《Crossing the Cosmic Rubicon》• Prologue •
Ignorance is bliss. To be unaware of the coming calamity is a mercy. But the universe is rarely fair.
Hope is hard to come by, and those forced to weather the storm must seek each other out to survive. Such is the companionship of the living.
Rising above or falling to ruin may befall civilizations who faced the apocalypse. Those who have endured its horror used their newfound power to increase the chances of the following unfortunate species. Doom comes to all eventually, after all.
For this reason, an immense shimmering object made its orbit close to a familiar yellow-dwarf star.
Having the shape of a hexagonal prism, it spun slowly around its center axis, with each of its six rectangular surfaces facing The Sun every minute.
Although the blazing inferno of the star’s corona could disintegrate almost any material known to current science—an area where molecules break apart from such extreme temperatures—the object was unaffected.
The heat did not even peel its prismatic coating.
Truthfully, it was in an optimum location to siphon energy in the most efficient way possible.
Despite being as large as an aircraft carrier, the interference caused by The Sun and the incomprehensibly advanced construction of its alien plating made it virtually undetectable to modern observation equipment.
Everything about it consisted of mind-bogglingly high concepts. Every second, its form shifted into unique and beautiful latticework designs while still holding its overall shape. It glowed with unknown violet energy. The light from it increased and decreased in intensity in constant intervals, eerily similar to breathing.
It floated there, like a magnificent gem bathing in hot orange flame, unbeknownst to the sapient beings of the third planet orbiting this star.
It was an old thing.
Even before the beginning of humanity’s history, it had orbited the star in silence when dinosaurs still walked the earth.
Despite its synthetic form and its mysterious alien nature, it somehow gave off an aura of a massive guardian in silent vigilance. The object pulsed in regular intervals and sent out undetectable signals throughout the entire solar system. The alien construct captured a spherical scan with a diameter of nearly three hundred billion kilometers within seconds, using means beyond our comprehension.
The object was the culmination of thousands of years of development and equipped with the shard of an exceptional and all-encompassing intelligence known as Ethmazdhâl to perform its sole function—to explore for signs of life and be on the watch for those that seek to extinguish it.
To do its duty as an advanced alien space probe.
[ … ]
And so it did, for more than two hundred million years. The probe kept its vigil, apathetic to the plights of the creatures in its domain, and kept detailed records of every organic lifeform throughout time.
It witnessed the savage beauty of the Cretaceous period and the asteroid that ended it. It saw nature rebuild itself from the fire and ash and cultivate new life. It had seen the birth and evolution of what would become the dominant sapient species of this floating blue marble.
The massive entity cast glances at the colorful history of the sapients, the Humans of Earth. It recorded every act of war, every piece of literature and art, every significant individual and event and stored it in its extensive data bank.
Without judgment, it did not seek to punish criminals nor praise heroes. On the contrary, the illustrious and ancient alien race that built the shimmering construct knew the consequences of acting like a tyrant to a lesser species or even interfering in their affairs. More often than not, the sapients rebelled against what they considered invaders from space, became sycophants who were too dependent on advanced technology, or worshiped them as gods.
It was better to be the silent watchdog than the controlling shepherd. Moreover, it gave the native sapients a chance to develop their own unique culture and solutions to nature’s challenges.
And so it kept quiet, pulsing violet energy throughout its glimmering form—ever watching.
[ … ]
The probe continued its objective—its actions of scanning the solar system in set intervals, generation after generation, indifferent to the progression of the Humans on Earth, even when humanity slowly expanded out of its birth planet and into its home solar system. The probe’s routine never changed.
[ ..? ]
Until one day, it did.
[ !!! ]
In an instant, it pulsed a harsh red. Anyone close enough to the probe would sense the absolute rage and fury that emanated from it. Then, it shifted its form—exploding into action—its frame morphed into long tendrils and extended outwards.
Its shape changed from a hexagonal prism to a construct similar to a massive many-armed sea star.
