《Ruins of Isulia ~ Book 1 : Awakening of the Emarine》Chapter 15 : Seizure
Part 1
The city of Nolvis could be seen from their vantage point atop a hill. Small wooden walls surrounding the large city providing a simple yet effective protection from outsiders. Nolvis was not built to withstand large sieges but was constructed more to keep small groups of bandits from entering unwanted.
The walls had been built specifically with bandits in mind. The last ten years had an extraordinary decrease in bandit numbers almost to the point where they were never seen or heard of. The alliance with Xer and Tykin had all but demolished even the idea of pillaging and plundering due to the harsh consequences.
The penalty for banditry was immediate execution. Their numbers dwindled and Vulkira became a beacon of hope. Crime had dropped so dramatically that there was little need for soldiers policing cities. Any sort of armed forces were kept in the strongholds at each castle. Nolvis had no such castle.
Erik watched as hundreds of people bottlenecked the city gates. Everyone was fleeing the north and coming south. Soon, Nolvis would be overwhelmed as would the other cities and strongholds bordering Vulkira. Erik’s plan was to meet king Xerath at Calchester and hopefully with his sister's influence agree to harbor his people till a resolution could be found.
Erik forced himself to look at the Vog logically. As much as forcing his people from their homeland enraged him, the Vog had peacefully as possible, removed the citizens from their homes.
His conversation with Shay had given him renewed hope and determination, however. He would think of a way to gain Vulkira back peacefully or by force if it came to it. Erik preferred the peaceful route. But that was for another time.
The Vog had kept the violence to a bare minimum. However, it was hardly a choice as Erik knew if it came to a fight, the Vog would decimate them. He would not force his people to fight a losing battle but he wouldn’t give up on the kingdom he worked so hard to build.
Felkuru, the leader of the Vog, somehow communicated with Erik through telepathy. The bond it created confused Erik. He felt he should help the Vog any way he could because of emotions and thoughts frequently overwhelming his mind but he also knew these were Felkuru’s thoughts and emotions and it contradicted his own plans. Much of what he thought and felt was a contradiction and it only added to his anxiety.
He saw the Vog as people rather than animals now. They somehow were all connected and thoughts could be relayed from a distance. Erik was uncertain how far the distance was for them to communicate but he suspected it was further than he would imagine. So much was unknown and Erik felt he had lost the faith of his people.
Some cursed his name, others begged for him to save them. Not all trust had been lost but Erik would need to restore the people’s faith in him, and soon.
“Nolvis can’t support this many people at once. Winter has only just ended, their grain stores must already be low.” Torstein said, standing next to him. “There will be panic and chaos if we don’t do something soon.”
Torstein had walked up on him without Erik noticing. A bandage covered his head from where the stone had hit him.
“Torstein. Shouldn’t you be resting?” Erik asked it but was more a statement.
“It’s nearly been a week, sire. I am fit to walk around, though I don’t see myself fighting anytime soon.” Torstein replied.
“Alright. But promise me, tonight you will get your rest.” Erik looked at him. “I will need you tomorrow. These next few days will be rough.”
“As you wish my lord.” Torstein slightly bowed. “I’ll aid you with anything you need.”
“I must thank you Torstein. You saved my life. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.” Erik admitted. “You threw yourself in front of danger to protect me… without hesitation. I swear, when all this is through, you will be honored and awarded your heart's desire.”
“Thank you… sire.” Torstein paused. “I do not serve you to be awarded gifts, lord. You are my king and I made an oath to your father and to you that I would serve and protect you with my life. I simply did my duty.”
Torstein ended with that. He was a simple man, strong and true to his word. His desire was to serve. That was all the honor and reward he needed.
Erik extended his arm and Torstein clasped it with his own. “Very good,” Erik said, unsure what else to say to the burly man.
“I will go to the city tonight,” Erik said. “Don’t worry, I’ll have a dozen guards with me. After I speak with Moric we will make our way to the wall and speak with my sister at Calchester.”
Moric was the lord of Nolvis and protector of this region. Erik did not know him personally but had met him once at a feast in Vlakias many years ago. One thing that stood out about Moric was his bluntness and rude humor. Not a kind man but he was a good lord and Nolvis prospered under his rule.
“Very good, sire,” Torstein said. “I’ll leave you to yourself then. Don’t stay up here too long.”
Alone again on the hill, a strong cool breeze washed over the grass and hit Erik with welcome arms. He loved the wind and the coldness that bit at his nose and fingertips. His cheeks turned red from the chilly air but Erik remained, pondering what was to become of Vulkira.
