《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》13: Chloe



"John has already been gone for almost 20 minutes and you still think things are going well?"

Cameron tried to talk back, to ease chloe's worrying

"You were stupid and let him go alone, and I'm saying we should try and rescue him and you wont even consider it?!"

Cameron looked down and spoke calmly.

"It's more than likely that he's fine already. If he's taken so long without us hearing much then that means that the orcs and goblins have cleared out of this area and he's going further to scout for them, right?"

Chloe couldn't think of anything to say and just leaned against a wall, she'd been friends with John for years and she didn't want him to get hurt.

John at first wasn't really a friend of hers, he seemed to her a little rough around the edges and hard to approach. However when chloe finally talked to John she realised that he wasn't really anti social at all, he just didn't look particularly friendly.

Chloe made a habit of talking to John when she could, she always had fun talking with him.

Before she knew it the two of them were friends and hung out regularly, John seemed to clean himself up a bit before he hung out with her which she found to be quite cute.

Chloe looked down, she had considered it before but she might have developed a bit of a crush on John over the years.

As she thought about how John had helped to try and get everyone to relative safety, she hoped he had enough sense to make sure he stayed safe too.

The entire classroom turned to the windows as a small explosion was heard.

Every student climbed over each other to go to the windows only for another explosion to sound moments later.


The second explosion shook the room and caused students to fall over, after that no on dared go near the windows in case whatever caused it spotted them.

The students all sat down and tried to stay quiet as loud howling could soon he heard.

Chloe's heart raced as she thought once more about John and realised that he'd probably died.

Chloe began to cry softly and held her face in her hands.

Cameron was currently frantically talking to the blonde girl who was sat next to him.

"What do we fucking do?! That wasn't something we can fight..."

The blonde looked just as worried and spoke back.

"I dont know... we need to think."

The two calmed down and Cameron eventually spoke up.

"Whatever caused that was close by, I'm not the biggest fan of us all moving again but we need to find water soon anyway."

The girl nodded.

"We have enough to drink for today right? What do we do after that..."

Cameron's expression was worried but his words were hopeful.

"We'll think of something... besides.. There's a chance John isn't close by and will be back later..."

The blonde girl leaned against the wall and tried to rest.

Cameron did the same, closing his eyes.

Chloe decided to get up, just high enough to see outside.

She looked outside and saw a sea of corpses.

Dozens of dogs were dead : cut in half, burnt, bodies twisted in strange directions.

The culprit was nowhere to be found but chloe instinctively knew to avoid whatever caused it.

"I...i couldn't see John... but i could see a bunch of the dogs we saw earlier, they were all dead..."

The students faces became even more nervous.

Chloe, however, looked a bit happier.

"This means we can get to the other building right? And it also means that John should be someplace else... so its not all bad news..."


The students seemed to cheer up as alex approached chloe and patted her on the shoulder.

"John is fine, he's strong and he had weapons."

Chloe rolled her eyes at the thought of him charging against dozens of orcs with a sport javelin and then laughed a little.

"Speaking of weapons, if we get you into the tech block there should be nails and hammers and all sorts of stuff right? Think you two can make some better weapons?"

Alex smirked.

"No problem, only issue is that there'll be students and teachers in the tech block too."

Chloe thought for a moment.

"Yeah, you're right. The teachers might have realized we can't evacuate now though? They aren't stupid, they were just trying to follow procedure... we could honestly use experienced adults."

Alex nodded and then sat next to chloe.

"We'll probably head off when John gets back"

More intense shaking sent some of the students tumbling and explosions could suddenly be heard.

"It's starting again... further away though"

The students listened closely as shouting could be heard in a language none of them spoke.

The explosions grew closer and the shouting grew louder, the shaking was knocking the students around.

Chloe used the hockey stick John had given her to hook herself to a table and not fall.

Eventually the shaking stopped as laughing and cheering could be heard, followed by even more intense shouting and screaming.

By this point the students just had to look outside and as they did they saw a scene straight out of a fantasy movie.

A group of more than a dozen knights in plate armour were stood opposite to a lanky goblin and a huge orc.

The creature was perhaps 8 or 9 feet tall, its arms and legs were muscular and thick and its face was less pig like than the orcs.

The creature breathed heavily and eventually began to move.

With just two steps it reached the knights and used it's huge fists to punch the knights.

The knights themselves were shaking as the creature moved towards them, as it punched their armours were crinkled and warped by the force of the punch as they were sent flying back.

The head knight gripped a spear and used it to stab at the creature, but with just a swipe of its hands the man was disarmed and soon punched even harder than the rest.

The remaining knights tried to flee but were struck by a beam of light shooting out if the goblins staff.

Both of the creatures began to laugh as they walked away, searching for more prey.

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