It spun like a windmill—its tentacles swayed in the void. And, without visible signs of any propulsion, it quickly left the star's gravitational pull and moved to the closest Lagrange Point that was concurrently between The Sun and Earth. Once it decelerated to a stop, it turned its front to face, where it detected the entity that entered its range.
It narrowed its view from a spherical map to a cone, pointed, and cast an intense scan.
Even without anything that could be described as eyes, the probe glared. The circuits of red light that snaked across its surface turned into a deep hateful crimson.
Seconds later, the tendrils vibrated rapidly and sent out a direct message to something beyond the material realm in a melodic language that mimicked the thousands spoken by humanity and uncountable alien tongues at the same time.
One would be hard-pressed to comprehend even an iota of its song, though it was not as challenging to find one's language amongst a sea of others. But, even so, the intent of the message was crystal clear.
[ WARNING! Abyssal Horror Scouting Drone detected! Solar System IE/O-CA/03221 (Sol System) has been flagged for possible Abyssal Horror incursion. Probability of attack… 89.21325%... ]
[ Celestial Body IE/O-CA/03221-03 (Homeworld: Planet Earth) under threat! Fourth-class Sapient Species IE/O-CA/03221-03-H (Homo Sapien) under threat!.. ]
[ Probability of victory without intervention… 0.00001%... ]
[ Probability of survival without intervention… 8.10068%... ]
[ Conditions met. Receiving new mission parameters… ]
[ Mission received. Beginning First Contact Protection protocols...]
[ Initiating Phase 1. Summoning Omninexus Solar Hub. Requesting— ]
Before it continued, it jerked slightly and sent out a frantic message.
[ WARNING! Mass Psi Jump detected! Invasion fleet vanguard has been identified beyond the outer asteroid belt!.. ]
[ Running emergency protocols… ]
[ Summoning Harbinger contingent to Planet Earth… ]
[ Insufficient resources and time for accurate Harbinger placement ]
[ Defaulting to teleportation to high-density population centers… ]
[ Seeding Omninexus Nano Implants to Earth atmosphere... ]
[ Deploying Planetary Shield. (22:17:48) until completion… ]
[ Emergency protocols complete. Resuming primary objectives... ]
[ Now requesting available Executors for post assignment to Earth… ]
[ Searching… ]
[ Candidates found… ]
[ Filtering… ]
[ Three Low-Ranked Executors Nominated… ]
[ Two Assistants Executors Nominated… ]
[ Assignments approved… ]
[ Beginning Emergency Psi Matrix Warp… ]
[ Five presences inbound in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… ]
[ Executor "Inexorable Blade of The Ixo'hana Ring" phasing in… ]
[ Executor "Lord Paladin of Clan Durran" phasing in… ]
[ Executor "Fifth Preserver of the Galactic Center Society" phasing in… ]
[ Assistant Executor "Guileful Flower of Frigid Gardens" phasing in… ]
[ Assistant Executor "Gluttonous Scholar of Kerdarakhan" phasing in… ]
Five figures emerged from spacial tears in the blackness of the void, with twinkling stars in the background. Even without air for sound to travel through, one would be able to hear space itself screeching from such sudden action.
When the tears disappeared, the three Executors respectfully acknowledged each other while the two Assistants had presented themselves dutifully. All five then stared down on the blue world with calculated gazes.
Before any conversation could occur, an almost motherly voice in a collection of human tongues echoed in their minds. Unlike the robotic tone of the space probe, the five entities had access to a larger and more complex shard of the Ethmazdhâl.
[ Ph’nglui Fhâlma Yaah, Mâkhmieka’Earth’sjt, To’orvarak… (In the Mother's name, welcome to Earth, Executors) ]
“Ph’nglui Fhâlma Yaah, we answer the summons,” the five echoed into the dark, quickly transitioning and inheriting Earth's many languages.
[ Do you accept this mission? ]
“We accept, Ethmazdhâl,” they answered with a subservient bow.
[ Mental affirmation received. I am now sending detailed mission parameters. Lw’nah ktonhyul etu’u... (Life flourished through all) ]
“Lw’nah ktonhyul syha’h, (Life flourished for eternity)” the five replied fervently.
