《Ruins of Isulia ~ Book 1 : Awakening of the Emarine》Chapter 19 : The Meeting
Part 1
Erik woke to Torstein gently shaking his shoulder. “Sire, forgive me. If we are to meet Xerath on time, we must leave soon.”
“What time is it?” Erik yawned, still feeling exhausted.
“It’s nearly midday, sire.” Torstein replied.
“What!” Erik jumped out of his bed and quickly began to arrange the clothes he would wear. “Why didn’t you wake me sooner?”
“Last night sire, you’re… seizure. And everything that has been going on, you’ve had little sleep for over a week. I thought it would be good for you to catch up on your rest.” Torstein explained.
“Oh. Right.” Erik felt a slight tinge of guilt for getting upset with Torstein. “Thank you.”
“I just received word from the north sire.” Torstein said gruffly which was equivalent to excitement for him. “Rayman and his men have boarded a ship from Bienrior and are making their way to Buxmar, where they will head here to Nolvis when they are able.”
“When they are able?” Erik asked, concern in his voice. “Why wouldn’t they be able to travel?”
“Apparently sire,” Torstein cleared his throat. “Ben was killed and several are seriously injured. Mark lost a leg and his status is unknown and Zeph was on the verge of death when they left port, his status is also unknown.”
“Ben.” Erik said, sitting down. “I didn’t know him.” sadness entering his voice.
“He was a good man, sire.” Torstein replied. “I knew him. He had a family.” his tone flat, revealing no emotion.
Erik looked up at Torstein’s face, searching for a reaction upon hearing one of his men had died. “I want you to track down his family and see to their safety and that they will be well looked after.” he paused. “Forever.” Erik emphasized it. “I want his wife and children to grow old in comfort.” lowering his head, Erik couldn’t help but feel guilt for sending the man to his death.
“As you wish, lord.” Torstein nodded agreement then coughed, grabbing Erik’s attention again. “As for the guard who was with Jebbin when they found you in the field, sire.”
“Durlan?” Erik looked concerned again. “Did he speak of my illness to anyone?”
“No, but I fear he will so I will assign him to a remote post, far from you.” Torstein said.
“Why? He did nothing wrong. He helped me.” Erik frowned. “Undo this, Torstein. I want good men like him near me.”
“Uh… of course, sire.” Torstein said, taken aback. “Are you sure? He is young and brash… unpredictable.”
“He risked his life for us both in Vlakias.” Erik responded. “You had been struck with the rock, Durlan bravely charged and without hesitation put his life on the line for me. I will not punish him because he knows a secret of mine. And just yesterday he discretely carried me to my tent did he not?”
“He did.” Torstein shifted. “But he could be a leak, sire. We can’t have it known you are… unwell. The people would lose faith in you even more.”
“Torstein.” he clasped the general’s shoulder. “I know you have my best interest at heart.” Erik encouraged, “Durlan may be young but he kept his mouth shut and I want more men like him with us, not sent away in fear of being betrayed. If we did that with every man, I wouldn’t have loyal soldiers to keep this kingdom afloat.”
“Forgive me, sire.” Torstein bowed. “You are correct. I was wrong to jump to conclusions.”
Erik sighed heavily, “I am not trying to berate you. Now let's put it behind us shall we?”
After Torstein left, Erik dressed and lifted Frostmoon, taking in its beauty for the thousandth time. His father’s sword held a special place in his heart, it was something to remember him by. He could hardly remember his mother’s face, he only had the song to remember her.
He decided not to wear his full set of armor and left it hanging on the armor stand.
Taking a deep breath, he wrapped his sword hilt around his waist and secured Frostmoon to his hip. Pushing out from his tent, two guards were stationed there and stiffened as he came out.
“At ease. I’m going for a walk… I need fresh air.” Erik stretched his arms high. “If General Torstein or Jebbin ask for me, tell them would you?”
“Yes, my lord.” they said in unison.
Erik looked up and covered his face from the shining sun. It was just past midday and he would enjoy a stroll before the meeting with Xerath. A strong breeze washed over him, cooling him from the heat of his tent. His sandy blonde hair flailed in the wind, his cape, hooked on his left shoulder, flopped behind him. Erik started walking through the bustling encampment. This part of the camp was mostly soldiers but Erik saw occasional women and children running about.
