《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C21 - Stocking Up •
Initially, cultists had taken Robins Supermarket early on and had set it up as a ritual site.
There was no one available to stop it, and the Thralls leading the mad humans were able to kidnap plenty of victims from the nearby neighborhood.
Suffice to say, an acolyte was summoned inside the supermarket—and a Senior Acolyte at that.
When this was detected, albeit too late to prevent the summoning, Tier Is and a police team took the Extermination Mission for location.
From what Xander, Anna, and Ben knew, the extermination team was utterly repulsed. The attackers were stopped not a meter from the entrance when they were harried by voidlings and cultists, while Thralls stood on top of shelves to rain gunfire on their heads.
What was most damning of all was the Senior Acolyte having a ranged attack. The detailed mission briefing stated it could launch bone spikes from a stubby misshapen limb. When the trio read that detail, they immediately grimaced.
“That is going to be extremely annoying to deal with,” Xander let out a frustrated sigh, “I don’t mind getting into a brawl with one but I’m not interested in becoming a pin cushion.”
“Neither do I,” Anna agreed as she crossed her arms.
Ben scratched his cheek as he read what the extermination team had to deal with. After the team's defeat, they had managed to describe details of the Senior Acolyte when they reported to a nearby Harbinger
The same Harbinger they were heading to for resupply and where they’ll meet with the survivors of the first team. The unlucky Tier I’s and police officers were caught completely by surprise and, unfortunately, accrued multiple casualties.
Ben shook his head in resignation, “there’s nothing to it. We’ll go slow with everyone else and pelt them with bullets.”
Xander and Anna agreed reluctantly at the athletic man’s suggestion.
Since then, the wide modern building became one of the many beachheads for the Cult of the Damned. Something that distressingly happened after the extermination team failed.
With the way Rio de Oro was built, it had taken a while for the Omninexus to muster the necessary forces to tackle this location a second time.
A newcomer could simplify Rio de Oro into three main sectors from a bird's eye view.
First was the center, divided by the beautiful and clear river that those in the past named the city after. On the left of the river was the busy heart of the downtown area. On the right were several barangays and residential areas.
From that side, going south, you would reach the second sector of the city. The southern sector ran along the river's length and up into the mountains. This area was where the city's people established high-end gated communities, golf courses, universities, and IT parks.
Further south was Rio de Oro’s military installation—Agila Airport, or the Philippine Air Force’s Tactical Operation Center 10. Further down was outside the provincial capital of the Misamis Oriental area.
Finally, for the third sector, one must return to the downtown area left of the river. The eastern sector was a long stretch of barangays, factories, markets, and ports that hugged the coast.
It was in this area that Xander, Anna, and Ben headed.
But before that, the trio would first make a stop at a Harbinger close by to restock.
Xander had been saving his rewards from the last two missions. When he, Anna, Nick, and Ben returned from McMillan Park, they had eaten a sumptuous dinner before heading for a hot bath and turning in for the night.
When they returned home, Xander had to stand aside as Nick received an earful from their parents. It was rightfully deserved, and Xander had a laugh as it was a long time since he had seen his usually soft-spoken mother admonish his little brother.
That was the primary reason his sibling wasn’t present at the moment. That the mission they were taking was of a substantial threat level was the final nail in the coffin. Xander was glad his brother could still see reason and knew when something was beyond him.
After a good night’s sleep and despite the ominous red atmosphere present outside, Xander felt more than ready to spend his hard-earned N-Merits, Lumina, and Ichor.
Oh, and do more missions, but that was the tedious bit Xander and his companions could do without.
Of course, rewards of this magnitude garnered risk, which the trio realized was a fundamental law of the universe.
Nevertheless, the young man smiled as he turned the corner. The trio was currently riding the Stahl family’s SUV for the day.
Anna noticed her partner’s expression and couldn’t help but ask.
“What’s got you in such a good mood?”
Xander was brought out of his thoughts as he glanced at Anna, “shopper’s enthusiasm, I guess.”
“Right,’ Anna drawled, rolling her eyes, “you do know we’re headed toward an extremely difficult mission?”