Once the significant presence left their minds, the five assembled, their forms darkened by the planet shielding the light from The Sun. The faint reflection from the moon drew faint outlines of the five.
The five mighty entities had auras that manifested into the physical realm in the form of stunning ethereal halos—with brighter luminescence and more complex colors for the three Executors. However, any detail on their bodies was hard to distinguish, shaded as they were from sunlight. Still, they were inexplicably alien. Only two of them looked what we consider humanoid.
They discussed and read through the detailed report given to them by the Ethmazdhâl via thought.
One of the humanoid figures that towered his compatriots in size moved forward, hands behind his muscular back. His voice had a deep bass to it, gruff and orotund.
“Hmm. A typical fourth-class sapient civilization, these Homo Sapiens—Humans. One that is barely out of its single planetary origins,” he resounded the titanic voice before continuing, “hopefully enough at Tier I for Ethmazdhâl to conscript. No Tier II Ascendants among them, pity. The Aspects numbers of the general populace seem average from the data gathered by the probe. Mediocre Body with an emphasis on endurance, a somewhat high Mind, a middling if impassioned Anima amongst individuals but nothing of note. However, they seem to have a disturbing lack of Psi. ”
All five grimaced. Low Psi was a disadvantage for these Humans.
One of the Assistants floated forward. This one had a clear alien origin, with no limbs and a somewhat clam-like outline, one massive fiery eye surrounded by four smaller ones placed in its front opening. It spoke with a modulated tenor containing the echoes of ocean waves and stone grinding.
“A correction, Esteemed Lord Durran, their Psi pathways are present but seem to have regressed after some generations. Hibernating, for lack of a better term. Theoretically, it can be rekindled as their biological makeup is quite receptive to genetic modification and Ichor infusion. Initial simulations show moderate potential and adaptability for such prolific breeders. They may yet overcome their insensitivity to the great cosmic force. Intriguing.”
“We may not have time to exploit this potential, Assistant Gluttonous Scholar,” the titan, Executor Durran, grimly said, "these humans do not have time."
“My lords, fellow Assistant, if I may interrupt,” the other humanoid form, one much smaller than the giant Executor and looked vaguely feminine, politely and softly spoke before she continued, "there are a significant number of Humans outside of Planet Earth."
“We detect one research colony on this planet’s moon with a population of 2,322 sapients, a civilian colony on the fourth planet with a total population of 8,602 sapients, and finally, 812 sapients on various installations throughout the solar system in addition to ships in transit between all inhabited points," she reported in an impassive tone. The assistant with the fiery eye hummed in consideration before turning to his betters.
“Assistant Guileful Flower presents a dilemma. Indeed, what should we do about these sapients far from their home planet? But, alas, we have no resources to perform an emergency mass blink transfer for these wayward natives, nor do we have enough time for more standard teleportation methods. How luckless.”
“What Assistant Gluttonous Scholar speaks of is unfortunate. But, without active protection, they will face the full wrath of the first wave," Assistant Guileful Flower pensively said, hand on her chin, "their survival is nearly impossible.”
A gentle yet powerful voice echoed amongst them. It reverberated through them like a choir of angels.
“A crucible world. I haven’t seen it’s like for some time. Even rarer for a species to develop sapience in such a high density of natural predators. These humans... Hmmm…”
The cloaked figure with the brightest and most colorful halo among the five moved to the center with grace and lethality in her subtle movements. A scarred tendril held onto a magnificent and brutal-looking curved sword. She turned to her peers while unconsciously projecting a dominating aura.
“Send what Agents we have and the remaining Harbingers, and seed whatever nano implants we have left to get them connected to Ethmazdhâl as soon as possible. We evacuate any survivors the first wave has left once we are established. Guileful Flower, you shall deal with the stray natives. Gluttonous Scholar, you shall be in charge of securing our flow of primary resources," The Executor issued her orders to the two Assistants with a noble posture and matriarchal tone, "I want a Watchtower in this solar system by tomorrow. Go now.”
“It shall be done, Noble One."
"By your will, Executor Inexorable Blade.”
The two Assistants answered simultaneously, bowing at the majestic being before teleporting away.
