《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• C2 - Assessment •
It didn’t take long to return to the apartment. The moment Xander and Anna entered their small but modest two-bedroom flat, the two burst into motion. First, they grabbed everything essential and stuffed it into the car: food, water, first-aid kit, flashlight. After which, they took most of their sentimental items.
Once they emptied the place, Xander changed into something more comfortable and robust. He put on olive green nylon trekking pants, safety shoes from his university workshop course, and a red plaid shirt over a black undershirt. As he put on a face mask and black watch cap, Xander looked over himself in the mirror.
Being 6’1” with a toned physique earned him plenty of curious looks and questions about his parentage, what with the average height of his friends, family, and colleagues being under 1.65 meters. Xander had to thank the German half of his genes for that. Though he inherited his size and blue eyes from his dad, he received his mother's tanned skin, general looks, and dark brown hair, which he styled into a top knot.
He gave himself a weary smile and tried to calm his beating heart down. He looked over to Anna, who had donned her favorite black and yellow jacket. She changed her casual attire for some ash-colored hiking pants, a plain shirt, and a robust pair of walking boots. She tied her neck-length hair into a small bun before donning her black face mask with cat whiskers.
Xander admired her for a moment. She was tall for a young Filipino woman at 1.7 meters though she was a foot shorter than him. Anna was what Filipinos refer to as mestiza, which essentially means mixed-blood, as her family has some Spanish roots, which wasn’t uncommon for some other families to have foreign blood in them.
Xander couldn’t help himself, and he strode towards her and cupped her face in his hands. She didn’t look surprised and linked her hands together behind his neck. Nothing had to be said. They were past using words to express their wants and needs.
Having known Anna ever since his childhood, they hung out practically knowing every detail about each other. Ever since they entered college and the same course, they had their ups and downs and awkward moments figuring out what kind of relationship they wanted for each other, whether as just friends or something more as a couple.
In the end, they preferred to call themselves partners. Not that much different from how they usually acted, but it came with some bonuses.
After a moment of taking in each other’s presence, the two shared a brief but meaningful kiss as a pale moon finally showed its face in the inky night sky.
“I needed that,” Xander softly spoke as he rested his forehead against hers, though she had to stand on her tiptoes to make up the height difference.
“We both did,” she replied with a relieved smile.
Come what may, Xander and Anna felt assured side by side. So the two went on to finish packing and loading it back into their car.
After the two left their flat nearly an hour later, Xander and Anna made their way into the highway. The drive to his parent’s house would take about forty-five minutes east, so they decided to make haste. Xander and Anna were fully awake, and exhaustion made way for a rising dose of adrenaline. The air felt heavier. Anna was busy communicating with family and friends about their plan. They went down their list of people and returned a group they’d been trying to contact.
“Are the three wise men still not answering?” Xander asked her with furrowed brows.
“No, still nothing. Those bastards are probably still out partying with the rest of our batch while all this is going on,” Anna groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Xander wasn’t particularly worried about them, even if they tend to screw around. The three they were alluding to were their best friends. Enzo, Chico, and Georgy were part of their closely-knit circle of companions as they all had scholarships in the same course, so they were always together when it came to studying or playing video games. The guys were as sharp as nails, and it’d take a lot to trouble them, especially if they were together. Xander just hoped they haven’t passed out or anything.
The get-together party those three were in was one he and Anna skipped out on as they had other plans this day.
“Call Enzo one more time. He’s usually the least drunk at any party. Leave a text if he still hasn’t answered, ok?” He asked Anna in a low murmur.
“Gotcha,” she answered before going for another attempt.
Before his thoughts drifted to other matters that needed his attention, a modulated robotic voice resounded in his mind.
[ Omninexus initialization complete! ]
The two cursed simultaneously at the sudden intrusion into their heads.
[ Connection established! Would you like to- ]
Before the voice continued with its message, Xander gently diverted his car to the side of the road and hit his hazard lights.
“Hold on, damn it! Let me stop, at least! Do you aliens have a thing for almost making me crash my car or something?” He shouted at whatever was in his head, quite miffed with the situation.
[ … ]
At the voice’s silence, Xander finished parking his car and turned to Anna.
“You heard that too?” He asked her.
“Yeah, I’m looking at my Omninexus monitor right now. It’s not much to look at. It just says I need to head to the nearest Harbinger, and it unlocked a map for me. This thing is amazing! It’s like a three-dimensional wireframe projection in real-time,” Anna exclaimed.