“What would he tell Cara.” he thought. “Would Xerath be in a mood to aid him once again?” Xer was the backbone of Vulkira and Erik now, more than ever realized the fragility of his kingdom. With fairness to himself, the Vog were an unknown, and the sudden appearance of the Vog with an intelligence matching or outmatching the human race was a hard thing to swallow. An anomaly at best.
Felkuru promised non-violence for now, “but what would come later?” he thought. If he rolled over now and abandoned his kingdom entirely, the odds of regaining it back were slim to none. If he went through with seeking Xer’s aid once more, Erik was forced to consider never being king again. His weakness now apparent to all. He ruled well in times of peace but in a time of war and struggle, he felt sorely unworthy of the crown.
“Is my desire to remain in power more than my desire to save and protect my people?” he questioned himself. He asked himself that every day since the fall of Vlakias. Perhaps he was not the loving king he thought he was. He had given nearly seventeen years of his life to Vulkira and it all was crumbling down before him.
Did he have the authority to order Moric to surrender his power to him and make a deal with Xer to allow his people to enter safely? He did, but would Moric relinquish his own power was another problem Erik saw as a possibility to further divide and harm his kingdom.
He stood there for nearly an hour when Jebbin approached slowly. He looked frail and tired but he made his way to his side but said nothing for several minutes, enjoying the breeze and watching the sun set over the horizon.
“When was the last time you spoke to your sister?” Jebbin asked, ending the silence.
“I went to see her when she moved to Calchester.” Erik responded, “About three months ago.”
“Hm. Right after Asar died then? How was she?” he continued his questioning.
“As well as she could be after what happened. And I can’t blame her, nor Xerath. No parent should go through something like that.” Erik said sadly. “And I lost a nephew.”
“Indeed.” Jebbin lowered his head. “She is strong though. Cara will pull through like she’s always done in the past. And so will you, my king.”
“I certainly hope so,” Erik said with less confidence than Jebbin.
“I know our relationship wasn’t as it was when you were young,” Jebbin said out of the blue. “And I know these are hard times. Believe me, when I say this, I only wish to help you, Erik. Even if I disagree with you. And you, perhaps hate my guts. Remember that.”
Erik glanced over at the aging man. Jebbin didn’t look at him.
“I don’t appreciate you questioning my authority. Especially in front of others.” Erik frowned. “You have served Vulkira for as long as I can remember, and I do believe you have mine, and the people's best interest at heart, but…” he trailed off.
“But your position is frail at the moment. Yes, I know.” Jebbin finished for him. “I do not wish for your downfall.”
“And that.” Erik looked back to the scene before him which was Nolvis. “Is why you are still here. Your record of servitude outweighs my doubt of you. If not for my sister, all that you did for her, you wouldn’t be here.”
Jebbin raised an eyebrow and stared at him with a slight smirk. “Then you only trust me through the trust you have in Cara?”
“You could say that,” Erik replied slowly.
“Well.” the alderman pursed his lips. “It’s been a long couple of days. Shall we retire and get some rest before tomorrow?” Jebbin suggested.
“That’s a g-” Erik froze mid-sentence as an intense pain shot up the back of his spine and into his head.
Without a pause, a blast of unimaginable pain shot into his mind. Erik thought he had been struck from behind but as he collapsed he realized he was having another vision of Felkuru’s memories.
He convulsed on the ground and shook uncontrollably. Erik’s mind became foggy and focused on the images.
A large army formed in his mind. He recognized the landscape, it was in the mountains near Zidyria and Nalia. A man on horseback led the soldiers, which Erik knew to be Tykin banners.
Erik’s eyes were blurry, but he saw Jebbin standing over him mumbling incoherently. Two more figures appeared over him, touching his body. “What...Get….Now!” their words were jumbled and unclear.
Rows of shields and archers sat atop a small hill. Calvary on each side of the army of men. Then Erik realized he was seeing through the eyes of the Vog. Looking down he saw four toes with claws stretching out, then turned and saw at least a thousand Vog lined up, waiting for something.
“Do not attack unless they charge.” a voice boomed in Erik’s head.
Erik screamed in agony, the pain intensifying. His body was flailing uncontrollably.
Three figures blurred into Erik’s vision, standing over him. He thought he was being carried but was unsure.
“Hold…. Help…. Worry…. Outside!” voices were yelling.
Blood and gore covered a battlefield. Mostly humans lay scattered everywhere. Bodies ripped apart, limbs flung, heads crushed. Bone and flesh torn apart. Pools of blood soaked the fields.
