《Primordial Flame》PF Book One: Chapter 1
“Lady Thea, we found their base of operations,” Thea’s second in command reported after returning from a scouting mission.
“Good work, we might finally be able to get rid of them,” Thea told him. “I’m tired of all these hit-and-run attacks.”
“It is an old fort, it looks like they’ve done work on it but it is still a ruin,” he continued. “If we can surround it and clear away the surrounding trees. Even the ones not in the fort would be effectively trapped.”
“Foro, have you figured out who these people are yet?” she changed topics to the other matter which weighed on her mind concerning the enemy.
“I think they are Free Human mercenaries,” Foro replied. “They definitely aren't the bandits or rebels we were told to clear out of here.”
“I wonder if it was just exaggeration in the reports to the Promagistrate,” Thea wondered.
“They are supplied with our weapons and there haven't been reports of any being stolen,” Foro added. “Lady Thea, I think we’ve been deliberately drawn out here…”
“Foro, if someone wanted to set a trap for me out here wouldn't they have used a stronger force?” she refuted. “All we’ve been fighting is, as you said, humans.”
“Hopefully, that is all it amounts to, but if you would permit me to take precautions?” Foro backed off.
“Of course, if I learned anything from you, Foro, it’s to never rely on things going as planned,” she smiled at him as he gave a crisp salute.
A man looked out from the ruin of the old fort. He was careful to stay behind cover as he watched the flames rise up from the surrounding trees.
“Brontannistine!” his second in command shouted his full name after he failed to respond on her first few attempts.
“What is it Aisling?”
“I strengthened the walls the best I could but if they have that kind of power out there it won't last long,” she reported.
“Damnit, how the hell did they even find this place, it should have been camouflaged from the sky, we didn't see any giant flaming birds up there either,” Bron’s mind raced to find a way out of this situation while he ranted.
“I’d assume they scouted us out from the ground,” she stated. “They’ve operated in a very competent manner the entire time, even the suppression weapons haven't been much help.”
“I’m really regretting taking this contract,” he lamented
“Well, you at least have one trump card to play,” she suggested.
“The last thing I want is to rely on him!” Bron almost growled out.
“No, Brontannistine, the last thing you want is for everyone to die,” Aisling replied coldly to his bout of childishness.
“What do you need to make it happen?” he asked in a forced level tone.
“Blood,” she handed him a bowl.
“Foro, deploy the field ballistae facing the gate, it looks flimsy,” Thea ordered from her perch on a rock that stood behind the majority of her legion’s formation. “Also start throwing fireballs into the courtyard of that fort, make them keep their heads down, and we might get an opportunity to fly in.”
“Yes, Lady Thea,” Foro relayed her orders to the appropriate runners and sent them on their way.
She watched over the progress as the legion’s three small field ballistae were deployed and flames were arching over the walls and into the fort. She saw her legionnaires move in close and retreat back, testing the defenses to the sides of the fort.
The thing that astonished her was how little effect the blunted bolts and fireballs were having. The gate appeared to be rickety and old but the bolts bounced off as if it were made of steel.
“Foro!” she yelled down to him. “Divert half the fireballs to the gate.”
She watched the results carefully. The wood on the gate would catch on fire in several places each time before the flames would be snuffed out in a flash of green.
“Witchcraft!” Foro yelled up at her when he saw it. “They’re using spirits to shore up the defenses!”
“No getting around it, throw everything at it, exhaust the witches!” Thea ordered.
“Bron I am not going to be able to maintain the reinforcements and do the summon,” Aisling seemed to appear out of nowhere and spoke from behind him.
“How long will you need?” he asked with a smile that almost grew feral.
“I do not know for certain,” she answered. “No-one has tried this before.”
“Of course not,” Bron laughed. “Who would summon a dragon into the middle of a siege?”
“How do you think he’ll react?” she asked, the first bit of nervousness Bron had seen from her.
“Don't worry about it, I’ll take that all on me, and he doesn't like to kill intelligent beings, human or otherwise,” Bron reassured her.
“I’ll move into the keep and finish preparations then,” she told him. “You should tell everyone to get off the walls he is likely to appear right above us.”
“I’ll send everyone in,” Bron said as he caressed the hilt of his large and heavy sword. “I’ll give them a hint of what’s to come, it should buy you enough time.”
“I’ll start when the last of us are in the keep.”
