《Nameless Immortal》Sunset


Chapter 1 Sunset

“Oi! Oi!, waiter! Give us two more jugs of alcohol. We brothers are celebrating, nobody is going home tonight!”

A muscular man in his gray hunting attire with a short hair and a horizontal scar on his forehead was shouting while chewing roasted meat on his mouth. A meter long and three to four inches thick saber can be seen strapped on his back. It indicates that he must be a hunter or a mercenary.

“Coming, sir!” A young waiter in his twenties was rushing while holding two jugs of alcohol.

“Here you go, sir! Enjoy!” he was panting while putting the jugs on the table which consists of four men.

“Haha! Good lad! Here you go” He tossed a copper coin towards the waiter and continued drinking with his buddies.

“Thank you, sir!” The waiter caught the coin and bowed.


“Come inside and try our delicacy! We have new and fresh ingredients delivered today”

A young boy across the road was shouting and trying to get some costumer.


“Sir, we have jewelries inside that suits young miss. It is made of rare stones”

An old man was trying to sell his products to a young couple passing by.


Every establishment was busy tonight. Lamps were lit making the streets bright, making this busy street more lively. This street was named Session Road, this street is famous within the city and the surrounding places. Many places for entertainment can be found in here, gambling den, brothel, drinking establishments and the like.

At the end of the street, you can see a three-story building. The roofs are curved with a green paint and the body painted red. Lights of different colors can be found hanging in front of it. You can hear laughter and lewd sounds coming from it. Two guards can be seen standing on both left and right side of the door. The shape of the door was circular, the front side depicts a sculpture of a lady with a loose robe showing her shoulders down to her cleavage. This establishment is called Fragrant Pavilion. It’s the most popular brothel in Sin City. Merchants and other traders with money who pass by the city often go to this place and entertain themselves.

At the back of the pavilion, you can find an old two-story building. Each floor was divided into eight rooms, this was the place where the workers with no house can stay. Rent was deducted from their salary every month. All the lights are off except for the room on the far left of the second floor. A silhouette can be seen pacing back and forth anxiously outside the door, he was a young man at about twenty years of age. He was a cleaner for the brothel and was called to stay outside unless instructed otherwise.

“Deep breaths! Deep breaths! You can do it, you are getting there” A voice of a middle aged woman can be heard inside the room.

“Come on Mirna! Push!”


“Uggggghhh! Ahhhh!” A young female that looks eighteen years old is struggling to give birth to her child. Her face and lips were pale but you can still see that her face was full of innocence. Her eyes and hair were as black as the night. Her looks were average but you can see gentleness and kindness in her. She was soaked in sweat with her clothes sticking on her skin. An unpleasant smell circulated in the room due to the mixed smell of blood, sweat, and other things. She was already gasping for breath and started to lose her consciousness.

“Mirna! You have to stay awake or your baby will get stuck and might die! The head is already out, one more big push and the baby will come out. Come on! Deep breath and push!” The middle aged woman was trying her best to assist Mirna in delivering her baby.

“Hoooohh! Uggggghhh!” Mirna took a deep and gathered all her strength for the final push.

“It’s out! The baby is out” the middle-aged woman was delighted.

“It’s a boy! Wait that’s odd, he’s not crying but he seems to be breathing fine” The middle aged woman was confused. Although it was her first time to deliver a baby, what she knows is that babies cry when they were born. They did not have the time to call the local doctor because the water bag suddenly broke and they had to deliver the baby. She stared at the baby which was covered in blood and slimy liquid. His eyes were black just like her mother, he was also looking back at her with no emotions which are kinda creepy.

“Give him to me please” a weak voice came from Mirna she was exhausted that you can barely hear what she says.

“Hey, there my boy” there were tears falling from her eyes. She was happy, despite everything that happened to her, the heavens were still good to her and gave her a child. She stroked his cheek. She couldn’t help but smile. He was looking back at her with some confusion but he felt comfortable.

“Mirna, what are you gonna name him?”

“Hmmm, would you like to suggest a name, Miss Minchin?” The middle aged woman’s name is Minchin. She also works for the brothel, she was alone and has no family left, her work was to introduce the girls to the costumers.

“No, you should name him”

“Alright” Mirna already prepared a name beforehand but after the delivery, she felt that she can’t accompany her baby anymore. She could already feel her life fading, maybe due to blood loss or some other reasons. She was already not feeling good when she was pregnant. She looked at her baby with great sadness and hesitation. Tears started falling again.

