《Nameless Immortal》Old Man


Chapter 9 Old Man

Mist covered the mountain peaks while hilly winds blew over the mountains down to the valley where people set up their camps. The sun had not yet risen but the soldiers already started to pack their things and stood in a formation with their full gears awaiting orders.

“Everyone get into your positions as instructed last night and start marching towards the border, we should arrive there in a couple of hours if there are no accidents, all assignment will be issued there.”

Hundred man Greg was in front and instructed the soldiers. They split into two groups half in front and the other half at the back, putting the supply carts in the middle.

“So rowdy and it is still early in the morning, Ughh.”

Randolph just came out of his tent with a groggy face while walking towards Greg.

“Tsk, what a lazy way to live, you should look at yourself. What a disgrace.” Greg scoffed with a look of contempt.

“Look at you and your discipline, what a boring way to live, anyways good luck on your journey,” Randolph replied lazily.

“Tsk, you too, be careful, I have been having a bad feeling since I arrived and saw the mine entrance,” Greg warned and started to go in front to lead the soldiers.

“You worry too much, I still have time to sleep.”

Randolph ignored Greg’s warning and started to walk lazily back to his tent.

While the soldiers were heading out, a silhouette of a young boy could be seen watching them leave.

“Take care, big brother,” Eznho whispered while gripping the dagger on his waist.


The sun had already risen and the camp was starting to get rowdy, they just finished their breakfast and the newly arrived miners were instructed to gather for instructions. They gathered in an open space and formed lines. Randolph was in front with his uniform exuding an aura of a leader and an invisible pressure originating from his cultivation.

“Welcome to the mines, many of you may have ideas on the activities happening around here but for the sake of everybody, I will tell you about the rules and other things. First and foremost, don’t even think about stealing gold for yourself. The lightest punishment would be decapitating the hands while the worst would be execution.”

Fear could be seen in the eyes of many which was the intended effect by Randolph.

“I will only give general information, as for the specifics you can ask the older miners or the guards. You will be working in pairs while inside the mines, it is to make sure that at least one can run and inform the guards if a beast has emerged to avoid more casualties. Stealing from others is prohibited, if proven guilty, necessary punishments will be handed down. As for your payments you can choose from two options, a fixed payment every month or a percentage from what you mine every month.”


The miners started to mumble to each other, this option has its pros and cons. Choosing the latter would require luck and hard work, but if you get lucky you can instantly become rich. The miners started to ponder what options to choose.

“Silence! You can talk it out with your partner later on.” Randolph shouted when the crowd started to buzz.

“Some of you might be cultivators so killing beasts also have a reward and you can sell the beast at the trading building managed by the Black Scorpion Treasures. You can also buy things from them. I am warning you don’t even think about hunting them, you will just throw your life away. If you happen to see one, better run with your life and inform the patrolling guards. Treasures will be useless if you die. The guards will be patrolling around the mines and they also have designated posts inside.”

Randolph warned them earnestly as a bunch of people already died inside due to beast attacks. Black Scorpion Treasures is the biggest trading house in Sin City owned by the notorious Black Scorpion gang.

“A map will be given to you which contains the general outline of the mines. You will be rotated around so that everyone has a chance to dig good stuff. Rails will be inside the mines with mine carts to transport your rocks. As you can see, there is a rail leading to the processing building where your hauls will be listed under your name. Payment every month will be distributed but you can choose to leave it to us for safe keeping and get it in bulk when you wish to. Working is done alternately, half of you will work today and the other half tomorrow which means one day work one day rest. How you spend your rest days will be up to you. That’s about it, now form two lines, the ones with pairs to the right while the others to the left. As I have said earlier, if you have questions, ask the others. Today will be your rest day, the other half will start tomorrow. Use your time today to familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Good luck.”

Randolph finished his speech and headed back to his tent with two subordinates in tow. Two tables were set up in front to accommodate the listings and distribution of maps. The miners started to form a line, most of them have already pairs while the others did not have one, these people came here alone with no companions. Naturally, Eznho was one of them, he was in the middle of the left line. Some people were curiously glancing at him, they could not help it because he was the youngest of them.