The grass beneath their feet was flattened from hundreds of feet marching constantly over it. Erik paused at the tent with a cross on its white exterior. This was the medical station.
He remembered the woman last night, he wracked his brain for her name. “Amira.” he thought. Erik contemplated going inside to see her but guessed she would be elsewhere, when Amira poked her head out of the tent.
“I can see your shadow on the tent! What do you w-” Amira trailed off as she recognized him. “Your majesty… I didn’t know it was you.” She quickly stepped out and bowed slightly.
She wore the same, dull blue colors from before with the white trimming but it did not diminish her beauty.
Erik chuckled and smiled stupidly at her, “It’s quite alright. I’m sure you’ve had a stressful week.” he joked. “You know? Fleeing for our lives, forced to leave our homes, loved ones to care for.”
Amira snorted with a light laughter then stopped herself. She snorted again, from seeing his smile or from realizing her laughter sounded odd, Erik didn’t know but laughed aloud with her as he watched. She looked away, then met his gaze again a moment later.
“Is there anything I can do for you, sire?” she asked.
“I-” Erik hesitated. “I was looking for you actually.”
“Oh.” Amira’s cheeks turned red. “What for? Are you still in pain?”
“No… well yes. My head does hurt but that’s not why I was looking for you.” Erik stumbled over his words.
Amira’s orange eyes stared at him and Erik had a brief moment of panic. “Uh, actually if you do have something for my head, that would be wonderful.” he admitted.
“I do.” Amira responded kindly. “Please come in, I’ll prepare it for you.”
She ducked into her tent and disappeared. Erik hesitated before following her inside.
The tent was hot and stuffy but enough air coming from the open tent saved him from sweating profusely.
“It will only take a minute.” Amira assured him as she raced across her tent back and forth grabbing ingredients and herbs. “This will relieve your pain in minutes.” she assured him.
Erik watched her pace across the room, stirring and mixing things. Her long brown hair flowed down her shoulders, before, Erik had seen it tied in a ponytail and couldn’t fully appreciate the lushness of her wavy hair. She was very short and petite, Erik easily stood over a head taller than her. Her smile was captivating but her eyes had a certain seriousness to them that Erik couldn’t place.
“I hope you won’t be offended by me asking but… how old are you?” Erik asked. “You seem to know exactly what you are doing and apparently you run the medical center?”
“You think I am too young to organize first aid in a camp?” Amira stopped what she was doing and stared at him, annoyed. “I assure you, I know what I am doing and I do it quite well thank you. I owned my own clinic in Vlakias I’d have you know.”
Erik raised both hands in defense, “You mistake my intent.” he said. “If I have offended you, I apologize, it was not my intent, I swear. I believe you are more than capable.”
“Oh, well… then why are you curious of my age?” Amira wondered. “You know a woman doesn’t like it when a man asks her that.”
“Duly noted.” Erik smirked. “It is your eyes.” he said bluntly.
“My eyes?” Amira stepped back and put a hand to her face, self-conscious now that he mentioned it. “What’s wrong with my eyes?”
“Nothing!” Erik blurted out. “You have beautiful eyes.”
“Thank… you.” she said suspiciously, squinting at him while raising a single eyebrow.
“I- I just noticed them last night… you have the eyes of someone who has lost someone dear to them.” Erik said more seriously. “I know that look. I’ve seen it in many men and my own sister.”
Amira’s nose flared and Erik knew he had upset her again, “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
“You’re right… it’s not.” Erik said, standing to his feet. “I should be going now. Thank you for your time.” he regretted bringing it up in the first place and he berated himself for not thinking it through.
Erik walked to the entrance when Amira called to him from behind, “Wait.”
He turned to her once again and stared into her alluring eyes. “Your medicine.” she said. “I haven’t finished it yet.”
Amira placed another ingredient and mixed the awful smelling liquid, while Erik stood there awkwardly waiting.
She took a sharp breath, “My father died.” she said quickly. “Just a few years ago.”
“I’m sorry.” Erik said simply.
“Thank you.” she replied, still mixing the herbs. “I saw it in your eyes too. I still have my mother. You lost both your parents. That must have been difficult, especially for one so young. And now you recently lost your nephew too.”
“Yes. It was.” Erik paused. “It came as quite a shock.”