The vision began to fade. Erik couldn’t tell if someone was speaking to him or if the memories said something but whatever it was he heard a whisper.
“I… will… be… king.”
Part 2
Erik snapped out of his trance and opened his eyes in shock. He was in his tent. Several lamps lit the small room and revealed Torstein sitting next to him. One stood at the door and a young woman wiping Erik’s face with a wet towel, a moment later Jebbin also entered the tent.
“What happened?” Erik asked the silent room with a gruff voice.
“Oh!” The woman pulled back, startled from his sudden movement, “You’re awake.”
One guard, Durlan stared at him, worry written all over his face. Torstein leaned forward into his view. “Sire… you…” he trailed off as he noticed Erik gazing at the woman.
Erik looked her up and down, unfamiliar with the girl. “Who are you?” he coughed. “Do I know you? You look familiar somehow.”
“My name is Amira, lord.” she introduced herself.
Erik sat up and used his arms to push himself against the bed frame in a sitting position and looked around the room.
“My lord, you were having a seizure.” the woman said. “Do you remember anything?”
She wore a plain blue dress, with white trimming on the collar and hem. Thick brown hair was tied up into a knot on her head. Long strands of hair fell to her thin nose and into her lip. She looked young but her eyes gave away her true age. Amira, Erik guessed, was older than she looked.
She had the look of a woman who had been through hardship. Fiery orange eyes pierced his and for an instant, he thought he could see into her very soul.
It chilled him to the bone. Welcoming her stare but catching himself from gaping he asked, “What is... a seizure?”
“I’ve never seen a seizure so severe as yours my lord,” Amira stated. “It’s when your brain is overloaded and it causes your body to convulse uncontrollably. Normally you lose consciousness but alderman Jebbin has told me you were awake but incoherent. You were muttering as if talking to someone.”
“I see.” Erik chuckled. “That explains a lot.”
Amira looked at him in confusion. “You don’t seem to be surprised. Have you had an episode before?”
“Once,” Erik admitted. “But your description explains exactly how it felt.”
The girl named Amira had a look of realization but hid it too late. Erik couldn’t help but take note of her reaction.
“When sire? I’ve never seen this before. Have you been hiding it this whole time?” Torstein looked extremely upset that his king hid such a thing from him.
“It was… during the attack on Vlakias.” Erik said, remembering his encounter with Felkuru.
“The Vog!” Torstein hissed. “They did this to you.”
“Calm down, Torstein,” Erik ordered. “You don’t understand. It wasn’t on purpose.”
“What do you mean it wasn’t on purpose?” Amira asked. “That Vog stabbed you in the chest.”
Erik jerked his head up at that and squinted his eyes at her, “How had she known that? He thought. “We were the only ones in that room.”
Torstein turned to the woman and looked annoyed. He had seen Erik’s reaction to her speaking and interpreted it the wrong way. “You can leave now,” he commanded. “Your service is appreciated. Our king needs his rest and doesn’t need a woman snooping in his personal matters.”
Amira was taken aback by his blunt demeanor and bowed to Erik and turned to leave. “Wait,” Erik called to her.
“Yes, my lord?” she turned to him.
“Thank you. And forgive Torstein’s rudeness.” Erik smiled.
She smiled back and Jebbin also thanked her before she left the room.
“Torstein?” Erik looked at him. “What has gotten into you? She was helping me. There was no need to be so rude to her.”
“Forgive me, sire.” Torstein nodded. “Seeing you like this…I feared we had lost you. And now that you are here, safe and alright… her questions on personal matters made me upset over her nosiness.”
“Nosiness? Torstein… she asked a fair question that anyone would want to know the answer to.” Erik explained. “I even said it cryptically. She came to help. Don’t fault her for wanting answers.”
If I may, sire.” that woman was the one who tended your wounds after the attack in Vlakias while you were unconscious.” Durlan said defensively. “She also was the one who stitched your head, general.”
Torstein looked solemn for a moment. “Of… course. I’ll have to make my apology to her then,” he said reluctantly but realizing his rudeness was unjust.
“That is why she looks so familiar then.” Erik realized. “I knew I had seen her before.”
“The way you ogled her, I thought it was because you fancied her.” Jebbin chipped in.
“Ogled? Is that what it looked like?” Erik looked at everyone in the room then turned beet red when no one responded. “Wonderful.” he sighed sadly, the sarcasm not lost on them.
“What did you mean? Before. You said it wasn’t on purpose.” Torstein returned to the subject at hand.
“The night the Vog came. Their leader, Fel, did something to me, which allowed me to… see into his mind.”
“See into…!” Torstein started.
