《Lemillion In The MCU》Chapter 5 - Mr, Happy, Boss, Sir


“hah… hew… hah… hew… hah… hew…”

Mirio exhaled heavy breaths as he approached the building that had ‘Stark’ with huge letters across the top.

“Looks like the right place…” Mirio muttered and fist punched the air “Yosh!”

“Don’t look directly at weird people honey…” A concerned mother stated, pulling her daughter further away from the strange boy(Mirio) while blocking her eyes.

Hearing the concerned mother’s words and seeing that the young girl was reluctant to listen, Mirio waved at the little girl gently “Listen to your parent’s kid… they want what’s best for you… and don’t worry, you will be seeing me a lot in the future! I promise that you will one day also believe in the hero known as Lemillion…”

“Hehhehehhehehhe…” The Little Girl laughed and her mother pulled her away even faster.

“Is there a problem here sir?” A Security Guard for Stark Industries walked forward, patting Mirio on the shoulder in a threatening manner.

“Yes kind sir…” Mirio replied, saluting like he saw American Soldiers did on TV “I am here to see Ms. Paper Pans… I mean Pepper Potts…”

Before he could present the card given to him by the SHIELD Agents, Mirio felt the hand of the Security Guard clamp down on his shoulder as if trying to toss him away, but Mirio’s strength had grown to at least twice that of a professional bodybuilder.

“Hey, I need help out here… we have a crazy that’s refusing to leave…” The Security Guard whispered into his coms when he realized that his strength alone would not be enough to best Mirio.

Mirio frowned, his pretend-cheerfulness becoming undone “I am sure if you call the person in charge… he will verify that Ms. Paper –Pepper Pots-Potts is expecting to see me…”

The Security Guard hesitated a bit at this statement since if it was true, his job could be on the line.

Two other Security Team Members approached the first Security Guard and after a brief conversation, they decided the best course of action.

“Okay kid…” The First Security Guard said “You’re pretty strong and we can’t lose our jobs so here’s what we’ll do. We can’t let you inside because you’re sweaty and look homeless. Mr. Stark has his rules… we’ll call our boss and you can present your case to him and then we’ll see how that goes…”

“Thank you very much!” Mirio said, feeling a hint of relief at their understanding.

Ten Minutes Later ----------

“We’re sorry for disturbing you, sir…” The Three Security Guards yelled, bowing to the slightly chubby man in a suit.

“What seems to be the issue out here?” The chubby Security Team Leader asked “Do I need to remind you where we are? In front of Stark’s Tower… I just got this Job as Security Head so I don’t want to lose it anytime soon…”


The First Security Guard stepped forward “I am sorry Mr. Hogan… it’s just that this boy was really insistent on speaking with Ms. Potts… saying that she is expecting him for some sort of appointment…”

Mirio stepped towards Happy and bowed slightly, reaching into his pocket to retrieve the card given to him by the SHIELD Agents.

“Woah… woah… woah… woah… woah!”

However, before Mirio’s hand could reach even a centimeter into his pockets, he was tackled to the ground after a round of shouting.

The card flew out of his pocket and disappeared under a nearby car.

“Did you guys bring me out here to be assassinated?” Happy questioned, pinning Mirio to the ground after a successful tackle.

“Sorry, Sir!” The Security Guards yelled, cursing their bad luck for listening to someone as crazy as Mirio.

“Hey what are you doing… It’s the card in my pocket! I don’t have any weapons!” Mirio yelled desperately since he didn’t want to force anyone off his body seeing it could lead to them sustaining injuries.

A couple of minutes later, after extensive searching, The Security Guards found nothing lethal on Mirio’s person and were forced to un-cuff him out of embarrassment.

Happy was even more embarrassed since he was the person to initiate the tackle “Hey… don’t call me down here for crazy people anymore! Oh my God, Stark is gonna make fun of me for this…”

“Wait!” Mirio yelled in a panic after being un-cuffed “Didn’t you find my card? The Agents told me that I would be able to meet Ms. Pepper Pots with it! Can you please help me find it?”

“There was no card on your entire body kid…” Happy said dismissively, walking towards Mirio and patting him on the shoulder sympathetically “This is what we call a scam… someone wanted to mess with you… probably a prank by your friends…”

Finished with the day’s craziness, Happy walked back into the building after giving the Security Guards orders to send Mirio home or at least keep him from making a scene in front of Stark Industries.

“Give it up kid…” The First Security Guard said, moving into Mirio’s way every time he attempted to walk past him “Your prank didn’t work so just leave before we detain you and hand you over to the cops… you’ll get in trouble with your parents…”

Mirio grew frustrated “I am here to see Ms. Potts because I am trying to get back home to my parents…”

“This isn’t the first time someone tries to claim to be Iron Man’s illegitimate child… go home…” The Security Guard whispered jokingly.