The third and last Executor, a formless and glittering blob, floated forward while voicing in a disembodied staccato speech.
“Hmm… Two. Days. Before. They. Arrive," The amorphous blob raised two frilled tentacles, "they. Will. Send. Infiltrators. Then. Attempt. Full-scale. Invasion.”
“Worry not, Fifth Preserver. The planetary shield will be up shortly after Ethmazdhâl finishes its Initialization. It will block out any breaches for a day before minor breaks occur," Executor Durran sternly responded, his massive tree-trunk-like arms crossed, "however, it has already predicted massive integrity failure by the fifth day.”
“Enemy composition?” inquired Executor Inexorable Blade gazing far into the deep dark.
“Unknown at this time, but it is most likely a small raiding fleet. Probably looking to breach the Alliance front-lines via this backwater system. We can also expect two of the six Arch-Evils to be following them like most small fleets,” Executor Durran answered as he looked in the same direction as his colleague.
“Let me guess, Lord Durran, the insane heretics, and those inferior imitators?” Executor Inexorable Blade drawled.
“Hah! Good guess, Blade. Yes, the Cult of the Damned goes without saying that they’d follow their unholy masters into a black hole. However, while they have a firm holding in this galactic arm, the Flesh Shapers have a smaller presence in this particular region,” he scoffed in annoyance, “they must be one of the many struggling troupes looking for inspiration on the Abyssal fleet's next victims.”
“Disgusting,” Executor Inexorable Blade responded with cold venom.
“When aren’t they?”
“Point,” yhe cloaked figure shrugged.
“What. Of. Minor. Threats?”
“The Arch-Evils would most definitely have brought their menagerie of wild fauna and void beasts. Everything other stowaways would be of little threat. Traitors, failed experiments, criminals, and the like,” Lord Durran answered with a dismissive wave. He paused before looking towards the cloaked Executor.
“One more matter before we proceed with our respective duties. I nominate Inexorable Blade as Chief Executor for this assignment,” he raised an armored hand towards the being in question, “she is the closest to advancing to the next Tier among us. Give or take a couple of decades.”
“Seconded,” the formless Executor nodded, taking its time using its whole body.
“Then it is done,” Durran clasped his armored hands together.
“Indeed, thank you for your confidence in my ability. As Chief Executor, I call this first assembly to a close,” the Chief Executor respectfully bowed to the two beings she will be calling peers for the foreseeable future.
The two returned the gesture, then teleported away one by one. The Chief Executor looked at the planet as biomechanical nano implants spread out across its atmosphere and into the population.
"Curious, indeed."
Her gaze was filled with curiosity and pity before teleporting away herself.
Earth and its people were none the wiser of the mighty individuals that will guide humanity to its continued survival through its most dire challenge.
Will they rise above the encroaching darkness like a blazing phoenix of myth? Or will they fall into extinction, fated to be just another unfortunate victim recorded by the Ethmazdhâl?
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Will use (M/n) for make name instead of (y/n) ((Your name)) for those that are girls so they can use male names, and for my male peeps reading this ^^Also (D/n) for Demon Name~~~~~~~Will go along with the seasons. Where it starts will be posted with in the first part~~~~~~~(M/n) is a well known demon in both Hell and Heaven. He did his own thing, which more then likely weren't all that good. It all landed him as a wanted man. He goes to Earth to find a new life, but he ends up with the Winchesters, helping them on hunts, and with info. Only for many demons they encounter to want his head. Now labeled as a traitor, an enemy amongst demons and angels. How will it all end? I got no idea, you just gotta read it~~~~~~~~~~~~~WARNING: If your a fan of Supernatural then you know there is a rollercoaster of emotions in the series. Sadness, blood, some gore(depends on the episode I guess)((I will be watching the episode as I write, so i'll put the needed warning the chapter needs)) swearing and yes...there will be male on male action in this fic. The reader is in no way innocent, if you know what I mean *winks*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~COVER BY: DarthTalek~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENJOY!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Supernatural (c) Rightful OwnersYou (c) Yourself
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