“Lady Thea, they are retreating from the walls!” Foro relayed the reports from the scouts.
“Good! Have four squads take an assault stance and stand by, one for each side,” she ordered. “We need to be ready once we know what they’re planning.”
“Yes, Lady Thea,” she didn't miss the prideful smile on his face as he saluted.
The gate crashed outward. Most of the legion was disciplined enough not to engage in a collective flinch but there were a few who couldn't resist.
They could see a silhouette in the dust and smoke. It walked through the gate, a large sword held at the ready.
The figure took a step and something seemed to bulge out of its back.
“It’s a Being!” Foro yelled. “Everyone at the ready, get back in formation!”
The figure took another step and those bulges took the shape of wings.
“What in the hells is that?” Thea muttered to herself.
The wings flapped forward blowing the dust and smoke out onto the closer legionnaires. Thea could see the glittering scales they shined a bright crimson with shimmers of purple that seemed to dance around the wings.
“Dragon!” she could hear a nearly collective yell as her legion clamored.
“Everyone, brace yourselves!” Foro yelled out. “He’ll have an aura!”
More than one person stared at the second in command in confusion. Information on dragons was sketchy and rare at best and no military training covered dealing with them. They had no idea what he meant by 'an aura'.
They learned. It was like a wave washed over them. A feeling of awe, of dread. It was as if they were looking at someone who held their lives in his hands. It was almost godlike.
Everything stalled. Some fresher recruits even fainted. Many were able to condition themselves and the effect weakened as they got used to it, like swimming in cold water.
“Fire at him!” Thea yelled when she recovered.
“Fire dammit, you’re legionnaires, not some undisciplined mob!” Foro echoed her.
Thea took note that the fort was enveloped in a green glow behind him but turned her focus to the problem at hand.
A fireball shot towards the man only to be buffeted to the side with a flap of his wings. Arrows were knocked away, his reactions were extraordinary. Even as far away as she was Thea could see the grin on his face, she had to conceal how unnerved that made her.
The man got close enough to grab one of her men, he tossed him aside like it was nothing. Thea wondered how big the gap must be since that soldier had been a pure blood phoenix.
The green glow had increased and now seemed to be writhing like some form of living thing.
“Foro, direct the fire past him at the fort!” Thea yelled down to her second. Foro scrambled the message runners again.
The man moved so fast, he jumped in front of the fireballs one after another. She could see Foro adjusting though. He created a wider arc between the fireballs and managed to get some of them fired simultaneously.
The green light pulsed. There was a fireball fired that looked as if it would make it through the staggeringly good defense of the dragon-man. It soared through the air. It evaded the man's valiant attempt to block it by a finger’s width. The green light pulsed again.
It was eerie like time had slowed down. The world appeared to almost stop. Thea thought she could see the malformation of the fireball as it crashed into the wall. She thought she could see the green light retreating and pulsing upwards.
There was a green flash so bright everyone had to cover their eyes. It caused the raging battle to stop. It was like a moment was frozen in time.
The green glow that remained after the flash seemed to condense into itself before it seemed to suddenly implode. In the place where the green glow had been a great reptilian beast had appeared. It had the same crimson and purple coloration of the dragon man’s wings.
The dragon unfurled its own wings as it began to fall. It tried to arrest the momentum to some extent but still crashed into the wall of the fort. The wall was completely demolished and dust was thrown into the air.
When the dust cleared the dragon looked over the field of human form phoenixes and the few shifted ones until it located the dragon-man.
“BOY, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!” the dragon roared.
Bron winced as he heard ‘Boy’ and made his way over to the dragon that had sired him. The phoenixes didn't seem to know what to do and were currently paralyzed in indecision.
“Well?” the dragon asked when Bron had gotten closer.
“I got cornered,” Bron replied.
“And?” the dragon didn't look pleased by Bron’s halfhearted answer.
“I don't want my people to die because of it,” Bron told him
“Why get involved with the Covenant then? The phoenixes are still Covenant right?”
“Because they’re the only ones paying, the mess to the north finally lined itself out,” Bron said in an exasperated tone.
“They're paying you...to fight themselves?” the dragon’s anger seemed to melt away as it was replaced by confusion.
