《Lyra's Tale - a second chronicle of the Children of the Bear》3. The Estate
Eventually, the three reached the end of the trees. Vai watched the siblings relax and followed them down the road until a town appeared. The road ran through a square, up a hill, and to a large manor. However that manor was less impressive due to the enormous building at the base of the hill.
It was there that Fenrin and Lyra headed. An old man waited for them at the door. He bowed, "Welcome home."
"Get some dinner ready, I'm starving," Lyra stated as she rushed through the entryway. Despite her demands, Vai saw she gave the old man a small smile and Vai figured he must be the head of the servants. He paused at the door, uncertain of whether to introduce himself.
"Vai, follow me," Lyra ordered and Vai gave a nod to the older man who raised an eyebrow at him as he hurried after his mistress. She led him up the stairs and to the collection of rooms.
Bursting through a door, she went straight for the closet. Throwing off the dress with disgust and pulling out some leather pants and boots. She put them on as well as a belt with three knives at the small of her back before slipping on a dark blue tunic.
She tossed the dress into the fire and seemed to take great pleasure from watching it burn. Vai stood silently by the door, eyeing his surroundings. The chamber was roomy but not overly large. Its furnishings rich, but well used. The decor was what he was coming to know as the Valhym style, low ceilings, more stone and wood than metal, entwining patterns, and lots of furs.
"I'm going to dinner. Stay here, I'll send Ulris up to get you situated."
Vai bowed as Lyra walked past and she paused at the door. "Oh, and if Fenrin comes in to snoop around, ask him if he really wants me alone with his food."
After she left and Vai was sure she wasn't going to come back into the room for something, he moved from his spot and carefully paced the chamber. Her bed was made and the room was clean and well dusted. There were three drawers with locks in her desk and although plenty of supplies for writing, not a single document out in the open. She did have a window which looked over a river on the opposite side of the estate.
Most surprising was a carving on the side of the wardrobe. It was low, like it had been done by a child. It took him a moment to find purpose to the entwining knotted pattern, but as he stared, a snake appeared from it. It was coiled around a sword. There were other gouges in the wood, like carvings had been shaved off. Many of these were low to the floor as well. Vai wondered if this was Lyra's childhood room.
He had never been to the empress's own room, just the wing where the zhurl were kept. It was strange to have a mistress who was so open, to be so publically by her side. One of the biggest bits of culture shock had been being outside of the palace. Being seen and touched by strangers, outside of the rules and patterns of the zhurl life. Vai felt a little dizzied by it all.
"I wonder where she plans to keep you? She's not here often."
Vai turned and Fenrin was sitting on the window sill watching him with his steely eyes. They reminded Vai of the frozen rocks of Valhym's coast.
He knew Fenrin was dangerous, but had no idea what to do, other than what he was ordered. Vai bowed his head. "My mistress expected you to come and left me with a message."
Fenrin laughed and stepped off the sill, walking so close to Vai that, were he to raise his head, their faces would be almost touching. "Did she now? What, pray, did my devilious sister say?"
"She wished me to ask you if you really thought it wise to leave her alone with your food."
Fenrin's hand shot up, grabbing Vai's chin and lifting his face. "Was that a threat?"
Vai stayed calm and unresistant. "I do not know. I merely relayed the message I was left with. I have no other orders except to stay here."
Fenrin watched his face carefully, looking for any resentment and found none. He let Vai go and backed up. "You are a strange one, inslander. I wonder why she brought you."
Vai looked confused. "To pleasure her. That is my purpose."
"To—" Fenrin mouthed the rest and ran his fingers through his hair and laughed. "Wow, she can certainly pick 'em. Too bad for you, she picked you. Lyra's not one for caring about anything but herself. I wonder if you'll last a week?" he asked himself before opening the door and walking out.
It wasn't until he left that Vai realised he had closed his hands into fists. It was a disgraceful action. He had never fought anyone in his life and it was a nervous habit he had disciplined himself against. To show any aggression or anger was punishable by death for a zhurl.
Vai hadn't slipped up in years, but this strange place and Fenrin's hostile nature had made him forget himself. He cursed himself in his mind, anxious he had offended his mistress's brother. Even if they did not seem to get along, they were family and Vai could not be certain he wasn't to also serve Fenrin. It had been a while, and while not his forte, he was adept at either sex.
Carefully, he breathed slowly, releasing his tension and tried to quiet the hundred questions swirling in his head.
There was a single knock on the door and it opened to reveal the older man, Ulris, Vai guessed. "Good morning, Vai, was it?" the man asked kindly.
Bowing Vai answered, "Yes, my lord."
