《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》15: The knights of Parvus


The Knights of Parvus.

John had no idea what to do, the seconds crawled by like temporal tortoises as he stared in awe at the figure in his vision.

A knight? This really is a fantasy world...

John looked at Celsius and smiled.

"Normally I'd wanna rush right over and ask for help but we don't even know if that's a human, do we?"

He stroked Celsius happily, becoming accustomed to giving the rapidly growing creature regular doses of affection.

John sat down for several minutes, contemplating whether or not the suspicious armed spearman could be a significant threat, before deciding that getting closer to the knight and investigating would be better than doing nothing.

John moved to the door before beckoning Celsius to follow and leading him accross the parking lot and toward the knight.

John decided that stopping at a safe distance was for the best and got low to avoid detection by the knight, or even worse a goblin or orc.

The knight was stood before a pile of dead knights, all crushed and badly damaged. The knights didn't appear to have any weapons which made John slightly suspicious.

As he managed to get a closer look John realised that the knight was in a full suit of plate armour, suggesting to John that the world he was currently in was capable of producing more complex armours and weapons.

If they had guns at this point they'd bring them... a spear isn't ideal against the wizard...

John tried to balance his negative thoughts with the hope that the knight was civilized, deciding eventually to go for a reckless gamble.

John stood up and put his hands in the air, aiming to be of as little threat as possible.

The knight watched John with hawk like eyes before laughing and sliding a ring onto his finger.


"Hello there friend, I am a knight of the glorious kingdom of Parvus. Do not be alarmed, my enchanted ring allows me to speak your tongue for a time."

John stared at the knight, trying to process the information. A word stuck out to him, enchanted. Enchantments in games are usually magic effects that are applied to weapons and armour to provide bonuses, John wondered what it would be like to wield his own enchanted weaponry.

The knights way of speaking seemed extremely odd and cumbersome to John, realising that the ring probably wasn't capable of translating things like metaphors or expressions, John tried his best to speak in clear sentences without anything that could be misinterpreted.

"I am John, this is my school. We were brought here a few days ago and are under attack by green people."

The knight thought to himself for a moment. Children learn here... and probably died here too...

John thought of another important fact, one he hoped that the knight could help him with.

"There is a small, green creature that can create fire and lift things."

John tried not to crack up at the way he had to speak with this knight. They won't know what a goblin is... best to be clear and not use words that won't make sense to them.

John stared at the knight with a childlike impatience, waiting desperately for his response.

"A mage? If the AlUThawks have a mage then you children must have been slaughtered..."

John thought about his friends, slightly sorrowful, before trying to distract himself with another train of thought.

AIUThawks? Maybe their words for specific things don't translate directly...

John couldn't help but feel his mind slip back to thinking about the fates of his friends.

The knight spoke to John with a grave and serious tone.


"Boy, you have done well to survive this long. My companions are to put this area under siege soon and nothing will live, not an AIUThawk or even a Knjek."

John nodded but quickly decided to at least check out where his friends were last.

John waited for the knight to leave before whistling for Celsius and stroking him once again.

"Good boy. I'm glad you stayed so quiet back there."

John walked to the classroom to find it empty, this didn't surprise him. There was a note on the first table of the room, addressed directly to John.


We are headed to the cafeteria with a group of people from the main hall and from a room upstairs, we'll be waiting for you if you are still alive.


John smirked to himself and sighed with relief when he saw the letter.

At least the wizard didn't come up here and kill them then... The cafeteria huh? Not a great place to be given current circumstances but there are worse places.

John smiled as he realised why they had headed ti the cafeteria.

"Bottled water... clever... kinda makes my entire journey pointless for now though..."

John sighed before preparing himself for the journey to the cantine. If it comes to it... at my current level I could kill around 3 orcs bare handed. Just in case, I'll try and create something useful in the tech block before I head to them.

John smiled and pet Celsius once more.

"With all those orcs and goblins on the way we'll be getting you to level 3 soon. You'll probably be as big as me by then."

Celsius barked back. John had sworn he'd heard the other dogs speak some sort of language, John considered both that maybe Celsius would know that by default or that perhaps he could be taught english.

John headed through the door, Celsius following behind as John laughed at the thought of the possible weapons he could create.

A group of goblins sat down at their camp, they had just finished killing a devil hound and they were preparing to eat it.

The goblin leader smiled perversely as he cut up chunks of the meat. Delicious, hound meat is good stuff! We won't be hungry for days with this!

He began to salivate before taking a bite, which turned into a second bite. A third bite followed, then several more.

Eventually the goblin realised he had consumed all of the hard earned hound meat in one sitting.

It was just so good... Maybe human meat would taste better though...

At that moment his friend's head burst, blood coating him entirely.

What is this? Who did this?

The creature got up and searched around with his eyes for the perpetrator, finally spotting the person who had thrown the rock as they prepared to throw another.

He was struck by the rock and killed instantly.

John looked down at the pile of 4 dead goblins, deciding that it would be best for Celsius to feed on them.

"Go ahead, eat to your hearts content"

Celsius began to viciously tear chunks of the meat from the goblins and consume them without chewing much.

Is this even motivated by hunger or does he just hate goblins THAT much?

John stroked Celsius once more before the dog's transformation began.

"Come on then... let's see just what you look like at level 3."

{Nearby monster >1 year has consumed sufficient prey, lvl 2 Hellfire wolf evolving into lvl 3 Chaotic HellFlame Wolf}

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