《On a Blank Canvas》Chapter 2: Starting to Paint


It seemed like patient 3092 had finally woken up, A whole 2 days after he was brought in, and is most certainly the easiest patient I'd taken care off since i started working as a nurse, only requiring me to temporarily borrow a Magic Nutrition Injector to provide him with nutrition and life-force while he was comatose.

A brilliant invention that collected Vaes from the surroundings and converted it into Life-Attribute magic that "injected" into a person body to sustain them, but unable to heal any wounds like normal Life-Attribute magic.

Now let's see his reaction... shocked, he must still be suffering from whatever was done to him or is unable to believe he was brought to a hospital in time, though if he was actually unfound, he would have woken up from his coma two days later and would have just been starving.

Maybe he assumed something horrible must've happened to him, either way, I'll have to ask some basic information from him as no one had filed a police report of a missing person.

Anne stood up from the stool, the floating tablet moving under her arm like it had a mind of its own before the faint glow it emitted had disappeared.

"Hello sir, do not worry, you are in a safe environment, someone had found you unconscious, totally uninjured, and drained of Vaes in an alleyway just beside Halled Road, do you remember anything from before you became unconscious?"


Hover technology... but I don't feel any older? or maybe its one of those scenarios that my mental age don't match with my physical age due to a long-term coma?!

Oh? the nurse stood up and the hover-tablet had floated under her arm, wow! Is it programmed to do that?

Ah? Unconscious? pretty sure if someone fell from the top of a building and survived they'd have some sort of mental ailments from the pain alone, now that I think of it, I don't remember feeling any pain when I hit the ground... maybe my brain removed the memory as some sort of a failsafe? well, at least I won't have any lasting traumas just from feeling the pain alone.



totally... uninjured?

Is this a joke? Even though I'd like to think the nurse was joking but when i looked down at my body and tried to move my limbs... they were totally fine.

Before I had any time to think of how I not only survived falling from a building and sustaining zero injuries, the nurse had stated something I had no knowledge on, drained of... Vaes? Was that a new medical term they invented after how many years I've been unconscious? But checking upon my body once again, and touching my face, I can tell that nothing has changed about me at all, pretty sure that would be the case for middle-aged people but I'm.. or was 19 when I almost died.

"Nurse.." It seemed like my voice didn't change, "how long have I been unconscious?"

"In the hospital? Two days, we still are unsure of the definite period of time you were unconscious outside, though we can assume it was lesser than the amount of time it would take for someone to die by starvation and or dehydration."

So it seemed his theory that he had slept for years was false, and that he was still indeed 19 years old. That still doesn't explain how we have hover-tablets... but some things are more important currently.

Should he say that he fell off a building? It didn't seem like they knew about that, but... wait... they found him in an alleyway? Beside Halled Road? He knew the road his apartment building was beside was called Benryl Road, not Halled, and that he was falling onto Benryl Road and not into an alleyway... Had someone dragged his body to an alleyway by Halled Road and left him there? But for what reason? Coupled with the fact that he suffered no injuries is also one of the things that boggled his mind.


For now, he'd just say he didn't remember, even if he was caught lying, well, unless it would send him to jail, he'd be sure, to tell the truth by then.

"I... don't have any memories of them before then... the latest memory I had was... leaving home... to find for work." He struggled to make thinking of a believable alibi sound like he was trying to pull on his latest memory.

A flash of disappointment appeared on Anne's face before returning to her usual soft demeanor, so as to come off as calming to patients.

"I see... Then could you tell me your name, sir? you had no personal belonging when you were found"



Someone must've nicked me while i was unconscious...

Grrrr, when I get out of here and..



My name... my name? what.. was my name?

Had I forgotten my name? Searching through my memories, all the times' someone had said my name or it was written somewhere is just... Blank, like nothing, existed there in the first place..

"J-John.. m-my name is John.." I decided to use a fake name for now, before the silence stretched on for too long.

"Mr. John, well authorities haven't actually been informed of the incident regarding yourself and since you are already awake, and very much healthy, it would be better if you were to report the incident to them yourself, assuming you'd like to be released? But if not you are still welcome to stay five more days at the hospital" Though her tone seemed kind and calming, he was able to sense that she hinting that he should leave as soon as possible, taking no offense to it as he knew he was as healthy as someone who almost died could be.

"Ah yes, do I need to do any paperwork or anything? or can i just exit the building straight away?"

"Just some minor paperwork before you go, Mr. John"

The paperwork was just filling in some personal information and signing some documents, where he had put in a fake believable address and someone other fake information, including the name "John Harold" as his full name, before quickly exiting the building and briskly walking far away from the hospital.

After a couple of minutes of walking and thinking of the all the strange unexplainable things that have happened in what he thought was a relatively short amount of time, he slowed down his pace before looking up and around him, seeing if he could recognize his location.

Only to be stumped by what he saw, flying cars and floating advertisement signs all around, some of them looking like holograms, and looking down, everyone had some sort of strange gadget with them, some were even flying above him!

Some people had holograms that came out of a device on their wrist, others had blue glowing symbols floating beside their ears and in front of their mouth, as they talked, the people flying above were literally using hoverboards! or had a what looked like a flying Tron Bike, with glowing symbols all around it.

The information that he just made him stand in place, annoying those who were walking in front and behind him as they walking around him, He was also unsure how he missed everything as he was escaping from the hospital's vicinity.

