《Rise (A superhero serial)》Chapter 5


Back in the day Brisbane wouldn’t have been an easy city to find crime in randomly at night. This all changed after powers were introduced.

Since then three main gangs have made the city their home.

The Bandidos Sangrientos: A Latin American gang that had moved in during the early 2000’s, their main shtick was drug dealing, all though they were beginning to move into the slave trade.

The Seven Immortals: A gang that had moved in from south China and South East Asia, at first this group just ran muscle and other mindless jobs for the other gangs, and was close to being subsumed when they gained a new leader. A fearsome powered criminal that turned the tide, turning the Seven Immortals into what we know and hate today.

Ablution: A mainly white gang that focused on extortion. They motto was “Unto the pure the world shall be given”, their definition of pure being white Europeans. Their favourite past time was to go out and “hassle” ethnic families. Personally, they had a special place in my heart as they had yelled obscenities at me and my mother several times.

I walked at a brisk pace down the darkened streets, my footsteps echoing through the silence.

I had been patrolling the western outskirts of Brisbane for the past hour, it was both good and bad. Good in the sense that no violent crimes where being committed but bad in the sense that it didn’t seem like I was going to get to kick some criminal ass tonight.

I was broken out of my stupor by the sound of jeering and cries for help from the alley up ahead. I walked up as quietly as I could and peered into the alley.

Five men, all large and tan. Had backed up a young girl into the corner. They were blocking my view of her, but from what I could see she was scared.


The men were clearly Sangrientos as they had he distinctive facial tattoo, probably wanting to sample their so called “produce” before selling it off to Mexico.

“Come on honey.” The largest of them jeered in a distinctive Mexican accent. “I just want a taste.” He said grabbing out for her.

“No please.” She said slapping his hand away. “I won’t tell anyone anything, so please let me go.” She begged tears streaming down her face. The men had moved and I could now see her face clearly. She was about 18 or 19, blonde and thin. She was wearing thick makeup which had now smudged due to the tears streaming down her face.

“Honey, you aint going nowhere, ya see we gotta make an example outa runaways” The large man said while unbuckling his belt. His buddies just laughed.

I had seen enough and decided to put an end to it. I stepped out of the alcove I was in and took a few deep breaths while adjusting my mask, you can do this I thought.

I cleared my throat and they turned with an annoyed look on their faces.

“S-stop right there.” I stuttered, fuck this was meant to be my big moment. “Step away, let her go and nobody gets hurt.” I said more confidently this time.

“The only one who is leavin’ is you boy, so run on home. Before I slice you up good.” He said producing a knife and brandishing it wickedly, the girl shied away visibly when she saw it.

“I’ll give you to the count of three.” I said.

One, they began to gear themselves up for a charge.

Two, they started drawing makeshift weapons.

Three, they charged and I ran to meet it.

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