“Details,” Xander spoke with blithe disregard, but seeing his partner’s sneer quickly changed his tune, “Oh, uh, sorry. Look, I know what we’re going into, but I’m not overly worried since we’ll have plenty of back-ups this time.”
The Omninexus mustered more fighters this time. Apart from the survivors of the first assault, at least two other Tier I teams were called for support. With those numbers, the assault had a much more optimistic chance of accomplishing the objective with fewer casualties.
Anna eased her tense posture upon hearing the reminder.
"True, it'll still be an uphill battle."
Xander, Anna, and Ben had stern faces. They would much rather take plenty of easier missions and harvest the meager rewards than do an extremely risky one with a better payout.
The mission was a Priority Mission that they couldn't ignore. As much as they wanted to head to Harby in their village clubhouse, time was of the essence. They were one of the unlucky few nearby and ready to tackle the endeavor.
The distance to the nearest Harbinger wasn’t that far off, but Xander wanted to take the drive slow.
Mostly because there was a lot on his mind. The red tinge in the air prompted him to accelerate the plans that he had been formulating since yesterday. His thoughts returned to that one question Ben put forth on how difficult it was to balance staying together with family, and getting resources to protect them.
It all came down to safety.
Xander realized that in order for everyone to be satisfied with the situation—as much as one could be satisfied during the apocalypse—then a proper solution must take place.
That solution had been swirling around in his mind before and after he went to bed. He had browsed the internet on what was going on with the rest of the world.
It was something he liked to do whenever faced with a dilemma. He found that browsing anything of relevance in the real world inspired him to make his own creative solution.
What Xander had in mind was prevalent with a lot of other people.
The young man chewed on his lips before he finally let out his thoughts.
“What if we pool everyone in our neighborhood together?” He asked slowly
Anna and Ben turned to gaze at him from the rearview mirror with questioning expressions. Seeing their faces, Xander expounded further.
“I’ve been having this plan in my head for a while, but I needed time to gather my thoughts.”
“Is this about what we talked about yesterday?” Ben asked.
Xander nodded as he eased himself into the driver’s seat.
“Pretty much, I think it could work since others have done it as well,” Xander scratched his cheek, “We can refine it to suit our purposes.”
Anna tilted her head in interest and anticipation.
“Alright, what is it then?”
“Well, I’m saying that we have all these families who are stuck in their homes, right?” Xander asked rhetorically, “afraid of everything outside ever since this whole thing began.”
“With the corrupted humans becoming cultists, voidlings, acolytes, and now the bioshield, I think people would be pretty scared to come out of their homes.”
Xander nodded understandingly at Anna’s response before continuing.
“True, very true, but did you notice how empty the streets were in our village? I think all the cultists left seeing how difficult it would be to enter people’s properties.”
“Huh, yeah, I did notice that.” Anna realized.
“Exactly, they’ve all headed toward hotspots like Robins Supermarket.”
Ben hummed in thought as he turned the corner into the highway.
“So, what are you suggesting?”
“Staying at home isn’t a good idea. At least it won’t be once this full scale-invasion arrives.” Xander scratched his goatee while leaning forward. “We have time with. Eventually, there are going to be evacuations. I’m not sure what the Omninexus has planned, but it placed a lot of resources on hospitals and likely other service buildings.”
Xander opened his [Map] as he formulated his plans.
“With Harby in the middle of Puerto Heights, it’s a prime spot for plenty of Tier Is to have a safe place to restock before heading out or patrolling the streets.”
Anna’s eyes shined as she began to understand Xander’s line of thinking.
“With so many people in the community, it’ll be relatively safe for everyone. Not just Tier I’s, but the regular folk can band together and take matters into their own hands.”
“Exactly!” Xander clapped his hands together. A feeling of elation washed over him as a solid strategy was formed in his mind. “That way, our folks will feel safe together while we can recruit more people to form teams with us then go on missions.”
Ben nodded his head approvingly.
