《Star Wars: Silverlight Rising》Part I: ForceFall ~ Chapter Eight: Vestiges Of The Mind
Silverlight Rising Part I: ForceFall
Chapter Eight: Vestiges Of The Mind
The Senate Chamber is a sight to behold, where the senate of the Republic’s government deliberates Galactic affairs both miniscule and greatly influential in scope. Here is where the future is decided for trillions upon trillions of citizens.
Xyon-Kray looks down towards me from the central platform and motions for me to approach. I hesitantly walk up the stairs, I’m terrified…not of the notion that Xyon will hurt me but rather the thought of being near him, as if I’m unworthy of his presence. He reaches out his arms and smiles as I move closer and the central platform begins to rise.
The Senate chamber was filled with the representatives from all the galactic races and planets. Each had their own dais that circled the walls of the senate chamber like a honey comb spanning several dozen stories high. The representatives silently stared at Xyon with the same adoration that I felt in his company.
Xyon’s gaze rests on me; I feel my knees buckle and collapse under me. I brace myself avoiding direct eye contact. “I’m not worthy, Jurif!” My words come out haggard and nervous.
I feel Xyon approach me. “Rise my Aluun, The VulDuun has chosen its savior, its Ryehl.” I feel the sentience pull me to my feet and lift my head to meet Xyon’s stare. “Do you fear the gift I have for you?”
The question sat hard on my mind, all that has happened was predetermined by the VulDuun all along. Its will cannot be denied, so why do I doubt my own desires. I push through my uncertainty. “I am ready, seeker.”
Xyon smiles and places his hand on my head. “All will witness!” The senate chamber shakes under Xyon’s voice as it ricochets off the walls and echoes throughout the massive room. “The birth of a new era!” a blinding white light begins to emit from under Xyons hand. A feeling deep down of complete release and freedom begins to course through my body as the silver fog envelopes both Xyon and I. “You are charged with its safe keeping.”
The light bursts into a massive pulse of energy running along the senate chamber blessing everyone with its Silverlight. I feel myself collapse, my body is aching and my sight blurred. Xyon hunches over cradling his arm, a certain amount of hue has left his blue and purple skin. After a little while he regains his composure and stares at me.
“I can feel it…” I say as my vision sharpens. “I can feel the sentience and its infinite glory, my Jurif.”
Xyon smiles. “Rise then, and proclaim your new title.”
I run my hands along the metal platform floor; I can feel the individual molecules gyrating under my touch. I push myself upright, lifting off the platform as if gravity had no claim on me anymore. The air lapped at my body and tasted sweet with life. I can see and hear…everything. All this culminated into one singular and irrefutable proclamation. “I am Kazil-Kray Ryehl’VulDuun, First light Savior of the Sentience!” my voice echoes through the chamber with confident ease. “And my will is undeniable!”
I jerk awake activating my vermillion blade in the process. The images of my dream flash across my mind with every blink. I grab my chest attempting to control my breathing, what the hell was that? I scan the room frantically looking for any hidden assailants when I hear the maintenance door slide open. With a flick of my finger I deactivate my saber and slide behind a terminal.
Peni scurries through the doorway, stopping every few feet to look around the room before taking several more cautious steps. I take the time to hone in my senses before stepping out from behind the terminal.
Peni looks at me and smiles. “What’s up little one?” I ask. She waives for me to come closer. I let out a sigh and walk towards her. “Is something the matter?” she shakes her head and offers her open palm to me.
Ok I’ll bite; I place my saber hilt into my waistband and take her hand. Peni leads me through the ship to the med bay where Master Seto was sitting upright, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “She woke you up as well?” he asks without looking at me.
“More or less…” I respond.
Peni scurries around the medical beds towards Master Alix and stares at us before placing her hand on Alix’s forearm. The room remains silent for several minutes, Seto and I exchange glances. Then Reeva begins twitching, I take a step forward and place my hand on my saber hilt. A moment later Alix’s eye open.
Master Seto jumps to his feet and rushes to her side. “Reeva!” he exclaims.
Her eyes shift to him. “Ma…Master Seto?” she forces out. “What’s happened?”
“You’ve been unconscious, how are you feeling?” Seto says softly.
“Strange, like I’m an echo or a fleeting thought.” She responds.
Seto looks at me and shrugs. “Do you remember anything?” I ask.
Alix looks at me, her eyes widen. “Ryehl!” she says with admiration.
I feel my heart skip. “What did you say?”
“He’s waiting for you, all it takes is time.” She spoke more clearly not taking her eyes off me.
The images of Xyon grinning at me flash through my mind, is this the force showing me the future. Is this what’s to come? The question resonates through my head as Seto grabs my arm.
“What’s she mean?” he asks.
I shake my head. “I’m not sure yet.”
Peni removes her hand from Alix’s arm. A second later Reeva falls unconscious again. “She needs to rest now.” Peni says quietly.
