《Summoned and Unwanted》Chapter 12 - The Fight Begins


"Lupa, remember this. Only come out on the word "Ambush." Ester, you can open the door." Vincent held the sword and shield with a firm grip. He was about to dance with death. Ester removed the door stopper, then her trembling hands opened the door by half, enough for one gray wolf to enter. "OUCH... HELP. A WHITE WOLF IS ATTACKING ME. AHH... THE PAIN." Vincent shouted as if Lupa was attacking him. The gray wolf outside heard his plea; in the blink of an eye, it rushed inside to steal the kill. Ester pushed the door closed, then placed the door stopper post haste. The trap was half successful. The other half was to kill the first gray wolf. A gray wolf shorter than Lupa entered with its bloody fangs revealed and a vicious glare. It was around two feet tall. Its face was pained red by Trek's blood. A terrifying sight to see. *Grrrr The gray wolf growled with its bloody red fangs ready for the next meal. The gray wolf turned its head from left to right. It gave an assertive gaze as it looked around all the cabin. No matter where the gray wolf looked, it couldn't find Lupa anywhere. It could only see a frightened woman behind, and an armed man in front. The gray wolf became confused as to where could the white wolf have gone. Not only that, but the two humans it should have fought against were unharmed. *Clang Vincent bashed the short sword against the shield to attract the attention of the gray wolf. Vincent raised his sword and pointed the tip at the gray wolf to taunt it. But his courage soon waned, and the sword trembled. Vincent gulped, then tried to muster the courage to clash against such a terrifying vicious beast. "Bring it on you filthy dog." Vincent tried his best to act tough, but the bluff was called, and the gray wolf decided to target Vincent first. *Grrrr The gray wolf got enraged. Its jaws opened intending to attack, and its hind legs steaded to spring forward. With no second of hesitation, the gray wolf leaped at Vincent to rip him to shreds. The leap was almost the same Lupa did, yet it felt easier to block. It was a little slower, and the deadly jaw targeted his arms instead of hard to protect places. It felt like the gray wolf intended to play with its prey, but it was a mistake. Vincent quickly raised his shield. Soon, the gray wolf crashed snout first against the shield with force. The gray wolf fell on the ground. Quickly stood up, staring with a few seconds of daze. Vincent also fell. He thought the second time to block a wolf was going to be easier. Unfortunately, it was not. He got knocked down as a result. Every second counted. Vincent didn't take a moment to second guess his options. With the will to survive, he promptly said, "Ambush!" Lupa rushed out of the kitchen with extraordinary speed. A pair of golden eyes burning with determination for revenge, and jaws ready to rip its most hated enemy apart. The energetic effect in the condition stat made Lupa stronger and faster, but how long it will last was the question they didn't want to ask. The gray wolf kept its full attention on Vincent. As soon as if felt able to move, it prepared to attack Vincent once again. Vincent didn't think he could stand up faster than the gray wolf's next attack, so he trusted the short sword forward instead. The gray wolf noticed this pathetic attack and dodged to the side, yet it could see the human had a grin on his face. With no chance to notice, a pair of jaws swiftly approached. They spread open wide an inch from the gray wolf's neck. Soon with one move and dozens of sharp razor fangs, the floor and the white wolf's head were painted red. Blood sprayed like a fountain painting the floor red. Lupa threw the gray wolf's lifeless body on the ground. The danger ended, and no one was hurt. Ester was horrified yet dumbstruck by this result. She raised a faint smile as she thought the exit from this nightmare was close. [I did it. I got revenge.] Lupa happily wagged her tail as it approached Vincent. "Good girl, but stay back. Don't lick me. I don't want to get covered in blood." Vincent waved his hand to show Lupa to stop. Vincent was still trying to process this result. It was far better than he expected. An intelligent wolf that knows where to rip and shred was too hard to assess its actual fighting power. However, Vincent forgot the most crucial part. The great gray wolf would want to seek revenge, and this plan to outlast the night didn't exist anymore. Now they had to fight until one of them dies. Although Vincent met with a bad start, the first human he met was kind. Later the retainer bond was successful, and Lupa was the healthiest it could be. However, it wasn't time to celebrate these two occurrences. More trouble was brewing and danger creeping closer by the second. *Bam Bam The door was rammed once again. This time the ramming was more frequent. As if two wolves took turns. "Everone let get into positions!" Vincent exclaimed. Lupa bolted back to the kitchen, hid in the corner, and concealed the murderous killing intent to the best of its capabilities. Ester followed suit. She rushed for the door and waited with her back rested against the door. Ester stared at Vincent with two hopeful eyes ready to open on his instructions. To her, Vincent was the only light in this nightmare. Without him, she didn't know what to do. *Bam The door was violently ramed again. The wooden door stopper cracked. Vincent and Ester urgently turned their gaze at the wooden door stopper. It looked like it was about to break in half in the next few hits. 