“Hmm, you and I are—and I guess every other human for that matter—are indicated as glowing white blobs, though mine has some kind of halo around it. You can’t see inside buildings, but you can move the camera anywhere!” She continued with unfocused eyes as she waved her hands as if swiping through some immaterial touch screen.
Safe from any vehicular accident, Xander focused his mind and conveyed his thoughts to the voice in his head.
“Right, hello?”
“You don’t have to speak. Just use your thoughts.”
Hello? He mentally asked.
[ Would you like to open your Omninexus Implant Monitor? ] the robotic voice queried.
Uh, what are you? Xander inquired.
[ I am your Omninexus Implant Monitor Aide. Would you like to open your Omninexus Implant Monitor? ]
The flat monotone voice somehow managed to sound mildly impatient, but it was probably nothing.
Yes. Open, please
Instantly, a green screen with white text popped up about two feet in front of him. Xander tried to touch the screen, but it phased right through it. The screen moved with his eyes but wasn’t present when he closed his eyes. After experimenting with the screen, like mentally closing it and opening it, Xander moved on to read the text.
Greetings, humble sapient! This screen is your Omninexus Implant Monitor or ONIM for short. Please head to the nearest Harbinger for User Assessment. New ONIM Function: [Map] unlocked.
The [Map] was precisely as Anna described. A three-dimensional wireframe projection in black and white—the models’ detail was surprisingly accurate and quite elegant, and even the cars on the road were moving correctly. However, as Xander continued exploring, he noticed a few points apart from what Anna told him. The first was that he could mentally open and close his [Map] and convert it into a traditional two-dimensional map. The second was that the nearest Harbinger was a few minutes away in a friendly hotel called the Marco. Finally, Xander observed that the models farther away from the Harbinger had fewer details and stopped being real-time, only updated every minute.
Interesting. So those beings act like radar sensors? Its range seems to be about two hundred meters, give or take fifty. Xander mused.
Xander turned towards Anna and found that she was looking back at him with an eager glint in her eye.
“So, you think we should get this over with? Head to that Harbinger and do that assessment thing?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. My gut is rather quiet about it, but logically speaking, it should be safe,” Xander pondered for a moment, wary of any undesirable outcomes, but acquiesced in the end.
“Alright, fine, I won’t lie, I’m a bit cautious about this whole thing, but the promise of whatever it’ll give us just makes me endlessly curious.”
At that prospect, Anna let out a toothy grin at the allure.
After deciding to head to the Harbinger before continuing towards Xander’s parents, they came up to the sizeable walled-up area that encompassed the Marco Hotel. It was large, not in the sense that it was tall. The main building was a squat but quaint thing with the main floor which housed the reception area, restaurant, and function halls, and the four floors dedicated to rooms above. The pricier rooms were individual houses that replicated warm, homey beach cabins. They surrounded a crystal-blue pool with a verdant tropical garden—complete with palm trees that stretch high.
After Xander parked his SUV in the outside parking lot, he and Anna walked towards the lobby’s entrance—glancing at their [Map] to ensure they were on the right track.
Upon coming closer to the entrance, Xander and Anna encountered a problem. They saw four hotel security guards prodding the Harbinger that floated in the middle of the luxurious foyer through the glass double doors. The hotel staff was frantically talking on the phones, and a few guests gave the Harbinger a wide berth while making their way out of the lobby.
“This is going to be a problem. How are we supposed to talk with it now? Will they stop us?”
“I got this,” Anna confidently said as she brought up her hood and adjusted her mask to cover more of her face.
“What are you—” Xander began before realizing what his partner was about to do.
Anna adopted a faux horrified demeanor and began hyperventilating.
She immediately rushed into the lobby, with Xander shortly behind.
“Tabang! (Help!)” she shouted with a fear-filled voice. All eyes in the expansive room looked toward Anna. Before anyone could ask what was going on, Anna continued to speak, “there’s another one of those things! It entered one of the houses, and I think I heard shouting!”
She bolted away immediately while beckoning for people to people.
Fortunately, what hotel employees cared for the most was their guests’ safety, especially for a reputable one like the Marco. Unfortunately, a single guard was left to watch the Harbinger within the lobby, while the other employees and some good samaritans from the guests present went with Anna.