Seto and I stare at Peni. “So you do speak.” I say. Peni nods her head. “They why don’t you talk more.”
Peni makes a face. “Because sometimes words…can’t show what you want to say.”
I look at Seto who sighs. “You’re a very gifted young lady.” He says with a smile. “Keep watch over Master Alix for us.” Peni smiles and nods her head in response.
He looks at me and motions to the door, I follow him out into the corridor towards the bridge. “What just happened, Master Seto?”
“Peni is remarkable; I’ve never seen talents such as hers.” Seto response.
“I had my suspicion that she’s sensitive but Force Projection is a skill that even masters struggle with.”
Seto stops and looks at me. “That wasn’t Force Projection, what we witness wasn’t deception.” He turns and continues down the walk way.
A part of me knew it was true but I wanted to hope Alix’s words were the overactive imagination of a child. “Then what do you call it?”
“She’s an empath; it’s a rare trait innate to her mother’s race. The Force only magnifies it, I had no idea she could channel others though.” Seto says entering the bridge. “Quomas came to the enclave right after Peni’s mother…passed. He needed help with her talents, I insisted that she be taken in as a Jedi initiate but he refused.”
“So she hasn’t been formally trained and she’s that naturally talented.” I respond.
Seto simply nods his head. “There’s something interesting about all this, I haven’t mentioned it until now. Everyone on this ship, more or less, have some special ability. It’s interesting how we were the ones lucky enough to escape.” Seto shares his thoughts with me.
“You think we were let go, but why?”
Seto brushes his mane. “I’m just speculating really…All I can say is Jedi don’t believe in luck.” He rattles his fingers across the star map bringing up a display. “We’re almost there.”
I look at the display were an estimated time of an hour and a half was slowly ticking down. “What are you going to tell Halish and the rest? They think we are heading to Tython.”
Seto looks at me and smiles. “That’s easy, I’ll just blame you.”
“Naturally.” I respond with a huff.
The holographic display showing Rhelg shimmers in the middle of the common area. Everyone was sitting around the 3D image with Master Seto pacing around the room. He ties a sling supporting his severed hand around his neck before speaking. “I understand the ForceFall contingency mandates that we must report to Tython, however we received intel that there may be something here to help us against this new threat.” Seto pauses waiting for Halish to jump in, but he doesn’t. “Q has already scanned the area and has found a somewhat suitable landing zone near some runes.” He pauses again. “Halish, The Exile, Mara, Tome and I will depart to investigate the runes. For those who don’t know this is a Sith planet, however Atlas assures me that the chances of finding a Sith here is minimal.” This time Halish audibly scoffs gaining a passing glare from Master Seto. “Are there any questions?”
Pensim raises his hand. “What intel, Master?”
Seto glances at me. “Huh, what?”
“The intel…you said we received intel that we should go to Rhelg. Did Master Na’Ray send it?” Pensim elaborates.
“Not exactly…” Bim Seto responds.
“What master Seto means, Pensim, is that we are here because the Sith told Seto to come here.” Halish states in a scathing tone.
“Now hold on…” Seto argues.
“Because apparently it wasn’t enough to abandon the Republic we had to abandon the Jedi as well.” Halish adds, giving me a foul stare.
“Halish Qin!” Bim says sharply. “I will take full responsibility from the High Council; you can say you were a prisoner if that makes you feel better…though I don’t think your out-of-control pride would allow such a lie!” Halish grimaces and crosses his arms. I catch glimpse of Mara and Pensim grinning behind him. “In truth, yes, we are here because The Exile…Atlas received some sort of Force message. Needless to say when the Force speaks to you, you should listen.”
“Give me a break…” Halish mumbles under his breath.
“Alright, if no one else has anything productive to add,” He looks at Halish. “Then we’ll go ahead and proceed.”
Seto and Quomas leave the common area while Halish and Tome walk the opposite direction leaving Pensim, Mara and me awkwardly standing there. “So,” I force out “How’d you guys sleep?” Mara rolls her eyes and pulls out her lightsaber hilt. I feel my hand involuntarily flinch towards my hilt…bad habits die hard I guess.
“While we wait do you want to go over it again, Pensim?” Mara says in a sweet tone.
“Really!?” Pensim says eagerly. His skin flashes red with excitement. “Are you sure it’s alright?”
“You’re going to have to learn sometime…” Mara responds lifting her saber hilt with the Force and disassembling it. “Be careful with the focusing lenses and crystal.” She warns.
“I will.” Pensim responses as he begins identifying the various parts of Mara’s lightsaber with rehearsed ease.
“Very good, your studies are paying off.” Mara says in an upbeat tone. “Now can you assemble it?”
This time Pensim hesitates. It’s a rite of passage for all Jedi initiates to build their own lightsaber when they become a padawan. It is often the charge of their prospective masters to ensure the initiate knows everything there is about the construction of the saber before this ceremony.