Ulris frowned. "No, no. Ulris or sir will do fine, thank you. I am to understand Lady Lyra purchased you. Does she have your papers?"
Vai hesitated. "She...burned them, sir."
Sighing, Ulris looked Vai over. "That does sound like her. This family doesn't put much value in rules or laws, she probably just told you she'd kill you if you left, am I right?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, that's true in case you doubted it. Come, follow me and I'll show you the manor."
They walked around the estate as Ulris explained the various rooms and their functions. Vai asked a few questions and Ulris picked up that the newcomer was not only new to the house, but to the country.
"Do you know where you are?" he asked wearily.
"I know I am in Valhym?" Vai said, shamed by his uncertainty.
"Yes, specifically in Hjor under the Jarldom of Jarl Soren. The northwestern part of Valhym."
"Forgive my ignorance, but I have heard that word ‘Jarl’ before, but do not know what it means."
"Valhym is ruled by a High King, but the sections are run by Jarls who make and execute the law in the king's name. Although they serve the king, most of the time the Jarl is the highest power anyone need concern themselves with."
"And my mistress...is the daughter of this Jarl?"
"Gods no, she is the daughter of someone much more powerful and dangerous."
Vai's eyebrows wrinkled. Was she the daughter of the king then? Did Valhym's princesses rob houses and sleep in the woods?
"You are in the house of Bryn Grey-Bear. He has no title and needs none other than his own name. I would suggest you never approach him nor the Lady Dyla, his wife. Master Fenrin is also one to avoid, more for your safety than out of deference. Bryn's words are the only law here."
"I understand, you have my infinite gratitude for explaining."
Ulris snorted. "It's my job to make sure things run smoothly in this house and that includes educating any strays the twins drag in." He climbed the stairs and Vai followed.
"This is where we'll have you stay, it's attached to Lady Lyra's room where I imagine you'll be most of the time. I've had some food brought up here for you. I'll ask the lady where she wants you to take your meals. For now, eat here. The maids are bringing bath water up for her, you can make yourself useful with that."
Vai bowed and after Ulris left, he entered the room. It was small and mostly bare. A bed and wardrobe were the only furnishing and judging from the crookedness of the bed, they had just been brought up. Vai admired Ulris's efficiency.
A tray of food was on the bed and Vai quickly ate. He had not eaten in some time, only the limited rations Lyra had shared with him when they left the city. As he finished, he heard the sound of sloshing water. He followed the noise through the door into Lyra's room and then through another door into a bathroom.
Two maids were filling an iron tub with steaming water. One noticed Vai and nearly dropped her pitcher. Her eyes looked him up and down and her face reddened. Vai slowly walked up and reached for the pitcher. "May I?"
She nodded wordlessly, her cheeks still pink. He took the pitcher and the other maid set hers down and was also staring at him, her mouth open.
"If it is alright with you, I will finish here."
The two girls stuttered and one nodded, taking the other’s hand before leaving the room. He heard them giggle as they went down the hall. After finishing pouring the water, Vai looked around for any incense or perfumes. He found none. He had helped the empress bathe a few times and there had always been a host of scents and oils for her enjoyment. Vai frowned.
"Hmmm. Is there a problem?"
Vai jumped at the voice and turned to find his mistress leaning against the wall watching him. He dropped to the floor and pressed his forehead to it. "My deepest apologies, mistress, I did not hear you come in."
"Relax, if I'd wanted you to hear, you would have. But you didn't answer my question. Is there a problem?"
Vai raised his head. Lyra had a relaxed smile on her face. "I was just wondering if there was anything else I needed to add to the bath, such as perfumes?"
For a moment, Lyra looked confused then she gave a small laugh. "No, just warm water."
She took off her tunic and carefully placed the knives over a chair. She fully undressed and slipped into the tub with a satisfied sigh. Vai started to massage soap into her hair and Lyra hummed happily and he relaxed, this he knew how to do.
When Lyra finished her bath, he dried her off and covered her with a soft robe. She had him go in the bath next and left to wait for him in her bedroom. It felt good to be clean as well, he was sweaty from the forest run. When he entered the room Lyra was on her bed, she patted beside her and he laid down.
"As tempting as it is to repeat last night, I am tired," she said with a sigh.
"Then let me help you rest."
She let him pull her close and rub the tension from her shoulders. He moved her to his chest and laid down. When he was certain she was sound asleep, he closed his eyes as well.
Vai was a light sleeper, but Lyra was even more so. When his eyes shot open at her movement, he was mortified to find her awake and watching him. She was still curled up against his chest but she had purposefully slid her cold toes up his leg. From her clear-eyed smirk he could tell she'd been watching him for a while. He cleared his head quickly.