Time passed by, it was already Eznho’s turn, the guard on the table gave him a curious look.



“Eznho,” Eznhon answered blandly.

“Family name?”

“None, I’m an orphan,” Eznho answered honestly.


The guard looked at him for a second then continued on, orphans were common around the city. But he was curious about this boy, he should not have been allowed inside the mines, he was still too young and would only be a hindrance. Then his companion whispered something to him.

“Ah? I see, what an unlucky fellow,” He said while shaking his head.

He was informed that an order was made by the City lord to send this boy here. He did not want to pry anymore, afraid that he might get dragged in. After thinking for a while an idea came up in his mind.

“How would you like to be paid?”

“Uhmmm, fixed pay for the first month,” Eznho answered after thinking.

He knew it was his first time and he may not dig much for the first month. Most of the miners do this in their first months.

“Seeing that you are still young, you might become a hindrance to everyone else but there is someone who is an exact match for you, Old man Dan. He was here with the first batch so he has a wide experience.”

After the guard listed his name with his pair, he and his companion couldn’t help but chuckle which made Eznho frown.

“Alright, here is your map. You can find your partner at the edge of the camp, he likes to be himself, don’t worry he will not eat you. It’s his rest day today so you can find him and you will be working with him tomorrow”

He gave him a map and a name tag, a small flat metal like a military dog tag with his name on it.

Eznho walked out of the line and went to a corner and looked at his tag and put it inside his small pouch. Then he took out the map, the map contained the explored areas with danger areas marked red, danger areas have are places where beast have been spotted, few miners bravely go there and try their luck. They believe these beasts guard some sort of treasure or deposits of gold. The main and the biggest tunnel is headed east to the border, while many tunnels branched out forming like tree branches. The railway was only located at the main tunnel. After studying the map, he decided to walk around and explore the area.

The tents were located in one particular area while wooden buildings have been erected in another one. Eznho was walking around this place, it was like some sort of village center, there was a drinking establishment, trading house, gambling den, stalls that sell food and other things. The place was full of people, life in the mines was boring so most of the time people who were on rest day came here to entertain themselves.

After walking for over an hour, he came to the bank of the river. He heard some people drowned and were dragged down by river beasts, as for the truth he did not know. Some parts of the river were really deep and the bottom was dark like a beast was lurking below waiting for their prey. He sat down under the shade of a big rock while appreciating the beauty of the river glistening under the sun while fishes occasionally jump from time to time.

Hours passed and Eznho decided to look for his partner, it did not take long for him to find the place he was looking for. A tent was erected a hundred meters away from the camp, it was triangular like the others, and a fire was burning outside with a pot above it but no one was around.

He slowly walked getting closer to the tent.

“Who’s there?!” A shout suddenly came from the tent.

Eznho was frightened and stopped.

“Uhmmm, I was told to come here and look for you sir,” Eznho said after mustering his courage.

“Who sent you? Why are you here?” the voice answered back, it sounded old with a hint of irritation.

“My name is Eznho, the guard sent me here, I was told you would become my partner?”

“What?!” another shout came and the tent opened.

An thin old man came out, he was draped in animal fur with a disheveled long gray hair and half a foot long beard. He had an irritated wrinkled face, he was grumbling and his yellowish teeth had gaps with some black spots.

“Tsk! They sent me a sissy? Shooo! Go find someone else and stop disturbing me,”

The old man rejected him while spit was coming out of his mouth and went back inside.

“But...” Eznho stared blankly while trying to come up with a sentence.

“No buts! Stay away or else I’ll cook you later for dinner!”

The old man interrupted and shouted.

Eznho was irritated and kicked his leg and accidentally kicked a stone that coincidentally went inside the pot.


He felt like a bucket of cold water was poured over him and started to run going back to his tent. He felt dejected when he went back and started to come up with a plan, he needed to pair up with the old man if he wants to survive. The others would surely reject him because he would not be of much help to them.

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