《Isekai! It's A Hard Life.》1: Sleep, Little Emilia.


I saw nothing but darkness. But I heard something breaking, like a glass cracking. Amidst the cracks, there was light. And then I heard it shattering into a million pieces. The light burst out and it was so blinding and suddenly, heat crept into every corner of my senses. Then the light and heat faded into a comfortably warm and gentle glow.

I could feel something, it was familiar to me. Wait, was it sunlight? I feel it all over my body.

Was I sleeping? I tried to wake my senses but it was so hard. It felt like a long time to fully grasp both my mind and body.

And then I could slowly open my eyes. I blinked once so I could focus on the things I saw in front of me. I let out a surprised gasp. It was a bunch of toys hanging from a beautiful branch of purple orchids. It smelled wonderful. The perfume tickled my nose.

The toys were made from red, yellow, and white crystals, and were shaped from stars to the sun and the moon. It twinkled upon the sunlight coming from a window, somewhere.

Wow! It was an amazing sight that made me feel so relaxed. I felt my mouth was open and saliva trickled down. What in the hell? I tried to wipe it off but my hands only hit my face. What the hell?

What was wrong with my hands? They were so ... small? and a bit chubby. Wait, I couldn't move them properly! What was going on? I pulled my arms up high to reach the crystal toys but I failed. Sadly, my arms were short too.

I gave a sigh but a small, cute voice came out of my mouth. What? I tried to talk but all I could do was babble! I swear I wasn't hearing things! All I could hear was myself talking gibberish whenever I opened my mouth! Seriously what was happening to me?

I looked around at my surroundings and I seemed to be lying on a soft mattress that made me want to sleep. Aside from the toys, I could see the ceiling. And when I moved my head sideways, which was unrealistically so hard for me I didn't know why, then I realized that there were bars around me as if I was a prisoner. But all in all, it was a comfortable prison since the colors around me were in a pinkish hue.

Hmmm. I knew this before and it was at the tip of my tongue. Actually, where was I?

I remember that I was... I can't seem to remember anything! I have no memories?

I focused really hard to recall anything but to no avail, my mind was a blank slate. Was this just a dream? I felt so frustrated that I shouted rather loudly if you considered my burst of peaky voice loud.

Suddenly, I heard a cry beside me. What was that? I looked for the source and it came upon me that it was a baby's cry. Where was that baby?

Finally, after a series of moving my head from side to side, I saw the tiny human baby from the spaces of the white bars. The baby was in another prison like mine and was also lying on its back, but the colors of the prison bars were light blue, even the mattress was blue. Then again, why was there a human baby in here? Ugh, it was so loud and irritating.

Then I heard a thud and light footsteps nearing toward us. Who was that? Don't come here!


"Hush, little prince," a gentle voice whispered and it came near the baby's prisoner. I slowly blinked as I focused on the person who was now carrying the tiny baby that was still crying.

It was a woman. As I stared at the person's face, I saw lines and wrinkles etched making her appear old. She was not that really old but old enough to be considered old, did you get it?

"Why do you cry, prince? Do you miss your mother?" the woman softly spoke as she cradled the baby in her arms. I could only stare at the baby's white cloth that has golden embroidery. It was sparkling and I felt my mouth open at the sight.

"Do not worry, your mother will come to see you soon. She already had gotten some rest." After a few minutes, the baby stopped crying. Thank you for that! I don't like loud things.

She still had the baby in her arms when our eyes met each other. The woman smiled warmly at me while I could only gaze at her white teeth. Hmmm.

"Look at your sister, Ethan. She's so gentle. I'm sure she will be a beautiful and graceful lady when she grows up," the woman said as she tried to make the baby face me. I stared at the baby's tiny face and I saw his clear blue eyes slowly blinking at me.

And what the hell was she saying? She's not crazy, is she? Saying weird things while looking at me.

When the baby opened his mouth to yawn, the woman's attention returned to him and she carefully placed him back in his prison. I remember now, it was called a crib. I heard her say something to him that I couldn't understand.

And then I saw her face nearing mine. Hey! Don't come!

"Little princess... you're so quiet, aren't you?" The woman had soft brown eyes, fair skin, and thin red lips. Her hair was a light brown color with visible white strands. I admit that she has a nice disposition and a bright aura.

Wait, was she talking to me? Did she say, little princess?

I felt my eyes widen as I realized what she was talking about. I was a baby. I suddenly pulled up my hand to inspect it. It was really small as a baby's.

What in the world?

And I couldn't see the lower part of my body since I couldn't properly move my head. Huhuhuhu, help me! It was too heavy.

And when I saw her hand suddenly appear in front of my face, a surprised gasp came out of me. But to the woman, it was undeniably me being cute?!

"Awwe, you have a cute voice, my dear princess," the woman cooed at me, her eyes twinkling with delight. She was touching my face! No, don't do that!

When I complained to her, all I could hear was myself babbling which led to her touching my cheeks more. Noo!

I moved my head sideways in an attempt to be far away from her as I could not move my entire body. Why was this happening to me?

"You have unique eyes, lady Emilia. A beautiful inner amber turning to blue," the woman spoke with awe.

I blinked when she said that to me. My name is Emilia? I'm really a girl and a princess? But I'm...

Who was I before? I really couldn't remember anything. I was reincarnated as a human baby. But it seemed that my consciousness was integrated into this life while my memories didn't make it. What the hell happened?