"I beg pardon, mistress. I should have been ready when you woke."
Lyra contemplated this as she ran her hand down the side of his face, admiring it's perfect symmetry. "Hmm. That's not a worry, I'd be uncomfortable not being first."
"Your words are a blessing but what may I do now to make up for my transgression."
Lyra leaned up and kissed him, he responded in kind, slowly manipulating their positions to allow her the most comfort. As her breath quickened, her hands roamed. Answering her desire and impatience he slid her beneath him.
After only a few moments, he pulled her hand away, ending foreplay and pressed into him. He answered in kind and it wasn't long before she collapsed to the bed her pale skin flushed. He turned and laid on his side, his breathing quickened. When she closed her eyes, he turned to get off the bed. Her hand shot out and clamped around his wrist like a manacle.
"Where are you going?"
At her touch, he froze like a statue, half-on, half-off the bed. "To prepare you another bath. Have I misjudged? Should I continue?"
Slowly her fingers peeled away. He could still feel their heat, his senses more on edge now. To his relief her voice was calm. "No, go ahead."
He continued to the side room. He had disposed of the bath water from last night but now was disappointed to see there was no fresh amount set aside for morning. There only one basin of water and a towel and he tutted over it softly. His mistress's keen eyes did not miss it.
"What is it?"
Vai detected a hint of amusement in her voice, she was obviously aware of the predicament.
"There is not enough water here for a bath. Would you like me to fetch some or make due with the basin?"
Lyra appeared at the door, her naked body leaning against the frame. The dark ink of her tattoos snaked across her body. A few scars shown pale on her as well. She was nothing like the soft, flawless empress. "That's fine." She nodded at the basin.
Vai poured the water into a steel pot on the smouldering fire, nudging the coals closer to life. While it heated, he walked to the vanity and picked up the brush.
"May I?" he asked and with a light chuckle, Lyra sat in front of him. With gentle practiced fingers, Vai picked through Lyra's tangled hair. Slowly, he brushed it out and his carefully watching eye saw her relax just a bit.
Lyra was always tense, like a taunt bow string. He was beginning to take great pride in any ability to lessen the pull.
Once finished, Vai put the brush down and set the warmed pot of water on the floor, dipping the washcloth in. He used the warm towel to wash Lyra and freshen up from their morning activity. The amused half-smile floated on Lyra's lips the entire time.
Once he was done, he poured the water down the slot in the floor. As he did so, Lyra stood up and walked over to where her clothes were abandoned on the chair. Vai moved to help her but she held up a hand.
"I'll dress myself," she said, meaningfully hiding multiple weapons into various spots of her outfit. A bit stung by her denial, Vai stood silently at attention until she nodded towards his carefully folded clothes.
"Put those on for now. I'll send our tailor up to measure you." She tightened her last boot and moved to the door. After a quick pause, she added, "When you’re dressed, sit in that chair and don't move or speak a word until I get back." With a wicked grin she left the room.
Vai waited a few moments to make sure she wasn't going to return with any additional instructions and then got dressed. He returned to the bedroom and sat in the aforementioned chair. I'd been a while since he'd stood at attention—or in this case sat—but he'd been trained for it. He took some calming breaths and cleared his mind, bracing for whatever was coming—even if it was days of silence.
Luckily, it was only an hour before another person entered the room. Unluckily, it was Fenrin.
He swaggered in, an apple at his side. He munched on it and examined Vai who watched him wordlessly. "Still alive then?"
Vai did not respond and Fenrin cocked his head. With fake casualness, he stepped closer. "What's a matter, tiger got your tongue?"
At still no response, Fenrin flicked his apple core at Vai. It bounced off his pants and, without thinking, Vai's eyes followed it. He quickly looked back when he sensed movement and Fenrin was inches from his face, a fistful of Vai's hair in his hand, pulling his head back. Vai flinched and was unable to hide his alarm. This he had not been trained for.
"I wonder..."
Vai felt a cold blade slide harmlessly across his throat. He could feel it rotate until the sharp edge hovered on the skin. "How about you say my name?"
Vai closed his eyes but said nothing. There a sharp pain as the dagger broke skin, slowly cutting along the side of his neck up towards his ear. He felt hot blood dribble slowly down.
'Hmmm..." Fenrin tutted, "It's almost a shame to hurt that pretty face."
The knife rounded his jaw and Vai felt cold. No one but the emperor or empress would have dared spoil a zhurl's body, let alone their face. Even disgraced, he had been sold and not destroyed.
"Just ask and I'll stop. What would Lyra like less, a disobedient toy or a broken one? I wonder?"
