《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C19 - First Contact Assembly •
The dim shine passed through the membrane covering the sky. Despite the warnings of their Aides to remain calm, the humans of Earth were anything but.
The organic planetary shield deployed by the Omninexus bathed the coastal city of Rio de Oro in a foreboding reddish hue. A similar reaction was taking place further north in the city of Manila—the capital of the Philippines.
The bustling metropolis labeled as one of the densest cities in the world was in an absolute panic. A cacophony of voices filled the air as people retreated indoors. The Tier I’s were the only exception as they displayed a minor amount of alarm.
Within the resplendent walls of the Malacañan Palace—where the executive seat of government was administered and the president's official residence was located—President Evangeline del Rosario was working overtime with her cabinet as they witnessed the new development.
“What in the world is going on!?” President Evangeline's voice shrilled as she looked out her office window.
Her Special Assistant to the President, Angelo Mercado, anxiously scrolled through his tablet and listened to a host of people through his wireless earphone.
The white-haired man looked up, distressed as sweat poured down his face.
“Madame President. The Omninexus stated it’s some sort of planetary shield to protect us.”
“Hesus, Maria, Josep (Jesus, Mary, Joseph)!” The middle-aged woman waved exasperatedly toward the scene outside, “does it have to look so evil? If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought we were inside the stomach of some giant!”
Her assistant remained silent, unable to formulate a decent answer.
President Evangeline sighed heavily as she dragged herself to her red velvet seat and slumped on it in exhaustion.
The woman had been working her bones harder than she had ever been when the Harbingers arrived on Earth, and the alien system filled her head with ONIM screens.
Though she was a Tier α, she had been given the Fortitude priming genetic booster for free because of her status as a country’s leader.
A day ago, she had been busy signing confidential documents regarding the constant cold war between the South East Asian Coalition and China due to a maritime territorial dispute when a Harbinger popped up in her office and nearly gave her a heart attack.
Her Presidential Security Group immediately barged into her office and opened fire. Only for the bullets to be stopped mid-air and a powerful gravitational force fell on her bodyguards’ bodies.
Her men were disabled in a blink, frozen in place on the floor.
President Evangeline did not take the situation well and demanded what was happening.
The floating alien raised two blue tendrils that glowed brightly and filled the room in its light. An aura of calm washed over the humans in the room. Her stress had lifted from her tired eyes at that moment, and she became more receptive to the message it gave.
The Harbinger spoke its speech that everyone else had heard before. Moreover, the alien gave a more personal message to her.
“President Evangeline del Rosario, leader of the Republic of the Philippines, yes?”
“Y-yes,” the woman stammered as she slowly rose from her seat, “that’s me. What are you?”
“I am a Harbinger specifically assigned to you and your government in order to assist you in protecting your country and people.”
The alien spoke similarly to her mother's soft and warm voice and in perfect Tagalog.
“Other Harbingers have been assigned globally to each leader and person of interest. Your roles are vital to mediate between the established human order and the Omninexus. I am aware that your government states that you are Commander-in-chief of your armed forces, yes?”
“That is correct. I take that role in times of war and emergency, and I assume this is such a time.”
President Evangeline spoke proudly. Although it was her first year in office, she had been working intensely on cleaning the country's corruption and elevating the standards of living.
When the Terrorist Crisis of 2032 occurred in multiple cities in throughout the country, she enforced martial law and efficiently scoured every hostile element in her home city of Rio de Oro. She had done so well that she won by a landslide during the 2034 election.
The Harbinger bobbed its entire body in affirmation.
“Indeed it is—the direst of emergencies. I will not sugar-coat anything, as the leaders deserve to know the vile threat your planet will be facing. But many will die in the following days, and then the following months.”
Evangeline frowned as she felt a growing sense of dread at the alien’s warning.
“How many?”
“Your country alone will experience an estimated casualty count of 10,000,000 within the week. 30,000,000 within the next six months.”
The president froze as she heard the number.
Evangeline’s mind felt faint as she planted her hands firmly on the table. Her heart pained like a million needles piercing the beating organ. She shook her head and mumbled softly.
“Is that a joke?”
“No. This is the worst-case scenario if you fail follow our instructions.”
“Half the population,” the president’s throat felt dry as a Philippine summer. She breathed deeply as her thoughts ran rampant, “how long will this invasion last?”
“Uncertain, projections range anywhere from six months to five years. There are too many variables at the moment.”
President Evangeline had to take a few minutes to drag herself out of existential depression. The number was too extreme. The situation was too extreme.
At that moment, she was back three years ago as the mayor of Rio de Oro.
The desperation and anguish of the people were all too similar. She wanted to cower and hide under her table to escape the chaos. But she bashed that side of her aside and rose to the occasion.
However, the supposed apocalypse of an alien invasion was on a different level. The president felt underqualified for such responsibility. She wearily looked up at the alien before that seemed to be a lighthouse in a raging sea.
She grasped that light without hesitation.
“What must I do?”
The Harbinger seemed pleased as it swayed its tentacles before focusing intently on the woman.
