《Rise (A superhero serial)》Chapter 15


I walked with a purpose back into the foyer. When I first entered it was quite deserted but now? Now it was filled with people running about anxiously, this was fucking insane!

“Ddraig Goch?” A feminine voice asked from behind me.

“Yes that’s me.” I said turning around, my normally low voice being augmented by the helmet into a deep smooth baritone. I turned around and I saw the woman from the front desk now wearing a suit and carrying to pistols that I could see.

“My name is Lisa Rebalchi, and I am to be your handler from the United Heroes.” She said while smiling slightly. The United Heroes was the organization that ran majority of hero organizations such as the BCH.

“Well, aren’t you just full of surprizes.”

“Quite,” she said smiling “now as per protocol you are to be briefed on the situation before entering into it. What we are looking at is an attack by the Dominators, they have breached a local high school and are currently taking hostages, the police were preparing for a siege when the Dominators stepped out, they said that ‘it was no fun if we didn’t fight back’. We believe that they are currently waiting for a united hero response.”

I gulped, everyone on the east coast knew who the Dominators were, not because they were the most powerful, or the smartest, no, we knew of them because they were some of the most cruel people in Australia. They were serial rapists hence the name Dominators. They numbered here and they mostly focused their attacks on young women. I was going to put them down, hard.

“What are their powers?” I found myself asking.

“They recently took casualties during a failed attack on Sydney so they only have original member, Bulldozer, he is a solid middle class tank, high durability and strength. Their two new members are a bit less powerful, Lancer a mid-range striker, his ability is that he gets stronger the longer he runs in a straight line. And finally Bongo, the ability to create localised explosions of sound, now go, you have lives to save.”


“Wait,” I finally said remembering something that she had said. “You told me they were in a high school, which?” I spoke, my voice cracking.

“Bently, why?”

“No reason” I exclaimed while leaving.

I walked outside of the building and began to fly off, yeah you heard me, fly. I had been training with my ability with the help of the BCH and I realised that if ii used a localised current of vibrations I could rocket into the air.

I approached the scene at high speeds and took the time to examine it from the air as I still approached. The three villains were standing outside of the building in a triangle formation with bulldozer at the front and Bongo and Lancer flanking him, they stood about ten metres away from the police line. Waiting.

I landed in the classic hero pose, cracking the pavement as I did. I turned back to the police.

“Please stand back, let me handle this.” I said far more confidently than I felt. It was at this point that the police and villains spoke in unison.

“Who the fuck are you?” They said.

“I am Ddraig Goch,” I spoke “and you are under arrest.” I said pointing at the villains.

That was all the cue the police needed to step back, they may have known who I was they may not have, but everyone knew not to get involved in a fight between capes.

“Like fuck we are!” Yelled lancer in a clear South African accent while beginning to charge, he never got the chance. Because as soon as I saw him move I unleashed the other attack I had been training with the BCH, my roar.

I roared at the top of my lungs all the while amplifying the sound and directing it toward the Dominators, the effect was instantaneous. Both Bongo and Lancer fell to the ground clutching bleeding ears, writhing in pain, Bulldozer wasn’t affected because of his durability, he charged toward me hoping to end he fight before I could do more damage. That was his first mistake, his second was thinking I could only use sound.


I charged forward with the aid of explosions and met him in melee combat, his costume was a makeshift armour made from industrial equipment. None of it save him from my next attack.

I deftly slid under his guard and delivered a rocket powered punch but when I hit his armour I used the contact to pump him full of shock waves, his armour crumpled and rattle in a way the showed he had multiple broken bones and was out of the fight.

I walked up to his teammates who were now beginning to stand after the sonic assault.

“Should have stayed down mother fuckers!” I yelled while walking up to Lancer, sure I could have just put them down again with a sonic attack but they deserved so much worse.

I reached him while he was doubled over still trying to stand with to ruptured ear drums, I kicked him in the arse, sending him sprawling and then stomped on his spine directing vibrations into it that turned it to powder. It was amazing what healers could fix nowadays.

I left him paralysed on the floor as I turned to look at the next guy, a scrawny, weak looking young boy with dark skin who was staring slack jawed at his downed companions. I walked toward him menacingly, I was only a few metres away when he noticed me and threw his hands up.

“I surrender! I fucking surrender.” He yelled visibly crying.

I turned back to the police who had moved to put handcuffs on the downed member of the Dominators they nodded at me and I prepared to fly away and give my report to the BCH.

Before I could, a pair of slender arms wrapped themselves around my waste, then another than another. I turned my head to look at them and saw a group of girls in school uniforms clinging to me saying their various thanks and one was crying softly into my chest while holding me in a death grip.

And for the first time since the fight with The Little Blood, I truly smiled.

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