“I know how it sounds. Trust me… I didn’t know what was happening to me or why but… I am telling you… I saw things that were not possible. Things not of Isulia.”
At this point, Jebbin ushered Durlan out of the tent to give them privacy. Erik appreciated their discretion and Jebbin stood silently in the corner, listening.
“What did you see?” Torstein whispered. “Is this why you're having seizures now?”
“Yes, I believe so. Fel told me, he cut it short because it would have killed me.” Erik explained. “We have some sort of connection now, and I saw… death. Their world was destroyed.”
Torstein sat motionless, eyes fixed on him, unsure what to believe or see his words as insanity.
“It comes in waves and in a vision. What I just saw… was Tykin invading Vulkira from the east.”
“Did they attack the Vog? What happened, m'lord?” concern flickered across Torstein’s face.
“It was General Brynd. He led the attack. The Vog killed every soldier from Tykin.”
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Tale of Family - Book 1 - WIP
The world is peaceful in 2063. Fusion reactor and Diamon battery had taken care of the energetical problem. Countries were stable. Automation was everywhere. Life wasn't hard anymore, at least not in the United States of Europe. Summer break is about to start and, finally, Zoe will turn 18 and be able to play the game, Binding Fate. A simple video game, a vrmmo, but what swam under its surface wasn't simple. Power, fame and money were but the tip of the iceberg... State: Hiatus because I've an idea for another story. Quick F.A.Q. : - Yuri/female homosexual relation? Yes.- Yaoi/male homosexual relation? Maybe.- Explicit Sexual Content? Maybe.- Full Fledged Tragedy? No. Never, ever ever.- Body Modification/Body Horror? Yes. (Note: what one person think is body horror can be acceptable for someone else. If you want to see to what length I can go, read a bit of The Other Labyrinth. However, I won't go as high as quickly in the body mod/horror, so relax.- Gore? Hell yeah! I love gore! spraying blood and viscera etc...- Torture? Hurgh... maybe? Idk. Not at the start at the very least.- Memory loss/erasing? No, or at least not permanently. I basically hate this trope because it's like taking out all the character grow from a character, destroying everything that makes them what and who they are. so no.- Overpowered protagonist? You will see mufufu...- Will characters stay relevant seeing how numerous they are? YES, MOTHERFUCKING YES, I hate when characters relevance decay over time for no good reasons ^^'- Plot Armor? First of all, a definition: "Sometimes referred to as "Script Immunity" or a "Character Shield", Plot Armor is when a main character's life and health are safeguarded by the fact that he's the one person who can't be removed from the story. Therefore, whenever Bob is in a situation where he could be killed (or at the least very seriously injured), he comes out unharmed with no logical, in-universe explanation." (courtesy of https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlotArmor I love you guys ^^) So now that this is said, do my characters have plot armour? No, because I always have an in-universe explanation, even if you don't know it yet ^^ Something is illogical or don't make sense? Read more, the answer is surely in the story ^u^- Balanced system? If you want to crush numbers and have a perfect equation balancing all the system, that's not the story for you. The system is more like a living being, and the rewards aren't forcibly tied to the level of the player. In fact, the system is purposely unbalanced ^^' Author's note: My goal here is to write a slow-paced story revolving around the bonds linking the characters, be them family, friends or lovers. Fight will be part of it, but I intend to build an actual interesting world before making truly large-scale battle happen, because the bigger a battle is, the larger its causes and effects are. I also aim at telling a story about how the characters actually help each other becoming stronger, more stable and happier. I particularly despise the lone MC type that becomes so powerful that every other character of the current setting become irrelevant beside being hostage targets, so this will not happen. I also like crafting, arrays, blacksmithing etc... so there may be crafting. Another thing I like is management game like sim-city or the like, so this while also appears, keeping in mind that I like MC's that make people around them stronger... For the tropers around here, a list of tropes that I like to use (note that I may not use all of them ^^) (this list will be updated as I dive deeper and deeper into our dear trope wiki.)- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BodyHorror- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SealedGoodInACan- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouAreNotAlone- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ZombieAdvocate (In particular since I see a lot of things that aren't human as worthy to live and to live with)- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenEvilHasLovedOnes- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenEvilHasStandards- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelFaceTurn- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CorruptTheCutie (Note: being corrupted don't mean you're a villain, only different than before.)- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DefectingForLove (Of course.)- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainousRescue- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InterspeciesAdoption (For the same reasons as zombie advocate, since I love family stuff)- https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrokenBird (to go with corrupt the cutie if it's a girl)Cover: "The Bard" by John Martin, 1817.
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