Anna flashed him a sly smirk and a wink as she passed him by and exited the room.
Xander went up to the sole guard quickly.
“Hey, excuse me, guard? Go with your buddies, I’ll watch this thing,” Xander adopted a stern, and tough demeanor—his tall and fit build helped project an aura of confidence.
Still, Xander was screaming on the inside for the middle-aged security guard to leave.
“Ok, thanks. Don’t touch it, alright?” He left in a hurry without another glance, leaving Xander as the sole human in the foyer.
Xander let out a sigh in relief before looking up at the other non-human with him.
The Harbinger was looking at Xander and Anna’s antics all the while. And after everyone left, it focused its blazing gaze on him. It seemed mildly impressive, but it was hard to distinguish with only a single massive eye.
Unlike before, the entity spoke normally—well as normal as a floating sphere with no mouth—as it didn’t shove its words in his head. Nevertheless, Xander was still bewildered when he heard the familiar german accent of his dad. That confused him. Was that intentional? Did it take a familiar voice to replicate to ease communication? Nevertheless, the Harbinger continued without any reason to explain its—his, since he’s using a male voice—choice.
“Greetings, humble sapient. You are here for your assessment, correct?” He inquired, subtly floating towards Xander. The Harbinger sounded formal, direct but polite, like a german secretary.
Xander, in turn, stepped back. He wasn’t afraid per se, but the aura he was emitting was quite intense. He matched its gaze in seriousness as he replied.
“Yes. So, how is this supposed to go?” He slowly asked as he lowered his mask.
“Hold still, please.”
Xander tensed as he steeled his body for whatever was about to happen. The glow the Harbinger’s eye flared as he began to look over every inch of him. Xander could feel his molecules beings scanned. Despite the uncomfortable feeling that was like being inside a giant microwave—hopefully not detrimental to his health—Xander felt a small cut on the tip of his right index finger.
A small crimson drop of his blood floated towards the Harbinger. Xander observed it being seamlessly absorbed in his purplish flesh.
After an uncomfortable minute, the Harbinger closed his eye and looked to be in contemplation. Most likely assessing what he just scanned. Another minute later, he opened his eye again and looked toward Xander.
“Your biological assessment has finished. We shall now proceed towards the interview.”
“Interview?” Xander asked, his eyebrow raised.
“Yes, just some questions to record your mental faculties, morals, and personality. It’s something my All-Seeing Eye could not scan.”
“Oh, well, alright, I guess,” Xander sighed as he crossed his arms and relaxed his posture.
“Good. First question: Are you willing to fight for your species’ continued existence."
What kind of question is that? Only psychos would say no to that, probably not all of them. So Xander thought as his face scrunched up a tad.
“Yes, obviously, I would,” Xander answered in a determined voice.
“Good, moving on. Which describes to you more: Someone who strives, struggles, and competes for power or someone who aids others in attaining it?”
Again, another weird question, but it doesn’t require much thought. I’m not a selfish person by any means, but I firmly believe that more personal power will help me help more people.
“The first speaks to me more,” Xander answered confidently.
“Good, final question. Which resonates with you more: Might, Alacrity, Resilience, or Fortitude?”
Oh, finally, an exciting question! This is a class thing, right? Main attributes?” Xander visibly grinned, and a fire in his eye sparked before he started contemplating his choices.
Alright, I’m assuming that going by the words he said, it’s supposed to correspond to strength for Might, speed or agility for Alacrity, toughness for Resilience, and finally, mental strength for Fortitude, so intelligence or wisdom, maybe? Xander concentrated more, his hand stroking his short goatee.
Should I double down on Might? I’m already quite fit, with hitting the gym being one of my favorite hobbies. I’m not an athlete or a bodybuilder, but I do many calisthenics and cardio routines. Alacrity sounds good, too. Having a boost of speed would help me move around more. Resilience is meh. Toughness doesn’t feel that appealing, I’d rather wear body armor, and I know there’s one in my parents’ house. Fortitude, however… Is there magic? Holy shit! Does magic exist!? Xander looked at the Harbinger with eagerness.
“In a sense, human. But the tremendous cosmic force is unavailable to you at this time due to your unawakened state as a Tier I. Picking Fortitude will give you a minutely better head start at understanding it, but it mostly focuses on other aspects of your mind.” The Harbinger uncannily clarified without Xander voicing his question.
