《Nameless Immortal》Chapter 51


Chapter 51 Savior

While Dave was carrying Blue and heading on to her room, he sent a message to his father at the same time. By the time they arrived, Batista was already there waiting anxiously.

“What happened?” He immediately asked with a worried tone while letting Dave lay Blue in her bed.

“I don’t know father, she just felt dizzy all of a sudden,” Dave answered with concern.

“Blue, my little girl, are you okay? How are you feeling?” Batista wasn’t in the mood to investigate and probed Blue’s condition.

“Father, I am okay, maybe I was just overwhelmed because I haven’t been outside for a long time,” Blue answered with a forced smile.

“That’s good to know Blue, okay you better rest then and don’t force yourself, okay?” Batista spoke with a doting smile and kissed her on the forehead.

“I will father,” Blue answered and closed her eyes.


After Dave explained what happened to his father, they immediately headed towards the garden where Martin was restlessly sitting, he even unknowingly drink all the tea except Dave’s cup.

He was snapped back to reality when he saw the father and son duo approaching.

“Greetings, Captain.” He stood up and saluted.

“How is Blue?” Martin nervously asked while looking at Dave.

“Don’t worry brother, she is doing alright, she just needs some rest,” Dave answered with a grin to ease the mood.


Martin heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Dave’s answer. He was afraid he might have done something unintentionally to the little girl.

“Martin, have a seat,” Batista spoke seriously making Martin nervous again.

“Yes, Captain,” Martin obliged and sat down while rolling his thumbs together.

“Tell me, Martin, have met my daughter before?” Batista inquired.

“Uhmmm, I think so Captain, if I am not mistaken it was a little over three years ago when we bumped into each other…” Martin narrated what happened that day.

Batista who was listening was able to connect the dots and had now a clear picture of what happened.

But why would that event trigger something from Blue?

He was confused at the moment and felt like he was missing something but a fog was blocking his view.

I think I should ask Blue, later on, to get at the bottom of this.

“So that’s what happened, I understand, sorry for the disturbance. I shall take my leave now,”

Despite being far superior to Martin, Batista respected the man. Not only because he saved his son but also because of his great character. Martin just looked at the departing Batista with confused eyes.

“Sorry about that brother, father is just being overprotective when it comes to my little sister,” Dave patted Martin’s back while showing an apologetic smile.


After Dave and Batista left the room, Blue opened her eyes. It was still empty like before but deep inside there was a hint of light, a light that illuminated the darkness within her.

“Was it really him?” She mumbled to herself.

When she woke up from that nightmare, she remembered most of it but not the face of her savior. She tried many times to remember it but could not, leaving her in frustration. But when he saw Martin, she vaguely remembered the incident that day wherein she saw the boy who was with Martin. She could never forget those eyes, black and lonely like he was alone in this world.

That was the moment that triggered her memory to recall the face of the boy who wore a bloody dress that saved her from hell.


Who is he? What is his name?

Although she remembered everything now, she did not know anything about the boy.

Sigh, should I tell father?

She was not sure what to do at the moment, although she trusted her father. She did not want to inconvenience her savior.


A day had passed and Blue was feeling better, the morning sun had just risen from the east when his father visited her. Blue looked at her father with a complicated gaze, she already had an idea what was coming but she was still undecided on what to do.

“Good morning, my little girl, how are you feeling? Did you sleep well?” Batista asked with a warm smile while bringing milk with him.

“Good morning father, I feel better now,” Blue answered back politely while taking the milk that was offered.

She drank a mouthful before putting it on the bedside table.

“Sigh, I’m sorry to bother you early in the morning Blue, I am just worried and want to make sure that everything is okay. Do you have something to tell father? Don’t worry Blue, you can trust father.”

Batista spoke gently and did not want to rush Blue. During this past month, they talked quite a bit although Blue did not talk much about the incident, she mentioned that she was saved by a boy but she could not remember his face. This puzzled Batista because the person that delivered her that night was far from being a boy. Although there was a possibility that he might have used a disguise, he still wanted to clarify everything first.

Blue looked at her father for a long time while still struggling with what to do. After some time, she sighed helplessly, she did not want for her father to worry and at the same time, she did not want to lie. She looked at her father with seriousness and spoke,

“Father, promise me first that you won’t tell anybody about this.”

“I promise, I will take everything with me to the grave,” Batista did not hesitate to make the oath.

“When I saw big brother’s sworn brother yesterday, I was reminded of an incident years ago. That day, a boy was with him, I saw his eyes and they were lonely. When I remembered that boy, my memories came back and the boy that rescued me had the same face and eyes like him, they were similar. Although I am not a hundred percent sure, they may be one and the same person,”

Blue narrated what happened while looking at the window as if she went back to the past and became the girl who nearly bumped into the horse.

“This…” Batista was shocked and could not believe what he heard.

“A-Are you sure about this Blue?”

“Hmmm, I wish I could see him and thank him in person,”

Blue nodded in response while she showed a pair of yearning eyes. The boy that rescued her was the light that saved her from the darkness, it would be her greatest regret if she was not able to thank him personally.

What kind of coincidence is this? To think that the boy we neglected to search was actually the one who rescued my little girl?

Batista was flabbergasted for a moment, never could he have imagined that such a thing could happen.

