《Ruins of Isulia ~ Book 1 : Awakening of the Emarine》Chapter 22 : Histories
Part 1
Cara stared blankly out her window, her eyes full of grief. The night air blew in her window softly, rustling her long black hair. She hated arguing with Xerath. Everything had fallen apart when Asar was killed. Xerath had nearly died protecting her and she knew the love he had for her was always and forever there.
She had left Xerixes five months after the assassination attempt on her life. To this day, eight months later, the identity of the hooded man was unknown. Cara regretted leaving Xerath in Xerixes to live here. He must have felt abandoned and betrayed when she left to be alone. It had been three months since the last they had spoken or seen each other and a twinge of guilt hit her every time she saw the look on his face.
She still felt aches and sharp pains whenever thinking of her son, lying in the crib, motionless. Holding his limp form in her arms. Cara feared she would never heal and Xerath would suffer from it which made her even more regretful.
Cara had left the meeting room in a huff and in her anger hurt him once again. The look on his face when she suggested that she never loved him repeated over and over. Guilt hit her again and she sat in her chair. She treated him terribly and for no reason other than taking her anger out on him. Cara had secretly hoped he followed after her but she quickly realized he wouldn’t come running, especially when she treated him that way.
Neither of them could bring themselves to speak of that day. Any and all feelings were shoved down and ignored to the point of stupidity. Cara wished she could find the words to express her feelings to him like she used to. When Asar was born, it was the happiest time of her life, Xerath was a wonderful, caring, and loving husband but it had all been destroyed in a matter of minutes.
In a way, the assassin not only killed their son but also killed their marriage and it brought a rage from her gut like no other.
A knock on the door jolted her from her thoughts. “Who is it?” she called.
“It’s me.” Xerath’s calm deep voice came from behind the door.
Cara’s heart fluttered and a flicker of hope sparked inside her. “Come in.” she told him.
Xerath slowly opened the door, looked at her with his piercing brown eyes then closed the door behind him. He took several steps toward her but stopped, hesitating, unsure to approach her or give her space.
The gesture nearly killed her, knowing that he had to think before approaching her in order to not offend or upset her. “What have I done?” she wracked her brain. She felt sick at the thought but kept herself as composed as possible.
“I know you didn’t mean it.” Xerath started. “What you said earlier. You know I would die for you in an instant.”
A tear escaped Cara’s violet eyes, overwhelmed by emotions. She sunk into her chair, unable to look at him.
“I know I can’t change the past, but I want to move on.” Xerath said, his voice was low and steady. “With you… together. I know you still love me but I don’t understand you either. I’ve tried to give you space and give you time to deal with…” he hesitated, “Asar.”
That was the first time his name was mentioned aloud in the presence of them both and Cara’s tears continued from the thoughts that flowed back.
“If you need more time, please... just tell me. I’ll wait for you. Always.” Xerath stammered, his steady voice threatening to break. “If you need me, I’ll be by your side, no matter what.”
Xerath stood before her for a full minute without speaking, waiting for a response from her. Cara screamed inside to answer him and beg for his forgiveness but couldn’t bring herself to move. She knew all too well it was unfair to him, putting him through all this. He too had lost a son and her mind wished she could just say it.
He gave a heavy sigh and his face turned into a frown, full of pain and anguish. “I died that day too.” Xerath turned to leave, ending with that.
“Wait.” Cara burst into sobbing, jumping to her feet and lunging toward him.
His warm embrace comforted her and she melted into his arms. His steady breathing on her neck sent chills down her spine. She had missed his hugs, his strength, the security his mere presence brought.
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” Cara cried. “I blamed you for Asar’s death. I know it’s stupid and I know it wasn’t your fault, I can’t explain it. I blamed you knowing you nearly died trying to save me and Asar.” she continued to sob, her words barely coherent. “Then I blamed myself, I was asleep while he was smothered to death by that man. I could have saved him if I were only paying attention. I shouldn’t have left you. You were hurting too.” her words came out in a jumbled mess.