“Not even that, I’m supposed to let them chase us around and then escape to the north,” Bron shrugged. “Their commanders were just…”
“You’re an idiot for taking that contract, Boy, warfare is one thing but you just contracted yourself into politics and now your people are all about to get killed,” his father scolded him. “You’re supposed to treasure your kin and possessions not sell them off for change.”
“Whatever, help me get them out of here. Whatever I have to do, I’ll do, just help my people,” Bron almost shouted.
“Boy, you need to learn when to reign in your pride and it won't be getting hurt so much,” his father told him. “Just wait here.”
The dragon turned his gaze towards the legion and his aura rolled out to them much like Bron’s had done earlier in the battle. The effects were vastly different, some soldiers even turned and ran. Only the most stalwart of veterans kept their wits about them enough to function.
The dragon lowered his head and braced himself. He used all four of his limbs to crawl out from the rubble of the wall and charged. Those that had kept ranks without fainting scrambled to get out of the way.
Thea tried to shake off the effects of the draconic aura. She wondered how and when she had gone to her knees.
She stood up and watched as the dragon swatted at the shifted phoenixes who dive-bombed at its eyes. Thea saw a bolt from one of the ballistae get knocked to the side. The dragon looked to the source of the bolt and drew back its neck. It seemed to be inhaling.
“Scatter! Get out of there!” she heard Foro shout towards the ballista crews.
A crimson blob of fire sped towards the ballistae. It vaporized all but one of them. Thea could see that the ballista crews clutched at burns as they fell back. It gave her perspective on the gap between them and the dragon. A Being of fire should have nothing to fear from flames, and yet the dragon could burn them.
“Foro!” Thea yelled looking around for him. She found him staggering around a short distance away.
She jumped down from the rock she was on and ran over to him. Thea shook him by the shoulders until clarity came back to his eyes.
“Lady Thea?” he asked as he looked around.
“Foro I need you to get to the remaining ballista and load it with a suppression bolt,” she told him. “I’m going to distract the dragon so it doesn't dodge it or slap it away.”
“What, no, Lady Thea, I…”
“Foro, I’m not very good with the ballistae and I’m stronger than you are, if anyone stands a chance of not dying it’s me. Just don't miss,” Thea emphasized that point.
“Foro, follow orders.”
“Yes, Lady Thea,” she watched as he sighed and turned away towards the remaining ballista.
Thea unbuckled her armor and let it fall to the ground. She was glad for the new design, it was easy to remove in a hurry to avoid destroying it or injury during shifting. She did lament the coming loss of her uniform though, but there was just not enough time to remove it.
Thea crouched down as golden wings of flame sprouted from her back. They shimmered like a hot afternoon sun. She jumped forward as the shift finished and screeched her challenge towards the dragon. She flapped her wings and hurled indiscriminate flames at its face, anything to get its attention.
The dragon didn't seem interested in her attacks. What did draw its attention though, was Foro loading the ballista. It swatted away the last of the phoenixes buzzing around its head and focused its full attention on the last ballista.
She started flying the moment she saw it raise its head. She flung fireball after fireball at it as its lungs expanded with its inhaled breath. Thea dove as it released its crimson fire and in a whirlwind of her own golden flames did the only thing she could think of. She threw herself into the path of the dragon’s fire.
The pressure was immense. Thea felt like she was being buried under a mountain. She closed her eyes to the dancing crimson and golden flames which surrounded her and released all of her power. She was not trying to stop the dragon’s breath, she was only trying to deflect it to the side. All she had to do was give Foro enough time to load and fire.
She felt the pressure lifted and the heat dissipating as the flames dispersed. She was exhausted, barely able to hold herself up off the ground. Her wings drooped down at her sides. She opened her eyes and looked around through the smoke and haze leftover from the clash of flames.
A shadow obscured what light made its way through, and she looked up at it. A pair of golden reptilian eyes stared down at her. She could see the fangs spread in something akin to a smile. She offered up a cry of defiance that came out as more of a resigned croak. The next sound she heard was a ballista bolt ripping through the air and the thunk as it entered the dragon’s chest.
The dragon staggered back as the suppression effect took hold. Blood splashed from the wound and landed in front of Thea as she nearly collapsed from relief.
The dragon shrunk down, getting smaller and smaller. The reptilian features were replaced with human ones. Where the great beast once stood there was left a tall man grasping the shaft of the ballista bolt still sticking from his chest. The end quivered with each breath he took.
