《Lyra's Tale - a second chronicle of the Children of the Bear》21. Eirik In Hjor
"My lord, should we stop? You look tired."
Godfrey watched Eirik concerned over the hole he was mending in Eirik's cloak. They'd been on the road for weeks on the royal tour and Godfrey was determined to make sure the High King was equally presentable in each Jarldom despite the limited wardrobe.
"No, Godfrey. I just need some air. I think I'll ride for a bit."
He reached for the door of the stuffy carriage but the chief guardsman, Daniel, rode forward, his horse blocking the door. "Wouldn't recommend that, Your Highness. Rumors have there are vicious bandits in these parts."
Eirik pressed his lips into two thin lines. Bandits indeed. Hjor was the third to last stop of the coronation tour and the one he dreaded the most. With a heavy sigh he sat back again. Grumpily, he stuck his legs up in the thin space by Godfey, stretching them. The manservant glanced at his dirty boots on the velvet seat for a moment but then returned his eyes to his work.
The High King of Valhym was just managing to doze off despite the bumpy road when a horse's shrill whiny pierced the carriage's velvet curtains. Eirik leapt up, bumping his head on the low roof. He ripped open the door and the carriage shook as the horses leading it wavered.
Captain Daniel rolled back onto his feet from where he'd jumped off his dying horse. The beast had a massive arrow stuck in its throat. Hot blood pooled into the dirt and the smell made Eirik gag. He hadn't seen so much blood since...
"Your Highness, get back inside!" Daniel yelled, backing up to block the door with his body. There were shouts and screams, Eirik made out a brown cloaked figure fighting one of the many guards who dodged the man's sword and impaled him with his spear.
A burst of light flashed from behind him and he turned to see the opposite door ripped open. Two men reached in and grabbed Godfrey who screamed. Eirik lunged for his manservant but Daniel pulled him back. "This way! Behind me," he ordered.
Before Eirik stumbled out of the carriage, he watched horrified as the bandits mercilessly slit Godfrey's throat and threw him on the ground without another glance. Daniel pushed him back against the carriage, fighting off three men with his broadsword.
Eirik reached for his own blade, it was largely ceremonial but he had made sure it was sharp. He drew it and as one bandit tried to move to Daniel's blind spot, Eirik lunged, the bejeweled sword slipping neatly into the man's ribs. He ripped it out and the man fell. Daniel managed to slay the other two and Eirik glanced around the battle.
He flinched when his eyes returned to the carriage. A bandit must've tried to get to him from there, but his guards had impaled the invader, pinning him to the seat, the red velvet hiding the gore.
The battle wound down quickly, his men victorious. They'd lost three of the two score of guards, plus Godfrey. The dozen bandits were collected and tossed in a pile. Eirik breathed through his mouth to try to avoid being sick.
"You wanted to ride, Your Highness, I'm afraid now you have no choice. We will double our pace and make it to Hjor by dusk."
Eirik was handed the reins of one of the fallen guard's mounts and rode beside Daniel, glad to have something to focus on. As Hjor came into view, Eirik was surprised. He'd expected it to look more like Taka, an obvious hole of villainy and deceit, but at the surface it looked like any small Jarldom.
Unlike the more stable Jarldoms like Snærheim or Bolheim, few people left their homes to welcome the king. Most just pointing out the window and whispering but there were market carts out selling wares and children who had been playing complained at being bustled inside.
Eirik turned to the huge building on the bank of the river. It was sturdily built and stood tall over the other village houses, however there were scars and scaffolding, like parts were being rebuilt after a fire. Eirik tried to recall if he'd heard of a fire in the Jarl's keep.
Daniel, however, veered away from it and Eirik turned to see a stone keep on a hill, a bit smaller than the grand manor below and clearly older. This was the Jarl's keep he realized which, a pit in his stomach guessed, meant the manor, it's long shadow stretching over the town as the sun set, was the Bear's.
His captain sent a messenger ahead and so by the time they reached the keep, Harold was there to greet him. They exchanged the customary pleasantries and welcomes as Daniel took the role Godfrey left in announcing the High King's arrival. Eirik dismounted and was led inside.
"I do hope you'll join me for dinner after your journey. My cousin was dining with me and we'd love to have you and your captain join us."
Eirik flinched and looked up. There at the right of the Jarl's chair was Lyra, in another noble gown, sipping her glass of wine innocently. She stood and curtseyed. "Welcome to Hjor, Your Highness."