“That’s a good idea. Of course, we’ll need to convince people to leave their homes, but I think they’ll be receptive to the idea.”
Anna had a wide grin as she joyously clutched Xander’s hand.
“Awesome! We ought to invite Enzo, Chico, and Georgy’s families over to stay in our neighborhood as well.”
“It’ll be harder to uproot them from their homes, even temporarily. But I think our friends can convince their folks.”
The trio within the car asked each other a few more questions. Further, it solidified their master plan of turning Puerto Heights Village into a safe zone for civilians without the overstressed emergency services.
With that out of the way, Xander put more gas on the pedal. Not too long after that, they were on a small boulevard with plenty of shops on either side.
Unfortunately, it was barren since no one saw the point in doing some luxury shopping.
Xander parallel parked the SUV in the empty parking spaces by the sidewalk.
As the trio exited the vehicle, they only had to walk a short distance away before they saw the Harbinger and a group of people surrounding it.
The mass of people and the floating area situated themselves right at the intersection. Without oncoming traffic, there was no worry that they would be obstructing any vehicle.
Xander looked between the gathered men and women and saw Harby speaking with someone familiar. Though the young man couldn’t discern too much without getting closer.
The Harbinger had unveiled his lilypad-like umbrella. Its size provided shade to anyone interacting with the alien. And although some people would find it generous for the convenience of being shielded from the scorching tropical sun.
Even with the bioshield suppressing sunlight, it still allowed heat to pierce through. Xander was unaware of how such engineering worked. He guessed it was in low maintenance mode, and whenever the invasion truly began, it would harden dramatically.
I’ll ask Harby if I remember it.
Xander had a million and one questions permeating inside his head, and it would take too much time to ask them all in one sitting. He wasn’t even sure if the alien would respond to some of them.
Now that there was a gathering of people surrounding it, Xander realized it would be excessively rude to delay them from accessing HNH with unnecessary questions.
As Xander, Anna, and Ben neared the crowd, they managed to see how many people they would be working with.
There were two fresh groups of Tier Is who were meandering close to the Harbinger. The first group was a group of college students, five young men with gauntlets and Conscript melee weapons. From the looks on their faces, Xander gathered that this was their first mission and had no idea what they were getting themselves into.
He, Anna, and Ben all narrowed their eyes at this group. A part of them pitied them for their youth. Xander saw that they were close to his little brother’s age. What’s more, the eagerness was evident in their animated gestures.
However, the trio felt disapproval that these guys were idiotic enough to take a mission as dangerous as this. Xander had a deep frown as he shook his head.
You don’t even need to see the word “Substantial Threat Level”, just the fact that a Senior Acolyte has a ranged attack and a defensive advantage should have been loud enough.
The trio resigned themselves as they saw the college team look deadset on taking the mission. It was also more rational to keep the additional bodies. It wasn’t just Xander and his companions who were disapproving of these additions to the extermination force.
The second fresh team was a four-person crew and looked much more competent. Xander finally got near enough to see the familiar bespectacled face of Isaac—the security guard from the Marco.
Xander, Anna, and Ben approached the group. Xander also observed Isaac’s three companions and had no recollection of their faces. The young man assumed they were Isaac’s friends.
“Isaac!” Xander called out while waving for his attention, “good to see you, man.”
The security guard who was in more casual clothes and a cap turned to face the approaching group. Upon seeing Xander and Anna, his eyes widened in recognition and he greeted them back with a small.
“Xander, Anna, kumusta (hello).”
The young man and woman shook hands with the Tier I from the Marco. Xander was glad that the man was alive and well. From the looks of it, Isaac had been busy since the hotel mission. The security guard turned Tier I Support had his first paralysis pulser as well as a brand new gauntlet that had a lasso attachment to it.
Apart from that, the man also had a security vest on with magazine carriers, a radio, and a holster for a 9mm handgun.
Xander nodded approvingly. He already garnered that the man before him was competent. Competent people were what they needed right now.
“You look like you’re doing well with yourself,” Xander smirked.
“I could say the same for the both of you.”