“Father, if you plan to find him, please don’t make things hard for him and don’t inconvenience him.”

With his father’s temperament, she was sure that he would try to find the boy.


“Ah?” Batista was jolted back to reality when Blue spoke.

“Don’t worry Blue, father knows what to do,” Batista reassured her daughter.

“By the way father, I have one more request and I wish you could grant it,” Blue looked at her father with pleading eyes.

“What is it?” Batista answered with curiosity.

“I wish to join the military,” this time, Blue showed a decisive face that would never back down.

“What?” Another shock ran through Batista, never in his wildest dream that her daughter would want to join the military.

“I want to join the military,” Blue repeated her sentence and stood her ground.

“This….sigh, give me some time to think about everything first, okay?” Batista was helpless at the moment and wanted to be alone to think about things. His mind was a mess right now and needed time to digest everything that has happened.

“I’ll be waiting for the good news father,” Blue answered with a forced smile.


Eznho found himself in a pitch dark place while barely hanging on to his consciousness. He did not feel pain anymore, his body was stiff and numb. Despite that, he was at peace, his senses were heightened to the extreme, although he knew what was waiting for him, he was calm.

Is this the afterlife?

He wasn’t even actually sure if he was still alive or if he was now dead and on his way to the underworld. But as time passed, his senses became more and more sensitive.

Hmmm? What is that?

Out of the blue, Eznho “saw” a stream of white gas hovering in front of him. He wasn’t sure what it was but it looked so pure like it wasn’t tainted by the filth of the world. It even felt like it has always been there but Eznho was just not able to detect it before.

Is this the light you see when you die?

He was confused right now and did not know what to do, he tried to “reach” for it but could not, he was only able to watch it hover in front of him. Despite his failure, his curiosity got the better of him and he focused to get a better picture.

This? Don’t tell me…

When he concentrated on the white gas, he could actually feel a familiar feeling from it.

How could this be?

He was taken aback when he realized that that feeling was the same feeling when he was using heavenly energy. The only difference was the white gas in front of him was purer and held more energy within it.

Hahaha, is the heavens really toying with me?

If he had a face right now, it would portray a self-mocking picture. He felt helpless and bitter knowing that the heavens are playing with him as if his existence was just for entertainment. Despite that, he could not ignore his urge to live and survive. He might have already accepted that he is dying but that doesn’t mean he would ignore hope. Now that he started the path of a cultivator and saw a chance to explore the world, he did not want to give it up easily. Aside from that, he still wanted to spend time with his family.

Fine! I’ll play along with your game,

With a determined mind, he mustered all his remaining strength and tried to do the Mortal Ascension Technique once more. After doing the technique, he was starting to feel his fleshly body again. He felt an unbearable pain again, the pain of having your flesh dried out, the feeling that if he were to move even a muscle, it will break.

Enduring the pain, he circulated the last tidbits of his remaining heavenly energy. This action caused the pure white gas to move closer to him until finally it entered his body and went with the flow.


When the white gas entered his body, a comfortable feeling came with it. Like a traveler stuck in the desert who finally found an oasis. As time went by, an unending stream of white gas entered his body and finally his consciousness went back to his body. He could feel every inch of his body again screaming in pain. If someone was to look at him right now, he looked like a mummified person.

Gritting his teeth, he tolerated all of this and concentrated on continuing the process. Little by little, his nearly empty dantian was starting to get filled with a purer heavenly energy. The shape of a halo started to form again, the process took faster this time as Eznho was now proficient. As the shape took form, he increased the speed and sucked more energy in making it circulate faster until he could not hold on anymore and let go of the control.

This is it!

He was filled with anticipation as he let go, contrary to what happened before, this time the halo remained intact and did not collapse. It floated on his dantian silently rotating. Like a river of heavenly energy flowing infinitely.

Wow! It looks quite spectacular.

Eznho could not help but marvel at the spectacular sight, he felt awe and excitement at the same time.

Let’s go all the way then!

Suppressing his joy, he still planned to form more halo so he calmed his mind down and began the process again. He did the same thing as before, although it was a lot harder to form the second halo, he was successful. The second halo floated beside the first one, both looked identical as if they came from the same shell.

The last one,

He did the same thing as before but to his disappointment, it crumbled.

Damn! One more time!

He did not want to give up so he did the same process but this time, he poured more effort in, making him barely hold on to his consciousness. More and more white gas entered his dantian to form the third halo, he tried to hold on as much as he can then finally, after all his suffering, the third one stabilized and floated beside the two forming a triangular formation.

Is it done?

Eznho felt exhausted and was about to collapse when the three halos pulsed at the same time and they circulated faster. They circulated in unison while sucking all the white gas in a much faster pace than before. Eznho felt bloated and did not know what to do, he felt like a balloon ready to burst. He could not hold on anymore when all the excess energy suddenly dispersed and went into the different parts of his body cleansing and nourishing it.

Eznho was bathed in white light while the process was ongoing, he felt lighter and refreshed as if he was being reborn. The baptism lasted for five minutes and everything went back to normal. Eznho still looked like a mummified person but unlike before, he was pulsing with life and vitality like a strong robust young man.

His eyelids moved and his face twitched then after a while, it snapped open showing a pair of deep dark eyes that were filled with clarity and enlightenment.

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