《Beyond》Chapter 10


The preliminary ist over, it’s time for the show to begin, krillin, Goku, me and Jackie Chun were the fighters in the Semi finals. I beat Jackie easily and Goku defeated krillin as well, I had back my strength in other to give kid Goku a good fight.

After the fight, I asked master roshi if I could train Goku, he agreed immediately saying its a good opportunity for him.

Amon: alright Goku, are you ready to get stronger?

Goku: yes

Amon: great lets get moving

I kissed Bulma goodbye before l leave with Goku. I created an island on the northern part of the See, the island is made from an indestructible material called Sentiment stone.

The gravity on the island is 10 times that of earth and can be contentiously increase. There is an unlimited food supply, training equipment like those on beerus’s plante and god Qi like the one Goku and Vegeta absolved in dragon ball super.

I plan to train Goku into an existence like beerus, he can go beyond that by himself.

Amon: Goku, put this on.

I said why passing him a silver bracelet. He looked confused and ask

Goku: okay, but why?

Amon: the place we are going has a high gravity than the places you have been before and this bracelet can help ease the gravity strain on your body.

It didn’t take long before we got to the island, Goku this brat fell face flat on the ground. Men this is so lame, I told him he has a week time to get use to the gravity, less I’ll send him back.


He still couldn’t stand so I had to feed him a Senzu beans which I planted on the east side of the island.


He’s still trying to stand, I guess kid Goku is not so good at this yet.



He finally managed to stand, he stood still for about 3 hours. When he got used to that, he than tried to take small steps.


He can walk now, but it’s still too slow.


Amon: his week is up, let’s go see how he’s doing.

I walked out of the house and went to the edge of the island. I got but he seems to change location. I walked around for a while, before he appeared in my line of sight. I watched he for a while, he can run with the bracelet on now.

Amon: alright Goku, you have done well for kid. Now let’s start your training.

Goku: okay.

Amon: first take off the bracelet

I ordered and he took it off. He fell on the ground again, so I gave him 2 weeks this time around. I left the world after Goku started his training, I found the world were the Otsutsuki clan live. It is one of the middle worlds in all universes, the name of the world is observers world. I got there without being noticed, I searched for the highest strength and found a woman with charming white hair and and brown hones and a delicate face in a White kimono.

She is in a Japanese castle in the middle of the world, she also has the oldest lifespan.

I took a step and appeared before her, her eyes are closed so she hasn’t seen me yet. I waited till she finally opened her eyes.

Her Byakugan locked on me the moment she saw me, I think she is a bit scared of me.

Amon: hi

???: who are you?

Amon: I am Amon, what your name?

Aia: Aia is my name, what is your reason for coming here?

Amon: I want to know where you sent the trees to.

Aia: what trees?


Amon: don’t act dumb, the god trees

Aia: I don’t know where they are

Amon: I’ll destroy your clan if you lie to me

Aia: I sent them to the lower worlds

Amon: why?

Aia: in preparation for my ascension

Amon: what ascension?

Aia: to become a god

If am not mistaken, god she’s talking about is a level and not a true god cause her power is too puny.

Amon: where do you get the seed of the tree from?

Aia: the tree is made ever 10 years from a hole in space located in that lake.

I looked over to the window and indeed they was a reap in space inside the lake. I went closer to observe it, it’s streng that i did sense it when i got to the planet. I made a clone to continue asking her questions and my main body went into the hole.

The other side has a very beautiful looking crystal wood tree, it looked so stunning that I lost my breath for a second. Who would have thought a tree can make me lose my senses.

Tree: i never thought an outsider would come here

Amon: it’s very rare for me to not sense something, I guess you are something extraordinarily then?

Tree: you flatter me. I am the first treasure made from the start of this void. I gave those seeds of as a message, but those demons didn’t get what it was and never came here.

Amon: what message?

Tree: I’m the last of the true treasures made from the void, i do not need a master because i was made to be absolved. I waited but no one came, so i began make little seeds by missing the primordial energy of the universe with a little of the variant energy. I got the idea to send them out to the demons in other for them to come here, but they are still to weak to by pass the barrier. You on the other hand has surpassed the every being in existence and are still growing stronger because you have not fully absolved the 2nd primordial world. If you absolve me now, the 2nd primordial world will be fully awaken and you will become a complete external existence from everything. I dear say you can see though this void.

Amon: I see

Tree: so are you going to

Amon: why not

My clothes disappeared and floated towards the tree, standing in front of it I rested my hand on it and it began to merge with me. I looked like how Madara and the God tree merge, merging with it I saw and felt all his memories. It took a minute before it completely disappeared from my sight. My body began to change again, but this time it didn’t have a from.

I don’t know how long I was in a state of nothing for, I couldn’t feel anything neither emotion nor will. I was only an observer and nothing else, but then I heard them the voices of my beloveds. Wishing and yearning to see me, my memories suddenly lit up and I felt the warmth of my lovers and began to take my new human form.

My new form is something I can not describe in words, so I decided to call my new form beyond. I don’t want to change my name, I got used to it. Done with sealing my strength and making new clothes, I left the hole.

I got back and my clone disappeared. I got what I wanted so they was no use staying here, I erased Aia memories about our meeting and went back to earth.

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