“Eh, with been taking advantage of the rewards. It’s been a hectic day yesterday.”
Isaac nodded understandingly before turning toward the athletic man behind Xander and Anna.
“And this is?”
The first son of the Baltazar family nodded his head before he spoke, “It’s Ben. I’m Anna’s older brother. Thank you for being with these knuckleheads when they did that stunt in the Marco.”
Isaac waved his hand in dismissal.
“It was nothing. My workplace was under threat, and it was my job.”
“Still, I have to thank you,” Ben proceeded to offer a handshake which Isaac took. The two men seemed to approve of one another as they were similar in age. When Isaac stepped back he introduced his companions.
“These are my buddies from training,” Isaac pointed toward each of them as he spoke, “Collin, Robert, and Angela.”
Xander took note of each person. They had a similar disposition to Isaac which was a good sign. They were not as equipped as the man but that was beside the point.
Xander hoped that Isaac and his friends would offset the inexperience of the college group.
After a brief discussion and casual conversation, Xander excused himself.
“If it’s alright with all of you, I’d like to access the Hub and get my gear to spec.”
“Of course, we already did so before you got here.” Isaac gave an ok sign before returning to his talk with Ben about the mission.
Xander adopted a brisk pace as he went toward the large floating alien.
On the way, he caught a glimpse of a beleaguered group of Tier I’s and police officers.
The first team.
Xander sympathized with the group, their experience would be valuable in creating a better strategy for storming the supermarket. He saw that there were three Tier I’s and two policemen among them. He assumed any casualties were already carted off to the nearest hospital—or morgue.
Xander put that thought aside as he came face to face with Harby. The college students who were here first had left to approach Xander and Isaac’s group.
“Hey, Harby,” Xander casually greeted with a wave.
The alien had an amused glint on his massive fiery eye as he waved his tentacles.
“Greetings, Conscript Xander. Are you here for shopping?”
“I’d like that yes.”
“Very well, let’s proceed.”
As usual, a black window appeared before him showing the main menu of HNH.
Welcome to the Harbinger Nexus Hub!
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
New Items have been added! <<< [ Merit Exchange ] | [ Lumina Shop ] | [ Ichor Infusion ] | [ Mission Board ] >>> User: Xander Barbosa Stahl Nexus Merits: 22 Lumina: ⓛ360 Ichor: 26 mL
Xander looked giddy at what he had.
Quantified in this manner, Xander felt fairly compensated for his troubles in Sunny Side and McMillan Park.
“Right, let’s get this out of the way. What’s new in [Merit Exchange]?”
• Merit Exchange •
Your deeds have been recorded by Ethmazdhâl and measured. Your actions have minorly affected the survivability of your home city. Earn higher glory and rise high, human of Earth. Nexus Merits: 22 ... ... Psionic Tattoos - Middling 40 Genetic Enhancement I - Whip Snake's Reflexes 30 Genetic Enhancement I - Opalux Ape Bone Tissue 30
Xander felt a mixed emotion of intrigue and confusion as he read the premium items available. As time was of the essence, he glanced at Harby for assistance.
“Psionic Tattoos are one of the first instances of artificially supplementing a sapient being's innate lack of Psi. It’s a crutch that is exceptionally useful. This is why it is being made available at this time. The ‘ink’ used in drawing the tattoo on the body is of middling quality.”
That was a significant piece of information to Xander. The young man eagerly continued to ask for more details, “What can I do with it?”
“You can manipulate psionic energy as if your Aspect was at Tier I. This has many implications that you can ask your Aide at another time.”
The subtle tone from Harby told Xander that he needed to move along. As much as the huge floating ball loved divulging these things to humans like Xander, there was a mission that needed accomplishing.
“Alright, what about these Genetic Enhancements? What are these supposed to be?”
“As stated, they are used to grant incredible enhancements to one’s body. Ichor isn’t the only way to increase your Aspects after all. Though the higher your Tier is, the more vital Ichor will be as it becomes more difficult to increase it with conventional methods.”