I run my fingers along the hilt of my saber; so much has changed but the feeling of building your first lightsaber will never change. The excitement, the responsibility and most of all the power and authority the saber brings. Two things happen when you become a padawan, first: you finally become a Jedi rather than emulating one and second: you are assigned to a Jedi sub-class.
I gently sit down beside Mara and Pensim, his skin has turned a dark shade of blue because of his nervousness as he slowly lifts the pieces of Mara saber and assembles them with the force. His hands were shaking and his eyes focused.
“It’s alright,” Mara says softly. “Everybody’s scared the first time, Pensim.” She places her hand on his shoulder and he noticeable relaxes.
I wonder what Pensim would be, a guardian, a counselor or a sentinel. He is too timid to be a guardian, they’re the vanguard of the Jedi; focused on combat prowess and swordsmanship, often known for attacking first then asking questions. While on the complete opposite spectrum, the counselor focuses on the study and mastery of force and diplomacy. Though they can be very formidable in battle, they represent the pacifists, always seeking the humanitarian solution. Pensim certainly possesses the initiative to be a Counselor, but he lacks the confidence, and strong will that is needed.
Then there are the Sentinels, who are a bit of an enigma within the Jedi. The easiest way to describe a Sentinel is adaptability. Known for their chameleon like ability to change for every situation, in other words it’s difficult to catch a sentinel off guard. They’ve been known to be vicious in battle as well as fearsome opponents in the diplomatic arena. Yes, the sentinels are the utter embodiment of peaceful destroyers, and now that I think of it Pensim fits the Sentinel better than the other two classes.
“I did it!” Pensim exclaims while swinging Mara’s assembled lightsaber hilt through the air.
“Not quiet.” Mara says. “Now you have to activate it and make sure it works.”
Pensim freezes, simply assembling a lighsaber is only a fraction of the task. To truly know you did it right you have to activate the blade. This could disastrous if a single part was misplaced or off by a hair. Pensim grasp the hilt with both hands ensuring the front was facing away from him. He winces before activating the blade.
The emerald colored blade extends without a hitch, illuminating the area with its subtle hue. “Very good, Pensim. Now adjust the focusing nob to hone the blade, you want to get the max intensity out of the power unit.” Mara says.
Pensim turns the nod causing the blade’s color to intensify. “How’s this?” he asks.
“Impressive,” I say aloud gaining Penisim’s attention. His skin changes to a greenish yellow. “You’d make an accomplished Sentinel.”
Penism looks at Mara then back at me. “A Sentinel?”
“Pensim is clearly more suited to be a Counselor like me.” Mara states confidently.
“I respectfully disagree…From what I can tell, Pensim is a perfect example of a Sentinel.” I respond.
“You really think so?” Pensim asks, while deactivating Mara’s lightsaber and handing it to her.
“No,” Mara interrupts “I’m sorry but you’re not a Jedi, so I doubt you would know what’s best.” She finishes in a tone that flaunts her strong-will.
“Is that right,” I respond with a smile and a wink causing Mara’s cheeks turn bright burgundy. I pull my saber hilt from my waistband and disassemble it. “You’ll find I know a little about what I means to be a Sentinel.” I pull two crystals out from my saber’s hilt, one red and the other yellow.
“You…kept the crystal?” Mara says.
“It’s the same saber I built at my Padawan ceremony.” I respond. “Why do you think my blade is vermillion…?” I say matter-of-factly while reassembling my hilt.
Mara’s face contorts with confusion. “But why?”
“Why not,” I shrug “There is a point when you realize that you can choose what defines you, you can either allow others to dictate your future or you can rebel against them and forge your own legacy.” Strangely enough I made myself feel better about my dream. The future is always varying and the force only gives us a glance into one possible future, meaning things change…always.
Mara’s lips twitch into a subtle grin, she would never admit it but she knows I’m right. But there was more to it than just that. Mara could see what was happening to me, the change that has started to grow in me. To her, I’m not the cold killer that The Exiled One used to be, but something more. Maybe she’s right, maybe I am changing, not into a Jedi but possibly something else.
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My Heart's A Battleground - VP Special Chapters
* This is a fan-made translation of the VegasPete Special Chapters 1~5. They can be found in KP book 3 and book 4. * First read the VP Side Story or else these specials makes no sense!! Read the VP Side Story here:https://www.wattpad.com/story/274302582-kinnporsche-side-story-vegaspete* Please note the special chapters contain MAJOR spoilers for the rest of the KP novel!!! * The translations of chapter 2 ~ 4 were sent to me by someone else. I don't know who the original translator is! I just uploaded them here after editing some mistakes. Chapter 1 was translated by @nightowls99 and chapter 5 was translated by me!* Another translator (@SpriteHoang6) also posted their own translations of the Special Chapters.Please check out their work!!! It may be more accurate and give more insight or context :) https://www.wattpad.com/story/306920978-kp-vp-special
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[BHTT - EDIT - HOÀN] Tổng Tài Nàng Luôn Là Khóc Chít Chít
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