Xerath tightened his arms around her, holding her closer, wishing her pain away.
“I couldn’t stop blaming everyone else when the man to blame was the assassin.” Cara pulled her wet face from Xerath’s chest and looked into his eyes. “He killed our son, not you or I. It wasn’t our fault.”
“I know.” Xerath said, his eyes teared up, the tips of his lips quivering.
“I didn’t know how to grieve, so I took it out on everyone. I took it out on the one person who loved me more than life. You were my rock, and I pounded you down.” Cara sobbed more. “Please forgive me, Xerath. Forgive me.”
Xerath gently grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her to arm's length and stared into her eyes. “I understand your pain. I know why you did all that.” his eyes filled with tears again, from both joy and sadness. “We will never forget our son, but we can move on. Heal together.”
Cara lunged back into his chest and held him tight, feeling like a small girl again but she didn’t care. Her husband was the kindest man she knew and she didn’t deserve his love. “Thank you for not giving up on me.” she whispered.
Xerath pulled her chin up and kissed her lightly on the lips. His touch sent shockwaves of emotions shooting through her. She kissed him back, not giving him a chance to say more.
He picked her up, still kissing her, and lay her on the bed, gently setting her down. He joined her and snuggled up next to her. Cara rested her chin on his chest and closed her eyes. Xerath lay motionless except for brushing her long black hair with his fingers.
They lay there together for several minutes before falling asleep next to each other.
Part 2
Henry looked over one of his books that Mrs. Kebin had given him back in Zulin. It felt like a lifetime ago already. He thought of Sasha and longed to see her again.
Henry had been given a small but comfortable room while in Calchester. It was well lit which gave Henry plenty of light for reading. He was glued to his books late into the night, consuming information from the small library on the castle’s lower floors. The abundant amounts of journals, research notes, and history books added to his prolonged hours of reading. The large stacks of history books lay at the foot of his bed, next in line to be read.
Setting the book in his hands down, he replaced his attention on a book about Xer’s history. He was immediately entranced in a story nearly two hundred years ago of Xerixes, the king of Xer, Xerath’s great grandfather. The capital of Xer had been named after him in his honor. His exploits paved the way to what Isulia was now.
Isulia used to be controlled by Galton, King of Zata. A tyrant. The kingdom of Zata ravaged the surrounding lands with slaughter and injustice. The might of the Zata Empire was to be unmatched and unhindered for decades. The heinous crimes committed by the despicable king and his armies worsened. Each growing worse than the last until one crime that went unpunished pushed a young lord over the edge. That lord was Xerath’s great grandfather.
Xerixes, nephew to lord Madan, rose up in defiance after his uncle was brutally murdered by those in power. Unable to find justice for his uncle, Xerixes formed a rebellion that ignited a fury in the hearts of every man, woman, and child unfortunate enough to be born without power.
With the death of his uncle, Xerixes had united the people against the tyrannical king and struggled to regain their freedoms. Grueling and countless bloody battles were listed in the histories. Each describing horrific scenes which ultimately brought the downfall of King Galton. He had been given the nickname, Galton the Butcher, for his inhuman strength and lust for slaughter.
Together, Xerixes and the people defied the mighty Zata Empire and quickly grew into an army, with Xerixes at the head. His fame and tactical brilliance threatened the very fabric of Galton’s fierce empire.
Enraged, Galton brought the full might of his army upon the rebellion’s heads. The bloodiest and most gruesome battle in which all of Isulia had ever seen took place on that fateful day, but Xerixes and his army emerged victorious.
The book described Xerixes being able to predict where and when Galton would strike. Always one step ahead of the cruel king.
Xerixes cornered the last remnants of the Empire to the southeast coast of the continent, in which another decisive battle took place which would forever be known as Dragon Head Pass.