Xander nodded his head as he listened to the Harbinger. Just reading the descriptions of these Genetic Enhancements gave him a summary of what they can do. They were both made from alien beasts and treated to be compatible with humans.
If Xander incorporated Whip Snake’s Reflexes, he would receive finer reflexes and minor boosts to agility and speed.
Opalux Ape Bone Tissue on the other hand would increase his bone destiny and toughness. It would also lay a stronger foundation for more powerful muscles in the future.
Xander nearly began to daydream about what having all of these would be like before he stopped himself.
He couldn’t afford it anyway, much to his disappointment. He could purchase priming gene boosters, but he felt it was better to save up for one of these three premium goods.
“What’s available on the ol’ [Lumina Shop], Harbs?”
“A few new items have been added, Conscript.”
• Lumina Shop •
Lumina: ⓛ360
· · · · · · Conscript Battle Hammer Upgrade - Momentum Boost ⓛ300 Psi-Encrypted Communicator ⓛ150 Gauntlet Attachment - Combat Medicine Auto-Injector ⓛ150 Stim - Vigor Focus ⓛ50 Stim - Regeneration Focus ⓛ50
Xander had a wide grin as he looked at the items on sale. What immediately drew his attention was the upgrade for his battle hammer.
Reading the description stated that his weapon would receive a boost of momentum shortly before impact, increasing the kinetic force dealt on target. This was powered by Psi, which his hammer will receive an energy cell incorporated into the shaft.
It will need to be recharged occasionally. Xander read the schematics and saw he could do five empowered strikes before it runs out.
He would also need to be careful with over swinging his strikes if he ever misses.
Still, it was an amazing upgrade, and one Xander bought instantly.
“Fine choice, Conscript.”
His battle hammer left his side and levitated toward Harby via telekinesis. Xander faintly saw an echo emerge around his weapon, which he surmised was the effect of the Harbinger’s ability.
The hammer made contact with the Harbinger’s flesh and seamlessly went inside the alien’s body. After a minute, the hammer left Harby and floated back into Xander’s hands.
The mucus on his weapon began dissipating and was thankfully dry as Xander inspected it.
He saw the hammer head glow slightly brighter than before and also felt it was more balanced in his hands.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about.”
Xander approved wholeheartedly the upgrade. He glanced at the other items being sold and read their descriptions for the future.
The communicator was basically an earpiece that can be set for team use, or a wider network.
The Combat Medicine Auto-injector was an attachment like the lasso that was in the shop that could be combined with his gauntlet. As it says, it automatically injects a selection of stims that are stored in his gauntlet, which will become a little bit bulkier in order to store three vials.
The Vigor and Regeneration stim were more distinct versions of the original Stimulant. One focuses on increasing stamina and power, while the other focuses on the healing factor.
Xander made sure to make a mental note for these items. He will be sure to purchase them the next time he visits the shop.
Satisfied with his sole purchase, Xander looked at Harby in anticipation.
The alien seemed to intuitively understand what Xander is alluding to and began to approach the human.
Xander stepped back in apprehension, but it was too late.
“Ah, hell, I forgot this part!”
The young man closed his eyes as he steeled himself. When he opened them again he was in the familiar buoyancy and feeling of being inside the Infusion Pod.
Monster Integration
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Title Pending Adventures of Jackson and Barbara in another world!
Jackson Ripper is transported with his class to another world. As one would expect, they are asked to fight in a pending war, much to Jackson's distain. But, a month after arriving he is separated from the rest of his classmates and loses an arm and a leg. Worse yet, the person who mutilated him clings to his side. Now, he begins travelling with this walking natural disaster in a strange new world. Author notes: This is a story I started writing roughly two years ago (roughly 2017) on a whim and started using it to improve my writing skills. As such, it's mostly wish fulfillment based loosely on anime, light/web novels and comics. But wait, why post my strange, gruesome dream world on the internet? Because, I have a goal of one day writing something worth publishing. But to reach that goal, I need criticism, suggestion and advice. Plus it feels like a waste to keep this beauty all to myself. I currently plan to release one chapter a week, on Saturday afternoon or evening.
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