《Rise (A superhero serial)》Rise Lore - 2



UH: The UH, or the United Heroes is an organization that brings together and organises hero teams all over the world, giving them support and resources to allow them to do what they do more effectively.

The United Heroes has Jurisdiction in Africa, South America, Mexico, Australia and most of Europe, this makes them the farthest reaching hero organization in the world and without it most of the world’s heroes would collapse, unable to support themselves.

The founder of the United Heroes was a man named Harry Cartwright, better known as the hero Demigod. Demigod was and is still considered to be the most powerful human to have ever lived, in terms of both influence and raw power. He was corrupted during his fight against Abyssal, a villain with power to cause people to go mad. He now roams the world destroying the ‘non-believers.’ His fall from grace was a great loss to the world.

The Cults of Dagor:

The Cults of Dagor are the organizations of powered people that worship the corrupted Demigod now known as Dagor.

Their modus operandi, is to travel into an area decimated by Dagor and then being to convert it to their religion.

They are a plague on this earth and anywhere they surface the United Heroes snuffs them out without fail, but that takes time. Time enough for the Cults of Dagor to perform some of their perverted rights.

The Kingsman:

The Kingsman is the hero group that operates in the British Isles, they are supported by the government of the United Kingdom and have no affiliation to the United Heroes. The UK is the only country to have their own government funded hero team.

The founder of The Kingsman was a man known only as Pendragon, he is the oldest living cape and considered to be the most powerful telekinetic in existence.


He is used on the political scale as a sort of deterrent and is believed to be the only reason why the UK can continue to exist unmolested by the power that is fascist France so close by.

The Mer: The Mer are an organization of people with water based powers based in the Pacific Islands, they rule this land as their personal domain where their word is law, to defy The Mer is to defy life itself.

They are the reason why Australia finally accepted the aid of the United Heroes after decades of being standoffish toward their interference. For no because The Mer are much akin to the water they worship, no one can stand against them forever.

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