Defeated and battered, Galton retreated to his last remaining stronghold, but little did he know, his own soldiers would betray him. Galton was unmatched in single combat, it took the betrayal of his own armies to bring him to his knees. The once great king had been undone by his own deeds of barbarism as his own men stabbed him in the back. Galton’s head was held on a spike and Isulia cheered for Xerixes’ victory over the once cruel king. Tyranny had finally been defeated and histories recorded the victory with great detail.
The day the Zata Empire fell was a memory no one would forget due to these very books. King Xerixes himself required truth above all else, even jotting down his own flaws and failures. Xerixes’ warnings to the generations to come fell on deaf ears, however.
Even with the past being recorded it did not stop the present from committing heinous crimes against humanity as well. But that was at a later date, Henry knew.
The people of Isulia rejoiced and nominated Xerixes as King over all of Isulia, yet he refused the position, claiming he desired a more balanced system. Instead of ruling all of the lands, the newly appointed king decided to split the kingdom into four parts.
Taking the southwest region, Xerixes relinquished his authority over to three newly elected kings and separated each to rule themselves. At the time, Xerixes hadn’t known of the precious metals laying in the mountains of the northwest, otherwise, he may have claimed that land for himself. However, the kingdoms of Xer, Vulkira, Kligira, and Tykin were born.
This much Henry knew, though, he had not done extensive research into the history of the other kingdoms yet. Professor Gould had prepared them to do so the next year of school.
Momentarily distracted by memories of Zulin, Henry took a gulp of water then continued reading the book before him.
The lineage of the Xerian kingdom had begun with Xerixes. He named his son Xerath, and Xerath named his son Elzzor. In honor of his father, Elzzor named his son after his father. The current king Xerath had the same name as his grandfather. Two generations had passed and the grandson of Xerixes was a young crowned prince to Xer. Peace had lasted for many years but like all history, Isulia fell back into war.
The kingdom of Kligira, vast and powerful, invaded the Vulkirian kingdom and rushed to claim its lands, eager to take the natural riches. The highly sought after metal drove many to greed. All eyes sought the most valuable prize, Frostrium steel. It was the rarest metal in Isulia, its strength, unbreakable and Kligira lusted for it. With jealous eyes, the kingdom of Kligira invaded, hoping to obtain these metals and secure portions of Vulkira for themselves.
Unable to defend their borders, Vulkira brokered an alliance with Xer under king Elzzor for their aid against the Kligirian invaders. Prince Xerath of Xer and Princess Cara of Vulkira were betrothed in this new alliance. In accordance with their bargain, King Elzzor and King Halden of Vulkira solidified the marriage in exchange for an army. Weakened by illness for many years, Elzzor had sent his only son to lead the army and to quelsh the invaders. Prince Xerath swiftly came to the rescue of Vulkira and dispelled them from his neighboring ally.
However, the Kligirians fought viciously and the war against the kingdoms raged on. Only through Kligira’s utter defeat did Xer emerge triumphant. Through the death of the royal line, Kligira was left in tatters, a shadow of their former might. With his final breath, Elzzor condemned the Kligirians to a harsh fate for causing such death and destruction, leaving them bitter and angry for the years to come. Kligira had paid dearly for their mistakes and Henry could only assume it would eventually lead to another war due to the hatred and feelings of being wronged.
Consuming portions of Kligira’s lands, Xer grew larger and their alliance made them a force to be reckoned with. In a treaty formed by Xerath for Tykin to stay neutral, they were sanctioned a small portion of Kligiran’s northern lands. However, the kingdom of Tykin watched from the east, waiting for the time to strike even though they remained passive.
After Elzzor’s death, Xerath and Cara ruled over Xer and the alliance between their two kingdoms remained strong, allowing the two nations to prosper in the peace that had been forged.
However, even now, Erik had predicted General Brynd had invaded Vulkira in an attempt to steal the kingdom for themselves. War was already brewing and the Vog were just a spark to ignite it.
Only time would tell as to what the future would hold. To Henry, these stories were glimpses into the past. For those willing to listen, such as himself to read and learn from mistakes.