What legionaries that were left still able to take action charged in with their spears. The man grinned, something Thea found it eerie with how much it resembled the fang-filled grin of his true form, and the soldiers stopped in their tracks as the draconic aura flooded out even stronger than it had been when the dragon had first engaged them.
Thea was affected enough that with the exhausted state she was in she almost fainted. She willed her way out of it and shifted out of her phoenix form. She needed to be able to speak in this situation.
She went back to her human-form and trembled on her hands and knees as she stared at the ground. Thea wondered if she could even stand. She looked up to see the man was staring at her with eyes filled with mirth. Her temper flared and anger welled up inside her.
As she started to bring herself to her feet she felt something being draped over her. She looked up and saw that Foro had brought her something to cover herself with. She nodded her thanks and accepted his help in getting to her feet.
Thea walked up to the man with the ballista bolt still sticking from his chest and willed her way through the aura surrounding him. Foro stayed by her side helping her keep upright.
“Dragon, I am Legatus Thea Annagenisi, Commander of the Phoenix Legion of the Covenant Army, and Lady of the Phoenix Duchy,” Thea formally introduced herself. “I advise you to stand down.”
“You should be quite a bit more burnt up than you are,” the man replied.
“Are you going to surrender?”.
“Why should I do that?” the man smiled at her, which she found very off-putting. “If you think I’m in any significant danger here, you are unfortunately very mistaken."
“You can hold off my men with your aura but it seems Foro and I have adapted to it,” she found his flippancy to be grating. “What do you plan to do, stand there until you bleed to death?”
The man smiled at her and reached up to grasp the ballista bolt by the shaft. She clearly saw scales form on his hand and the beginnings of claws form at the tips of his fingers. She glanced over to Foro as her face paled to see that his face had paled as well.
“It’s OK little birds, the boy should be quite close to finishing up his withdrawal,” the man continued. “That’s all I really need to achieve.”
“I see,” Thea couldn't help but sigh. “Can I take that to mean you’d rather avoid a fight yourself?”
“Well, now, the bird is finally using her brain,” he chuckled at his own joke. “That and I would like you to answer two of my questions.”
“My mission was to clear out enemy troops from here, as long as they are withdrawing out of the Forgotten Kingdom area then my mission can be considered successful,” Thea slumped her shoulders and conceded. She was simply too tired from the confrontation and none of her legionnaires around her looked much better.
“Very good,” the man grinned at her. “How did you survive my dragon fire and which lord sent you up here?”
“Phoenixes are immune to fire,” Thea was confused by the first question, “And the Promagistrate of Tiantang City ordered this patrol.”
“Your education is lacking in some respects, dragon fire can burn anything, and that should have been enough to roast you like a chicken,” the man told her.
“That…” Thea was at a loss for words and looked to Foro for help, he just shook his head.
“Hmm, I’ll make you a deal,” the man said after he pondered for a moment. “If you’ll heal this wound for me I’ll tell you what kind of fire you actually have.”
Thea looked over at Foro, afraid she was too tired to think clearly.
“He didn't lie, I thought you were dead until the flames started deflecting off to the side,” Foro told her. “Also something you should know, I don't think he killed a single phoenix since he’s gotten here.”
“Dragon, there are only three mentions of dragons in our histories, one during the founding, one who destroyed the first human empire and one who killed millions of Covenant beings in the last great war,” she asked him plainly. “Are you connected to any of those?”
“I am Zaganursarrum, the target of that, so-called, 'great war.' The first one you mentioned is my mother and the second, that is an event I have never heard of” he looked pensive.
“You’re supposed to be the ‘Red Demon’ from the war five-thousand years ago? Why is someone who slaughtered millions willing to show mercy?” she pressed him.
“Are you going to take the deal or not?” he growled, his tone reflected his anger at her questions.
“Fine,” she reached up with one hand and grasped the butt of the ballista bolt. The bolt was vaporized in a flash of golden fire and the man was left without even a scar.
“It’s just as I thought, Primordial Flame,” the man said as he stretched his arms and neck.
“What is that supposed to be?” she asked him.
“Look it up yourself, I’d advise not to talk about it to the snake, but he already seems to want you dead.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” now she was angry.
“Don't worry, you more than have my attention, if they get too carried away I’ll just have to remind them I exist,” he told her.
“Goodbye for now little birds,” he waved as he walked off. Everyone was too stunned by what he said to take action.
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