《Shadow Contour》Book1Chapter 10


Wew thanks for waiting! I have finally gotten out of silver and reached platinum =)!!!


Young Book


~~~2022 ~~~

In a village that was ravaged by many countless of battle for territory , Ryu was requested mission was to stop the drug lords from taking over the village.

The drug lords caused many death of inoccent people who stood in between them while showing no sympathy or restraint.

Ryu-"Hmmp trying to clear a path for smuggling huh"

Ryu was just told to kill all the drug lords who were fighting for it while he wasn't told why but naturally , he already knew.

Ryu-"So many people are dying... atleast.. I got paid alot this times to kill many bad people"

Bang bang bang


Shooting and shooting , the battlefield was savagely blown away by bombs and rockets while Ryu stood in the middle of the battlefield.

Ryu-"It's times"

Suddenly many helicopters appeared from many side with a bunch of tanks under them.

Ryu-"The main event is finally starting!"


The mountain river , flowing down with a waterfall , as the moonlight reflected on the water , Ryu was holding a long piece of clothes.

By revealing the tip of the long piece , a pointy thing shined by the moonlight reflected by the water could be seen.

Ryu-"Sarah...I might need your weapon again...soon"

Ryu wrapped the tip of the black weapon and puts it in the chest.


The chest vanished within the smoke as it clears away bu the wind.

Skeles-"Mhmm hmmhghngh"

Ryu walks to his bike and took the chained skull , smashing it onto the ground.

Ryu-"Mhmm...hard headed"

Ryu took the skull and threw it into the river.

Ryu-"I'll come back for you when I need to...hmmm..now where should I go"

Ryu looks around from the top of the mountain and he notice a big vast green land filled with many separated house.


Ryu-"Hmmm...I am getting hungry , I should visit a restaurant or something ke"

Ryu took out a small leather bag from under the bike's seat and hook it onto his belt.

Ryu-"Well.. times to go now...I think it's better if I walk"

The bike disappeared into a black Rexzice and Ryu began to walk down the mountain.

As he walk down the hill , he quickly reach the forest that was surrounding the mountain.

Ryu-"Hmmp so quiet.."

The forest was in a complete silence as most of them were just scared to make any sound that will alert Ryu who had a sinister aura around him.

Ryu-"Smarter than the peoples and animals from earth huh... ke"

With confident , even in the dark of the night , he whistle as he walk through the forest at a fast pace.

Without hurry , Ryu reaches the edge of the forest and is basically down the mountain now.


He looks around , trying to find any landmark or road to follow.

After a few side to side glances , he notice 2 small moving fire that came from the carriage and behind it , was many hopping torches that were quickly following the carriage in a pursue.

Ryu-"Hmmm.. a wheat carriage huh chasing by a bunch of bandits?"

As Ryu was admiring the view , he could see a man and a woman being chase by many men on horses.

??-"Yah , yah! Faster Candi! Faster!"

??-"Big brother...they are catching up"

The girl who sat beside the man glanced at the back of the carriage as she panic.

??-"May....I untie the horse wire so....you should get on the horse and leave... I will stay behind with the carriage.."

The white hair girl was about to cry as she shook her head.

May-"No....I won't leave big brother alone... or else mom will be sad.."


??-"Mom will be more sad if both of us don't make it!"

The white man whip the horse as he tries to make it go faster.

Tears flows down as her long white hair dance with the wind.

Ryu-"Hmmmm long ears..? An elf? I remember my little sister reading a fantasy book about them , kind...nature loving , fast , uses bow and magic.... and these 2 matches none of those..I wonder what are you doing now Sarah..."

??-"Get them! A month supply of rice!"

??-"Hehehehe boss , that elf girl will be our bonus huh!"

??-"Yeah but I get her first!"

The 20 bandits who were riding horses on the back of the carriage were relentlessly chasing the two siblings were quickly catching up to them.

??-"Almost there... I can smell her scent from here Ghahahaahaha"

??-"When we get tired of her , we can sell her for tons of gold into slavery!"

The men were bragging as they can almost taste victory.

Ryu-"Hmm....slavery? I don't condemn those evil actions! keke"

Said Ryu in a joking tone and disappeared within the dark night.


Ryu killed the furthest back bandit with his chained dagger and stood on the horse saddle as it run with the pack.


One of the bandit in the back turns around and his head flew off.

Ryu-"Hmmm... I am so hungry... better finish this now"

With no times to play around , Ryu hunger is a serious matter.


The bandit who was beside his boss turned his head around wondering why it was so quiet and suddenly , he saw something flying at him at a extreme speed.



The 20 bandits all died , the horse spread around and ran pass the carriage.

??-"Huh... why are the horse running away?"

As she heard her brother , May who covered her face with her hands decided to take a peek and saw many unmounted horses galloping infront of them.

Lastly , Ryu who was standing on the horse that quickly caught up with the rest of the pack by passing by the carriage.


May who took a peek met eyes to eyes with the man in black that quickly passed beside her.

May-"Big brother , do you know who was that?*Why does he look disappointed...*"

The grey haired man shook his head and said

??-"Who is who? Anyway , we are almost home"

May turns around as all the torches were laying on the ground and murmured quietly

May-"We were saved?"

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