He gave her a brief nod and turned to Harold. "I thank you, but we were attacked on the road and some of my soldiers and my manservant were killed. I have lost my appetite. If you would show me to my rooms, I would like to retire."
"Of course." Harold nodded at Lyra, apologizing for leaving her alone and when Eirik glanced at her once more, she gave him a coy smile makling him grit his teeth. She'd sent the bandit's he was sure. But why?
His room was large and well furnished. At a glance, Eirik guessed it had been Harold's father’s. He shut the door quickly, blocking any annoying farewell speech from Harold and sunk gratefully into an armchair.
When he glanced up, he swallowed a yelp. There was a man standing in the room, tall with skin like a golden statue. He went down on his knees, forehead on the floor.
"I am Vai, Your Eminence, my mistress sent me to see to your every need."
Eirik blinked, his heart racing. Mistress? He groaned. "Lyra sent you."
Vai didn't look up. "It is as you say, Your Glory, I assure you I have been trained for royal standards. I was once zhurl to the Empress of Aryus."
There was pride in the man's voice although slightly muffled by the fur rug he knelt on.
"Stand up," Eirik said, feeling a migraine coming.
Vai stood and Eirik raised an eyebrow. He was beautiful, his face perfectly symmetrical, his golden hair curling falling just past his shoulders. Eirik felt his mouth go dry.
"A drink. I want a drink."
Vai bowed and stepped back turning away to take up a wine decanter and pour into a golden goblet. He held it out to Eirik like it was the most precious thing in the world. Eirik reached for it but then hesitated.
"You drink it first," he said and to his surprise, Vai didn't even hesitate before bringing the cup to his lips and audibly drinking a swallow. There was an airless pause before Vai smiled and held the cup back out.
"It is good wine, Your Worship."
Eirik took the goblet, "Er. Your Highness or Sire will do."
"As you wish, sire."
He drank the wine quickly, wishing it were a bit stronger before handing the cup back and refusing another with a wave of his hand. He stood up and reached for his cloak buckle.
"May I, Your Highness?" Vai asked, his hands fluttering near Eirik's shoulder.
Dumb, Eirik nodded and Vai removed the cloak, tucking it reverently into the wardrobe. He turned back to Eirik. "Is there any bags I can fetch to prepare the room, sire?"
"I believe so. My bags should still be affixed to the carriage."
"With your permission, I will have them fetched. Is there anything you require now, sire? A warm bath, a massage, or a small meal perhaps?"
"A bath sounds wonderful."
Eirik watched as Vai bowed once again and left the room. He fell back into the seat. The man was so odd...so serene. Next to the hidden knife that was Lyra, the snivelling Jarl, or the bloody skirmish with the bandits he seemed out of place. An Aryi in Valhym? Apparently an ex-zhurl of the empress none-the-less—whatever that meant.
He shook his head. Whatever he was, Lyra had sent him so he couldn't be trusted or taken lightly.
As if the thought summoned her, Lyra slipped through the door. Her grey dress, rustling as she turned around. Any bit of relaxation Vai had given Eirik was gone, every muscle tensed.
Lyra tutted. "What a state you're in! I do forget how little you've seen of battle. Were my men a bit too rough for you?"
Eirik strode towards her. She didn't budge and he stopped inches from her, his hands shaking. "Why? Why did you kill my men?"
She reached up to place a hand on his chest but he backed up. "Oh my, you're so upset by this? Surely your guards had no problem with that rabble? I do hope you weren't too attached to that manservant. Was he a souvenir from your father? How thoughtless of me, well no matter, I assure you Vai is well suited for the job. He probably told you he used to serve the Aryi empress."
She brushed some of her long loose hair over her shoulder and laughed. "When I told him he'd be waiting on a royal again, he practically melted. Made me quite jealous, you know. He's my personal slave, you should be grateful I'm loaning him to you."
She'd managed to close the distance as he'd processed and her fingers wound their way around his collar. Her other hand reached up, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead. "Hmm. Yes, a zhurl is the word the Aryi use. A slave of pleasure." She chuckled again. "My favorite thing I'd ever stolen until you."
The grip on his collar tightened and the caressing hand dropping to the back of his neck. She held him in place and kissed him then leaned back. Both hands now on his collar. "That being said. You treat him too rough and I will be quite angry."
