《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》11: Happy hunting.


Happy Hunting.

John had thought up a plan to get clean water. It depended on whether the skill would give him potable water or not but he had spotted the skill water ball , a skill that created a small ball of water that would stay in place and then disperse after 5 seconds.

John thought that the skill sounded useless for combat but he had another idea that he had put off on trying again, forming a skill tree.

John sat and then tried his best to focus, forming a much clearer inage of a skill tree now that he had gotten a skill.

John smiled as he saw the potential evolutions of hard body. This included liquid body and elastic body amongst others, henoted that they split off as was typical for skill trees in games.

"If its about designing the UI ourselves then people who play games have an advantage..."

John then realised that if he was to purchase water ball that he would both take care of the need for water and to open up branches to learning magic.

John unlocked the door and grabbed a javelin from one of the goblin corpses and brought it back with him.

He spoke to Cameron as he came in and locked the door.

"We're running out of weapons and fast Cameron, we're already out of shields and everyone's weapons are starting to fall apart."

Cameron nodded.

"Sports equipment was good short term but they weren't designed to fight with."

John sighed and looked around for alex.

"Hey, if we can get the right materials me and you could make some better weapons right?"

Alex spoke with a slightly disappointed tone.

"Yeah... but the materials we'd need are all in the tech block. Even making better makeshift spears will be hard for us without powered tools anyway."


John sighed deeply before walking to a table and sitting down, he tied his shoelaces tight and prepared to go hunting.

"Im going out for a bit, I won't go far and I'll come back if there's too many."

Cameron wanted to refuse John but sighed and gathered everyone else to discuss plans to rescue people in the third building.

Meanwhile John was leaving and heading down the stairs, careful to stay quiet in case there were any goblins or orcs nearby.

He then went from the bottom of the stairwell through the exit and back out into the carpark.

He looked around and saw no goblins and only 3 orcs, deciding to target the orcs he snuck behind a row of cars to the first.

As he approached he caught the disgusting scent of the orc and saw its muscular frame.

John quickly stabbed the creature through the back of its skull as the bar appeared once more.

John counted in his head that he'd killed 6 since his last level up and the bar was at about a 1/3rd of the way full, meaning killing at least 12 more of them wasn't an unreasonable goal.

John sighed and slowly approached the second orc, stabbing it in the bast of its neck up through the brain and killing it relatively easily.

The third orc had caught sight of John but John threw his javelin, striking the creatures chest and causing it to move around in pain.

John ran towards the creature and pushed the javelin deeper before pulling it out and stabbing the orc directly through the heart.

"That makes 8..."

John hadn't gotten used to the sight of the corpses and decided against looking at it as he made his way to the other side of the parking lot, looking for more orcs to kill but finding instead a gathering of 6 sleeping goblins.


John's hands shook as he slowly approached and raised his spear to the skull of the first, plunging it in and killing the creature painlessly.

John repeated this process, trying to not look at them as he killed them in their sleep.

John finished as the bar was nearly full and moved, he was going to start looking for new prey to kill.

John had come to learn that killing orcs and goblins through stealth was wiser than trying to run or fight directly, not that he couldn't do either if all else failed.

John gave himself a few moments to rest before walking past a wall and turning a corner, then turning another corner and walking straight.

John came to another corner and turned to see a green fist flying towards his face.

John had no time to guard and was knocked to the floor by the figure.

John looked up at what had punched him, vision blurred he barely made out the orcs body though it looked more muscular and also had glowing white markings under its eyes.

Johns vision cleared as he got up and gripped his javelin, ready to stab the creature.

The orc charged at him again and john used his javelin to try and stab it, the creature dodged to the left before landing a punch to John's gut and causing him to drop his spear.

John fell to the ground from the creatures punch and felt himself nearly throw up after being punched in the gut.

John slowly rose as the creature charged again.

John tried his best to think and instead of stabbing or punching he activated his skill, hard body and tackled the orc.

John barely managed to restrain the orc which seemed to be helpless on the ground as any other orc.

John felt weak and lightheaded from being punched but still felt strong enough to knock the orc unconcious and then crush it's skull.

John punched the creature in the head repeatedly and knocked it out, afterwards John got up and dropped a large rock on the orcs head. Noticing that the bar was almost full he figured out that only one or two more kills would be sufficient to level up again.

John felt like he was unable to move and so leaned against the wall and rested for a while before slowly stumbling back towards where cameron and the others were.

He travelled across the car park and tried to make himself hard to notice, eventually he spotted a slightly strange figure.

Ahead of john was a goblin, the thing was taller and skinnier and was also holding a staff with a glass orb on the end.

John shook as his mind raced, realizing ehat the thing was John froze.

A goblin wizard.

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