'This can't be happening!' 'The door is going to break open soon. This time two gray wolves will enter at once.' A few minutes ago, the two gray wolves were getting impatient as they played with the bones wanting more meat to fill their bellies. Soon they heard a wolf screech in pain for a second before silence followed. The two felt an ominous bloodlust filled glare directed at them. It caused the two gray wolves to stop playing with the bones and break inside the cabin. The great gray wolf felt something it didn't like was happening inside the cabin. So it decided to send all its lackeys to hunt the prey. The cautious great gray wolf stayed in the shadows while studying what could be inside with great interest. It had seen two humans on the roof, so it taught there could be more as it licked its mouth with joy. "Open. " Vincent said while he steeled himself for another fight against death. Somehow Vincent didn't feel as afraid as before. Lupa caused him to place great trust in its vicious killing force giving him strength and the will to fight. *Bam The door violently opened as soon as Ester twisted the knob. She got knocked down, and the door opened wide. Two gray wolves rushed inside with about the same two-foot height. The first thing their eyes laid upon was the corpse of the gray wolf. Their gaze was stuck on the dead gray wolf as their blood boiled with hatred for their prey. *Grrrrr The two growled in anger with a murderous contorted face. They simultaneously revealed their blood-soaked fangs, and a glare filled with enough bloodlust to instill fear in their prey. However, Vincent was barely fazed. The trust he placed in Lupa overwhelmed his sense of fear. If he stalled long enough, then Lupa could take care of the rest. However, with one action, his will waned. One of the wolves turned its bloodlust gaze at Ester. As if the gray wolves decided to get a prey each. Ester was still on the floor next to the open door. Her trembling arms didn't have enough strength to pull herself up. Ester could only shiver in terror at their overwhelming presence. 'Ester might be in danger! I don't want her to die and also want her to close the door.' Vincent had to think of a plan to attract their attention quickly. But the previous strategy of banging his sword against the shield might not work. As his eyes kept scanning his surroundings for an idea to use, the pair soon stopped at a particular place. Vincent gulped, then he began carefully walking to his side. The plan in his mind seemed dangerous to do. The two gray wolves kept growling, yet one suddenly stopped. It stared at what Vincent was about to do with great interest and anger. "This is you next, haha. " Vincent taunted the two gray wolves by viciously kicking the corpse of the gray wolf. Soon two pairs of eyes enraged with murderous bloodlust marked Vincent as their next kill. Ester was safe, but Vincent not. Vincent didn't stand a chance against a double assault. He had to attack with Lupa before they do. Vincent raised the shield and short sword by a firm grip. Then he blindly swung it, attracting their full attention. "I-I'm not scared, haha. You stupid dogs, haha. " Vincent kept approaching while acting as if he had gone mad. An act to pull as much attention as possible for his next command. A few steps later, Vincent closed enough distance to leap at him. With resolve said the command, "Ambush." Lupa raised its ears to full attention, placed all its strength in its legs, and sprang forward. Lupa bolted out with a pair of sharp fangs, ready to be satisfied with revenge. Simultaneously, the unsuspecting two gray wolves taught the human prey might have become crazy from fear. It was something they frequently saw humans do. As the two gray wolves prepared to leap at Vincent, one of them noticed Lupa. There was a distance of two meters between the two, and a second till Lupa's fangs reached their destination. Two wolves leaped, one gray and one white. One gray wolf leaped at Vincent while Lupa leaped at the other gray wolf. Vincent shoved his shield forward and stoped the gray wolf's mid-air leap. The gray wolf fell on the floor but quickly stood up. It didn't appear to have gotten badly injured like the last gray wolf. Soon, it started to circle Vincent. If it was as Lupa said, an action to play with their prey, then Vincent didn't want to find out if it true or not.

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