To Eirik's surprise she sounded serious and for a moment he wondered if he could use Vai against her. Then he remembered she'd just sent a dozen of her own men on a suicide mission just to kill his manservant and dropped the idea. She had no heart to wound.
Releasing him, she stood back and sighed dramatically. "Ah well, I would love to stay and join you for your bath, but that meddlesome captain guards your door and while I was able to slip in, he'll question if I'm here too long. Must keep up appearances after all." She winked and opened the door. "Good night, Your Highness. Do let my servant know if you need anything at all."
Eirik did catch a glimpse of Daniel guarding the hall. Although he knew Lyra would always find a way in, it did make him feel better that the man was there.
He sat on the bed and tore off his boots. There must be a way for him to escape Lyra's clutches. It was ridiculous that he felt so trapped. He was the High King, damn it all! He rubbed his nose bridge and the migraine flared back up. The vial of medicine Yoriv made for him had been in Godfrey's pocket.
The door opened and Vai returned, flanked by two maids who shot Eirik starstruck glances as they hefted in buckets of steaming water. They carried them into a doorway that presumably led to the bathroom. Vai held a towel and bowed low again.
"Your effects will be delivered shortly. At your leisure..."
The Aryi walked to the door and waited. Eirik stood and as soon as his feet passed the threshold, Vai waved the maids away before testing the water, tutting, and adding a bit more. He came back to Eirik and held up outstretched hands. "With your permission, sire."
After Eirik nodded, Vai undressed him and he slipped into the steaming bath. His tense muscles began to unwind and the sweat from the stuffy ride and ensuing battle were washed away. He closed his eyes and didn't even consciously notice when Vai began cleaning his hair.
The warm water helped his headache but the dying sun shone through the small stained glass window and he winced as the glow dropped to his face.
Vai's fingers removed themselves from his hair and a moment later the light disappeared. Eirik opened his eyes, a small stack of towels balanced on the windowsill to block the light. The room was dark now and he could just make out Vai's form returning to the tub.
"Are you ill, Your Highness?" he asked, voice concerned.
"Just some headaches. My tonic was left with my manservant's corpse." Eirik sank lower in the warm water, squeezing his eyes shut again as the recollection of Godfrey's body returned. He felt nauseous.
"I am certain my mistress could supply a replacement, I could—"
"No!" Eirik shot up, water splashing onto the floor. "I want nothing of her poisons."
Vai was quiet for a moment and Eirik shivered. The Aryi's hands gently pressed his shoulders, lowering them back into the warm water. They stayed there, following the tense paths of his shoulders. To Eirik's surprise, the knot in his back began to loosen.
He sat there in the dark, knees to his chest in the soapy water as Vai slowly achieved the impossible task of making Eirik relax for the first time since he'd met Lyra Bryndottr.
Eventually, Vai begged excusal to prepare the room and put away the delivered bags. Eirik finished cleaning himself and took the awaiting towel and dried off, rolling his shoulders. His migraine was lessened and the memory of those beautiful, magical fingers lingered.
When Vai returned to lead him to the bedroom, the curtains had already been drawn. Vai helped him dress in the dark and as he sat down on the bed he hesitated. His heart pounded, feeling quite embarrassed.
He desperately wanted to feel Vai's touch again. In the quiet darkness he rocked forward once, his mouth opening and closing. Then, ears flaming in the dark room, he laid down. The giant comforter was helped over him and he lay there, eyes open but away from where Vai's dark form stood waiting.
Finally, quite exhausted by his day, the last blissful hours included, High King Eirik fell asleep.
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𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔥𝔢𝔯, 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔰 𝔦𝔱 𝔥𝔞𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔥𝔦𝔪.𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔤𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯, 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔭𝔦𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔢.𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔧𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔶, 𝔱𝔬𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯,𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔫𝔢 ~ 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎 ~ after certain shit happened to her she said enough is enough, she realized that the people she thought she could always count on weren't really that reliable so as she continued on with her life she couldn't exactly find those right people which inevitably led her to becoming antisocial. She continued this way of living even when she started going to college until she somehow became roommates with a certain badboy𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛 ~ He has been pushed to his limits and when he finally fought back he was presumed the mean one. When all he needed was a hug, he was handed a box of matches and a knife. He is a ticking time bomb and now the question is would Vanessa shut it down or set it off?
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