“Gather your cabinet. Muster your armed forces. Prepare for war. A contingent of Harbingers will immediately set up a logistics center to supply advanced technology to bolster your warriors.
“More instructions will come within the day, Madame President. I shall be within the building. Call me if you need more information.”
Evangeline laughed sardonically.
“You better stay. I have a million questions for you right now.”
That had been a day ago.
The commander-in-chief had been speaking with her colleagues and her generals. Harbingers were sent to their camps to provide alien handguns, shields, and rifles.
She had been preparing for a national address to soothe the worries of her people when the damn planetary shield mucked everything up. Her assistant’s exhausted posture spoke volumes of what her government had been up to the past twenty hours. The elderly aide focused back on his tablet as he continued his report.
“The people are panicking, madame president.”
“Er, yes,” Angelo fiddled with his stylus, “Manila police are strained enough as it is. But I’m receiving news that the Tier I’s have been sent to ease the chaos.”
“What of the damn cultists? The Acolytes and their pets? Have we eradicated the scum from our city?”
“A few hotspots remain near the bay and the poorer regions, madame president.”
The aggravated woman sneered at the negative report. A chime sounded on her desk before she could call the person she put in a charge to handle the situation and berate the man for his incompetence.
“What?” Evangeline asked with evident irritation.
“The Harbinger wishes to enter, madame president.” The faintly static voice spoke through the device.
Evangeline’s anger relaxed before a feeling of annoyance replaced the void.
“Bring her in. Bwisit na banyaga (this annoying alien),” the woman cursed, “I have a few words I want to say!”
The assistant on the other side acquiesced to the order immediately, and soon the floating form of the Harbinger floated past the open doors of her office. However, the president didn’t wait a moment before she made her annoyance known.
“When I heard you were deploying a shield, I was thinking something from Star Wars.”
The alien did not take offense to her statement and politely replied.
“Those Psi-powered energy shields consume too much energy than we can supply at the moment. The planetary bioshield is more suited for our purposes.”
The woman scoffed and ran her hand through her frazzled bobbed raven hair.
“Earth isn’t so important for such luxury, is what you’re saying.”
The Harbinger stayed silent—a remorseful sheen formed on its eye.
“Yes, in essence.”
The president glared at the alien before she moved her eyes and stared at nothing.
“Whatever,” Evangeline was too tired to argue. More than once, she let out her stress at the alien who generously acted as someone to vent to, “what do you want, Harbinger?”
“The First Contact Assembly.”
Evangeline perked up in confusion at the Harbinger’s reverential tone.
“The what?”
“You, and the leaders of Earth, will meet the five esteemed beings sent by the Ethmazdhâl to coordinate military and administrative operations for your civilization.”
President Evangeline briefly processed the implications as she sat straight before realizing the magnitude of what the alien had just said.
“Wait, when you said first contact, you meant…”
The floating alien bobbed its form in confirmation.
“Yes, madame president. Your civilization will now be introduced to the primary leading figures of this galactic arm. It’s time for humanity to be accepted into the wider universe.”
President Evangeline’s heart pounded rapidly as she stared wide-eyed at the Harbinger. Before she could let a word out, over two hundred ONIM screens appeared before her.
The tiny projections filled her office, and the Philippine president saw many familiar faces among them.
President Evangeline noticed a group of screens closer to her side. She saw the faces of her cabinet and the generals of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Further from where she was seated, US President Athena Armstrong, Russian President Valentin Kozlov, Chinese President Qiao Guozhi, and UN Secretary-General Amano Michio were among those she recognized.
She didn’t see their generals or government officials, which she guessed was only visible to them. Most likely intentionally done to keep the space free of unnecessary faces.
President Evangeline realized they were all muted, and she could not speak to any of them. She desperately wanted to get a handle on what was happening with the rest of the world. Yet, a part of her felt relieved when she saw the equally weary and anxious looks on their faces.
That quickly faded when the screens were pushed aside by a much larger projection.
Soon, every human in attendance had their attention focused on the central screen. The leaders of first-world superpowers and their attendants, both government and military, went quiet and meek as a powerful presence enveloped them.
There was an extreme sharpness and lethality to it. A primal part of their brains was flaring in alarm like they were in the middle of a dangerous forest with a fierce predator stalking the woods.
Yet there was also gracefulness, elegance, and precision. It also felt matriarchal, like they were in the presence of royalty, and despite being leaders of millions or even billions of people, the leaders of Earth couldn’t help but be subservient to this majestic aura.
However, those in attendance, including President Evangeline, felt something more than these base emotions.
Most of all, it was overbearing. The presence was heavy in the humans’ minds and their souls.
It was like a coming storm.
An approaching tsunami.
A guillotine over their heads.
It was Inexorable.
The commanding figure finally revealed herself to the human assembly as the Chief Executor appeared on the massive central screen.
President Evangeline and her subordinates could only gawk as the alien matriarch graced them.
An exquisite robe made of a deep black speckled with a beautiful, moving image of countless stars and vivid nebulas adorned the alien authority’s body.
Underneath, her form was clear to see.