If Vai thought he had even the slightest chance, he'd try to stop Fenrin by force. But he'd seen how fast the man could move and so he just clenched his jaw. He felt a hot tear escape his tight lids. He was going to die here. Either killed by the sadistic brother or tossed aside by the sister.
As if summoned by the thought, Lyra's voice purred, "Jealous he's putting your ugly mug to shame?"
The knife stopped, level with Vai's lower lip. Vai kept his eyes closed.
"I was curious what made him tick. But toys break when you take them apart."
The knife flicked back, cutting a bit deeper for a moment before leaving it's journey. Vai flinched again at the pain.
He heard the amused lilted tone in Lyra's voice as she responded, "This sadly predictable event answered my question. However, it does emphasize a need to remind you to not touch my things. We have enough petty wars to worry about, do you really want to start one now?"
"War? Aren't you one for melodrama? I was simply here in search of entertainment."
Lyra's voice was sharp and quick. "Well amuse yourself alone in your own room; because I can be much more petty than you."
Fenrin growled and Vai opened his eyes. Lyra was smirking and waved a small bottle in front of her brother. "What did you..." Fenrin stepped closer, snatching the vial.
"Calm down. You've got a full day to administer the antidote. Poisoned oats will take a while to go down. No harm done. Unless, of course, you've scarred him."
Fenrin snorted and pushed past Lyra who let him step aside. She turned her gaze to Vai who was still frozen, walked over, and grabbed his chin, turning him to the side and poking at the cut. Vai tried to focus on not hyperventilating.
"Hm. It's not deep. I guess he's not a complete idiot. Get that towel and hold it to your face. Ulris will come patch you up."
Vai nodded and stood up, turning to the bathroom.
"Vai, you can talk now."
With a start, he turned back. "Yes, mistress. Thank you."
Lyra rolled her eyes but gave him an actual smile before leaving once more. Vai got the towel and did as she's asked, the cut soon clumped and stopped bleeding. At the sight of his soiled shirt in the mirror, Vai felt vomit rising and he threw up into the drain. He heard the door open and spun around.
Ulris raised an eyebrow. "Not one for blood, eh? This might be a rough stay for you." He gestured to the vanity seat and Vai took it. Gently Ulris removed his hand from the towel and peeled it off his face. It stung.
The old man removed a waterskin and small cloth from the bag he'd carried in and dabbed the dried blood from Vai, inspecting the cut closely. He took out a small jar and smeared the pale green paste onto the wound before sticking some cloth over it in strips, layering from Vai's collarbone to his lower lip.
He placed the jar on the table with a clack. "Wipe it down and reapply twice a day until it's completely faded."
"Thank you."
Ulris hummed thoughtfully, his pale grey eyes peering at Vai through his spectacles. "I wish I could say the worst was over, but flare ups happen often when the family meets. As I have a feeling you're going to end up my responsibility, I'll give you another piece of advice. Stick with Lyra, don't try to play on anyone else's graces."
"You have my eternal gratitude for—"
Ulris interrupted, "No, no, not even mine. Well, I have better things to do." He gathered his bag and left Vai contemplating his words.
Now the fear had subsided, Vai considered what had happened. He had kept his silence, obeyed Lyra. She had said she'd expected this, which means he'd passed some test. He lightly touched the bandage with satisfaction.
This was very different from the harem, but to his surprise he didn't feel hopelessly lost. Instead he felt...excited. He was in a new world with new rules to learn, new roles to play. Although the thought of more violence made him feel sick, it had been many years since he'd learned something new and he'd forgotten the satisfaction.
His musings were interrupted by the door opening again, this time by a man and a young boy. Vai bowed as the man looked at him, the familiar glance of admiration for his form as he was looked up and down.
"Get him measured," the man barked and the boy ran to Vai, looking at him with wonder. With another snap from the man, the boy began wrapping Vai's limbs and waist in marked string. He shouted out numbers which the man scribbled down onto a paper. Eventually the process was over and the tailor removed a long piece of cloth made of small squares of variously colored fabrics.
"Remove your vest please."
Vai obeyed, draping the bloodied garment on the bath edge. The man flitted through the fabric colors muttering and occasionally shouting out to the boy who painstakingly added them to the paper, his tongue stuck out in concentration.
"Alright, you can tell Lady Lyra I will have the garments by the end of the week."
Vai bowed again and with a last look at him, the tailor and his boy left. Alone once more, Vai's stomach gurgled. The noon sun was just beginning its journey west. Uncertain what to do, Vai made the bed and carefully examined the chair and floor, removing any sign of blood. Finished, he stood at the window and watched the activity at the back of the house.
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