Turning page after page, Henry continued to read of King Xerixes and of the Zata Empire. Stories of their accomplishments, failures, betrayals, love, and much more, all were contained in these books. Henry lost all track of time as he read the life of the great kings, some good, some evil.
Henry yawned as his tired eyes drooped slightly but his interest once again was piqued as he saw another book on Vulkira’s history. Scooting closer, he snatched the large book off his bed and opened it, searching for interesting facts. He stopped on the page of alderman Jebbin’s time as king.
This intrigued him as he knew little of Regent Jebbin. “I thought Erik took the throne after Halden died.” Henry mumbled to himself.
Alderman Jebbin had been crowned Regent after King Halden died. He had been appointed by princess Cara herself as acting Regent until Erik became of age. However, he relinquished his power to Erik who became King of Vulkira three years after the war had ended.
While he flipped page after page, he felt a headache coming on and his back felt stiff and his muscles ached. Henry looked up and noticed the time.
The candles from yesterday were all burnt out but for the ones today they had burned two notches.
It was well into the morning which shocked him. He quickly jumped out of bed to change into his sleeping clothes when he heard footsteps coming down the hall outside his room. He froze with his clothes in his hands then quietly slipped over to the door, placing his ear up against it.
Clanking armor could be heard from whoever approached. Henry counted two footsteps, one lighter and quieter than the other. They paused outside his door and he threw his clothes back into a drawer and waited by his bed, not sure what to expect but his heart rate accelerated. Three light knocks on the door, followed by a voice calling out to him, revealed to Henry that it was Kyburn and probably a guard outside his door.
“Henry? It’s Kyburn. I hope I didn’t disturb you but I see your lanterns are still lit. Please open up, news from Vulkira just arrived.”
Jumping out of bed, Henry dashed over to the door, pulling the latch up and with a twist opened the wooden door, revealing an exhausted Kyburn.
“Kyburn, sir. Please come in.” Henry said politely. “You look very tired sir, did you not sleep?”
“Thank you,” Kyburn said as he stepped into his room. “Sleep has evaded us all lately. Something terrible has happened.”
He closed the door, leaving the guard waiting outside, then walked over to a chair and sat down with a heavy sigh.
“We have gotten word just three hours ago that General Brynd did indeed invade Vulkira as Erik predicted.” Kyburn began to explain immediately. “King Darius has yet to respond but we believe he acted alone.”
Henry sat down on his bed, thinking. “The entire army? Gone?”
“As far as we know, Brynd’s army was wiped out completely, yes.” Kyburn looked at the floor solemnly. “I thought you should know. Xerath has called for another meeting in the morning. You will be expected to attend.”
“Erik knows of the ruins in Riqun.” Kyburn continued. “Xerath’s plan from before is being discussed at this meeting.”
“Sir.” Henry hesitated. “If I am to go to Kligira, I wish to be trained in combat.”
“Really? It’s about time I suppose. I didn’t wish to force it upon you but I’ve been wanting to train you for some time now.”
Henry smiled in excitement, “Can we start tomorrow?”
“Ha. Not tomorrow, I’m afraid I will not have the energy, perhaps the day after.” Kyburn suggested.
“Of course, I didn’t mean to rush you.” Henry shrugged. “Whenever you have the time and energy, I’ll be willing and ready.”
“Good man.” Kyburn smiled. “Now, I must be going. I’ll see you in the morning. Well,” he chuckled, “In a few hours.”
Kyburn stood and sighed again, his shoulders drooping. From his chair, he walked over to the door, “I wanted to let you know tonight, so you wouldn’t be taken by surprise in the morning. Good night, Henry.” Kyburn said, closing the door behind him.
“Thank you, sir!” Henry called after him, feeling guilty for asking him when he had so much on his plate already.
He doused his candles and slipped into bed, his mind racing from the expectations of what would come tomorrow. It took him an hour to fall asleep, his mind was restless and focused on the stories of Xerixes and Galton the Butcher.
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