“Wait, you can read my mind!?” Xander asked in shock.
“Yes,” he simply replied without any further explanation.
“I, urgh… whatever, I forgot you’re a telepath,” Xander rubbed his face with his hands, already feeling tired with the Harbinger.
Damn, it feels like a gamble. It has potential for sure, but will I survive long enough to reap the benefits? Argh, God damn it, I’m not risking it. I’m doubling down.
“I choose Might, Harbinger.”
“Choice confirmed. This interview has now concluded,” the Harbinger closed its eye once more to do its analysis.
“Wait, just three questions?” Xander asked in surprise. He expected to take a personality test for a minute.
“Yes, you are now fully connected to the Omninexus, Xander Barbosa Stahl. Congratulations, you may now look at your ONIM for the update,” he bobbed up and down once, swaying his tentacles in what was probably a celebratory gesture akin to clapping.
Oh, crap, this is kind of awesome! What’s my class? Do I get abilities? Skills?
Excitedly, Xander immediately brought up his ONIM.
• ONIM MAIN MENU • <<< [Map] | [Profile] | [Aspects] >>>
The menu was rather sleek, and Xander noticed two new sub-menus beside his [Map]. Xander mentally clicked on [Profile] and began reading its contents. However, after a few lines, he became confused, then distressed. As he reread the bottom row, a rising panic welled up in his chest.
• Profile • Name Xander Barbosa Stahl Species Human (Tier I) Occupation Conscript
Xander slowly looked up at the Harbinger with a brittle smile.
“Uh, hey, Harby, my guy? Sorry, I just wanted to clarify the term Conscript you’re using because it sounds a bit… expendable? Just wondering if there’s a translation error or—” Xander stammered on before the Harbinger answered.
“No, it’s correct. Therefore, you are now Conscript Xander Barbosa Stahl.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean!?” He exclaimed towards the being.
“It means you are now a Conscript,” the floating sphere actually cocked its body in confusion, making Xander more peeved at it.
“I, urgh, that’s not what I—” Xander felt he wanted to tear his hair out the longer this went on.
The Harbinger seemingly sensed the human’s distress and raised a calming blue tentacle.
“Peace, Xander, peace. I believe you are misunderstanding. The term you think of correlates to some exaggerated notion of the Red Army’s apparent human wave doctrine. However, we use this term literally. You are a militia, a levy, a foot soldier. You said you wished to strive for power, and this is one path to take and one that is currently available to you and the rest of the Tier I humans.” The Harbinger informed Xander, similar to a parent lecturing a child. “Worry not. You are to be used strategically, and intelligently. You will be placed in situations that you can handle. The militaries of Earth are focusing on the larger threats that will befall your civilization, which means there will be many minor pockets where they will be unable to give aid. That is your duty. Believe in the Omninexus assistance, Xander Barbosa Stahl, believe in the Ethmazdhâl’s strategy, believe in Fhâlma’s light.”
Xander took a few deep breaths and decided to give his trust for the second time this day.
“Alright, fine. Are we done?” He wearily asked.
“Almost, humble human, almost. Hold still for a moment.”
“What do you mean? I thought you already scanned—” before he continued, a glowing golden tendril emerged underneath the Harbinger. It was tipped in a long needlepoint, and a drop of yellowish liquid dripped from it.
Xander couldn’t even tell his body to dodge the implement before it snaked through the air at blinding speed. It pierced his clothes, then his chest, and finally his heart. He heard someone scream in the background, but he was too stunned and fascinated by what he observed. Xander saw golden light travel through the tendril and into his chest. He could feel a warm liquid dispersing throughout his chest cavity and his entire body.
The tendril extracted itself, and he stumbled in his step. Xander doubled over as he felt a drastic change in him. Sweat dripped down his head, and he felt hot and taut. The newly baptized Conscript could feel his muscles becoming denser, his skin becoming thicker, and his bones becoming stronger. He could feel boundless energy as his blood vessels expanded, his organs were toughening, and his heart became a little larger. Xander even minutely sensed his mind becoming a bit keener and a lightness in his step, but it paled in comparison to the physical changes.
After his changes settled, Xander felt that he had done a long marathon with a backpack full of weights. Every fiber of his being was exhausted, but he was aware of one glaring aspect.
He felt powerful. So much so that his body felt a bit alien to him.
