

Somewhere in Switzerland, on the couch in a dark apartment lid a youth who looked to be 16-17 years old unmoving. At first glance you think he’s asleep, but a closer look and you can determine that he isn’t breathing, but there is still a sparkle of light in his eyes.

(Ric) a painless death is all I ever wanted, I tried to take my life multiple times by overdosing but all I got to were stomach pains. So I read about poisonous plants and flowers I never thought I’ll find one of them on the way home from visits ing my dad hell I even thought of get a girlfriend sometime this year, I dreamt about the future and stuff like having a family of my own someday, but I just could never stop feeling like am bound to this damn world.just like anyone else I feel fear, insecurity, pain and I also feel the need to be loved. I never did have friends to talk to about my problems and my family is just messed up so I decided to do it, I might as well see what's on the other side, be it, he’ll or heaven, but I sure hope it’s not, hell. I got inspired by those novels of transmigration and hope I get to be reincarnated in some world better than this one. I slowly lost my consciousness.

I woke up to the screams of people all around me, before I could get what in the hell was going on I heard a voice in my head. (???) thou who has sin against the almighty and has caused the lord shall be sentenced to eternity damnation for so says the lord of host. I guess I’m totally doomed shit you can’t really blame me for not believing “you hear” Oh well I did always want to know what hell and heaven really is. Still, in my thoughts I felt a force pulling me and with that my eternal suffering began.For the very first time felt terror and extreme fear I couldn’t take the endless pain from the torture when ever I was cutting would regenerate in a slow and painful way, I got burnt from the flame and every-time I thought I got use to the flames my senses to pain were heightened and so the suffering continued for 3 Millennia till I decided to train my myself in other to survive in this hell. It first I just did random punches and kicking routines and then I fought on of the demons of hell and got totally killed.I couldn’t even resist I did learn from my mistakes I used them to temper my self it took about Millennia for my body(soul) to finally evolve and from then on I could train and fight the demon and nobles in hell it took everything I had to get the nest evolution, so I started with my escape plan to flee hell.


(Ric) I finally made it to the lowest part of hell. Soon I was stopped by the seven princess of hell and the seven arch angels of God. I fought with everything I got but it was not enough and I got killed seriously injured by them in my last moment I did feel familiar pity for my family or hate for them murders nor for God all I felt was relieved For the first time I felt so relaxed and worry free “ at list I had fun haha”. At that moment something unexpected happened”the hell is that”a bright light brighter than the light I saw from God came at of no were, and I was in the middle of it. I felt something go through my memories and soon I passed away.

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