The room grew silent apart from Amira shuffling her bowl and ingredients around.
“Why didn’t you say anything last night? You helped me and Torstein after the Vog attacked.” Erik questioned. “Durlan told me it was you.”
Amira turned her head away from him, and bent over her crafting table. “It was nothing.”
“Did you see the scar?” Erik asked. “The one on my chest. I picked up on the fact that you knew Fel had stabbed me with his claw. No one could have known that unless they had seen it and Durlan and the others weren’t there for that part.”
Amira looked visibly uncomfortable, “I was there and yes, I saw it.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked again. “You saved my life and Torstein's. I would have rewarded you.” Erik said. “If you need anything, you need but ask.”
“I don’t want a reward from you.” Amira said bluntly. “That’s not why I help people. And I didn’t help you, you were just fine when I arrived.”
“I see.” Erik nodded in understanding. “Even so, you saved my life and I thank you. If you change your mind. Ask anything of me, and it is yours. But, the scar, on my chest.” Erik frowned. “A wound like that would kill any man but I didn’t die because you saved me.”
“As I said before, your majesty, your wound was healed when I arrived.” Amira admitted. “I only gave you something to help you sleep and for your pain, much like the one I’m making now.”
Erik cocked his head in confusion, “Then how-”
“I don’t know how. Do you really think I healed a wound that size in a few minutes?” Amira sounded agitated. “I don’t know what that monster did to you but I didn’t save your life.”
Erik brought his hand to his chest, feeling the now healed scar as she spoke to him further but her words were drowned out as it dawned on him. Or at least a theory he formed to perhaps explain the phenomena.
“Are you listening to me?” Amira’s nose flared. “I don’t like being ignored.”
“It was Fel.” Erik whispered to himself, continuing to ignore her. “Something to do with the melding.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, looking interested now. “Who is Fel?”
“Hm? Oh. Fel is the giant Vog from the castle.” he said it so casually it left Amira dumbfounded. “I think the scar has something to do with my visions. He called it a melding or fusing but he cut it short because he said it would kill me.”
“Sire?” Amira said, concerned for his sanity. “Are you feeling well?”
“Yes of course. Why?” Erik asked obliviously.
“For a start, you’ve completely ignored me and lost yourself in thought.” she began. “Now you're telling me this… Fel, was talking to you? I was there and I heard no one but you talking to yourself.”
“Oh right. Of course you couldn’t. You couldn’t have heard him. Doesn’t matter. I know why.” he brushed her questions aside.
Amira stared at him blankly, clearly second-guessing her opinion of him. “Sire, I’m going to say this as plainly as possible. I think your seizures have taken a heavier toll on you than I originally thought.”
“I see why you would think that. Trust me though, I’m not crazy.” Erik assured her.
“Right. Here’s your medicine.” Amira said skeptically.
“Thank you.” Erik said awkwardly. “You… think I’m insane don’t you?”
She stared at him with her beautiful orange eyes and said nothing. Erik smiled at her, disappointed that she didn’t believe him but at the same time, couldn’t blame her. He turned to leave again but stopped. Erik wanted to prove to her that he wasn’t crazy but he would have to prove that his visions were correct. To do that, would push her away until the time came.
“Amira.” Erik started. “This might sound crazy but… by the time I get back from Xer, word will have spread of General Brynd.”
“The General from Tykin?” she asked with confusion, his name well known.
“Yes. That General.” Erik smirked.
“What about him?” Amira asked.
“Nothing.” Erik shrugged. “Just remember what I said. You won’t think me insane then.”
“You’re very odd. You do know that?” Amira frowned. “Right?”
“Not as odd as your laugh.” Erik joked, wondering if he pushed too far with the teasing.
Amira snorted with laughter, proving his point, then turned red from embarrassment but her eyes sparkled with amusement.
“Thank you for the medicine.” Erik said again, while smiling an evil glint in his eyes.
“You’re the worst.” Amira dripped with sarcasm.
He winked at her then speedily exited before she could insult him back.
Part 2
Xer’s border walls were a sight to behold. Straining his neck upward, he stared at the lip of the wall where a Xerian guard shouted and waved his arms at them.