He just noticed that he didn't think the hospital was out of place because he had never been to one before and didn't know what was normal in a hospital, and the fact that his mind was mostly occupied on his current situation and was unable to really focus on his surroundings


As he tried getting his brain working again, he started to walk once more, taking in the sights around him, as someone who has read novels and watched anime all his life, he's seen his fair share of sci-fi cities and what shocked him was the fact that one existed and he was standing in it.

After more or less accepting the fact that a sci-fi city existed and enjoyed the sights around him like a tourist on vacation, he had already come up with some a definite theory on what had happened to him. And the proof was literally all around him, He had transmigrated to another world.


After looking around the city and asking for some directions, he was able to locate a library, and just like the city, the library had sci-fi things all around, with floating ladders and flying platforms transporting book from place to place.

He had taken a seat at a table deeper into the library, where he would just be surrounded by bookshelves and books, and nothing else.

So... I transmigrated huh? Let's see... Accidental dea.. well... i don't actually know if I died or not, but I'm pretty sure falling of that rooftop triggered me into coming here, so check.

Next, suddenly appearing in a foreign world, check.

now... having the advantage to thrive and survive in the world, such as a cheat ability, a Goldfinger, a system, or having knowledge of the modern world.

Pretty sure any knowledge I have from my world is kinda useless, so... a cheat ability? no? I can't really feel.. feel? I feel.. that same feeling I felt when I awoke, of something deep within me, I first thought it was related to my "injuries" but it seems like this is my cheat? How do I call upon it.. well let's try what all protagonists do when they have a power deep within them that they want to use or see.

I try clearing my mind of everything but the will to see the power deep within me, struggling to visualize it... Actually, no, it was actually really easy, and what I see deep within me is...




Like my name...

Though I'm not very upset that i lost my name, just having no name is a problem itself and kinda makes me feel lesser than human, because what kind of person has no name?

But again onto my power, It was literally blank, not that i had no power, i know something is there and i can clearly sense its presence within me, but... it's literally like finding a box and opening it, only to find nothing inside, though the box exists, or finding a folded up note and unfolding it, only for it to be a folded up paper with nothing written on it, or... A blank canvas, yes..

My power feels like a blank canvas.. empty yet existent, and i have some sort of idea of what my power is... what do you do on a canvas? You fill it up, with whatever you could think of, but mostly paint.. though i feel for some reason my canvas was able to accept more than just paint.

So I "painted" it with something that would be able to complete two tasks,


I painted it with my new name, thus filling in my blank name and gilling in my blank canvas.

The moment I did, the name Al kept reverberating within my mind, over and over, not painfully so, but with a strong intent and purpose, like no matter how many times you bang my head against the floor, I would never forget my new name, Al.

Wow... man, I didn't really know what to expect, but its like i've had this name my entire life, well in a more realistic sense I mean, because the origin of this name would be my online handle i've had since I was 10.

At that age, i was already semi-hooked onto online games, and names that were in another language seemed cool to me, so i tried finding out what white in latin was, because white is my favorite color, i always thought white was such a clean and pure color compared to the rest, and the possibilities things that are white can become.

I found a lot of latin words related to white, and a lot of them started with "Al"

so I decided to use that as my official name online, whether it be on an online game or forum , I always stuck to the name Al.

Even before my new name became imprinted onto my mind, I already had quite a bit of affection for the name, as I've never been called by my real name much before, and the times that I've it been called, had always lacked affection, and was always used just to gain my attention.

Well, this canvas won't fill itself, what else can I paint onto it? Lets try... a favorite quote of mine.

When you hit rock bottom, the only way is up.

Just like my name, the quote resounded in my mind as if I was the one who created the wuote in the first place, but it didn't imprint onto my mind like my name, makes sense, names are always the thing that are imprinted onto sapient beings, so as to be seen as an individual.

Now thinking over the quote in my head... I notice something amazing, it seems like i'm able to perfectly dissect it, and put it together again without any mental effort whatsoever, as in... if you told me to write it backwards, count how many of each alphabet are inside of it, or even scramble up all the letters and ask me to find it within a mess of other anagrams, I would be able to do it effortlessly and in an instant.

I would have claimed that my canvas was able to give me a supreme memory, but it was much more than that, I don't know if others with amazing memories were able to dissect the information they have as I did, but i'm pretty sure no matter how much I would have memorized the quote before, I would take more time than an instant to do all those things I claimed I was be able to do currently.

Okay.. lets try something more complicated then.

I stood up from my seat, looking at a nearby clock and seeing that only about 10 minutes have passed since i've sat down, much less than what i thought.

I went around the library and found the section for children around grade school, and picked up a book that seemed like it would take around 30min or so to read through.

I went back to the same seat, and opened up the book, before i started reading i tried to command myself that everyword i read on the book would be painted onto the canvas at the same time.

After reading the first sentence, i was able to see that it worked with no problems, the exact sentence now on my canvas below my name and quote.

Around 10 minutes into the book, i realized that all the things i've read in the past 10 minutes was still perfectly in my memory, as if i've only read them a few moments ago, not only that, it felt exactly like the quote as in i would be able to perfectly dissect every part of it.

I decided to complete the book before contemplating on my findings.

After another 20 minutes i had finished reading the book and now... i can literally remember each and every detail, i could even tell you the number of words and characters in each page, and which sentence was one which page, or even the count of a certain word in the entire book.

Haha!! This is amazing!! Its even better than being the author of the book!! It kinda feels like a priest who's been reading the bible all his life, actually, if were to read the entire bible right now, i'm sure that i would be able to remember every single detail inside of it!!

And im sure there's more to my canvas than just this!!

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