I felt my vision narrowing. A second later, I was also yawning. I couldn't stop it since I felt sleepy with all that thinking. It seemed that this tiny human brain of mine couldn't handle it.

The woman gently patted my belly and whispered, "Sleep now, little princess. And when you wake up, you'll see your dear mother."

I have a mother, and a brother, too. So that means, I also have a father? A family...

Something warm stirred inside me as the word family flashed in my mind. It was indescribable. It was new to me, I guess. Maybe, I was just really sleepy.

"Sleep, little Emilia," the woman was lulling me to sleep with her soft voice and after several seconds, my eyes closed.

My name is Emilia.

And I fell into a deep sleep.


I was awoken by a gentle humming sound. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to look for the voice. It came in front of my brother's crib. I saw a figure standing; the moon's rays lighting up her face. The woman was young and beautiful. She had an angelic aura. With soft blonde hair and eyes that were vividly blue, she looked so celestial under the moonlight. Her red lips were set on a smile making her more exquisite, but why did I feel like she was sad?

The woman was silently gazing at the human baby. Her blue eyes were moist and her long lashes fluttered as she blinked. Who was she?

I peered at the baby's crib and saw him sleeping without a care in the world. Come to think of it, I think his eyes were also the same as the woman. I dragged my gaze and I involuntarily let out a sound when I locked eyes with the woman.

She smiled at me and suddenly I felt something warm inside of me.

"Emilia, my dear, come here," the woman picked me up and I couldn't complain. As soon as she held me in her arms, I was comfortable. It felt nice.

I blinked twice when she neared her face near mine and softly rubbed my cheeks. Her hair tickled me and once again, I babbled. She laughed lightly and it left me confused.

Then she kissed me on my cheek!

Hey! What are you doing?

But again, she pecked my other cheek. She smelled of citrus and the refreshing scent made me snap out of sleepiness.

"Are you hungry, my beautiful daughter?" the woman asked.

Ah, so she was my mother. And she was right, I was kind of hungry after hours of dozing. I burbled out to confirm. As if she understood my signal, she went and sat on a bench and fed me.

After several minutes, I was happily gurgling away since I was full. I don't know what I'm doing so don't ask me.

She then played with me, shaking a few rattling toys that made a sound. It was so lively that I felt so energized. I practiced moving my body around since I was frisky. Ahh!

I could see sparkles in my mother's eyes while she was laughing loudly. But then a cry broke our bubble and I saw mother's face change. It was back to when her eyes were sad.

"Ethan," whispered Mother. She stood from our place, carrying me. She put me back in my crib, and I felt irritated to be inside once again in this prison.

Mother cradled my brother and silently fed him. It was a long time when the room was filled with silence and I could only stare at the crystal toys hanging prettily from the orchid branch. Its transparent glow looked more ethereal under the moonlight.

I imagined what they were doing so quietly that I only hear my breathing. When at last, mother put my twin back into his crib, and again, I saw a figure standing, looking at my brother so sadly. Even though she was smiling gently, her blue eyes hinted sorrow and ... regret?

The longer I stared at her, the more I could feel sadness filling me. I tried to ask her what was wrong but words didn't properly form out of my mouth. Mother looked at me and said something weird.

"Emilia, my love. Please help your dear brother. You must protect him at all costs."

What the hell she was saying to a baby? Am I hearing things right?

I don't understand.

Then she carefully held my hand, although I could feel her shaking. I stared at her in surprise and her eyes were full of determination. "I know you can do it. You are the daughter of this kingdom's hero. You are a child of light," my mother whispered to me but I could feel her strong will. I only blinked in confusion.

My father is the kingdom's hero? Child of light?

A knock came from the door and mother gave permission easily when a deep voice permeated around the room. I heard heavy footsteps nearing and somehow, I felt nervous I did not know why. I looked at my mother but she was smiling so beautifully at the person.

Who was it? Why do I feel so anxious?

Mother stood up and warmly hugged the person. I saw a tall man, his hair black, his eyes were of amber color, and he smiled comfortably at mother. Once I finally took a good look at his face, my vision suddenly narrowed and darkness clouded over me.

Wait, he's ...!

A wave of strong emotion washed over me. It was so heavy that I felt like vomiting.

What the hell?

I blinked slowly to regain my senses and I let out a gasp when I saw the man staring at me. He had a face that seemed to show a harsh experience. His features were manly with sharp jaws, a high-bridged nose, thin lips, and a faint mustache forming around his mouth. His amber eyes were perusing me as I was suspicious. But why could I not look away from him!?

Why do I feel like sweating?

He then smiled warmly at me and chuckled softly. "Ah, my daughter, your eyes are really enchanting."

He's my father?! But why do I feel so troubled about this matter?

He was so tense.

I finally closed my eyes and breathed out my frustration. I suddenly felt exhausted.

"Are you sleepy?" my father asked and I stilled when he carefully touched my cheek! His hand was rough and big.

I feel like he could crush me at any moment.

Was I afraid of him?

I pretended to be asleep and moved my head sideways so he wouldn't poke me anymore. Where was mother?

Save me!

I heard my father softly chuckle. "Then sleep, little Emilia."

After feigning to be asleep for a while, I heard them whispering to each other. Darkness came and I fell into a deep slumber.

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