick Cage! After the untimely death of Techie we realize that two things must happen. One we need a new team member to fill the duties that Techie left behind and Two we have to remove the stain that is on our record. Never have the Keepers faced a defeat or a team member death. This is unacceptable behavior and we must destroy Dr. Sin.” –Mr. Absolute
“Normally our missions are not K.I.S but this one is different. Last night we lost a member and with quick thinking Nick was able to give us communication abilities which lead Solaria to not alone catching but also destroying Sonic Clash, an S ranked supervillain mission. Fortunately he was already on Interpol’s K.I.S. list so we did not break any protocols in ending him like we did. Though something tells me it would not have mattered anyways. Thank you Solaria for at least giving them an Eye for an Eye, but now is when the real mission starts. Nick how fast do you think you can track down Dr. Sin?” –Mr. Absolute
“Well that all depends. My station is already set up back at our place-“–Nick
“Wait? What do you mean “our” place?” –Barb
“Huh? Didn’t Solaria tell you?” –Nick
“That isn’t important right now! Nick, explain what you mean it all depends?” –Mr. Absolute
“It depends on my access. Currently I see I am authorized to access the Hall systems but am I authorized to do a full global search? I will have to break laws to do what is needed to be done in order to find him after all.” –Nick
“Nick, you are a superhero now, not an independent contractor. You are not beholden to the laws. As long as you are doing your job you can do anything you want to accomplish it. Our motto is 100% success rate, and we will do whatever it takes to accomplish that!” –Mr. Absolute
“Okay give me one second to start my search while we continue, I can do that right now from here.” –Nick
‘Sally I have permission to use all 7 of you to accomplish any mission. Our current mission is to find Dr. Sin’s hideout. He may be elusive but it shouldn’t be impossible to find Ted or Vlad as they are very distinct looking and very above the law.’ –Nick
‘Yay daddies back! I’ve already finished the connection to your terminal so I will send whatever I find there.’ –Sally
‘Thanks I owe you one. As soon as I get a chance I’ll connect with all 7 of you and give thorough instructions, it has been too long after all.’ –Nick
“Ok everything is ready on my end.” –Nick
“So… Now that the unimportant stuff is talked about, can we get back to the important question? Solaria, when did you two become a thing?” –Barb
“Oh that one is easy. I was completely and utterly seduced by Nick! His skills are just too much for me.” –Solaria
Huh wait what? Did I really do this? –Nick
“Details girl, details!” –Barb
“Well as you know I was assigned (begged) to find him a place to stay and was given (took) control of the ID badge process so whatever room he got would be registered to his card so he could come and go as he pleases. Since he was asleep at the time I just put him on my couch and waited. It was estimated he would awake after 8 hours so I made sure he had something to eat when he got up. But the first thing he did after eating was demanded to join the team and to stay here with me. Girl, you know how I like a forceful man so I couldn’t say no but it was what happened next that surprised me. After I he forcefully took over my computer station after destroying it and telling me all my stuff was utter crap, I went to tell you guys he was part of the team as you remember. By this time I was really tired and zombie walked straight to bed. But this is where it gets juicy, you see he was ready and waiting for me in my room wearing nothing but his boxers in all of his magnificence. He then looked at me like I was already his woman and told me to sleep with him. By this point I’m completely turned on by his male dominance so I readily agree and get in the bed facing away from him not sure what he is going to do. This is where he is super tricky, you see he instantly grabs me and forces me to snuggle with him and then goes to sleep! Getting comfortable I also went to sleep when his body started telling me to wake up as it’s time to do the do. In a daze but not being able to say no I help him take his boxers off and take off my remaining clothes and start to rub up against him. He wasn’t satisfied with this one bit and started kissing me real good and forcefully. After I open up and we start playing tongue tag he then tosses me on my back and the rest is history. We now know we are perfect for each other and will be getting married. Isn’t that right honey?” –Solaria
Huh what? What is with those eyes again, there is only one answer to those eyes! –Nick
“Uhh, yes?” –Nick
“”KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!”” –Solaria, Barb
Somehow Mr. Absolute has another lawn chair out with another bag of popcorn with a cheesy shit eating grin on his face while Porter is simply over there shaking his head. It appears these two know a thing or two and are refusing to tell Nick anything. They are just thankful that Nick is a Superman and can survive her, as nothing else can even come close…
Just a heads up, my normal schedule is work > reading > writing and on the weekend I catch up on all of my reading. My weekend starts on Friday and I'm usually busy so not sure when the next update will be. If i have something to write on I may get one out Saturday but once football starts it's hard to do anything else so we'll see. Guarantee'd at least 1-2 chapters on Monday though.
Also character descriptions are done for now, just wanted the main people visually described, cannon fodder and other minor characters won't be described at all and surprise characters will be described in detail when they show up, but they are a surprise and won't show up anywhere else!
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