《Magic, Monsters and Medieval Mayhem.》0: The Incident (prologue)


The incident

John woke up. His slightly wavy hair was covering his eyes as he sat up, rising like a corpse. He went to a mirror and grabbed a brush to start his morning ritual : brushing his teeth, showering and then searching for his uniform before he went downstairs to have breakfast.

In the mind of John and every student from his school today was going to be a normal day, tedious studying with a little bit of occasional interaction with friends.

John didn't hold much hope for today being very fun. His lessons mainly consisted of subjects he was perfectly average in : english, mathematics, chemistry, history and product design. He had never been particularly focused which had led to him having overall unbalanced grades since he poured exactly the same amount of time into his weak and strong subjects, he had unknowingly min-maxed his education to focus on sciences and completely neglect humanities.

He got dressed into his uniform and sighed. John realised he had forgotten to finish a homework for history, he had put off on doing it to play games all weekend and eventually just forgot.

He went down and had breakfast: toast, a glass of orange juice and some cereal.

John had a bad habit of never switching his books for the days lessons between days, so his bag was heavy with the books for every lesson.

He walked to school because his mother was off to work before he woke up and his father was on a business trip in Germany.

Today's walk was a little noteworthy in Jhons mind, because he felt strangely enticed by the flowers he passed and appreciated the mild spring sun on his skin.

He continued on until reaching the school. Three buildings made up the school's campus ; two of the school's buildings were built in the 19th century but one was far more modern, being built in the 90's to keep up with the higher student numbers.


He went through the entrance of one building, walked down a flight of stairs and exited again. He wound up next to a locked room full of sports equipment, continuing on to his first lesson he walked to a building just across a partially filled carpark.

John climbed a set of stairs and opened a door, he was greeted by a young woman in her 20's and a group of his fellow students.

"Sorry for being late"

He was calm as he walked to his seat. This teacher was far from cruel and in fact was one of the nicer ones he had been taught by, demonstrated as she merely smiled and waved him away.

"We just started so its fine, just try not to make a habit of it."

He pulled the seat back, dropped his bag and sat down.

"Late again? I told you to set an alarm."

A girl to his left nudged him with her elbow as she berated him, she was a pretty girl : shoulder length brown hair, mostly perfect skin with just a few freckles on her cheeks, a smile that made even John a little shy, she was certainly one of the prettier girls in the school but this no longer had much of an effect on John after knowing her for so long.

"I forgot"

She smirked a little before looking forward at the teacher, john did the same as he finally settled for a typical day of learning.

The ground rumbled as a loud wooshing noise was heard ; bright light poured in from the windows and hit every student in John's classroom, including John.


Several cries along these lines were uttered as the bright light settled and students held their eyes in agony, they calmed down eventually and everyone started to focus on a new question that was bugging them all.


"What just happened?"

The girl to john's left was the first to ask this fairly important question.

"Look! The windows are cracked!"

One of the boys at the front was quick to point out a set of spider web esque patterns that had spread across the windows, everyone in the room rushed to the windows expecting to see the muddied school field.

John walked over as everyone went quiet. In front of john for miles and miles was a thick, dark green sea of trees.

"What the fuck?"

This was evidently not a normal day.

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