《Dungeon lady》The Red Den


The Red Den, a place I haven't visited since that day. Was she still working there?

The den was aptly named. To find the stairs that led to the cave, you had to enter a building, then enter through many apartments that quickly gave the impression of being lost in a labyrinth. When the explorer finally got near the goal, he had to give a password that was changed every day. It was therefore necessary to have certain contacts to become one of their client. Not surprisingly, the managers wanted to protect the privacy of their clients.

As we stopped in front of a door that was no different from the other adjacent doors, a male voice questioned us.

" What's the password ? "

"Innocence" answered Danica

The door slid open shortly after.

We walked without stopping in a seedy apartment. The trash had been left on the floor, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a cockroach wandering around on the couch. But that wasn't the most disturbing. A man was lying on the ground, naked.

His eyes were open, and they were shining in multiple colors.

I sighed.

He was lost in the virtual world. For a long time the masks had been replaced by contact lenses, then implants installed behind the eyeballs. While the virtual world was very useful, it was also a source of abuse, and could quickly become an addiction. This man suffered from this addiction. The Red Den had certainly allowed him to settle in this apartment if he handled the entry and exit of customers. But in the event of an attack, there was little he could do.

The bathroom was lit with red neon lights that indicated the entrance to the den. We entered the room. When I closed the door, the tub slid out to reveal the stairs. Deafening music escaped from it.


But as soon as my foot touched the stairs, a more pleasant sound reached my ears. I forgot they had an Aura Reader.

Aura Reader was a controversial technology that relied on the idea that living things were endowed with an aura that reflected their emotions and passions. This theory had led to the fabrication of the aura reader who would have the ability to interpret them and at the same time discover the tastes of those he touched. The invention had been seen as a scam, but the market soon exploded and the aura reader became a very popular item. The music was only heard by me, Danica certainly heard something else.

The velvet stairs led us to the heart of the den. The walls had been altered to feel like the heart of a tunnel, before finally arriving at the treasure room.

A double door was guarded by guards. They asked us for the password again.

Danica answered them before making a remark that seemed to agitate one of the guards. He started for the stairs.

Someone was going to have a bad time.

The doors finally opened to the capital of the art of Domination and Submission: The Red Den.

It was not a simple store, but a collection of salespeople who had gathered in one place to practice their art.

At least that was what Danica wanted me to believe. I passed, a naked man held on a leash by a woman. Two women indulging in public antics, while the voyeurs reveled in the performance. It was certainly an advertising campaign. But it wasn't until one of the women penetrated the other with a dildo that I saw what brand it was. The woman’s body was abruptly tattooed with lights that took the shape of a logo and traveled from her pubis to her chest back and forth.


Danica pulled me by the hand before I had time to see the end of the show

"Leave the fun for later. We have work to do." She said before leading me to a store.

I expected to see shelves full of clothes and all kinds of items, but the room was empty except for a counter behind which a woman was sitting.

The saleswoman got up when she saw us come in.

"Hello, how can I help you? "

"3 levels of domination for my friend here please. "

" What is that ? I asked before the room disappeared.

The store had been replaced by a dungeon.

"Beginner domination course module 1 activated."

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