The being’s appearance was a collection of roots tangled artistically to look humanoid—the wooden tendrils wrapped around each other to form dense muscles that gave her a domineering aura. Though President Evangeline couldn’t see fully, she instinctively knew she was taller than any human.
A hood partially obscured the alien’s face, but they could see that she had no mouth, no nose, but three pairs of eyes ran along her face.
The alien lacked legs, but there was no doubt that did nothing to detract from her power as the Chief Executor floated effortlessly with six pairs of amber bee-like wings that made her look more epic than she was.
There was a lengthy curbed scabbard that was holstered to the being’s side, and there was a quality of death that caused any who looked at it to sweat nervously.
However, the most glamorous aspect was the massive halo behind her that shined in near-blinding prismatic colors.
The humans continued to stare, afraid to say anything that might offend the mighty figure before them despite being muted.
President Evangeline tensed her muscles as she tried and failed to resist the mental pressure.
What is this!? It’s like this being could behead me through the damn window.”
Thankfully, the Chief Executor finished her show-boating as she slowly reduced her aura. The being found throughout her long life that it was better to be direct and show the disparity of strength.
Not only will the sapients be cowed into submission, but they would become immensely grateful that she was on their side.
Still, first contact was an extremely delicate and complicated process.
The Harbingers sent to the human leaders will be essential in mediating the process as the back and forth between them progresses. Not only will her colleagues be introduced as well, but resources need to be allocated, and operations need to be organized.
After a tense silence, the Chief Executor finally spoke.
Each human in attendance heard within their minds their language as the matriarchal alien began speaking, her voice like a choir of a thousand angels.
“Greeting, humans. I am Chief Executor Inexorable Blade, a Fhâlman in service to the Order of Untarnished Light.”
The eminent figure lightly nodded before she continued.
“My two fellow Executors and I were assigned to ensure your species’ survival against the Abyssal Horrors.
“I am sure that you have been briefed on the gravity of the situation, so I shall keep this short.
“Your people will survive. Follow my instructions. And Humanity shall live through this apocalypse.
“Else, you shall fall like one of the countless other dead civilizations. If this worst-case scenario occurs, your people will be preserved in a small enclave, and the Ethmazdhâl will record your history and culture.”
The Chief Executor paused before she leaned closer, causing every human to shrink back.
“But I assure you, your people will never recover.
“Defeat means utter devastation. Humanity will become so traumatized that you will remain broken for ages.
“Perhaps you may bounce back, but you will most likely be integrated into existing civilizations.
“But the countless dead will be in your hands.”
The human leaders processed such an event described by the Chief Executor.
The amount of tragedy, anguish, and despair likely to happen should they fail increased the already titanic weight on their shoulders.
President Evangeline closed her eyes.
In her mind, she remembered a similar tragedy. She heard the cries of a father carrying his wounded daughter to the hospital.
—A young boy begging for her mother to wake up.
—A brother screaming in anguish as he held his dead sister.
—The noise of sirens and flames as it echoed throughout the city.
Evangeline held on to those memories and held them tight. She used the pain she felt from those people and used it as fuel for her raging emotions.
When she opened her eyes, they were alight with fury and a determination to do her duty.
Most of the other leaders in attendance had similar expressions, while the rest began to quiver in fear.
Chief Executor Inexorable Blade and her fellow peers watching from the side saw all of this and were impressed. The towering and muscular figure of Executor Durran nodded approvingly.
“What fire and passion. I shouldn’t be surprised since these sapients evolved from a crucible world. They’re like us Ivorians or your people, Guileful Flower.”
The feminine assistant Executor bowed respectfully toward her superior, her form dwarfed by the colossus before her.
“Your words honor me, esteemed one. We Phae originated from similar conditions despite having evolved from flora.”
While the two conversed behind her, Chief Executor Inexorable Blade focused intently on the assembly. The Fhâlman’s eyes were satisfied as she saw the humans’ expression. Her voice reflected this as she spoke once again.
“Your determination pleases me. But this is not enough. That is what the Omninexus and we Executors are here for.
“An example of this is the planetary shield before you. I apologize for its ghastly appearance, but time is valuable, and this was the readiest one available. Therefore, in compensation, I shall donate a minute portion of my power to increase the calming effect and range of the Harbingers for a moment.
“Nevertheless, the shield will only last approximately five days before total failure. By then, I expect that a proper defense has been established. Each of your country’s militaries will bear the brunt of the invasion force. As for your civilian populace, the Omninexus will form a militia to handle any offshoots.
“My colleagues and I shall send detailed strategies and battle plans to your Harbingers.
“Logistics shall be established, and technologies will be introduced.
“You shall be armed and ready to face these foul monsters who seek to tear you limb from limb.”
The Chief Executor dramatically spread her arms.
“Rage, humans! Potent lethality will match your fiery spirit with our aid! So, rage! Rage and funnel that into your efforts!”
Everyone in attendance cast their decorum for this one moment. President Evangeline’s soul burned as she stood up from her seat and raised a fist. For once in her life, she yelled high into the air and let out her emotions.
The Chief Executor unmuted the screens as she basked in the humans’ roar.
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