After all, he had seen many people come to Stark Industries to get a glimpse of Iron Man.

Most of the time they would come with elaborate stories like ‘Pepper Potts is my mother’, ‘Tony is my father’ and even ‘I am a clone of Tony Stark’.


Mirio gave a frustrated sigh, glanced at the top of the tall skyscraper, and reaffirmed his determination “Fine… I’ll find the card…”

With that Mirio spent the next two hours searching for the card until he found it conspicuously hiding under the largest nearby car.

Retrieving the card, Mirio was just about to turn around when he noticed two men on the opposite side fiddling with a car that clearly wasn’t their own.

‘This smell…’ He noticed “Kinda smells like gun powder… could they perhaps be building a bomb or something?”

“What you looking at punk?” The First Bomber yelled threateningly with the Second Bomber already grabbing at his waist.

Mirio shrugged and didn’t care much about something that didn’t influence his life in any way “I am sorry for interrupting your activities American Friends… Please continue wiring your bomb into this lovely car…”

5 Minutes Later ----------

Mirio was tossed out of Stark Industries by the Security Guards who were disallowed from letting him enter the lounge even with his SHIELD-given card.

15 Minutes Later -----------

Mirio was tossed even further away from the Stark building because he was sticking to the window and eyeing people like a creep.

Actually, Mirio was hoping his quirk would activate so he could phase through the glass and continue onward to meet with Ms. Pepper Potts but it just got him in even more trouble.

It was only now that Mirio realized that he hadn’t taken his depression medication for the day, but there was no water source nearby and he wasn’t allowed into the building’s bathroom.

‘Oh well… I feel fine…’ Mirio thought, not realizing he had gone against his code earlier and allowed criminals to continue wiring a bomb to a car.

25 Minutes Later ---------

Mirio was tossed even further away because he approached random people asking for them to pretend that he was a close family member so he would be allowed into the Stark Building.

Sadly, nobody was willing to go along with his request given his bum-like appearance and a body that reeked of sweat and dirt.

40 Minutes Later ----------

The sun was setting behind the clouds, casting a huge shadow over the city of New York. Mirio grew anxious since he knew this would be his last chance, hence he decided to use a bit of force.

He got down into a sprinting position and the moment the automatic sliding glass entrance opened for a guest, Mirio darted forward with all the speed he could muster, which was near Usain Bolt top speed.

Mirio hopped into the air, performing a front slip over the person opening the door and avoiding the Security Guard that would normally stop him from entering.

Sticking a perfect landing, Mirio ducked low and swept his foot outwards, tripping two Security Guards that were poised to restrain him.

He glanced around and noticed a receptionist desk on the opposite side so he pulled the card from his pocket and darted towards it.

Mirio dodged left avoiding a fist aimed at his face, and then he feinted left and dove right to avoid the other Security Guard immediately behind.

Halfway to his goal, Mirio didn’t take anything for granted and stepped on a table in the lounge, using his strength to leap nearly fifteen feet to the Receptionist's desk.

Sadly, his feet were caught by a Security Guard in mid-air causing both Mirio and the Security Guard to tumble onto the floor.

Still, even with the extra weight around his ankle, Mirio began to crawl towards the Receptionist's desk, raising the card in his hand to present it.




Four more Security Guards gripped Mirio around the legs and tights, hoping to pull him away from the Receptionist's desk but he still continued crawling forward until…


With a loud slap, Mirio slammed the card onto the desk of the Receptionist and was subsequently pinned to the floor by numerous Security Guards.

Happy walked down the stairs, having witnessed all that happened earlier, and took the card from the Receptionist's desk between his fingers appraisingly.

Happy examined the card and noticed it was one of the cards Pepper would distribute to those coming to interview for the Security Team.

“Lift the kid up…” Happy commanded, and gestured for a handshake to a now risen Mirio “You’re hired, kid! You have excellent physical ability and you can take four of my guys so you’re good for a Security job here after some background checks…”

Mirio frowned and shook Happy’s hand half-heartedly since he wasn’t exactly looking for a job but more importantly “Will I be able to see Ms. Pepper Potts?”

Happy shrugged “If you work hard enough for her to recognize you, I can even get you to be her personal security detail… but you’d have to take a bath and come back tomorrow in a suit…”

“Yosh…” Mirio shouted, finally successful in stabilizing himself somewhat in this new world.

Just as he was about to exit, Mirio remembered something that he should probably report now that he was a Security Guard “Oh by the way, earlier I saw some guys outside trying to fiddle with someone’s car… I think they had explosives but I can’t be sure… anyways, see you tomorrow Boss, Mr, Happy Sir…”

Mirio exited the Stark building unaware of the gravity of what he had just said and disappeared into the streets of Manhattan, New York City.

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