More shouting could be heard but the gates remained closed. After a few moments, they heard footsteps and clanking of armor behind the gate and a loud creaking noise. The metal gate slowly opened outward and he saw chains sliding down on each side from a pulley system in the wall itself.
Erik urged his horse forward and passed through the gate with Torstein and three guards following. Two of his guards lagged behind, the third was Durlan who had jumped to accompany them. The young man had walked away without serious injury after Fel had nearly crushed him with his paws, at the very least, he was tough and brave.
Jebbin was expected to accompany them but had politely refused. He had stayed behind to organize further planning and to watch over the camp. His words echoed in Erik’s mind, unwilling to leave his thoughts.
“A king should be strong. You are still king. But don’t let pride get in the way.” Jebbin had said. “It takes a great man to admit his failings. It takes a greater man to ask for help.”
That had confused and upset him slightly but Erik was used to Jebbin’s cryptic answers. What he was not expecting, however, was for Jebbin to say, “I will come only if Cara asks for me.” Erik had given up on understanding Jebbin after that and left the old man in camp.
They rode into a small clearing which was surrounded by another wall. Dozens of guards lined the top of those walls and Erik’s gaze stopped on king Xerath, standing next to his friend Kyburn. Erik didn’t know Kyburn well but he knew the man was a dear friend to Xerath and he had saved the king’s life in the war.
He vaguely remembered Kyburn from when he was a child, visiting Vlakias for the first time. It had been so long ago. Strange he hadn’t seen him again till now.
Erik whipped his leg over his horse and slid down to the ground as did Torstein and the rest of his men. He stalked closer to the wall where Xerath stood gazing back at him. Erik shifted nervously, his hand on his hilt, casually rubbing the pommel of Frostmoon.
The onlookers shifted as well, unsure what would happen but Erik and Xerath didn’t break eye contact. They were measuring each other up, one held the power and the other, none. Xerath could turn Erik and his people away and watch them be slaughtered, safely from his walls but Erik was his brother-in-law. His wife wouldn’t have him turning her brother away in a time of need, especially when the situation was entirely out of both of their control.
Erik noticed a young man standing behind Kyburn’s shoulder, he made note of the dark-skinned boy. “Xerath. I’ve come to ask your aid.” Erik shouted, his voice echoing off the city walls. “Grant me entry and I will tell you everything I know. Much has happened.”
Dead silence followed and even Torstein looked worried. Erik knew Cara was here, he wished to see her even if negotiations went poorly. He hated to rely on his sister once again but he had hoped she would smooth things over with the king.
“Come!” Xerath shouted back after a long pause. “We can discuss it in private.”
An instant later, a small wooden gate, lined with metal opened slowly for him. He nodded to Xerath in a silent thank you, then approached the gate. A dozen guards led him through several alleyways and gradually climbed upward. The streets were well built and the city was extremely clean but Erik never saw a soul. This entire section of the city must have been deserted.
Ten minutes passed when they walked by a fancy-looking inn. Erik admired the look and decorations but his attention turned to the Xerian guard addressing him.
“We will be arriving soon, lord.” he said. “King Xerath and queen Cara will be waiting for you.”
“Very good.” Erik nodded at the man and continued following him.
Durlan whispered something and Torstein quickly shushed him. He fell silent and walked the rest of the way to the castle entrance without another word.
Four more guards stood on watch as they entered and six of their escorts dropped off behind them as they went inside. They were led through the main room and up a winding stairway. They stopped on the second floor and the hallway opened up to a large corridor.
The entrance to one room was lit from torches on the wall, they stopped there and the guard from before turned to Erik again.
“Only you may enter, lord.” he said. “The rest of your guard are not allowed entry.”
“Very well.” Erik replied.
Torstein stepped forward to object but Erik held up his hand in protest. “It’s fine Torstein.”
He nodded and stepped back. Erik’s guards looked stiff and stressed but he knew Torstein would keep them in check.
Erik pushed on the door and it slid open with a creek. He stepped through and four people sat in chairs. Xerath, Kyburn, and the young man from before had made it here before him, probably through a shortcut, which made Erik wonder why he was unnecessarily led through the city instead of coming straight here.
Cara was the fourth. She sat next to Xerath looking beautiful as ever but Erik couldn’t help but notice a twinge of sadness still in her eyes.
“Hello, sister.” Erik said softly. “It’s good to see you again.”
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