“I'm gonna name him Ezhno, because from now on you’re gonna have to walk on your own, be a good boy okay? Don’t get into trouble. I’m sorry I can’t be with you but I will be watching you from above” she kissed his forehead, all her love was poured on that kiss.


“Please look after him Miss Minchin” she tried to lift her hands and offer her baby to her.

“I know, don’t worry I will treat him as my own,” she said with a heavy sigh.

She knew they cannot do anything now. There was a look of pity in her eyes but she could not do anything. There was only one doctor who could possibly help them inside the city but he was living at the residence of the city lord. Even if by any chance they can raise the money needed, it was not easy to summon the doctor especially for a girl like Mirna.

Mirna had one last look at her baby and smiled. A lot of things were running through her mind, she imagined how joyful it would be to watch his boy grow up. She could only hope that his boy would live a happy and free life. She sighed and closed her eyes with both her hands on top of her stomach, she felt peaceful knowing her baby has been delivered successfully, then everything became quite for her.


Minchin held Eznho in her hands with a white cloth wrapped around him. She looked at him again and tried to smile.

“Hello there, my name in Minchin but you can call me aunt” Ezhno blinked and just looked back at her then started to yawn.

“Martin, come and say your goodbyes and start cleaning” She called for the boy outside.

“Yes, Miss Minchin” he opened the door and walked inside and saw Mirna lying in bed.

She looked peaceful but he can’t stop his tears from falling. He walked slowly and until he was by the bedside and kissed her on the forehead.

“Goodbye, Mirna may you find happiness in your next life” he sighed.

He had a crush on Mirna ever since the day he first saw her. She was kind to him and they got along well, alas, she was already pregnant when they met. Then he looked at the baby who was already sleeping.

“We should at least bury her in the cemetery, she deserves that much, I will give all my earnings for it” he looked and Minchin with pleading eyes.

“No need for that, I already plan on doing that and the money is already prepared. Come to my room after cleaning to get the money then go arrange for the plot to bury her in the cemetery.” She walked out the door then went to her room.


The cemetery is located outside the western part of the city. The place was not eerie, instead, it was located on top of the hills with green grass all around, dancing with the wind. Flowers can be seen in some parts, tombstones carved from rock can be found sticking on the ground, some gray, others white or black with names engraved on them.

It was already past noon, a wooden cart with a wooden coffin inside that is being pulled by a brown horse can be seen going up on one of the hills. The cart driver was an old man with messy gray hair with a pipe in his mouth. Smoke was coming out of his nose and mouth.

“We are nearly there” he pointed with his finger which is directed on top of the hill with a Kayo tree growing on it.

The trunk was thick, a grown man can hug it and the tip of his fingers can barely touch each other. The leaves were deep green in color and it swayed along with the branches.

Two of the four people who were walking behind nodded. They were Martin and Miss Minchin, they were the only ones who were close to Mirna. Minchin was cuddling Eznho in her hands, he was awake but was silently looking at his surroundings. The other two were men working for the cart driver.

They reached the top and the wind blew across their faces. Beside the tree was a rectangular hole, at least two meters deep. Martin and the other three men carried the coffin and gently lay it down inside. Then they started putting back the soil to bury the coffin. A tombstone made of gray rock was erected on top with “Mirna Walker” engraved on it. An incense was burnt, after finishing their job, the three men did not wait and went back inside the city on their own.

Martin and Minchin were left standing on top of the hill. The wind was gently blowing that leaves the fresh scent of nature. You can see the main road below which leads to the forest of unending trees. Majestic mountains tower over the horizon which makes you wonder what is beyond it.

“You have chosen a beautiful place Martin” Minchin was smiling looking over the horizon.

The sun was starting to set, the sky was tinged with yellow and orange. Flocks of birds were flying, maybe they were migrating or hunting. She couldn't help but admire the view.

“I paid extra but it was worth it, it would also be nice to be buried in a place like this.” Martin smiled. They stayed silent for several minutes and just appreciated the scenery.

“Mirna, wherever you are, I hope you are happy and free of pain, watch over your” Minchin broke the silence and sighed. Then she looked at Eznho,

“Say goodbye to your mom now”

“Uwaaa!” Minchin and Martin were startled by the sudden cry. This was his first cry ever since he was born.

“I thought you are never gonna cry,” Martin said jokingly.

“Hush, hush, it’s okay Eznho, your mom is in a better place now” Minchin comforted.

Eznho whimpered then stopped crying and slowly closed his eyes.

“Good boy” Minchin exclaimed.

She looked one more time at the tomb and started walking towards the city.

“Let’s go”

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