While doable in real life, the changes he experienced in a few minutes would have taken three or four years of physical and mental training.
“What… What the hell… did you do to me?” Xander asked through labored breaths.
His emotions felt flared after being abruptly stabbed in the chest, but he was more content and curious about the upgrade he went through.
“You have just experienced a fraction of a fraction of intergalactic genetic engineering,” The Harbinger proudly stated, his eye looking rather pleased.
Foreign Substance: [Priming Gene Booster - Might], +2 Body, +0.5 Mind
Xander briefly looked at the ONIM in awe and dismissed it. He straightened himself before looking at the floating entity.
“Please tell me if you’re going to stab me in the chest next time?” Xander tiredly asked.
“It’s better if we didn’t. Most individuals abhor injections, especially from an alien species.”
“In any case, the uncomfortable side effect you are experiencing will wear off in an hour. So now you should explore your last sub-menu before I bestow upon you your Conscript gear.”
“Uhuh, just give me a minute.”
Xander rubbed a palm on his chest. Apart from the tiny hole in his shirt, his wound has already healed, and he still felt warm to the touch. It was at that moment he heard a whimper in the room.
Xander realized he wasn’t alone in the lobby anymore.
Those were a lot of horrified-looking faces. And that’s one livid-looking Anna.
The Geeran Chronicles
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] War and a terrible prophecy are shadowing over Geera and surrounding nations. If only somebody important knew about it. A plot to incite political drama, secret hopes and dreams, with an unlikely group who find themselves at the center of it all. Terence, Katerina, Izo, and Tomas try their hardest not to change their reasons for traveling along the path, but sometimes the path changes you. A musical adventure in verse.
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Squire of Eden 1: The Tooth of Leviathan
The Tooth of Leviathan, The Claw of Behemoth, and the Feather of Ziz --the sceptre, crown, and cape of evil to unite all evilness, a symbol of power for the anti-christ, remains a threat to the balance between the human world and the realms beyond."Humans are humans, all the good guys are up in heaven, and we're all stuck here before some of us go to hell and purgatory. Right? Sister?" Back in 2011, 12-yr-old Macau resident, Sariella Lui could have never imagined this world beyond her acknowledgement. Reuniting with her long-lost twin brother, Sariel, the teenager got to know about the mysterious world of angels, demons, mystical creatures and the Sacred Order of the Paladins of Eden. Together, the siblings fought alongside the fallen angels for their redemption, with the help of their companions, in hope to restore balance within the realms beyond the very world they live in. At the same time, the outcasts struggled to find their position in this world. The young Russian psychic, Nikolai Rostov, struggled to find a cure for his curse while Ezov, the offspring of Prince Seere of Hell and a fallen watcher, struggled to understand the responsibilities of his blood. Lukas the cambion desired to leave his father, Belial, one of the nine Kings of Hell, but his demonic origin made him an outcast at the paladins, not to mention the fact that they were a total mess. As the youngsters grow into young adults, their battle continues, and this is merely the first step.
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TTWN: The Tale of Will Newbie
This series is inspired by the music of TheFatRat, please take a look if you don't know who he is here. Everyone wants to live in a fantasy world, right up until they have to face dark beings beyond their comprehension. Everyone wants to be a hero, right up until every day becomes a fight for their life. Sixteen-year-old introvert Will Newbie lives in a fantasy world. He's the hero of this story. He has been left with nothing; after a brief adventure in the mountains near his home, he returns to find his entire home missing, every person mysteriously vanishing into thin air. All that's left for him is his rather, "disembodied" older sister and the quest given to him by a rat-turned-god: Gather a team of Champions, fight back against the forces of Sin, and save the world. But if he's learned anything, it's that being a hero isn't as easy as it sounded in the books. So, he'll have to keep himself together, keep his team from tearing each other apart, and figure out just how much he's willing to sacrifice for what he believes in. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! This is my first fully written story, so I want to improve. Positive or negative, I'll take it into account! I will try to update weekly every Friday, but as I'm pretty new to this kinda grind expect some irregularities. The covers are also by moi, done in Pixel Studio. Quite proud of them, really.
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I decided to bring it back after it being taken down 3 times.THIS BOOK IS NOT ABOUT MUSLIMS!!!!! Take that mess some where else besides my comments or just don't read it.
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Jealous (Yugyeom X Reader)
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